Study finds gaming is literally (mostly) cope for subhumans



Aug 31, 2024

Study from last month

"The results provide compelling evidence, both among teenagers and adults, but especially among the latter, that more physically attractive individuals spend less time on video-gaming; and we offer suggestive evidence that this is because they have more friends with whom to socialize."

"The relationship between looks and gaming does not arise because gaming makes people badlooking: the causation appears to go from looks to gaming, not vice-versa."

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I remember when I was a teenager and I was super skinny and my younger sister would always tell me I should stop gaming and start going to the gym, that I was wasting my time with video games and I'd have a much easier time with girls if I was muscular.

Even she was red pilled without knowing it. Eventually, she started going to the gym in her 20s, and she has been going consistently for the past 2-3 years, and she has gotten very muscular from it, like an advanced level female physique, her arm size is quite impressive and she also has wide lats and big shoulders, but unlike female steroid users, it doesn't look ugly or masculine, it just looks tough.
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I mean it makes sense.
I remember when I was a teenager and I was super skinny and my younger sister would always tell me I should stop gaming and start going to the gym, that I was wasting my time with video games and I'd have a much easier time with girls if I was muscular.

Even she was red pilled without knowing it. Eventually, she started going to the gym in her 20s, and she has been going consistently for the past 2-3 years, and she has gotten very muscular from it, like an advanced level female physique, her arm size is quite impressive and she also has wide lats and big shoulders, but unlike female steroid users, it doesn't look ugly or masculine, it just looks tough.
your sister is blackpilled, not redpilled
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I remember when I was a teenager and I was super skinny and my younger sister would always tell me I should stop gaming and start going to the gym, that I was wasting my time with video games and I'd have a much easier time with girls if I was muscular.

Even she was red pilled without knowing it. Eventually, she started going to the gym in her 20s, and she has been going consistently for the past 2-3 years, and she has gotten very muscular from it, like an advanced level female physique, her arm size is quite impressive and she also has wide lats and big shoulders, but unlike female steroid users, it doesn't look ugly or masculine, it just looks tough.
She will attract men that fetishise that though.
Guys who like muscular women. Idk how you feel about that. I personally would want her to be physically fit, but not to deviate to far from average
She will attract men that fetishise that though.
Guys who like muscular women. Idk how you feel about that. I personally would want her to be physically fit, but not to deviate to far from average
She has a boyfriend she has been with since like 2018, he is muscular and obviously stronger than her since he's a guy and taller than she is. I'm 6'4" but she is 5'4". By the way, I did start going to the gym, but like only 2 years after she started telling me to go lift weights. When I was 16, I thought gym was a waste of time because I thought gains were temporary and would go away if I didn't lift. Truth is, you never lose the muscle even if you don't train, you might lose some strength but the muscle is forever, unless you go into starvation mode.
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She has a boyfriend she has been with since like 2018, he is muscular and obviously stronger than her since he's a guy and taller than she is. I'm 6'4" but she is 5'4". By the way, I did start going to the gym, but like only 2 years after she started telling me to go lift weights. When I was 16, I thought gym was a waste of time because I thought gains were temporary and would go away if I didn't lift. Truth is, you never lose the muscle even if you don't train, you might lose some strength but the muscle is forever, unless you go into starvation mode.
Opposite broski
You lose the muscle but you will never lose the strength

But another thing is that after you lose the muscle, you'll be able to put it back on quickly if you do decide to go back to the gym
Water ngl.

Study from last month

"The results provide compelling evidence, both among teenagers and adults, but especially among the latter, that more physically attractive individuals spend less time on video-gaming; and we offer suggestive evidence that this is because they have more friends with whom to socialize."

"The relationship between looks and gaming does not arise because gaming makes people badlooking: the causation appears to go from looks to gaming, not vice-versa."

