Technique: How to pickup girls from class



Dec 4, 2022
This past year I had barely any friends at uni due to COVID and family shit, so I couldn't go out on the weekends, which meant I had to rely on picking up girls through class. My PSL isn't high enough for Tinder and I don't have a fraudmaxxed instagram, so that wasn't an option.

Note that you have to capitalize on this technique within the first two weeks of the semester.

Step 1: Arrive 3 minutes before class. Sit in a seat which is one seat away from a girl. If you come too early, then sitting next to a girl will be awkward because her clique might pull up and look at you like wtf is this guy doing here. 3 minutes is the perfect sweet spot where you can pick out your prey without having the seats filled up (if you come too late).

Step 2: Once you sit down, look over at her and smile. This only works if you are MTN+, so don't try this if you look like 5 foot 2 indian janitor. Ask her a retarded question like "Did the professor email us the syllabus?". It dosen't have to make logical sense. Have a 2 minute conversation. After lecture is over, say something like "This course looks like it's going to be pretty hard. Have you heard anything about it? <She replies yeah its hard> Then say "I'm definitely going to need some help for this class. Can I get your phone number?".

Step 3: This is the key step. This is where you need speed and generosity. Finish the first assignment as fast as possible and send her the assignment. Once she responds like "Thank you!", GHOST. This is key. Don't text her again.

Step 4: Wait for her to respond back. If she asks for the next assignment, say you didn't finish and ask her for the assignment. Don't look like a betamale cuck.

Step 5: For the upcoming test, tell her you want to study together in the library. Choose a time in the evening.

Step 6: Build good chemistry during the study date and take her back to your place.

Step 7: Enjoy having your new fucktoy for the rest of the semester.

For me, this has had a 50% success rate, and with two of the "failures", I got to at least Step 5.
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This past year I had barely any friends at uni due to COVID and family shit, so I couldn't go out on the weekends, which meant I had to rely on picking up girls through class. My PSL isn't high enough for Tinder and I don't have a fraudmaxxed instagram, so that wasn't an option.

Note that you have to capitalize on this technique within the first two weeks of the semester.

Step 1: Arrive 3 minutes before class. Sit in a seat which is one seat away from a girl. If you come too early, then sitting next to a girl will be awkward because her clique might pull up and look at you like wtf is this guy doing here. 3 minutes is the perfect sweet spot where you can pick out your prey without having the seats filled up (if you come too late).

Step 2: Once you sit down, look over at her and smile. This only works if you are MTN+, so don't try this if you look like 5 foot 2 indian janitor. Ask her a retarded question like "Did the professor email us the syllabus?". It dosen't have to make logical sense. Have a 2 minute conversation. After lecture is over, say something like "This course looks like it's going to be pretty hard. Have you heard anything about it? <She replies yeah its hard> Then say "I'm definitely going to need some help for this class. Can I get your phone number?".

Step 3: This is the key step. This is where you need speed and generosity. Finish the first assignment as fast as possible and send her the assignment. Once she responds like "Thank you!", GHOST. This is key. Don't text her again.

Step 4: Wait for her to respond back. If she asks for the next assignment, say you didn't finish and ask her for the assignment. Don't look like a betamale cuck.

Step 5: For the upcoming test, tell her you want to study together in the library. Choose a time in the evening.

Step 6: Build good chemistry during the study date and take her back to your place.

Step 7: Enjoy having your new fucktoy for the rest of the semester.

For me, this has had a 50% success rate, and with two of the "failures", I got to at least Step 5.
Idk, the finishing your homework, then sending it to her, then ghosting sounds like some cringy redpill pua stuff.
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solo mide 1.82

mandíbulas bien desarrolladas

requerimientos mínimos
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Idk, the finishing your homework, then sending it to her, then ghosting sounds like some cringy redpill pua stuff.
It's not redpill PUA. The reason you ghost is so that she dosen't see you as a desperate creep. You want the relationship to be 2-sided. You sending the homework is doing your part, so you want her to do her part.
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It's not redpill PUA. The reason you ghost is so that she dosen't see you as a desperate creep. You want the relationship to be 2-sided. You sending the homework is doing your part, so you want her to do her part.
whats her part?
Step 1:

Be in class

Over for not in education-cels.
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This past year I had barely any friends at uni due to COVID and family shit, so I couldn't go out on the weekends, which meant I had to rely on picking up girls through class. My PSL isn't high enough for Tinder and I don't have a fraudmaxxed instagram, so that wasn't an option.

