Taban, UEE, and Me: A Retrospect (Before/After)



Nov 12, 2019
There were women past their prime in the windowless waiting room that, to be candid, was much smaller than I expected. Also one other guy - presumably there to pay for one of them. Then there was me, and my oversized Pelican suitcase.

I had been working in West Hollywood for about a week-and-a-half, and had a flight out later that evening. Since all transportation costs had been covered by my employer, I felt it was the perfect opportunity to act on something I had deliberated on for some time: upper eyelid filler. The decision was more a response to the impatience that had been building as I waited for more permanent, orthodontic results. I wanted something for right now, if only to serve as a temporary preview of what would come. But it couldn't be done by any shyster - no, the work needed to be authored by a true artist, someone whose name had been proclaimed from the highest incel mount. I needed Mehryar Taban.

I carried no shame, even in the tension-filled holding pen, fueled by each occupant's unspoken pact to keep their personally-waged war on their own sub-humanity a secret. Probably the closest thing to Purgatory this side of death, if you believe in such things. From there I was migrated into the next room - appearance like any other doctor's office - and couldn't help but grin as I thought of all of you, and the madness of the world that drove me here.

It wasn't long before I heard voices on the other side of the door. In those few seconds, it was as if waiting for the big drop on a roller going back. Finally, the man himself entered with all the mannerisms you would expect from a person in his tax bracket. He carried an upbeat demeanor, much more so than in our Skype consultation months earlier. He confirmed the plan (upper eyelid filler), and with the signing of a few documents (releasing him from any liability, even blindness), we were off to the races.

The procedure itself was quick, though not without the occasional sting of the needle. All things considered, I'm surprised there wasn't more of that. In total, one syringe of a hyaluronic-based filler was used across both eyelids. He apologized for creating a little bruising, and provided a miniature ice pack and mirror. I have to say I was satisfied with the immediate results; it was the quick fix I had been looking for. As time went by, however, I realized that I needed to fraud by tilting my head slightly forward. Still better than without the filler, but imagine how good it would feel to put no effort in at all. I essentially want to look blankly at someone while providing unlimited aesthetic value. Validation for nothing, yes, but more importantly to me, more business (I'm somewhat of an entrepreneur, albeit not quite successful at this point).

I was floored that my own mother couldn't tell anything had changed when I visited mere days after the procedure. At my next work site, there were subtle changes in the way I was treated. The site staff and management, for instance, seemed to offer unmeritted respect and take my recommendations at face value (no pun intended). A group of people bought me drinks at a bar, and then proceeded to dedicate songs via karaoke. Come to think of it, I barely paid for anything the whole week-and-a-half, as my colleague picked up the tab unless I insisted on reciprocating. I wouldn't be surprised if at least some of this was placebo, but - as a person living in my skin for a while - this wasn't the status quo.

Today (7 months later), the results seem indistinguishable to me, and it would appear that the people I interact with feel nothing special emanating off of me the way they would a man with hunter eyes. I had initially lobbied for fat grafts in place of filler, but Taban was resistant, claiming he liked predictable results better. I believe he says this to patients who haven't had fillers to avoid blow back in case they don't like their new look.

I tried my best to match the lighting in the before and after, but ultimately ended up with more in the after. The remaining photo is a few weeks post-procedure, and features some of that head tilt fraud I mentioned.

TLDR (aka Advice);

If you desire the permanent treatment, advocate for fat graft in the consultation, or at least ask for more filler than I did if UEE show is similar. Though I would typically argue for subtlety in the realm of plastic surgery, the upper eyelids (for me, anyway) need to be extraordinary. In other words, go big or go home.

If the facepuller methodology doesn't work (I receive my non-tooth anchored appliance this week), I may once again find myself in the inadvertent oculoplastic artist's chair once more.


