Story of the fat mulatto (long thread warning. Brutal experience)



Sep 13, 2019
This nigga truly was a mastermind, I hated him and I still do. He masterfully took me down on multiple occasions, mentally ruining me in the process.

Part 1: Elementary

I pop up in a new elementary school around GR 6 and introduce myself to the class. I mess up hard and falio myself, which destroyed their perception of me at the beginning. Within 1 month I was the most hated kid in my class. He took no time in excluding me and participating in the hate.

In gr 7-8 he continued excluding me. He had a decent monopoly on the status and reputation so he got away and people joined and agreed with him. Due to their collective hate for me, even people who didn’t like him were on his side in hating on me 24/7. By gr 8 I stopped coming and just played fifa at home. Couldn’t be arsed to go to school just to be excluded and hated. For a solid 1-2 weeks during the 2014-15 school year they would empty out of the class and go to another class talking shit about me.

Why? Because Of my lunch. They were complaining about the smell of beans as if it was a stink bomb. Exaggerated to all hell and he Fanned the flames. Almost fought me one time over my own lunch that I had no control over. I sealed off my elementary life with tons of missed days, high cortisol and depression all at 13. Was not happy

High school: Part 1

In high school I started off with insane status. Ppl who I didn’t talk to knew me and wanted to speak with me. Even when I falio’d myself I still was Ontop. I was boosted to the top by one guy who I will never forget, he allowed me to be happy for once in my lifetime.

The first month of school, he comes. I thought he was going to another HS, I thought I could dodge him. But I couldn’t. He comes back and starts treating me as a friend at the start. Acting fake. He manages to make all my friends, his friends within a week or two. Then within a month he cements his place as a superior friend to me in their eyes.

At this point, so November-December 2015, I was in trouble. I diversified heavily though and managed to delay a complete collapse by a year or two. I talked to people who he wouldn’t talk to, people who he wouldn’t relate with or didn’t care to. I learned to be able to connect with everybody regardless of background, out of survival. Can’t pick and choose.

I still was happy around this time but I was sensing an inevitable collapse. In April 2016 he pushes me down and calls me a clown infront of someone I considered a good friend. I thought he would defend me, but he joined the ranks of the mulatto instead. Abandoning me in the process basically. At that point I became very depressed and knew that my luck was running thin.

Earlier in the year, so September 2015, me and him had a challenge. Who can talk to the most girls and kiss girls, etc. What happened? Well the challenge was scrapped but he Was ahead by a big margin. There were these two twin foids who I was friends with. They “dapped” me (if you’re from NA you’ll know what this means). While they hugged him. The disparity was unfathomable and brutal.

High school: part 2

By the start of GR 10 I was weak and weary. I knew my luck ran out. A full year went by and I was content at this time. Even though my plans during that summer didnt Pan out, while he had fun, I still looked forward.

I didn’t talk to the GR 9’s who came in. He did. He had abundant amounts of status in our grade, the grades above and now, the grade below. He statusmogged me while I was backsliding severely, with him doing a lot of the pushing.

He makes all these people his friends and they know him. They respect him. My status with them? I was unknown or they saw me as gutter trash. Didn’t mix with them. By November 2016 I became very depressed and cortisol maxxed because of this. I lost a good amount of my niggas, at least 20% within the first 3 months. With many more on the verge of turning and no longer receptive to me.

By the end of GR 10, he stacked his opportunities and status. While I took a big hit. By the time may / June came, I lost around 30% extra. So 50% total loss at minimum in terms of friends and status. Just seeing all these ppl leave you like that crushes you. Can’t go in the cafeteria anymore, because People don’t respect you. What’s the point? I found another space by this point.

In gr 11, this is where things took a turn for the worst. People started rumours about me being retarded or autistic or something. Attention from foids dried up hard. Got a hard rejection from a foid I mogged In November 2017. My friends got into my IG account and destroyed My follower base, posting random shit and embarrassing me. After that I largely stopped talking to them.

The final Potential IOI I ever got came at the end of GR 11. A decent white foid was asking me shit like “do you think I’m pretty”, etc. But I still think that it wasn’t an IOI, because she too treated me like I was retarded to an extent.

Through one of my good friends in the lower grades, 2 grades below me, he put in a good word for me and introduced me to some niggas, which was a decent boost to my status. My rep with them was shielded from the rumors of me being stupid. But the damage was done with my grade and this guy definitely had a hand to play in it.

By gr 12 my head was finally below water. I mostly lost everybody. Including one of my best friends. Our relationship in that case ended in a fist fight infront of everybody. He turned on me and joined the group that the fat mulatto is with. ”Upgraded me” so to say.

I was Down to possibly 4-7 friends. Down from 50-60 at the start in 2015. Couldn’t show myself in the cafeteria, didn’t want to come to school anymore, lost all motivation. Stopped caring. Rotted on vidya. Became fatter and fatter

By the end of the year I rebuilt some bridges that were broken down with some people and brought them to my side along with starting a repair of my reputation as someone who is retarded. I started speaking up and people started to think I was intelligent, rather than stupid. But it was too late. By this point it was April 2019 and the year was wrapping up.

