

I don’t know what to do with myself anymore
Jul 7, 2023
Prologue: Whispers in the Void

Some stories seem to belong to the realm of dreams, where reality bends, time loops in on itself, and nothing is ever quite as it appears. The Tales of Jo Bo begin here, in a world both familiar and strange, where battles rage, heroes rise, and destinies are written in the stars. But perhaps, buried deep within these tales, there lies a quieter truth—one only discernible to those willing to listen closely to the whispers between the lines.

Part 1: Victory at Polindly​

The year is 8282, and Jo Bo, a rising legend in the galaxy, leads his forces in the climactic Battle of Polindly. His nemesis, Bababinsoy, a tyrant known for his control over the flow of time, falls at Jo Bo’s hand. The citizens of Polindly rejoice as Jo Bo is hailed as a hero. That night, the city bursts into a celebration unlike any other—fireworks paint the sky, and Jo Bo, now victorious, is the center of it all.

But in the midst of the festivities, Greg, Jo Bo’s closest friend, betrays him. Greg steals away Jo Bo’s alien companion, leaving Jo Bo heartbroken and confused. It’s a moment that should feel final, but something about it feels unfinished, as if a thread has been left untied in Jo Bo’s mind.

The Tales of Jo Bo: A Journey Through Time
By Anon

Prologue: Whispers in the Void
Some stories seem to belong to the realm of dreams, where reality bends, time loops in on itself, and nothing is ever quite as it appears. The Tales of Jo Bo begin here, in a world both familiar and strange, where battles rage, heroes rise, and destinies are written in the stars. But perhaps, buried deep within these tales, there lies a quieter truth—one only discernible to those willing to listen closely to the whispers between the lines.

Part 1: Victory at Polindly​

The year is 8282, and Jo Bo, a rising legend in the galaxy, leads his forces in the climactic Battle of Polindly. His nemesis, Bababinsoy, a tyrant known for his control over the flow of time, falls at Jo Bo’s hand. The citizens of Polindly rejoice as Jo Bo is hailed as a hero. That night, the city bursts into a celebration unlike any other—fireworks paint the sky, and Jo Bo, now victorious, is the center of it all.
But in the midst of the festivities, Greg, Jo Bo’s closest friend, betrays him. Greg steals away Jo Bo’s alien companion, leaving Jo Bo heartbroken and confused. It’s a moment that should feel final, but something about it feels unfinished, as if a thread has been left untied in Jo Bo’s mind.

Part 2: The Nine Companions​

Jo Bo recovers from Greg’s betrayal by surrounding himself with nine companions, mysterious women who seem to appear just when he needs them. They are a source of strength and comfort as Jo Bo continues his rise to fame. Each one has her own talents, and together, they make Jo Bo’s life feel complete once again. Yet, despite their presence, Jo Bo can’t shake the feeling that something is missing—something vital that he can’t quite place.

Part 3: The Shadow of Bababinsoy​

Years later, Jo Bo has moved to Greece, seeking solace in the ruins of ancient cities. But peace is fleeting. Word arrives that Bababinsoy, once thought dead, has returned. This time, he’s not alone—he’s gained access to a Time Machine, and he’s using it to undo Jo Bo’s past victories.

Jo Bo, now older and wearier, faces Bababinsoy in battle once more. But this time, Bababinsoy seems invincible, his powers over time making him untouchable. Jo Bo can feel reality itself shifting, as if the fabric of time is unraveling in the wake of their fight.

Part 4: Nad Nad’s Intervention​

Nad Nad, a being of immense power, appears seemingly out of nowhere, capturing Bababinsoy and sealing him away in a void outside of time. The fight is brief, but decisive. Nad Nad’s abilities are beyond comprehension, leaving Jo Bo feeling both relieved and unsettled. The world around him seems to flicker, as if reality itself is struggling to maintain its shape.

Jo Bo reflects on the constant battles he’s fought—how no matter how many enemies he defeats, new ones seem to arise, each more dangerous than the last. He begins to question why he was chosen for this life. But these thoughts are fleeting, drowned out by the noise of the world around him.

Part 5: La Marcus Biggs​

In the year 82823, a new figure enters Jo Bo’s life—La Marcus Biggs, a visionary with bold ideas for reshaping the future. La Marcus proposes the creation of Lookmf.me, a digital platform that will unite people across galaxies. Intrigued, Jo Bo agrees to partner with him.