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Didn't read but shit results
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Reactions: Deleted member 32669, Deleted member 7173, ThreadMatters and 13 others
you basically don't have any uee

you need lower eyelid retraction and not fillers

btw how much you paid for 1 syringe, and did he recommend upper blepharoplasty to you ?
  • +1
Reactions: Nosecel, Deleted member 5393, DidntRead and 3 others
5S4RfCR 1

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Reactions: Deleted member 685 and Fear
Give pics from the same angle
The results are almost indistinguishable. Taban was very conservative in this case.
  • +1
Reactions: jdz6777, Incoming, reptiles and 2 others
you basically don't have any uee

you need lower eyelid retraction and not fillers

btw how much you paid for 1 syringe, and did he recommend upper blepharoplasty to you ?

Thanks, will look into this. All said and done, a little over a grand. He did not mention blepharoplasty.

The results are almost indistinguishable. Taban was very conservative in this case.

Those paragraphs
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Writing: 8.5/10; guy can write a solid yarn
Money: Completely wasted
  • +1
Reactions: TheEndHasNoEnd and Nosecel
Why even get upper eyelid fillers? I had them myself and they were shit, removed it. made my eyes really small and looked unnatural. it should be browridge BONE not soft tissue above your eyes

only reason to get it is if your upper eyelids are hollow, which yours arent. Mine werent either.

ALSO, DO YOU KNOW if he injected deep on top of bone or was just filling in the eyelid skin
Last edited:
Writing: 8.5/10; guy can write a solid yarn
Money: Completely wasted

Lol, thanks.

Why even get upper eyelid fillers? I had them myself and they were shit, removed it. made my eyes really small and looked unnatural. it should be browridge BONE not soft tissue above your eyes

only reason to get it is if your upper eyelids are hollow, which yours arent. Mine werent either.

ALSO, DO YOU KNOW if he injected deep on top of bone or was just filling in the eyelid skin

Seems to be hailed as the recommendation for hooding, which I wanted.
He only went into the eyelid skin.
Why is OPs eyes so big/round? I have the same issue when I dont squint, but I have a lot wider eyes than him

must be low set orbitals with lack of volume?
I see very little difference...
This is very well written. If you research orbital vectors and their effect on eyes, you will find that hooded eyes are effected by the degree of mandibular recession. Anyone with hunter eyes that tilts their head counterclockwise will reveal some upper eyelid.
Thanks kindly.

Will be interested to see if facepulling makes any appreciable difference on recession. Time will tell...
hooding looks bad if ur pfl to pfw ratio is bad

u need lower eyelid retraction and ur good to go
  • +1
Reactions: kilgrave
Second recommendation for LER...would you happen to have a ballpark figure before I deep dive into research?
read it all

you're aspie and delusional for sure but im mirin your grammar and word eloquence

should of saved for pct and smaller eyes
  • +1
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Reactions: Incoming and kilgrave
Second recommendation for LER...would you happen to have a ballpark figure before I deep dive into research?

you can ask taban for a quote
Result isnt that bad but I expected much better from taban. People who get filler for uee should also get Botox to lower their brows. I think both these treatments go well together and achieve that Hunter look. I’m surprised he used HA with u because he usually uses belotero. Also I’m not sure if you’re ginger but your brows give off that vibe , u look very much like mark zuckerberg. I think he should have added more to create a flat line that runs across the eyelid, as well as Botox for your brows to lower them. Also u should fix your colouring, go darker. A lot of hair dyes suitable fore eye area available. Finally I think a little bit of orbital decompression . Made this morph in a few minutes so not the best but gives u the idea


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Result isnt that bad but I expected much better from taban. People who get filler for uee should also get Botox to lower their brows. I think both these treatments go well together and achieve that Hunter look. I’m surprised he used HA with u because he usually uses belotero. Also I’m not sure if you’re ginger but your brows give off that vibe , u look very much like mark zuckerberg. I think he should have added more to create a flat line that runs across the eyelid, as well as Botox for your brows to lower them. Also u should fix your colouring, go darker. A lot of hair dyes suitable fore eye area available. Finally I think a little bit of orbital decompression . Made this morph in a few minutes so not the best but gives u the idea

Interesting...thanks for the incite and morph. Have never been mistaken for a ginger, but am very white. Actually working on a darker complexion, and will provide results if successful.
There were women past their prime in the windowless waiting room that, to be candid, was much smaller than I expected. Also one other guy - presumably there to pay for one of them. Then there was me, and my oversized Pelican suitcase.