Around grade 10, we made a challenge on who would take the cuter girl to prom. The challenge resulted in a no-contest. I didn’t even go, while he took a cute black foid who I was extremely attracted to.

I graduated, got my certificate, left depressed and slept on that night in late 2019 depressed. Woke up depressed, have been depressed until now. Looking back, the experience started nicely, a fresh start. But my past caught up to me and couldn’t allow me enjoy the fruits of happiness. So I was once again, demoted to being a 3rd rate clown.

This fat mulatto got GF’s, went to parties, etc. I did none of that. My friend in gr 9 literally said “nobody would talk to you anyways if I bring you to a party so why should I bring you”, when I asked if I can come with him to a party.

But it’s not like he was nice either and people just gravitated towards him. He was an asshole. He stole from people who were on his side and was extremely aggressive. I witnessed him going through the bags of his friends and they just asked him why but still talked to him as if nothing happened. This is why I was redpilled from the start. Blackpilled towards the end.

In March I had constant thoughts of finding him so I can attack him and get some revenge and I often still do get thoughts of hurting him if I see him outside tbh. He really fucked me over.

That’s my thread, thx if you read and made it here. The overall point is that sometimes, your past just won’t leave you alone. I should of scrapped him, fought. But I didn’t, and I truly regret that.

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  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: johncruz12345, Deleted member 2157, ThreadMatters and 6 others
Didn't read but great story left a tear in my eye.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Mouthbreath, Warlow, ThreadMatters and 7 others
ill read later homie. have a react tho
  • +1
Reactions: Blackout.xl
brutal mulatto pill
  • +1
Reactions: Blackout.xl
caged here

prom in grade 10??
No. We had a challenge about prom in gr 10. The actual prom event happened at the very end of GR 12. It was a two year challenge
  • +1
Reactions: sytyl
Read the whole thing, your entire school life was sabotaged by one guy. Really wish you smashed his face in. He had 0 respect for you, you let him walk all over you. You should've beat his fucking ass.

But I can relate. I dealt with similar bullies in highschool, they only lasted for one school year atleast but that was enough time for them to destroy all confidence I had in my looks and made me aware of how fucking UGLY I was at the time. I was also a massive beta and didn't lift back then so I was too scared to do anything. I immediately changed that after that school year. I too will sometimes get thoughts of killing them if I ever saw them again.

However just remember the past is the past and that the person you were back then isnt the person you are now(hopefully you changed from being a beta).

If you spend all your time hating on that guy you'll never see again, your hating yourself in a way because you're the only person who's going to FEEL that hate. But obviously that's going to be hard to get over since he sabotaged your school experience. I really don't get how you didn't attack him atleast once considering how long he was fucking with you.
  • +1
Reactions: turkproducer, Deleted member 9090, Warlow and 4 others
Read the whole thing, your entire school life was sabotaged by ine guy. Really wish you smashed his face in. He had 0 respect for you, you let him walk all over you. You should've beat his fucking ass.

But I can relate. I dealt with similar bullies in highschool, they only lasted for one school year atleast but that was enough time for them to destroy all confidence I had in my looks and made me aware of how fucking UGLY I was at the time. I was also a massive beta and didn't lift back then so I was too scared to do anything. I immediately changed that after that school year. I too will sometimes get thoughts of killing them if I ever saw them again.

However just remember the past is the past and that the person you were back then isnt the person you are now(hopefully you changed from being a beta).

If you spend all your time hating on that guy you'll never see again, your hating yourself in a way because you're the only person who's going to FEEL that hate. But obviously that's going to be hard to get over since he sabotaged your school experience. I really don't get how you didn't attack him atleast once considering how long he was fucking with you.
My mentality wasn’t there. But ever since finding the blackpill I’ve realized that I have to get into more fights
  • +1
Reactions: Highrise, mulattomaxxer, Nautica and 1 other person
My mentality wasn’t there. But ever since finding the blackpill I’ve realized that I have to get into more fights
Like looking for fights or just defending yourself?
  • +1
Reactions: Blackout.xl
Read it all, honestly american schools are a big fucking joke it looks like a circus to me, in europe you re either good looking or you arent for girls , and for friends you will make them even if you re ugly but NT af , this status/rumors in us school are something i will never understand . You should of joined some boxing /wrestling /football club to get status boost tbh
  • +1
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This nigga always write essay
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 9380 and Entschuldigung
Brutal tbh, this is what happens when teachers tell you to walk away from your bully. Your better off getting into a fight with them (you have to be semi smart about this, some people are faggots who will take revenge on you by jumping you with a group of people.)

For most situations I saw in school getting into a fight instantly got you respect, even if you lost. While people would bring it up that you got beat up by person X, the bully would often leave the victim alone because they have shown that they will fight back. Very few people enjoy fighting.
  • +1
Reactions: Nautica, Highrise and Blackout.xl
That fat mulatto man
I read one paragraph tbh

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