[Study] More than 11 billion Coronavirus patients globally if a vaccine is not made by 2022

11 billion?

So it's going to infect the entire population of earth and then reinfect another 3.5 billion people who have recovered?
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  • JFL
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Kek , 11 billion wtf this is stupid
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I'm now wondering if OP edited the title of the article for hyperbolic purposes or if he doesn't know there's not 11 billion people on earth jfl
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eleven billion tbh
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  • JFL
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11 billion?

So it's going to infect the entire population of earth and then reinfect another 3.5 billion people who have recovered?
No 11 billion individuals
  • JFL
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I can't tell if OP is retarded or I am at this point

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  • JFL
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Bruh all this shit is stupid
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I can't tell if OP is retarded or I am at this point

ppl can get infected and recover more than once lol, title says 11 billion patients
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ppl can get infected and recover more than once lol, title says 11 billion patients
If 4 billion people caught it that means they'd have to be infected 2.75 times on average to bring in up to 11 billion, it's still retarded
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If 4 billion people caught it that means they'd have to be infected 2.75 times on average to bring in up to 11 billion, it's still retarded
with how fast its spreading i could see ppl easily being infected more than twice, i've gotten sick more than that over the past 2 years

does sound like a retardedly high number though
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Corona cant get to basement dwellers tho.
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The infection-control measures put in place in many European countries – such as national lockdowns – are reducing the spread of the coronavirus. Across 11 countries in Western and Northern Europe, between 21,000 and 120,000 deaths will probably have been avoided by the end of March, according to a new model by a group at Imperial College London.

Lmao, between 21k and 120k for 11 DIFFERENT COUNTRIES.
That's between 2k and 11k per country, JFL.
There were 25k deaths from the flu in Italy 3 years ago yet nobody gave a fuck, but now we have to close everything just to save 2k to 11k useless boomers per country who will probably die next year anyway.
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  • JFL
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A vaccine will come soon.
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Illnesses range from mild to severe and even death. Hospitalization and death occur mainly among high risk groups. Worldwide, these annual epidemics are estimated to result in about 3 to 5 million cases of severe illness, and about 290 000 to 650 000 respiratory deaths.
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Coronavirus increases collagen, son. I hope I get it and become a collagenmaxxed TikTok slayer.
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I dont know buddy boyo, but my head cant seem to wrap around this one...
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1. There aren't 11 billion people on the earth.
2. The real death rate of the virus is probably between 10-15%...minimum. Possibly even higher. I guess we will find out in the next 3-6 weeks.
3. OP is a potato.
  • JFL
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1. There aren't 11 billion people on the earth.
2. The real death rate of the virus is probably between 10-15%...minimum. Possibly even higher. I guess we will find out in the next 3-6 weeks.
3. OP is a potato.
change 10 - 15% to 1.0 - 1.5%
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change 10 - 15% to 1.0 - 1.5%

Not consistent with evidence. Governments are downplaying the death rate to avoid public panic. I don't think the death rate is 40-60% like some dead vs recovered statistics seem to indicate, but it's still WAY higher than 1-5%. Italy is currently at almost 10% CFR even when you compare the total number infected with the dead. Also consider that china and Iran are lying about death rates and the number of dead victims.
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, didntreadlol and MiroslavBulldosex
Not consistent with evidence. Governments are downplaying the death rate to avoid public panic. I don't think the death rate is 40-60% like some dead vs recovered statistics seem to indicate, but it's still WAY higher than 1-5%. Italy is currently at almost 10% CFR even when you compare the total number infected with the dead. Also consider that china and Iran are lying about death rates and the number of dead victims.
confirmed cases
all cases
80+ years old
70-79 years old
60-69 years old
50-59 years old
40-49 years old
30-39 years old
20-29 years old
10-19 years old
0-9 years old
no fatalities
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This is the perfect opportunity for some psychopathcels to introduce older members of their family to this virus so they can inheritancemaxxx
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  • Woah
  • JFL
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confirmed cases
all cases
80+ years old
70-79 years old
60-69 years old
50-59 years old
40-49 years old
30-39 years old
20-29 years old
10-19 years old
0-9 years old
no fatalities

These statistics are utter bullshit half of ICU units around europe are already being flooded with people under 40.
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These statistics are utter bullshit half of ICU units around europe are already being flooded with people under 40.
Says death rate not total infections
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Says death rate not total infections

Most people don't survive ICU care. If you end up there then there is a 70-90% chance you are dead.
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Source: Your rectum...