Opposite broski
You lose the muscle but you will never lose the strength

But another thing is that after you lose the muscle, you'll be able to put it back on quickly if you do decide to go back to the gym
Wrong. You lose the strength due to a loss in technique in the lifts, but you keep the muscle mass because it is part of your bodyweight. You only lose the muscle mass if you go into starvation mode, and by that I mean a caloric deficit. If you lose weight without lifting weights, you will lose muscle, but if you keep your weight the same or gain weight, it will take months before you start losing muscle. Like sure if you don't train for years, you will lose most of it, but if you go away on holiday for a few weeks, when you come back, your measurements will be the same if you have been eating enough during the holiday.
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Wrong. You lose the strength due to a loss in technique in the lifts, but you keep the muscle mass because it is part of your bodyweight. You only lose the muscle mass if you go into starvation mode, and by that I mean a caloric deficit. If you lose weight without lifting weights, you will lose muscle, but if you keep your weight the same or gain weight, it will take months before you start losing muscle. Like sure if you don't train for years, you will lose most of it, but if you go away on holiday for a few weeks, when you come back, your measurements will be the same if you have been eating enough during the holiday.
I always thought you lose muscle mass but keep the strength. The same reason people can do lifts less than they used to do, but much higher than the average person, a few years later.
Why frail farmers still have good feats of strength
Why farmers get frail too

@ConfusedBolivian @Orc
What do you guys think?
@ElTruecel and his dumb theory on suicide watch
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I always thought you lose muscle mass but keep the strength. The same reason people can do lifts less than they used to do, but much higher than the average person, a few years later.
Why frail farmers still have good feats of strength
Why farmers get frail too

@ConfusedBolivian @Orc
What do you guys think?
It's actually the opposite, I stopped lifting for like 1 year, and when I came back to it, my deadlift had gone down to a very low level of strength but I regained all the size in my hamstrings and my strength hasn't caught up yet.

Also, my sister works as a physiotherapist and she learned through her classes in college that it is actually strength that goes away first. Like if you stop training for 4 weeks, you lose nothing for the first 2 weeks but after the 3rd or fourth week you've lost a bit of strength, but no muscle. To actually lose muscle, you have to neglect training it for a very long time and also lose weight in the process. I started skinny so that's usually what happens, I eat less go into starvation mode and lose my muscle mass. But guys who used to be fat, they go back to being fat and keep the muscle.
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It's actually the opposite, I stopped lifting for like 1 year, and when I came back to it, my deadlift had gone down to a very low level of strength but I regained all the size in my hamstrings and my strength hasn't caught up yet.

Also, my sister works as a physiotherapist and she learned through her classes in college that it is actually strength that goes away first. Like if you stop training for 4 weeks, you lose nothing for the first 2 weeks but after the 3rd or fourth week you've lost a bit of strength, but no muscle. To actually lose muscle, you have to neglect training it for a very long time and also lose weight in the process. I started skinny so that's usually what happens, I eat less go into starvation mode and lose my muscle mass. But guys who used to be fat, they go back to being fat and keep the muscle.
Wait wdym you would go to starting mode?

I think that's less about "starting mode", and more about mode you have become accustomed to for the majority of your life

I remember reading that metabolism plays a very small role, of about a few hundred calories at most between extremes. I think @Orc mentioned this. That there is a 200-300 range.
But majority of people who are skinny, just eat less and majority of people who are fat just eat more

Also thanks for the information before that!
What a retard thread I can count on my fingers the amount of non gamer mes I’ve met in my life. I know this forum is filled with friendless losers but anyone who goes outside knows all men bond through gaming

Incel according to 50 iq digit gamer incels who waste their entire day playing shit for 10 year olds :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Wait wdym you would go to starting mode?

I think that's less about "starting mode", and more about mode you have become accustomed to for the majority of your life

I remember reading that metabolism plays a very small role, of about a few hundred calories at most between extremes. I think @Orc mentioned this. That there is a 200-300 range.
But majority of people who are skinny, just eat less and majority of people who are fat just eat more

Also thanks for the information before that!
I just meant that if you have ectomorph genetics, and a tendency to forget to eat, then the moment you stop lifting weights, your appetite will be lower and you'll be less conscious of what you're eating so you'll lose a lot of muscle from that fast weight loss, but if you're used to being fat, you'll stop counting calories, and get fat in the process but you'll hold onto that muscle mass because you'll be heavier not lighter.

