stop telling people without flaws they NEED surgeries



Sep 3, 2018
one of the most autistic things pslers tell everyone is that everyone needs fucking jaw/chin implants, etc. i understand if you have a massive disgusting nose then yes, a rhino will benefit you greatly and you should get it, but getting surgery just to have a better jawline when you already have one is not worth the amount of fucking money it costs. omega recessed chin? get surgery. absolutely disgusting subhuman nose? get surgery. not having as sharp of a jawline as crisick's? you dont NEED surgery. tired of hearing people tell people with the slightest nose deformity or hump or whatever they NEED rhino, stuff like that literally is not even noticeable and people do not care if a small hump on ur nose is gone. yeah, it'll look better, but you wont miss out on lays because of a slight fucking hump on ur nose. you got people neglecting skinmaxxing, gymcelling, and hairmaxxing just because theyre obsessed with bone structure. Fix that first, then consider ur surgeries after.
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one of the most autistic things pslers tell everyone is that everyone needs fucking jaw/chin implants, etc. i understand if you have a massive disgusting nose then yes, a rhino will benefit you greatly and you should get it, but getting surgery just to have a better jawline when you already have one is not worth the amount of fucking money it costs. omega recessed chin? get surgery. absolutely disgusting subhuman nose? get surgery. not having as sharp of a jawline as crisick's? you dont NEED surgery. tired of hearing people tell people with the slightest nose deformity or hump or whatever they NEED rhino, stuff like that literally is not even noticeable and people do not care if a small hump on ur nose is gone. yeah, it'll look better, but you wont miss out on lays because of a slight fucking hump on ur nose. you got people neglecting skinmaxxing, gymcelling, and hairmaxxing just because theyre obsessed with bone structure. Fix that first, then consider ur surgeries after.
you have bug eyes get surgery.....JK also you forgot the most important maxx of all NTmaxx
you have bug eyes get surgery.....JK also you forgot the most important maxx of all NTmaxx
i see 5'9 guys my age with shitty lower thirds and small frames get more pussy than guys here who mog the fuck out of them because they think its absolutely over for them due to some small imperfection
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i see 5'9 guys my age with shitty lower thirds and small frames get more pussy than guys here who mog the fuck out of them because they think its absolutely over for them due to some small imperfection
NT normie> 7 psl who posts on here see my latest thread
change my mind everyone
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fuck i dont even know how to NT max. im too low inhib.
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NT normie> 7 psl who posts on here see my latest thread
change my mind everyone
exactly... a lot of the guys here just LDAR and never been part of any social circle ever so all they know is what PSL'ers say and dont get to experience shit for theirself. i'm in fucking highschool so i see shit ALL the fucking time. you dont need to be absolutely fucking perfect 10/10 every feature to get laid with a girl you find attractive. many people on here say i need surgeries and im facially ugly yet plenty of girls that I find attractive find my face to be attractive. yeah, im not perfect but 99% of fucking people arent either
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exactly... a lot of the guys here just LDAR and never been part of any social circle ever so all they know is what PSL'ers say and dont get to experience shit for theirself. i'm in fucking highschool so i see shit ALL the fucking time. you dont need to be absolutely fucking perfect 10/10 every feature to get laid with a girl you find attractive. many people on here say i need surgeries and im facially ugly yet plenty of girls that I find attractive find my face to be attractive. yeah, im not perfect but 99% of fucking people arent either
its human nature to have flaws and asymmetries, nobody is genetically blessed to be symmetric I mean nobody
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its human nature to have flaws and asymmetries, nobody is genetically blessed to be symmetric I mean nobody
people waste their time doing tinder experiments as gigachads blackpilling themselves and destroying themselves when they could be doing everything they can to improve what they're given with. there is so much looksmaxxing knowledge on these boards that normies dont have access to yet they choose to LDAR because they cant afford jaw surgery.
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people waste their time doing tinder experiments as gigachads blackpilling themselves and destroying themselves when they could be doing everything they can to improve what they're given with. there is so much looksmaxxing knowledge on these boards that normies dont have access to yet they choose to LDAR because they cant afford jaw surgery.
comparing yourself to other is the worst thing that you could do, I try not to do that
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comparing yourself to other is the worst thing that you could do, I try not to do that
yeah exactly. instead of comparing yourself to omega giga chad who slays hot chicks on tinder with two texts messages, compare yourself to giga subhumans who have it much worse than you do. appreciate what you are given and make the most of it
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people waste their time doing tinder experiments as gigachads blackpilling themselves and destroying themselves when they could be doing everything they can to improve what they're given with. there is so much looksmaxxing knowledge on these boards that normies dont have access to yet they choose to LDAR because they cant afford jaw surgery.
A truecel classmate from hs has girlfriend,he looks like a monkey and has a big hunchback,but he is nt and low inhib,social too,he has a fucking girlfriend,legit subhuman,fucking legit subhuman
Looks are not the problem for anyone here if this guy can get gf
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yeah exactly. instead of comparing yourself to omega giga chad who slays hot chicks on tinder with two texts messages, compare yourself to giga subhumans who have it much worse than you do. appreciate what you are given and make the most of it
fuck im addicted to this site wish i could get off it
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fuck im addicted to this site wish i could get off it
i took a few month break because it was kinda fucking with my mentality. i spent some time actually experiencing things for myself and i can return here with all the knowledge i need without getting corrupted.
Agree good post, surgery for minor things is not worth it unless you know it will change your facial harmony to a good degree. Focusing on other things such as gymcelling, maxxing skin/hair, getting tattoos, nt, etc is much better if your face is decent already
A truecel classmate from hs has girlfriend,he looks like a monkey and has a big hunchback,but he is nt and low inhib,social too,he has a fucking girlfriend,legit subhuman,fucking legit subhuman
Looks are not the problem for anyone here if this guy can get gf
there are guys that i mog to hell and back fucking girls who i find extremely attractive.
i took a few month break because it was kinda fucking with my mentality. i spent some time actually experiencing things for myself and i can return here with all the knowledge i need without getting corrupted.
I tried it and I failed that
Agree good post, surgery for minor things is not worth it unless you know it will change your facial harmony to a good degree. Focusing on other things such as gymcelling, maxxing skin/hair, getting tattoos, nt, etc is much better if your face is decent already
its retarded when there are literal fatcels who dont even know their own bone structure due to never being lean in their life thinking about getting surgeries before getting slim.
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Reactions: Coping, Deleted member 611 and HailToTheKing
its retarded when there are literal fatcels who dont even know their own bone structure due to never being lean in their life thinking about getting surgeries before getting slim.
this may be the last night on this forum for me
I don't think I need surgeries at all. I just need to lose a little bit o' weight and see what I look like, and figure out where I'll go from there.
one of the most autistic things pslers tell everyone is that everyone needs fucking jaw/chin implants, etc. i understand if you have a massive disgusting nose then yes, a rhino will benefit you greatly and you should get it, but getting surgery just to have a better jawline when you already have one is not worth the amount of fucking money it costs. omega recessed chin? get surgery. absolutely disgusting subhuman nose? get surgery. not having as sharp of a jawline as crisick's? you dont NEED surgery. tired of hearing people tell people with the slightest nose deformity or hump or whatever they NEED rhino, stuff like that literally is not even noticeable and people do not care if a small hump on ur nose is gone. yeah, it'll look better, but you wont miss out on lays because of a slight fucking hump on ur nose. you got people neglecting skinmaxxing, gymcelling, and hairmaxxing just because theyre obsessed with bone structure. Fix that first, then consider ur surgeries after.
Thank you speaking about my nose, i really appreciated it
this may be the last night on this forum for me
good for you bro. go out and experience things for yourself. i was surprised getting treated very differently than this forum said i would be treated based off my looks. figure out how things work for you and work around it.
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I am not rating people here because I don't want anyone to go for surgeries because of me pointing out their "flaws".

