Talk about your looksmaxxing results from mk677 and RAD in this thread



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Mar 9, 2020
Particularly interested in changes in facial bone structure and Sexual Dimorphism and (possibly height if any)
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SARMs are supposed to have basically zero androgenic side effects, so you wouldn't gain any "Sexual Dimorphism" from it.
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SARMs are supposed to have basically zero androgenic side effects, so you wouldn't gain any "Sexual Dimorphism" from it.
Legit But isn’t there technically a “boost” in T levels, by which Sexual Dimorphism is kinda improved? Then we can say that they indirectly affect it, no?
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someone likes here so i can see later please
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someone likes here so i can see later please
you can just press watch on the upper right corner so that you could get notified each time someone responds here bro
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Legit But isn’t there technically a “boost” in T levels, by which Sexual Dimorphism is kinda improved? Then we can say that they indirectly affect it, no?
There is no boost in T levels on SARMs, since they go for the same receptors T go for. And without exogenous testosterone you'll probably end up lowering or even shutting yourself down on cycle.

And for roids in general, they would only give a tiny amount of Sexual Dimorphism if given quite early and for a long time.
Please don't fall for the meme thinking someone could "Just inject tren bro!" at 18 and get any sexual dimorphism.
Unless you're EXTREMELY Estrogen dominant i doubt you'd gain any dimorphism from SARMs and or regular roids. Sorry lad
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you can just press watch on the upper right corner so that you could get notified each time someone responds here bro
Holy shit didnt know that
Thanks this gonna save my life on this forum
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Legit But isn’t there technically a “boost” in T levels, by which Sexual Dimorphism is kinda improved? Then we can say that they indirectly affect it, no?
Also, depends on how sensitive your androgen receptors are.
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mk677 bloated me HARD but it might've broadened my shoulders. I took it when I was 15 or 16 I believe but the increase in frame was probably just due to puberty.

I did notice that I performed better when playing sports when I was on mk677.

One large drawback to mk677 is a study that showed people who took it developed PTSD like symptoms. I'm definitely not normal mentally and it might've worsened that.
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Didn’t get any of the above however got mad strength gains + mass, increased my incline bench by 80lbs, OHP by 60lbs, squat by 110lbs etc
I ran 25mg mk677, 20mg rad140 , 8 weeks no PCT

Actually I did notice increase in libido too but I’m unsure which compound it was from, I suspect rad
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Didn’t get any of the above however got mad strength gains + mass, increased my incline bench by 80lbs, OHP by 60lbs, squat by 110lbs etc
I ran 25mg mk677, 20mg rad140 , 8 weeks no PCT

Actually I did notice increase in libido too but I’m unsure which compound it was from, I suspect rad

How much did you gain muscle/retain muscle after cycle?
How much did you gain muscle/retain muscle after cycle?

I stopped taking rad, but I continued mk so I only saw about about 5-10lbs decrease in weight. However i've been on and off for a couple of years now. Ran mk,lgd,rad sometimes separately sometimes two compunds. I believe if after you come off aslong as you're eating enough protein and trying to max's your lifts as much as possible you can maintain most of it tbh
I stopped taking rad, but I continued mk so I only saw about about 5-10lbs decrease in weight. However i've been on and off for a couple of years now. Ran mk,lgd,rad sometimes separately sometimes two compunds. I believe if after you come off aslong as you're eating enough protein and trying to max's your lifts as much as possible you can maintain most of it tbh
Hmm, if you stayed on MK, I suspect that ALL of that 5-10lbs was muscle, which is weird, I only lost 4kg, most of that water, from LGD + Osta + MK.
Obv since RAD is dry and MK is ridiculously watery, that is a silly stack. I recommend running the RAD with Osta, be in a slight deficit with V high protein to get dry gains of 5kg+, then do nolva + MK for PCT, will ensure maximum gains are retained due to the increase in strength that MK gives (which combats the huge drop in strength that you get as soon as you hop off), of course, you'll look heaps bloated, however you can combat this by dropping all sodium and drinking heaps of diuretics, just keep blasting and cruisng doiing this cycle for 1 year max; 8 weeks on 8 weeks off, to get ideal physique.
I'm assuming you're already at your goal since you already display knowledge on this topic, so this is more for the other guys.
Face > Body
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