The project seems promising at first. But as Lookmf.me grows, Jo Bo begins to notice strange things happening around him—glitches in reality, moments that feel disconnected from the flow of time. La Marcus dismisses Jo Bo’s concerns, but the feeling lingers, growing stronger with each passing day.

The Tales of Jo Bo: A Journey Through Time
By Anon

Prologue: Whispers in the Void
Some stories seem to belong to the realm of dreams, where reality bends, time loops in on itself, and nothing is ever quite as it appears. The Tales of Jo Bo begin here, in a world both familiar and strange, where battles rage, heroes rise, and destinies are written in the stars. But perhaps, buried deep within these tales, there lies a quieter truth—one only discernible to those willing to listen closely to the whispers between the lines.

Part 1: Victory at Polindly​

The year is 8282, and Jo Bo, a rising legend in the galaxy, leads his forces in the climactic Battle of Polindly. His nemesis, Bababinsoy, a tyrant known for his control over the flow of time, falls at Jo Bo’s hand. The citizens of Polindly rejoice as Jo Bo is hailed as a hero. That night, the city bursts into a celebration unlike any other—fireworks paint the sky, and Jo Bo, now victorious, is the center of it all.
But in the midst of the festivities, Greg, Jo Bo’s closest friend, betrays him. Greg steals away Jo Bo’s alien companion, leaving Jo Bo heartbroken and confused. It’s a moment that should feel final, but something about it feels unfinished, as if a thread has been left untied in Jo Bo’s mind.

Part 2: The Nine Companions​

Jo Bo recovers from Greg’s betrayal by surrounding himself with nine companions, mysterious women who seem to appear just when he needs them. They are a source of strength and comfort as Jo Bo continues his rise to fame. Each one has her own talents, and together, they make Jo Bo’s life feel complete once again. Yet, despite their presence, Jo Bo can’t shake the feeling that something is missing—something vital that he can’t quite place.

Part 3: The Shadow of Bababinsoy​

Years later, Jo Bo has moved to Greece, seeking solace in the ruins of ancient cities. But peace is fleeting. Word arrives that Bababinsoy, once thought dead, has returned. This time, he’s not alone—he’s gained access to a Time Machine, and he’s using it to undo Jo Bo’s past victories.
Jo Bo, now older and wearier, faces Bababinsoy in battle once more. But this time, Bababinsoy seems invincible, his powers over time making him untouchable. Jo Bo can feel reality itself shifting, as if the fabric of time is unraveling in the wake of their fight.

Part 4: Nad Nad’s Intervention​

Nad Nad, a being of immense power, appears seemingly out of nowhere, capturing Bababinsoy and sealing him away in a void outside of time. The fight is brief, but decisive. Nad Nad’s abilities are beyond comprehension, leaving Jo Bo feeling both relieved and unsettled. The world around him seems to flicker, as if reality itself is struggling to maintain its shape.
Jo Bo reflects on the constant battles he’s fought—how no matter how many enemies he defeats, new ones seem to arise, each more dangerous than the last. He begins to question why he was chosen for this life. But these thoughts are fleeting, drowned out by the noise of the world around him.

Part 5: La Marcu Biggs​

In the year 82823, a new figure enters Jo Bo’s life—La Marcu Biggs, a visionary with bold ideas for reshaping the future. La Marcu proposes the creation of Lokakmf.me, a digital platform that will unite people across galaxies. Intrigued, Jo Bo agrees to partner with him.
The project seems promising at first. But as Lokakmf.me grows, Jo Bo begins to notice strange things happening around him—glitches in reality, moments that feel disconnected from the flow of time. La Marcus dismisses Jo Bo’s concerns, but the feeling lingers, growing stronger with each passing day.

Part 6: Dr. Hotpot’s Revenge​

Not everyone is pleased with the rise of Lokakmf.me. Dr. Hotpot, a villainous figure from Jo Bo’s past, returns, intent on destroying everything Jo Bo and La Marcus have built. He poisons La Marcu with a deadly chili concoction, leaving him incapacitated for weeks.
Jo Bo, driven by loyalty and a sense of duty, hunts down Dr. Hotpot. The showdown is brief but brutal—Jo Bo eliminates him without hesitation. But even in victory, Jo Bo feels an unsettling numbness. He can’t shake the feeling that something is deeply wrong, though he can’t quite place what it is.

