Supplements during puberty


Deleted member 12484

200 cm 131 iq
Feb 14, 2021
Which supplements i shouls buy?
I have:
-Fish oil

Is there anything else i should buy?
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drop fish oil, arginine. tribilus drop for now. creatine is meh. get only k2 mk-4, not the formula with both. drop calcium eat eggshell powder (if you want ill tell how to make easily. for zinc eat more beef, lamb, veal. for magnesium buckwheat,meat, boiled water from leafy greens like (kale, swiss chard, spinach) (this water is very concertaed and good source. boil the leaves for 25 minutes, discard the leaves and keep the water. It is good Magnesium, calcium source. so basically drop the C/Z/M mix
K2 MK-4 is the only supp I'd get. eat with good meal

you want diet not supps
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for vit d get sun barechested at mid day
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That stuff is all fine, but I would say that most important thing is to eat plenty of healthy food and get plenty of sleep.

I got like 4 hours of sleep on average for years of my life in adolescence. Hard to imagine what it did to my development (growth, etc.).
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That stuff is all fine, but I would say that most important thing is to eat plenty of healthy food and get plenty of sleep.

I got like 4 hours of sleep on average for years of my life in adolescence. Hard to imagine what it did to my development (growth, etc.).
What about today in regards to sleep?
What about today in regards to sleep?
I get plenty of sleep now. What I discovered in the past year or two is that lifting weights (heavy weights, not some kind of bro-style pump work, and not cardio exercise) will give me a good night's sleep. I never have trouble falling asleep, until I haven't touched a weight in over a week. Unfortunately I found out about this past the time when I could grow naturally, so who knows.

When I was a teenager, I had too much trouble falling asleep, because I had a lot of energy that I didn't use. I was always exhausted, falling asleep in class or any other time during the day, then when I tried to go to sleep at night, I was too wired and just laid in my bed tossing and turning until the early morning. Maybe I had a few inches of growth in me that I didn't get because of that sleep deprivation, but my height is not abnormal compared to my family, so who knows.
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I get plenty of sleep now. What I discovered in the past year or two is that lifting weights (heavy weights, not some kind of bro-style pump work, and not cardio exercise) will give me a good night's sleep. I never have trouble falling asleep, until I haven't touched a weight in over a week. Unfortunately I found out about this past the time when I could grow naturally, so who knows.

When I was a teenager, I had too much trouble falling asleep, because I had a lot of energy that I didn't use. I was always exhausted, falling asleep in class or any other time during the day, then when I tried to go to sleep at night, I was too wired and just laid in my bed tossing and turning until the early morning. Maybe I had a few inches of growth in me that I didn't get because of that sleep deprivation, but my height is not abnormal compared to my family, so who knows.
Check your Thyroid. If I give some T3 Levothyroid to myself it is stronger then morphine lol... I am hypothyroid and have sleep issues. one third of insomniacs have Primary or Subclinical Hypothyroidism
tribulus is cope
zinc +magnesium b6
  • +1
Why? It rises dht.
it doesnt do anything, maybe slightly rises libido in males with testosterone deficiency. The myths about it are spreaded for the sellers to get more money
Which supplements i shouls buy?
I have:
-Fish oil

Is there anything else i should buy?
dont eat fucking fish oil jfl increases test but blocks dht
dht is much more potent and important than test
stop taking fishoil ASAP
try looking into ashwaghanda and tongkat ali
sounds bogus but unless your willing to take something that isnt fucking cope those two are the furthest youll get
if your going through puberty take mk677, easy to manage sides, cheap, sources are abundant
drop fish oil, arginine. tribilus drop for now. creatine is meh. get only k2 mk-4, not the formula with both. drop calcium eat eggshell powder (if you want ill tell how to make easily. for zinc eat more beef, lamb, veal. for magnesium buckwheat,meat, boiled water from leafy greens like (kale, swiss chard, spinach) (this water is very concertaed and good source. boil the leaves for 25 minutes, discard the leaves and keep the water. It is good Magnesium, calcium source. so basically drop the C/Z/M mix
K2 MK-4 is the only supp I'd get. eat with good meal

you want diet not supps
your profile pic makes me feel weird negative emotions I've never felt before
Which supplements i shouls buy?
I have:
-Fish oil

Is there anything else i should buy?
Creatine d3 and k2 butea superba l carnetine nicotine caffeine and protein power with arginin

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