Source: The fact that most people who make it into ICU in Italy fucking die. Please understand that the "unknown cases" cope doesn't apply here because you ONLY make it into ICU if you are a confirmed case. And most people in ICU care DIE.
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  • JFL
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Source: The fact that most people who make it into ICU in Italy fucking die. Please understand that the "unknown cases" cope doesn't apply here because you ONLY make it into ICU if you are a confirmed case. And most people in ICU care DIE.
Italy is the country who had it worst if we believe in the data. Obviously they rig the number of cases, deaths, tests and everything else to control the anxiety levels of the general public whilst still making it seem like something worth staying in your home for. But you are just pulling percentages and numbers out of your ass to be the smart guy. If we look at the statistics cases which had an outcome are 80% recovered, 20% deceased. Bear in mind that these cases are only the confirmed ones so these percentages don't account for people who had it but recovered without testing / at home. Worst case scenario at this point this virus has a 5% mortality rate which is unlikely and it is going to gradually drop to 1%. The bad news about SARS-CoV-2 is that it is not going to slow down until at least 50% - 66%(Depending on R0) of people are immune to it either through vaccination or recovery from it. Only thing we are doing right now is slowing the spread because the number of ICU's are limited. Which is where governments play with the naive and dumb public making them believe that it will go away and be no harm to anyone who stays inside. Vaccine is not coming. Now or later a large number of us if not all of us are gonna be infected. Yet we are lucky if the virus doesn't mutate wildly which seems unlikely young people (<30) are at much lower risk such that there is a higher probability of death from car crash. As you can see only 2 deaths which can be seen as pure outliers. Get your facts straight or don't talk on shit you don't know.
Screen Shot 2020 04 01 at 024912
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401 and MiroslavBulldosex
yes bro its deffo gonna infect more people than exist on this planet. high iq.
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If 4 billion people caught it that means they'd have to be infected 2.75 times on average to bring in up to 11 billion, it's still retarded
That's actually very plausible.
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That's actually very plausible.
Next week in Fantasyland...
Italy is the country who had it worst if we believe in the data. Obviously they rig the number of cases, deaths, tests and everything else to control the anxiety levels of the general public whilst still making it seem like something worth staying in your home for. But you are just pulling percentages and numbers out of your ass to be the smart guy. If we look at the statistics cases which had an outcome are 80% recovered, 20% deceased. Bear in mind that these cases are only the confirmed ones so these percentages don't account for people who had it but recovered without testing / at home. Worst case scenario at this point this virus has a 5% mortality rate which is unlikely and it is going to gradually drop to 1%. The bad news about SARS-CoV-2 is that it is not going to slow down until at least 50% - 66%(Depending on R0) of people are immune to it either through vaccination or recovery from it. Only thing we are doing right now is slowing the spread because the number of ICU's are limited. Which is where governments play with the naive and dumb public making them believe that it will go away and be no harm to anyone who stays inside. Vaccine is not coming. Now or later a large number of us if not all of us are gonna be infected. Yet we are lucky if the virus doesn't mutate wildly which seems unlikely young people (<30) are at much lower risk such that there is a higher probability of death from car crash. As you can see only 2 deaths which can be seen as pure outliers. Get your facts straight or don't talk on shit you don't know. View attachment 331299
hes a tinfoil retard bro
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Are you 12? this forum is supposed to be redpilled. Read up on legit scientific info and compare deaths to the same weeks in previous years u moron. God im sick of you retards. Eco damage will kill far more you idiot. If ur not trolling and ur over the age of 18 ur legit sub 50 iq. MSM following moron who's incapable of looking at a variety of scientific opinions (rather than just gov advisors) and still believes his government cares about him.
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Fuck old people, corona is a meme
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Are you 12? this forum is supposed to be redpilled. Read up on legit scientific info and compare deaths to the same weeks in previous years u moron. God im sick of you retards. Eco damage will kill far more you idiot. If ur not trolling and ur over the age of 18 ur legit sub 50 iq. MSM following moron who's incapable of looking at a variety of scientific opinions (rather than just gov advisors) and still believes his government cares about him.
Cancer kills more and cancer is becoming 95% more common every 10 years thanks to 5G and radiation.
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Cancer kills more and cancer is becoming 95% more common every 10 years thanks to 5G and radiation.
And those cancer patients cant get their what could be life saving operations in the UK for example because its been pushed back, since all NHS been attributed for corona virus. Bshit when are morons gna wake up and see the 'cure' is worse than the consequences and stop listening to MSM. they whine about MSM every election then revert back to it the rest of the time.
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And those cancer patients cant get their what could be life saving operations in the UK for example because its been pushed back, since all NHS been attributed for corona virus. Bshit when are morons gna wake up and see the 'cure' is worse than the consequences and stop listening to MSM. they whine about MSM every election then revert back to it the rest of the time.
The globalists want people to die. That’s why they are suppressing Hydroxychloroquine.
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