Part 7: Greg’s Return​

Just when Jo Bo believes he’s put the past behind him, Greg returns. No longer the friend he once was, Greg has become a twisted version of himself—an incel, consumed by bitterness and jealousy. Greg challenges Jo Bo’s claim to Alexandria Kliotopian, a powerful and enigmatic figure who has entered their lives.

The conflict between Jo Bo and Greg is brief. Jo Bo wins easily, but the victory feels hollow. Alexandria seems distant, her presence more of a shadow than a person. Jo Bo begins to wonder if Greg’s defeat was inevitable, or if something deeper is at play, something neither of them understands.

Part 8: Bababinsoy’s Final Message​

A cryptic broadcast from Bababinsoy reaches Jo Bo, even from beyond the grave. The message is strange, filled with fragmented thoughts and half-finished sentences. Bababinsoy reveals that he had always been trying to protect something—something important. Jo Bo listens to the broadcast over and over, trying to decipher its meaning.

It becomes clear that Bababinsoy had built a door to guard a time portal, a last defense against forces far greater than Jo Bo ever imagined. Jo Bo’s mind reels as he tries to reconcile this new information with everything he thought he knew about Bababinsoy.

Part 9: Fusion Experiments​

With Bababinsoy gone and La Marcu recovered from Dr. Hotpot’s poison, Jo Bo and La Marcu turn their attention to new experiments. They begin working on a fusion reactor, a device capable of generating infinite energy. Their goal is to infuse Core 5 into the servers of .me, creating an unbreakable network.

The experiment succeeds, but not without consequence. As the reactor hums to life, Jo Bo senses a shift in the world around him. The boundaries of reality blur, and for a brief moment, Jo Bo sees something—a flicker of an alternate world, one where nothing is as it seems.

Part 10: The Growing Glitch​

As the fusion reactor powers .me, strange phenomena begin to occur. People start disappearing, glitches appear in the fabric of reality, and time itself seems to bend. Jo Bo feels increasingly disconnected from the world around him. He tries to confront La Marcus, but La Marcus is too consumed by the success of the project to listen.

Jo Bo wonders if he’s the only one who can see the cracks forming in the world. He tries to ignore them, to push forward, but the feeling of unease only grows stronger.

Part 11: Greg’s Descent​

Greg, once Jo Bo’s ally, has spiraled further into darkness. He blames Jo Bo for his failures, for the loss of Alexandria, for everything that’s gone wrong in his life. Greg’s bitterness has consumed him, turning him into a shadow of his former self.

Jo Bo watches Greg from a distance, wondering if there was something he could have done differently. But even as Greg lashes out, Jo Bo feels strangely detached from the conflict, as if it’s happening in another world, another time.

Part 12: The Fall of Jo Bo and La Marcus’ Rise​

Jo Bo’s influence in the world starts to unravel. Greg and Knety, who are revealed to have Jewish heritage and ties to the legacy of Bababinsoy, complicate matters further. Jo Bo’s ally, La Marcus, grows increasingly powerful, amassing billions of dollars while Jo Bo spirals into suicidal despair.

La Marcus becomes unstoppable, his ambitions escalating as he prepares to unleash more powerful tech innovations. Gengar, a shadowy figure from another timeline, emerges as a new threat, determined to stop La Marcus before the world descends into total chaos. Nad Nad offers only cryptic words, hinting that Jo Bo is seeing beyond the "illusion"—but what illusion, Jo Bo cannot tell.

Ah, I see! Let’s expand the story into parts 12 through 20, subtly continuing the theme while deepening the narrative and further weaving in hidden layers. Here we go:

Part 12: The Crack in Time​

Jo Bo can no longer ignore the cracks in reality. Each day, more and more glitches appear—moments that seem to rewind or loop, people who speak in broken sentences, and places that flicker in and out of existence. One evening, Jo Bo witnesses something impossible: a version of himself from the past walking through the streets of Polindly. The figure doesn’t seem to notice Jo Bo, but it walks with purpose, as if it knows something Jo Bo doesn’t.
Troubled, Jo Bo seeks out Nad Nad, who remains elusive. But when they finally meet, Nad Nad offers only cryptic words, hinting that Jo Bo is seeing beyond the "illusion"—but what illusion, Jo Bo cannot tell.

