[Story] slut female doesnt want to sleep with me right away because she has feelings towards me



300 iq mastermind sociopath manipulator demi-god
Sep 4, 2019
typical skinny bipolar/BPD reckless whore foid with a nose piercing

i want to beat this fucking whore up. i have unironically never felt this much anger towards a female

she texted me "i miss you" twice just today out of nowhere, 6 times in total even though we've been talking for ~2 weeks (met up once)
i have this whore on a leash, she is already obsessed and attached to me and i like that, but the chat we had today made me so angry i fantasized about beating her to death while i was gymceling (gave me a better pump than roids)

we talked about fucking a few times (i really did believe i will fuck her this weekend) but today she randomly says
"you are the first guy who didnt fuck me in a week"

this hit me in the gut, even though i have zero feelings for this whore it made me very angry. the fucking worthlessness i felt was immeasurable.
to hear that every single dude managed to use this whore for their own needs, but i, a blackpilled person who thinks he's good at manipulation, failed to do so, and ended up being a beta boyfriend to a literal whore? i wanted to break her neck and i couldnt possibly fathom what did i do wrong. i did everything good, in fact too good

i just imagine her meeting up with STRANGER adult men, getting fucked by them and sucking their dicks after
despite barely feeling any emotions towards this slut, this behavior unironically makes me want to vomit because its so sad and unbelievable
i think if i fell in love with a female and it turned out she had multiple one night stands, i would cry and vomit my guts out. its something impossible to get over

i tried to deflect my anger and just responded something like 'we'll fix that' or something and she had the audacity to respond
"but i dont want to fuck🥺"
"i meannn im horny af, but i dont feel like we should yet"

i could not believe what i was reading, at this point i was so angry i had to look for an IRL object to punch, which i did
i did not even give a fucking shit about getting sex anymore, i ran to my computer so i can type faster and wrote her an entire essay

i told her how fucking disgusting her behavior is, how delusional and retarded she is for thinking that telling me about her one night stands would make her value higher in my eyes, and finally, how fucking pathetic and laughable is that she sucked and fucked strangers within 30 minutes of meeting, but wouldnt do the same for me JUST BECAUSE I AM SPECIAL TO HER

she got tired of riding fucking stranger cock (AT AGE 16, i havent even mentioned this yet)and now wants a cute little beta submissive boyfriend to settle down with, to finally experience an LTR

unfortunately for her, i am not someone who allows that
she apologized and told me i am right and i left her on read

the reason i didnt block her? i see obvious signs of her getting obsessed with me and im going to take advantage of that to the fullest
manipulating can be tricky in chat, but it is incredibly easy IRL once they find you good looking
i am 100% certain i can make her fuck me by being charming and acting romantically interested. i am gonna make her fall in love with me, fuck her a multiple times and then completely out of fucking nowhere send her a pic of me kissing an other foid and ghost her

this will be a long process but i will completely break this whore, inside and out. she's going to fall into deep depression and go back to fucking strangers again. she deserves to suffer for sleeping around but still acting like she has any value in a non-primitive guy's eyes
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It’s over for many men especially me
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make her hate you then

treat her like a piece of shit dark triad psychopath style

tbh that will only make her want to fuck you more
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Reactions: BigBiceps, MusicMaxxingMidget and Subhuman trash
I don’t even know this whore and my blood is boiling. I can imagine exactly how you feel.
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The only solid bluepilled advice that's actually good is don't put your dick in crazy. Don't do it nigga. Just leave her on read and find someone else.
make her hate you then

treat her like a piece of shit dark triad psychopath style

tbh that will only make her want to fuck you more
i can ignore her for 8+ hours, she doesnt take more than 3 minutes to reply

the dopamine i will get when i break her heart will be better than any form of ascension
actually im not gonna do it in text, im probably going to meet up just to tell her i dont want her anymore (but thats probably gonna happen in a few weeks/months)
The only solid bluepilled advice that's actually good is don't put your dick in crazy. Don't do it nigga. Just leave her on read and find someone else.
she is too cute to just find someone else tbh, it wouldnt take her more than 10 seconds to find another guy
good thing shes already attached to me
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Fucking brutal story, she must of found the other guys better looking if she fucked them that fast. I would ghost this girl so fast its not even funny if she told me that
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Use her to get another girl srs.

If a foid is obsessed with you, it’s so easy to make other foods want to fuck
Post pic of the message you sent
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"you are the first guy who didnt fuck me in a week"
ouch. That's the biggest backhanded compliment lol. Kick in the teeth!