I had been working in West Hollywood for about a week-and-a-half, and had a flight out later that evening. Since all transportation costs had been covered by my employer, I felt it was the perfect opportunity to act on something I had deliberated on for some time: upper eyelid filler. The decision was more a response to the impatience that had been building as I waited for more permanent, orthodontic results. I wanted something for right now, if only to serve as a temporary preview of what would come. But it couldn't be done by any shyster - no, the work needed to be authored by a true artist, someone whose name had been proclaimed from the highest incel mount. I needed Mehryar Taban.

I carried no shame, even in the tension-filled holding pen, fueled by each occupant's unspoken pact to keep their personally-waged war on their own sub-humanity a secret. Probably the closest thing to Purgatory this side of death, if you believe in such things. From there I was migrated into the next room - appearance like any other doctor's office - and couldn't help but grin as I thought of all of you, and the madness of the world that drove me here.

It wasn't long before I heard voices on the other side of the door. In those few seconds, it was as if waiting for the big drop on a roller going back. Finally, the man himself entered with all the mannerisms you would expect from a person in his tax bracket. He carried an upbeat demeanor, much more so than in our Skype consultation months earlier. He confirmed the plan (upper eyelid filler), and with the signing of a few documents (releasing him from any liability, even blindness), we were off to the races.

The procedure itself was quick, though not without the occasional sting of the needle. All things considered, I'm surprised there wasn't more of that. In total, one syringe of a hyaluronic-based filler was used across both eyelids. He apologized for creating a little bruising, and provided a miniature ice pack and mirror. I have to say I was satisfied with the immediate results; it was the quick fix I had been looking for. As time went by, however, I realized that I needed to fraud by tilting my head slightly forward. Still better than without the filler, but imagine how good it would feel to put no effort in at all. I essentially want to look blankly at someone while providing unlimited aesthetic value. Validation for nothing, yes, but more importantly to me, more business (I'm somewhat of an entrepreneur, albeit not quite successful at this point).

I was floored that my own mother couldn't tell anything had changed when I visited mere days after the procedure. At my next work site, there were subtle changes in the way I was treated. The site staff and management, for instance, seemed to offer unmeritted respect and take my recommendations at face value (no pun intended). A group of people bought me drinks at a bar, and then proceeded to dedicate songs via karaoke. Come to think of it, I barely paid for anything the whole week-and-a-half, as my colleague picked up the tab unless I insisted on reciprocating. I wouldn't be surprised if at least some of this was placebo, but - as a person living in my skin for a while - this wasn't the status quo.

Today (7 months later), the results seem indistinguishable to me, and it would appear that the people I interact with feel nothing special emanating off of me the way they would a man with hunter eyes. I had initially lobbied for fat grafts in place of filler, but Taban was resistant, claiming he liked predictable results better. I believe he says this to patients who haven't had fillers to avoid blow back in case they don't like their new look.

I tried my best to match the lighting in the before and after, but ultimately ended up with more in the after. The remaining photo is a few weeks post-procedure, and features some of that head tilt fraud I mentioned.

TLDR (aka Advice);

If you desire the permanent treatment, advocate for fat graft in the consultation, or at least ask for more filler than I did if UEE show is similar. Though I would typically argue for subtlety in the realm of plastic surgery, the upper eyelids (for me, anyway) need to be extraordinary. In other words, go big or go home.

If the facepuller methodology doesn't work (I receive my non-tooth anchored appliance this week), I may once again find myself in the inadvertent oculoplastic artist's chair once more.
nice results, most improved area is fs the inner uee hollowness.

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