Survey : how long have you been blackpilled


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Deleted member 616

Deleted member 616

Dec 4, 2018
For me it's been only 4 months
  • +1
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I’ve been blackpilled as a child, but I was made to believe otherwise until I accepted the truth a year ago.
I’m pretty sure we are all naturally blackpilled
  • +1
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8 months, I started with livestreams/podcasts of FaceandLMS, it was so intense back then
  • +1
Reactions: dogtown, Deleted member 39 and Deleted member 616
I'm pretty sure I was blackpilled by female comedians.
Since elementary school. Years of bullying, getting strange looks from foids and people calling me ugly as their number 1 insult for me made me understand that the way you look influences the way you will be treated in life. I even watched in middle school when other guys were getting all the attention, with foids sitting on their lap while all I did was walk past one girl and she said eeww. That was a major :feelsgah::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill:
  • +1
Reactions: dogtown, Mansnob and Deleted member 616
8 months, I started with livestreams/podcasts of FaceandLMS, it was so intense back then
Same story. Didn't take the videos seriously at first but I was interested in them and watched all of them. I watched these videos when I didn't even know lms was part of incels.
i would say i been partially blackpilled since young age, got full blackpilled at 2 month ago
90% of this forum isnt even blackpilled. idk why u guys bother to even click on the votes. u may think u r but u r not
I always knew I was fucking ugly since 6 years old. But I always believed some girl out there would love my personality and be able to fall in love with me. Yep that never happened.

I discovered the blackpill while rotting in my dorm around 1.5yrs ago and everything made sense. No longer was it a mystery why some kid in my class got all the girls FAWNING over him despite him not saying anything. Or why all girls chose my prettyboy friend over me, even though I was one of the smartest students, made them laugh as much as he did, and the best athlete in my grade. All girls cared about were looks.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 206, Zeta ascended, Mansnob and 2 others
I always knew I was fucking ugly since 6 years old. But I always believed some girl out there would love my personality and be able to fall in love with me. Yep that never happened.

I discovered the blackpill while rotting in my dorm around 1.5yrs ago and everything made sense. No longer was it a mystery why some kid in my class got all the girls FAWNING over him despite him not saying anything. Or why all girls chose my prettyboy friend over me, even though I was one of the smartest students, made them laugh as much as he did, and the best athlete in my grade. All girls cared about were looks.
even though I was one of the smartest students, made them laugh as much as he did, and the best athlete in my grade.
2-5 years about give or take:feelsyay:
I started suspecting it when I got my first huge oneitis. Thats a horrible feeling. Good thing I attract most women I like now
  • +1
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I got blackpilled when I got tired of all the retarded censorship and agendas on reddit and started going to /r/incels and braincels simply for the community

the stuff they said about the blackpill seemed to match up with a lot of stuff I've seen in life so I decided to dig deeper
Tbh about 1.5 years
I got blackpilled when I got tired of all the retarded censorship and agendas on reddit and started going to /r/incels and braincels simply for the community

the stuff they said about the blackpill seemed to match up with a lot of stuff I've seen in life so I decided to dig deeper
Same, although I've never been really on r/incels. Braincels is gold tbh, especially their memes. I do think most guys posting there aren't really ugly people, they are just tired of the entire dating game that is heavily rigged against males.
  • +1
Reactions: dogtown and Deleted member 470
I started suspecting it when I got my first huge oneitis. Thats a horrible feeling. Good thing I attract most women I like now
Slayercel :feelsez:
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