When I stop lifting, I lose all the extra fat I used to have but also most of the muscle mass, so I become very skinny but also very weak and look like I don't lift. Just 1 month ago, I was like 166 lbs at 6'4" and in 1 month I went up to 180 lbs without gaining a single inch on my waist, through muscle memory alone. Now I'm back to how I used to be but leaner, because I was careful on this bulk and didn't take it too far too quickly. This allows me to bulk for a lot longer than a few months without getting fat.
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What a retard thread I can count on my fingers the amount of non gamer mes I’ve met in my life. I know this forum is filled with friendless losers but anyone who goes outside knows all men bond through gaming

Incel according to 50 iq digit gamer incels who waste their entire day playing shit for 10 year olds :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

2 things here. First, Henry Cavill's physique was not obtained naturally, I mean just look at how big and ripped he was for The Witcher, there is no way that physique is natural, and I say this as someone who has many years of experience with lifting who can easily identify the difference between a roider and a natural.

Second, there is a difference between being a casual gamer who plays once in a while, and having your only hobby being gaming. Some guys lift weights and then when they get home they play video games, but they never skip a workout or sacrifice their sleep to play for longer. They are able to have this good level of moderation and they don't hang out with friends that try to push them towards an unhealthy lifestyle of gaming until 4 AM.
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I just meant that if you have ectomorph genetics, and a tendency to forget to eat, then the moment you stop lifting weights, your appetite will be lower and you'll be less conscious of what you're eating so you'll lose a lot of muscle from that fast weight loss, but if you're used to being fat, you'll stop counting calories, and get fat in the process but you'll hold onto that muscle mass because you'll be heavier not lighter.

When I stop lifting, I lose all the extra fat I used to have but also most of the muscle mass, so I become very skinny but also very weak and look like I don't lift. Just 1 month ago, I was like 166 lbs at 6'4" and in 1 month I went up to 180 lbs without gaining a single inch on my waist, through muscle memory alone. Now I'm back to how I used to be but leaner, because I was careful on this bulk and didn't take it too far too quickly. This allows me to bulk for a lot longer than a few months without getting fat.
It makes me wonder...
Yk how the first time we let ourselves go, and then we hop back in the gym and the muscle memory helps us

Maybe it is a memory of muscle memory itself. So the more frequently you let yourself go, and then go back to how you were. Your body will be able to adapt very quickly to putting on muscle.
So if you let yourself go for a 2nd time, then put back on muscle to how u used to be.. then a 3rd time, put back muscle... then 4th.. etc etc
The more you do it, the quicker you will be able to put on mass to how you used to be...

The same way from the 1st time you did it, compared to the 0th (when you were just starting)

It would also explain why Fousey Tube puts on muscle and transforms hella quickly. He's done a lot of transformations in his life
Second, there is a difference between being a casual gamer who plays once in a while, and having your only hobby being gaming. Some guys lift weights and then when they get home they play video games, but they never skip a workout or sacrifice their sleep to play for longer. They are able to have this good level of moderation and they don't hang out with friends that try to push them towards an unhealthy lifestyle of gaming until 4 AM.
well yea obviously that’s my point. 99% of men are casual gamers I don’t deny some dude who spends 12-14 hours gaming a day is usually some Nrg dizzy tier type of guy. But casual gaming is a very NT and Normie thing to do.

Excessive gaming and casual gaming are 2 different things
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How average person sees non gamers @optimisticzoomer @PLA1092 @Gengar
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Water study. Picture your stereotypical fanatical gamer dude and I'm pretty sure some average or sub 5 looking white dude with a neckbeard will be the first image that comes to your mind, not some jock.

When you lack a decent social life, gaming, animes, etc, are your only decent copes, since you don't necessarily need to interact with anyone or have some status in order to consume/enjoy them.
This is one of the most brutal studies ever we will never recover
i mean did we really need a study to prove that :lul::lul:
I dont even game, the whole time i am in the front of the pc i just listen to music, watch youtube and search different shit, because i have nothing better to do. I plan to fulfill my day in the future with as many thing as possible so i dont have free time and sell my pc, so i can never spend time on this shit again, same for my phone

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