Taking a 3 month break.



Aug 3, 2020
Sup guys, I know I'm basically a greyfag in this forum, but I got kinda addicted pretty quickly (the dopamine from notifications got me) and I'm going a bit to the shit right now ngl.
You guys are pretty based and legit tbh, I like this place, but I'm spending too much time here, just look at my reg day and my online time (I wasn't 100% of the time at the forum, more like background but you get the idea, 55 hours in 3 days or so).
I will take this time to get back to work on improving myself (was losing weight but started to ignore diet like a week ago and I am gaining weight for sure), I have a plan to improve my life (leanmaxx + socialmaxx hard) and I'm going to put in into action.
I also wanna say that I encourage you guys to get healthier diets and do exercise too and try to max whatever you can, don't even need to lift, just moving will be good for you if you are not moving much tbh... The mental energy and status is not the same, In 1 week I lost a lot of will to do anything, it's pretty insane what eating shit and not moving does to your mind.
I will post a detailed update after 3 months, (november the 7th) with what happened, what worked, what changed, etc.
If you want to be tagged in the 3 month update, say it in this post and I will tag you.
After this post goes live, I'm logging out and blocking this page. See ya then, I hope I can bring good news and inspire action and lifefuel for you guys.
Btw, from my "little" time here, I can confirm that both @eduardkoopman and @OhWellMaxing are high IQ users, legit af just read what they have to say.
See ya and take care you fags!
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Reactions: eduardkoopman, Deleted member 6400, xdxdxnice1 and 3 others
Joined monday
  • WTF
Reactions: Blackout.xl
good luck man
  • +1
Reactions: Blackout.xl
Time online 58:16
Sup guys, I know I'm basically a greyfag in this forum, but I got kinda addicted pretty quickly (the dopamine from notifications got me) and I'm going a bit to the shit right now ngl.
You guys are pretty based and legit tbh, I like this place, but I'm spending too much time here, just look at my reg day and my online time (I wasn't 100% of the time at the forum, more like background but you get the idea, 55 hours in 3 days or so).
I will take this time to get back to work on improving myself (was losing weight but started to ignore diet like a week ago and I am gaining weight for sure), I have a plan to improve my life (leanmaxx + socialmaxx hard) and I'm going to put in into action.
I also wanna say that I encourage you guys to get healthier diets and do exercise too and try to max whatever you can, don't even need to lift, just moving will be good for you if you are not moving much tbh... The mental energy and status is not the same, In 1 week I lost a lot of will to do anything, it's pretty insane what eating shit and not moving does to your mind.
I will post a detailed update after 3 months, (november the 7th) with what happened, what worked, what changed, etc.
If you want to be tagged in the 3 month update, say it in this post and I will tag you.
After this post goes live, I'm logging out and blocking this page. See ya then, I hope I can bring good news and inspire action and lifefuel for you guys.
Btw, from my "little" time here, I can confirm that both @eduardkoopman and @OhWellMaxing are high IQ users, legit af just read what they have to say.
See ya and take care you fags!
Good luck son
  • +1
Reactions: 6485b025t
Pahahahaa joined Monday not even I got addicted that quick jfl. Good thing you're leaving now tho. I've been sucked in now. Good luck bro, I'm trying to quit but I can't. Was supposed to quit midnight actually...
good luck man. tag me in ur shit when ur back
See you tomorrow
Good luck, take care
the blackpil is really hard to swallow,greycels leaving after 2 days,brutal
  • +1
Reactions: Chadlitecel

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