Note that you have to capitalize on this technique within the first two weeks of the semester.

Step 1: Arrive 3 minutes before class. Sit in a seat which is one seat away from a girl. If you come too early, then sitting next to a girl will be awkward because her clique might pull up and look at you like wtf is this guy doing here. 3 minutes is the perfect sweet spot where you can pick out your prey without having the seats filled up (if you come too late).

Step 2: Once you sit down, look over at her and smile. This only works if you are MTN+, so don't try this if you look like 5 foot 2 indian janitor. Ask her a retarded question like "Did the professor email us the syllabus?". It dosen't have to make logical sense. Have a 2 minute conversation. After lecture is over, say something like "This course looks like it's going to be pretty hard. Have you heard anything about it? <She replies yeah its hard> Then say "I'm definitely going to need some help for this class. Can I get your phone number?".

Step 3: This is the key step. This is where you need speed and generosity. Finish the first assignment as fast as possible and send her the assignment. Once she responds like "Thank you!", GHOST. This is key. Don't text her again.

Step 4: Wait for her to respond back. If she asks for the next assignment, say you didn't finish and ask her for the assignment. Don't look like a betamale cuck.

Step 5: For the upcoming test, tell her you want to study together in the library. Choose a time in the evening.

Step 6: Build good chemistry during the study date and take her back to your place.

Step 7: Enjoy having your new fucktoy for the rest of the semester.

For me, this has had a 50% success rate, and with two of the "failures", I got to at least Step 5.
There is a flaw here, correcting and complementing this:

- Quickly asking number after talk soon after class sounds very forced, and it will be awkward to her to give phone number in front of many other guys around, also only the fact she is hot other guys around will want to engage in the conversation also
Solution would be talk a little bit longer, then ask phone number, she will more likely be alone you and her, she would feel more comfortable. And now this is key, if there is another guy in the conversation great also, just ask the number of both, sounds off radar because you are asking the man also, and of course later you just talk to the girl.

- Doesnt make sense step3, you are not ghosting her at all, "Thank you" is a message that doesnt require response and is even needy to respond this

But great initiative here, step6 is by far the most important and hard, posting more detail about would be nice
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very good but how to do this with 14 year old middle schoolers
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Or just steal her notes
1. Be good looking
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wtf dude this is like the worst way to pull girls

too much effort and time just for one girl damn, only worth it if the girl is some 5'10 gigastacy
There is a flaw here, correcting and complementing this:

- Quickly asking number after talk soon after class sounds very forced, and it will be awkward to her to give phone number in front of many other guys around, also only the fact she is hot other guys around will want to engage in the conversation also
Solution would be talk a little bit longer, then ask phone number, she will more likely be alone you and her, she would feel more comfortable. And now this is key, if there is another guy in the conversation great also, just ask the number of both, sounds off radar because you are asking the man also, and of course later you just talk to the girl.

- Doesnt make sense step3, you are not ghosting her at all, "Thank you" is a message that doesnt require response and is even needy to respond this

But great initiative here, step6 is by far the most important and hard, posting more detail about would be nice
Hitting on a girl infront of other people is really bad imo

The other people will start to hate you / become jealous
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wtf dude this is like the worst way to pull girls

too much effort and time just for one girl damn, only worth it if the girl is some 5'10 gigastacy
I see what you mean, but I didn't have the other options to establish contact at the time.
Last week some chick arrived late, sat next to me in class, shook around super nervously for like 10 minutes, asked to copy my notes (which I obliged), took a pic of my notes, then nervously sat there shaking for the rest of class.
wtf dude this is like the worst way to pull girls