I gave detailed facial analysis at r/truerateme a year ago and I highly regret it now.
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I am not rating people here because I don't want anyone to go for surgeries because of me pointing out their "flaws".

I gave detailed facial analysis at r/truerateme a year ago and I highly regret it now.
rating people is so pointless. i dont know why people refuse the idea that preferences exist and not everyone is attracted to the same fucking guy more than everyone else. there are people who objectively mog me that girls will choose ME over just because of some niche feature i have.
I am not rating people here because I don't want anyone to go for surgeries because of me pointing out their "flaws".

I gave detailed facial analysis at r/truerateme a year ago and I highly regret it now.

Why did he get loads of surgery ?
good post OP
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Why did he get loads of surgery ?

I meant facial analyses* (plural). I rated many people there and after pointing out their flaws, they started spaming the sub if the flaw I pointed out is fixable etc.

I actually dont know if they did it but it can can have a huge influence on people there if you are already a popular and very appreciated rater by the community(I was).

E.g. when I "rated" you via pm I didnt point out flaws that are not fixable without surgery. No need for it since you're already decent looking and a surgery would be pointless and could make you even look worse.
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good post OP
so many ldar retards here who dont experience anything because they're out of school and spend all their time browsing psl forums regurgitating the same shit over and over again. i literally go to highschool. i see and experience shit for myself.
rating people is so pointless. i dont know why people refuse the idea that preferences exist and not everyone is attracted to the same fucking guy more than everyone else. there are people who objectively mog me that girls will choose ME over just because of some niche feature i have.