How is she meeting dudes and they bang her in 30 mins? And they're older than her? Do random good looking guys just dm her or something and she agrees to meet and they fuck?
I have no idea how hook ups even happen outside of cold approach in bars where al my lays have come from lol. fml
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Fucking brutal story, she must of found the other guys better looking if she fucked them that fast. I would ghost this girl so fast its not even funny if she told me that
ouch. That's the biggest backhanded compliment lol. Kick in the teeth!

How is she meeting dudes and they bang her in 30 mins? And they're older than her? Do random good looking guys just dm her or something and she agrees to meet and they fuck?
I have no idea how hook ups even happen outside of cold approach in bars where al my lays have come from lol. fml
these all happened 1+ year ago and she says shes mature now and regret all of it
i told her if you regret it then you would feel shameful as fuck and would never mention it to me

she not only doesnt feel an inch of shame, she is even proud of being a whore. i guess she is so fucking primitive that she thinks by telling me how desirable she is in other guy's eyes will make her value higher in mine
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fuck reading that shit made me want to glory kill her:
Tenor 14
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"you are the first guy who didnt fuck me in a week"
make her fall in love with you and rip her heart out (metaphorically)
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She put you into LTR / betabuxx category because of your small stature and high trust aesthetics. If you were 1 PSL lower but taller and more DOM she'd probably have let you fuck her anally by now.
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jfl kerbo
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make her hate you then

treat her like a piece of shit dark triad psychopath style

tbh that will only make her want to fuck you more

Yup, I did this and got some good head from these types of whores
typical skinny bipolar/BPD reckless whore foid with a nose piercing

i want to beat this fucking whore up. i have unironically never felt this much anger towards a female

she texted me "i miss you" twice just today out of nowhere, 6 times in total even though we've been talking for ~2 weeks (met up once)
i have this whore on a leash, she is already obsessed and attached to me and i like that, but the chat we had today made me so angry i fantasized about beating her to death while i was gymceling (gave me a better pump than roids)

we talked about fucking a few times (i really did believe i will fuck her this weekend) but today she randomly says
"you are the first guy who didnt fuck me in a week"

this hit me in the gut, even though i have zero feelings for this whore it made me very angry. the fucking worthlessness i felt was immeasurable.
to hear that every single dude managed to use this whore for their own needs, but i, a blackpilled person who thinks he's good at manipulation, failed to do so, and ended up being a beta boyfriend to a literal whore? i wanted to break her neck and i couldnt possibly fathom what did i do wrong. i did everything good, in fact too good

i just imagine her meeting up with STRANGER adult men, getting fucked by them and sucking their dicks after
despite barely feeling any emotions towards this slut, this behavior unironically makes me want to vomit because its so sad and unbelievable
i think if i fell in love with a female and it turned out she had multiple one night stands, i would cry and vomit my guts out. its something impossible to get over

i tried to deflect my anger and just responded something like 'we'll fix that' or something and she had the audacity to respond
"but i dont want to fuck🥺"
"i meannn im horny af, but i dont feel like we should yet"

i could not believe what i was reading, at this point i was so angry i had to look for an IRL object to punch, which i did
i did not even give a fucking shit about getting sex anymore, i ran to my computer so i can type faster and wrote her an entire essay

i told her how fucking disgusting her behavior is, how delusional and retarded she is for thinking that telling me about her one night stands would make her value higher in my eyes, and finally, how fucking pathetic and laughable is that she sucked and fucked strangers within 30 minutes of meeting, but wouldnt do the same for me JUST BECAUSE I AM SPECIAL TO HER

she got tired of riding fucking stranger cock (AT AGE 16, i havent even mentioned this yet)and now wants a cute little beta submissive boyfriend to settle down with, to finally experience an LTR

unfortunately for her, i am not someone who allows that
she apologized and told me i am right and i left her on read

the reason i didnt block her? i see obvious signs of her getting obsessed with me and im going to take advantage of that to the fullest
manipulating can be tricky in chat, but it is incredibly easy IRL once they find you good looking
i am 100% certain i can make her fuck me by being charming and acting romantically interested. i am gonna make her fall in love with me, fuck her a multiple times and then completely out of fucking nowhere send her a pic of me kissing an other foid and ghost her

this will be a long process but i will completely break this whore, inside and out. she's going to fall into deep depression and go back to fucking strangers again. she deserves to suffer for sleeping around but still acting like she has any value in a non-primitive guy's eyes
>this will never happen to me


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read every single word
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Use her to get another girl srs.

If a foid is obsessed with you, it’s so easy to make other foods want to fuck
A girl like that will only know girls who are similar cases. People surround themselves with likeminded people.
Suifuel so dnr

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