Part 13: The Long Night​

The world grows darker. Jo Bo's companions, the nine women who once brought him comfort, begin to disappear one by one. Some leave without a word, others fade away before his eyes, their presence dissolving like sand in the wind. Jo Bo grows desperate, searching the galaxy for answers, but everywhere he goes, he finds only silence.
The Long Night, as it comes to be known, marks the beginning of a time where Jo Bo feels utterly alone. His victories feel meaningless, and the world around him seems increasingly unreal, like a dream from which he cannot wake.

Part 14: Greg’s Fall​

The battle was fierce, but Greg’s fate had already been sealed. In a devastating ambush orchestrated by Jo Bo himself, Greg was cornered, his once-powerful form brought down by a lethal strike. Jo Bo showed no mercy, driven by a deeper hunger for power. Greg’s body lay broken before him. With cold determination, Jo Bo ripped Greg’s pancreas from his lifeless form.

The pancreas was no ordinary organ. Jo Bo knew its importance for powering the fusion 4D frequency reactor. The 4D reactor hummed ominously as Jo Bo fed the pancreas into it, setting off a chain reaction that would fuel the reactor with a power beyond comprehension. As the machine roared to life, Jo Bo watched with grim satisfaction, knowing that Greg’s death had paved the way for even greater dominance.

Part 15: The Birth of the Anti-La Marcu Squad​

Far away, in the shadowed alleys of a decaying metropolis, Gengar began to gather his forces. After years of bitterness and betrayal, he had decided to bring down La Marcu once and for all. The Anti-La Marcu Squad was born—a rogue faction of rebels, mercenaries, and forgotten soldiers who saw through the false promises of the president of their reality.

Part 16: Jo Bo’s Betrayal​

Back in the heart of the collapsing system, Jo Bo received the news of La Marcu’s ascension. For years, he had tolerated La Marcu’s control, believing it to serve his own interests. But now, the reality of the situation had changed. Jo Bo knew that La Marcu’s power had grown too great. Jo Bo no longer wanted any part of this alliance.

In a bold move, Jo Bo publicly denounced La Marcu, declaring that he would no longer serve under his regime. But La Marcu was not one to tolerate disloyalty. In a swift and ruthless move, Jo Bo was captured, imprisoned in a 5D planetary reality prison, locked away with those who had once opposed him.

Part 16: The 5D Prison​

The prison was unlike anything Jo Bo had experienced before. The walls shifted, the floors twisted, and time itself seemed to bend in impossible ways. It was a place where the past, present, and future collided, where escape seemed impossible.

In the depths of the prison, Jo Bo discovered two unlikely allies: Dr. Hotpot Jr., the son of his old adversary, and Gengar, his former enemy turned comrade-in-arms. They had both been imprisoned by La Marcu’s regime, and though their histories were tangled with betrayal, they knew they would need to work together to escape.

Part 17: The Plan​

Dr. Hotpot Jr. was a genius, much like his father, and he had been studying the prison’s structure since his capture. He knew that the prison was powered by a fusion core similar to the one Jo Bo had once fueled with Greg’s pancreas. If they could overload the core, they might be able to break through the prison’s dimensional barriers.

Gengar, began to devise a plan. They would need to create a distraction—something that would divert the prison’s guards while they sabotaged the core. Jo Bo, still the most feared man in the galaxy, would lead the charge.

Absolutely! Let’s rework parts 12-20 with the new direction, focusing on the brutal events surrounding Greg, the hijacking attempt, Jo Bo’s turn against La Marcu, and the prison escape with Dr. Hotpot Jr. and Gengar.

Part 12: Greg’s Fall​

The battle was fierce, but Greg’s fate had already been sealed. In a devastating ambush orchestrated by Jo Bo himself, Greg was cornered, his once-powerful form brought down by a lethal strike. Jo Bo showed no mercy, driven by a deeper hunger for power. Greg’s body lay broken before him. With cold determination, Jo Bo ripped Greg’s pancreas from his lifeless form.
The pancreas was no ordinary organ. Jo Bo knew its importance for powering the fusion 4D frequency reactor. The 4D reactor hummed ominously as Jo Bo fed the pancreas into it, setting off a chain reaction that would fuel the reactor with a power beyond comprehension. As the machine roared to life, Jo Bo watched with grim satisfaction, knowing that Greg’s death had paved the way for even greater dominance.