If you're truly blackpilled, you don't believe in subjective attractiveness.
I meant facial analyses* (plural). I rated many people there and after pointing out their flaws, they started spaming the sub if the flaw I pointed out is fixable etc.

I actually dont know if they did it but it can can have a huge influence on people there if you are already a popular and very appreciated rater by the community(I was).

E.g. when I "rated" you via pm I didnt point out flaws that are not fixable without surgery. No need for it since you're already decent looking and a surgery would be pointless and could make you even look worse.

That makes a lot of sense.
I have recessed chin but its not that bad but im still getting surgery brah
@me when someone says i need rhinoplasty :,( and chin implants to be ok
Good thread. @dogtown take notice.
  • +1
Reactions: dogtown
yeah exactly. instead of comparing yourself to omega giga chad who slays hot chicks on tinder with two texts messages, compare yourself to giga subhumans who have it much worse than you do. appreciate what you are given and make the most of it
High IQ. Just compare yourself to me and you'll appreciate what you have. Truecels live life on extremely hard mode.
I don’t often tell people to get surgery do I ?
Haha, that's not what I meant brother. I remember guys telling you that you should get a rhinoplasty for a little bump you had, which is absolutely not necessary. @dogtown
He may be telling you to not do any surgeries
Yes, that's what I meant, Kointo.
  • +1
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Haha, that's not what I meant brother. I remember guys telling you that you should get a rhinoplasty for a little bump you had, which is absolutely not necessary. @dogtown

Yes, that's what I meant, Kointo.

Boyo I hate my nose, I hated my nose before I even hated psl. If I have the money i will definitely do something about it
Boyo I hate my nose, I hated my nose before I even hated psl. If I have the money i will definitely do something about it
Don't waste your money. Your nose is fine as it is. I don't even know what problem you have with it.
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Boyo I hate my nose, I hated my nose before I even hated psl. If I have the money i will definitely do something about it
You shouldn't hate your nose, there is nothing wrong with it. Many people have a little bump; if your nose was droopy, then I would have told you to get a rhinoplasty, but that isn't the case. Other users on here agree with me as well, such as @Psychonaut.
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Don't waste your money. Your nose is fine as it is. I don't even know what problem you have with it.

It’s bad. It’s over projecting to much. And there’s a bump
EB952304 39E4 4BDA 83A0 C0BA75E8B8C3

You shouldn't hate your nose, there is nothing wrong with it. Many people have a little bump; if your nose was droopy, then I would have told you to get a rhinoplasty, but that isn't the case. Other users on here agree with me as well, such as @Psychonaut.

4FBA85F6 A734 4F4D A5AB 7CB060D62DAE

I get depressed every time I look at this photo and see what I could be. I know I would look better with a new nose. Thanks for your kindness, but I know what I want
It’s bad. It’s over projecting to much. And there’s a bump
View attachment 21538
It could be much worse. You should do fine based on your current looks, but the UK is a hellhole so you have to get out of that hypergamyfest fast.
  • +1
Reactions: Gengar and dogtown
It could be much worse. You should do fine based on your current looks, but the UK is a hellhole so you have to get out of that hypergamyfest fast.

Yeah I hate the uk
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It’s bad. It’s over projecting to much. And there’s a bump
View attachment 21538

View attachment 21539

I get depressed every time I look at this photo and see what I could be. I know I would look better with a new nose. Thanks for your kindness, but I know what I want
I'm not being kind, bro, I'm being real. Okay, let's say you get the nose on the right. What would become of you? You'll lose the perfect mixture of femininity and masculinity and you'll end up looking more feminine. It's not as bad as you think it is.
  • +1
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I'm not being kind, bro, I'm being real. Okay, let's say you get the nose on the right. What would become of you? You'll lose the perfect mixture of femininity and masculinity and you'll end up looking more feminine. It's not as bad as you think it is.

Boyo i look feminine as fuck already, that nose just ruins me. It’s pretty bad tbh far from ideal
Boyo i look feminine as fuck already, that nose just ruins me.
can u stop crying about ur nose on my thread about how stupid it is to cry about your nose
Boyo i look feminine as fuck already, that nose just ruins me. It’s pretty bad tbh far from ideal
Honestly, I took a good look at the comparison and barely anything changes. The change seems big in your mind, but nobody else would pick up on it. Keep the nose.
Lol sorry
ya cuz i literally said on here that people like you have it better than A LOT of subhumans out there. stop worrying over one imperfection, if you cant then ur just a low t subhuman baby boy
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