too much effort and time just for one girl damn, only worth it if the girl is some 5'10 gigastacy
What is alternative?
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Last week some chick arrived late, sat next to me in class, shook around super nervously for like 10 minutes, asked to copy my notes (which I obliged), took a pic of my notes, then nervously sat there shaking for the rest of class.
I missed class and some low tier becky who sat in front of me turned around and gave me the previous class notes. she had her eyes on me cuz she knew i missed class and it was over the weekend too. bitch got them backshots like 2 weeks later when i hit her up on IG.
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I missed class and some low tier becky who sat in front of me turned around and gave me the previous class notes. she had her eyes on me cuz she knew i missed class and it was over the weekend too. bitch got them backshots like 2 weeks later when i hit her up on IG.
i dont have an ig (never have)
It's over. I only sit next to males in my classes.
make friends with those males and go to the bars on the weekend.
How to approach at bars? Most people are usually in a group composed of their social circle and aren't really looking for random guys to hit on them.
How to approach at bars? Most people are usually in a group composed of their social circle and aren't really looking for random guys to hit on them.
Good point. Usually, these girls are associated with some sort of guys. Become LOW inhib and approach the guys and weasel your way to the girls.
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It's over. I only sit next to males in my classes.
Over for me 2. We only have 2 subhuman foids in our compsci class, one has aspergers, the other is a starvemaxxed crack addict
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Good point. Usually, these girls are associated with some sort of guys. Become LOW inhib and approach the guys and weasel your way to the girls.
Sounds like a meme. Has this ever worked for you?
No way you’re getting her number unless Chadlite+
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How to approach at bars? Most people are usually in a group composed of their social circle and aren't really looking for random guys to hit on them.
Better go to nightclubs and parties. University parties are the best, then the big event parties
This past year I had barely any friends at uni due to COVID and family shit, so I couldn't go out on the weekends, which meant I had to rely on picking up girls through class. My PSL isn't high enough for Tinder and I don't have a fraudmaxxed instagram, so that wasn't an option.

Note that you have to capitalize on this technique within the first two weeks of the semester.

Step 1: Arrive 3 minutes before class. Sit in a seat which is one seat away from a girl. If you come too early, then sitting next to a girl will be awkward because her clique might pull up and look at you like wtf is this guy doing here. 3 minutes is the perfect sweet spot where you can pick out your prey without having the seats filled up (if you come too late).

Step 2: Once you sit down, look over at her and smile. This only works if you are MTN+, so don't try this if you look like 5 foot 2 indian janitor. Ask her a retarded question like "Did the professor email us the syllabus?". It dosen't have to make logical sense. Have a 2 minute conversation. After lecture is over, say something like "This course looks like it's going to be pretty hard. Have you heard anything about it? <She replies yeah its hard> Then say "I'm definitely going to need some help for this class. Can I get your phone number?".

Step 3: This is the key step. This is where you need speed and generosity. Finish the first assignment as fast as possible and send her the assignment. Once she responds like "Thank you!", GHOST. This is key. Don't text her again.

Step 4: Wait for her to respond back. If she asks for the next assignment, say you didn't finish and ask her for the assignment. Don't look like a betamale cuck.

Step 5: For the upcoming test, tell her you want to study together in the library. Choose a time in the evening.

Step 6: Build good chemistry during the study date and take her back to your place.

Step 7: Enjoy having your new fucktoy for the rest of the semester.

For me, this has had a 50% success rate, and with two of the "failures", I got to at least Step 5.
The female in question (probably)
En5f tAVcAEN6po large
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Step 1:

Be in class

Over for not in education-cels.
Don't even have to be in class. I walked over to a girl in the school lunch room and asked her to come eat with me, bought her a coffee and that was all it took to have sex with her. I'm tall/stronk but I have fucked droopy eyes, it was still easy as shit.
Don't even have to be in class. I walked over to a girl in the school lunch room and asked her to come eat with me, bought her a coffee and that was all it took to have sex with her. I'm tall/stronk but I have fucked droopy eyes, it was still easy as shit.
I can't tell if calling everything "class" after High-School is an American thing, or if most of the users here are literally just high school kids.

Eh, either way, good on you.
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Studious rizz

I might try this but if I get rejected I might rope. I'm tall but I don't know if my face is aesthetic enough to not get told to fuck off and get humiliated. The worst part is you'd have to see her everyday during class 💀
Hitting on a girl infront of other people is really bad imo

The other people will start to hate you / become jealous
I've had great success with it. it is turbo nt. of course you need to play it right and the appropriate occasion
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I've had great success with it. it is turbo nt. of course you need to play it right and the appropriate occasion
I think especially guys will take offense from it, I have done it before and they will barely talk to me afterwards

Also women with low self confidence will also get angry if you hit on a more attractive girl infront of them

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