Sucking My Cheeks In, Do I Have Weak Bone Structure?


Deleted member 22705

Sep 30, 2022
Tell me how it's guys.


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Tell me how it's guys.
Kid, how many times have you been told to lose weight before you ask shit like this? I'm sorry to hear about your anecdotes and how people treat you, but you're only obfuscating your solution by being sent on wild goose chases by raters who can't accurately rate you or your bone mass? Giving you advice is fucking dangerous at this point since we don't know what you ACTUALLY need due to your bodyfat levels. Please stop. PLEASE!!!
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Reactions: Artemis, qsabathi, Deleted member 8771 and 10 others
Kid, how many times have you been told to lose weight before you ask shit like this? I'm sorry to hear about your anecdotes and how people treat you, but you're only obfuscating your solution by being sent on wild goose chases by raters who can't accurately rate you or your bone mass? Giving you advice is fucking dangerous at this point since we don't know what you ACTUALLY need due to your bodyfat levels. Please stop. PLEASE!!!
What if I got down to 160 lbs and still end up with a chubby face?
Hunter eyed wide jawed chad. You ooze high testosterone
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Reactions: WanderingBurro and Adonis
What if I got down to 160 lbs and still end up with a chubby face?
Why the hypothetical? Here, maybe if I post this you'll get off your ass and do what needs to be done. Now enough of this mental masturbation.


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Reactions: Deleted member 8771, to be human and tallnegga
Kid, how many times have you been told to lose weight before you ask shit like this? I'm sorry to hear about your anecdotes and how people treat you, but you're only obfuscating your solution by being sent on wild goose chases by raters who can't accurately rate you or your bone mass? Giving you advice is fucking dangerous at this point since we don't know what you ACTUALLY need due to your bodyfat levels. Please stop. PLEASE!!!
Why do you act as if it's that big of a deal tho? :ogre: Chill, most of the users are retarded here on the forum.
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Why the hypothetical? Here, maybe if I post this you'll get off your ass and do what needs to be done. Now enough of this mental masturbation.
He had good facial bones and structure even while fat lol.
Why do you act as if it's that big of a deal tho? :ogre: Chill, most of the users are retarded here on the forum.
No I understand it's that he keeps making these threads, even while we spam him with the same answer lol.

He had good facial bones and structure even while fat lol.
Then there's your answer pal. Or you can drop the weight and find out.
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No I understand it's that he keeps making these threads, even while we spam him with the same answer lol.

Then there's your answer pal. Or you can drop the weight and find out.
I am saying that my face is below LTN rn, while he was already around HTN. What's the guarantee that I can even reach LTN level after losing all that weight? Is it worth putting in all that effort to lose the weight and still end up being an ugly incel?
I am saying that my face is below LTN rn, while he was already around HTN. What's the guarantee that I can even reach LTN level after losing all that weight? Is it worth putting in all that effort to lose the weight and still end up being an ugly incel?
Of course, because even if you do end up being LTN at least you can move around and exist more comfortably. Having been fat before I can tell you it's not just the aesthetics that increase it's the quality of life.
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Taban asended you
looks insane high fwhe robust mogger
Why the hypothetical? Here, maybe if I post this you'll get off your ass and do what needs to be done. Now enough of this mental masturbation.
u should grow eyelashes tbh to get less a dead look
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Bro lose weight first please.
Of course, because even if you do end up being LTN at least you can move around and exist more comfortably. Having been fat before I can tell you it's not just the aesthetics that increase it's the quality of life.
Dude I have zero problems moving around rn and my fitness isn't impaired. I walk 7-8 miles a day for work while regular people don't even walk that much in a week. This is on top of having planter fasciitis, short leg syndrome and suffering constant pain. Being more fit won't improve my quality of life unless it brings me up to LTN.
Dude I have zero problems moving around rn and my fitness isn't impaired. I walk 7-8 miles a day for work while regular people don't even walk that much in a week. This is on top of having planter fasciitis, short leg syndrome and suffering constant pain. Being more fit won't improve my quality of life unless it brings me up to LTN.
You're so unbelievably wrong. You say that because you've never been athletic in your entire life so you have nothing to compare it to. In terms of fitness and quality of life you're so far below average. The brain fog and estrogen levels alone are destroying you as we speak.
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you have potential. Now stop eating and lose weight you fat fuck
Of course, because even if you do end up being LTN at least you can move around and exist more comfortably. Having been fat before I can tell you it's not just the aesthetics that increase it's the quality of life.
I am MTN and I get treated like I am a truecel.
Chad or rope in 2022
Everyone looks better after a bit of weightloss. Your eyes even in your before pics indicated moderate midface support along with giving your face some sort of structure rather than looking like a melted mess as wouldbe the case were there not to be any midface support

Seriously, make it your first step. Your frame also looks decently sized too beneath that fat. Make it shine

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I am saying that my face is below LTN rn, while he was already around HTN. What's the guarantee that I can even reach LTN level after losing all that weight? Is it worth putting in all that effort to lose the weight and still end up being an ugly incel?
you will never know untill you try
autistic retard.. even if you're still ugly after leaning out, atleast your quality of life and health will improve and you won't die of heart failure within the next 5 years
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Reactions: WanderingBurro
Lose weight dude
lose the weight and build some muscle
change your disgusting hairstyle
shave that beard and try to grow short stubble or an ACTUAL beard
take care of your skin
you should ascend to looking kinda human
lose the weight and build some muscle
change your disgusting hairstyle
shave that beard and try to grow short stubble or an ACTUAL beard
take care of your skin
you should ascend to looking kinda human
he no joke had almond eye surgery already
I know I saw his ass on the website of the doctor I want to use to to fix my eye bags of death. I couldn’t believe it thought I was tripping because I was high af I legit spent 20 minutes making sure it was him.
I know I saw his ass on the website of the doctor I want to use to to fix my eye bags of death. I couldn’t believe it thought I was tripping because I was high af I legit spent 20 minutes making sure it was him.
LMAO is it taban?
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I know I saw his ass on the website of the doctor I want to use to to fix my eye bags of death. I couldn’t believe it thought I was tripping because I was high af I legit spent 20 minutes making sure it was him.
Also I can't believe someone would resort to getting plastic surgery on their eyes to become more attractive when they are still obese. Like lose weight first then see what work needs to be done
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Brother, you knew where you stood before posting this. Why go thru with posting this? Please hit gym ASAP
titbot been hitting the buffet

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