Part 13: The Birth of the Anti-La Marcu Squad​

Far away, in the shadowed alleys of a decaying metropolis, Gengar began to gather his forces. After years of bitterness and betrayal, he had decided to bring down La Marcu once and for all. The Anti-La Marcu Squad was born—a rogue faction of rebels, mercenaries, and forgotten soldiers who saw through the false promises of the president of their reality.
Gengar trained his squad to perfection. They were relentless, cunning, and determined to hijack La Marcu's power. Their plan was simple: intercept La Marcu’s transport vehicle and strike while he was vulnerable.

Part 13: The Hijacking Attempt​

The streets were silent as the Anti-La Marcu squad moved in on La Marcu’s convoy. Gengar, leading the charge, knew this was their moment. But as they breached the perimeter and disabled La Marcu’s vehicle, they realized they had underestimated their target.
La Marcu had anticipated the attack. His car, an armored behemoth infused with reality-warping technology, was impervious to their assault. As the squad launched every tool in their arsenal, La Marcu casually broadcasted an announcement: he had just become the president of the entire planetary-reality system. The hijacking was a failure, and Gengar barely escaped with his life.

Part 14: Jo Bo’s Betrayal​

Back in the heart of the collapsing system, Jo Bo received the news of La Marcu’s ascension. For years, he had tolerated La Marcu’s control, believing it to serve his own interests. But now, the reality of the situation had changed. Jo Bo knew that La Marcu’s power had grown too great. Jo Bo no longer wanted any part of this alliance.
In a bold move, Jo Bo publicly denounced La Marcu, declaring that he would no longer serve under his regime. But La Marcu was not one to tolerate disloyalty. In a swift and ruthless move, Jo Bo was captured, imprisoned in a 5D planetary reality prison, locked away with those who had once opposed him.

Part 15: The 5D Prison​

The prison was unlike anything Jo Bo had experienced before. The walls shifted, the floors twisted, and time itself seemed to bend in impossible ways. It was a place where the past, present, and future collided, where escape seemed impossible.
In the depths of the prison, Jo Bo discovered two unlikely allies: Dr. Hotpot Jr., the son of his old adversary, and Gengar, his former enemy turned comrade-in-arms. They had both been imprisoned by La Marcu’s regime, and though their histories were tangled with betrayal, they knew they would need to work together to escape.

Part 16: The Plan​

Dr. Hotpot Jr. was a genius, much like his father, and he had been studying the prison’s structure since his capture. He knew that the prison was powered by a fusion core similar to the one Jo Bo had once fueled with Greg’s pancreas. If they could overload the core, they might be able to break through the prison’s dimensional barriers.
Gengar, always the strategist, began to devise a plan. They would need to create a distraction—something that would divert the prison’s guards while they sabotaged the core. Jo Bo, still the most feared man in the galaxy, would lead the charge.

Part 18: The Escape Begins​

The day of the escape came quickly. Jo Bo, Gengar, and Dr. Hotpot Jr. initiated their plan with surgical precision. Jo Bo ignited chaos in the prison, leading a full-scale riot that shook the very foundations of the 5D structure. The guards scrambled to regain control, but the prison’s reality began to fracture under the strain of the uprising.
Meanwhile, Gengar and Dr. Hotpot Jr. worked their way to the heart of the prison, where the fusion core pulsed with unimaginable power. They hacked into the core’s systems, preparing it for the overload that would free them from the prison’s grip.

Part 19: The Reactor Overload​

As the fusion core began to overload, the prison’s reality warped and twisted. Time itself became unstable, with prisoners and guards alike caught in a loop of endless confusion. Jo Bo, Gengar, and Dr. Hotpot Jr. fought their way through the chaos, dodging reality shifts and collapsing timelines as they made their final push for freedom.

The core reached critical mass, and with a blinding flash, the 5D prison’s walls crumbled. Jo Bo and his comrades were flung through space and time, their bodies and minds stretched to the breaking point as they escaped the prison’s grip. Found themselves on the other side of the astral realm, far from La Marcu’s reach

Part 20​

Gengar brutally dies by implosion of his brain because i dont want him in Tales of Jo Bo as hes not that interesting

Epilogue: Fragments of the Mind

In a quiet room, the boy stares at the ceiling. His thoughts drift between the past and present, between reality and fantasy. The doctors whisper in the hall, discussing his condition. But to the boy, none of that matters. For in his mind, the Tales of Jo Bo continue, the world outside a distant, irrelevant echo of something he no longer cares to understand.
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@imthesupremecel @Xangsane
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im gonna read this to my kids as a bedtime story
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