Telegony & Microchimerism - It's over for non-virgin women and you if you marry one.



Nov 30, 2022
First things first, regardless of jewish studies, Telegony is infact very real. Telegony is essentially the "theory", not really a theory as it's true, that a womans children can inherit the characteristics and other traits + DNA from her past sexual encounters.

Microchimerism - Sperm can enter a womans brain and permanently change her personality.
You see those horse racing? those horses are worth millions and guess what the trainers believe in? Telegony, they understand the mother cannot have had sexual relations with inferior males as even if she has a child with a bull/superior male to try and create a superior off-spring that may be a race-worthy horse, the DNA of the previous inferior sexual partners has an affect on the offspring.

In this study they provide a description of male Mc in the female human brain and specific brain regions. The study was originally trying to determine if women who have been pregnant with a son might be more predisposed to certain neurological diseases since these certain diseases occur more frequently in males.

"Collectively with data showing the presence of male DNA in the cerebrospinal fluid [32], our results indicate that fetal DNA and likely cells can cross the human blood-brain barrier (BBB) and reside in the brain. Changes in BBB permeability occur during pregnancy [33] and may therefore provide a unique opportunity for the establishment of Mc in the brain. Also unique to our study are the findings that male Mc in the human female brain is relatively frequent (positive in 63% of subjects) and distributed in multiple brain regions, and is potentially persistent across the human lifespan (the oldest female in whom male DNA was detected in the brain was 94 years)."

Through the study they blindly and politically assume that all male Mc DNA found hosting in the female brain was from a male pregnancy. Funny how even our brightest scientists can live in denial.

All animal breeders know telegony is real but somehow it's not real for human beings? What a joke!
Surely it's not suppressed by jews who want women to engage in casual sex right? surely it couldn't be that r-right? heh.

"women participants contained spermatozoa in the cerebro-spinal fluid post-coitus" and this is very likely just the most recent women who were scanned, the likely figure over a period is significant.

Sperm is alive. It is living cells. When it is injected into you it swims and attaches and burrows into your flesh. If its in your mouth it swims and climbs into your nasal passages, inner ear, and behind your eyes. Then digs in. It enters your blood stream and collects in your brain and spine. Like something out of a scifi movie.

I love how the agenda has convinced young ladies to be promiscuous. They knowingly are sabotaging generations of young women. Of COURSE they are.

The male DNA can also pass into and become part of a fetus from an entirely different male. So if your woman has a long track record, then your kids are likely carrying DNA from her past hookups.

Is this why the ancient Sumerian Gods specifically said to not have premarital sex? Is this why they forbid homosexuality?

We have only begun to understand the power and ramifications of this.
Links below:

"CONCLUSIONS: Male microchimerism was not infrequent in women without sons. Besides known pregnancies, other possible sources of male microchimerism include unrecognized spontaneous abortion, vanished male twin, an older brother transferred by the maternal circulation, or SEXUAL INTERCOURSE. Male microchimerism was significantly more frequent and levels were higher in women with induced abortion than in women with other pregnancy histories. Further studies are needed to determine specific origins of male microchimerism in women."

Its so convenient how they flat out ignore the MOST OBVIOUS source of microchimerism male DNA hosting inside the female body. And the periodicals just deleted it alltogether. The scum bags.

This has very important ramifications for women. Especially promiscuous women who practice unprotected sexual intercourse. Every male you absorb spermatazoa from becomes a living part of you FOR LIFE. The women autopsied in this study were elderly. Some had carried the living male DNA for well over 50 years!

Imagine women with double digit body counts, all that DNA will go to your kids if you marry/have kids with them. 1 or 100 bodycount, it does not matter, microchimerism means you are a cuck if you breed her, whether it's the DNA of 1 man who she was in a relationship with or 100, you're still a cuck regardless. Women absorb the mans personality in a sense. And if you think it's temporary, you are wrong. The women studied were elderly which means the changes in DNA are FOR LIFE. These women who have pre-marital sex with strangers are fucked FOR LIFE, they will permanently carry the DNA of these men until death.

Do you not understand the implications of such a thing?
If you marry a woman who has had sex with men before and isn't a virgin, your children are going to carry the DNA of those men she has been intimate with regardless of you being the father. What does this mean? Every man who has children with a non-virgin woman is the very definition of a biological cuck on the DNA level. That womans brain will have male DNA from those men, it's been proven by studies, you cannot deny this any longer. Not only does it change the womans brain but also the mans DNA carries onto the children regardless of who the father is. It's a double-whammy.

Screenshot 9

Remember bhais, VIRGIN OR DEATH or you are forever a cuck. Your wifes brain will carry other mens DNA and so will your children with her.

@SecularIslamist @Pakicel @Xangsane @Diarrhoea @Jason Voorhees @curryascenderr M@MaghrebGator @emeraldglass @ShawarmaFilth @coispet @Gengar @brahminboss @ElTruecel @greycel @Shrek2OnDvD @TechnoBoss @shizuku11111 @Darkeningstar @LancasteR @virgin @datboijj @CFW432 @shia.jihadist @gaygymmax @moredatesmorerapes @LOOKISM-LOGIC
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it's over for the normie the woman is going to settle for, but the kid is going to get all of the one night stand chads dna and be the ultra chad
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  • JFL
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yet another confirmation of just be first. If youre not first, you are last
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Brutal @klip11 thots
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women are evil in gta v confirmed:feelswhy:
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Older woman once told me, whenever you sleep with someone, part of that person will now be forever in you.

Brutal truth.
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Every man who has children with a non-virgin woman is the very definition of a biological cuck on the DNA level. That womans brain will have male DNA from those men, it's been proven by studies, you cannot deny this any longer. Not only does it change the womans brain but also the mans DNA carries onto the children regardless of who the father is.
If this were true, wouldn't paternity tests simply not work?

Also, where does it state that the male DNA stored in the woman's brain is also transferred into her egg cells? Genetically, the embryo doesn't care about his mother's brain
I dont think any of this is true
Well Microchimerism has been proven so it doesn't matter what you think. Telegony works in all mammals/animals but somehow doesn't work for humans? it's nonsense. Telegony is real, just because far-left wikipedia says it's false doesn't mean it is. Arab researchers are conducting tests and research into it and even they have said it's very likely a womans past sexual partners DNA affects the womans children. I know this is hard to accept for Europeans/Americans because your women aren't virgin and have fucked many guys but it is a brutal truth you must swallow.
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If this were true, wouldn't paternity tests simply not work?

Also, where does it state that the male DNA stored in the woman's brain is also transferred into her egg cells? Genetically, the embryo doesn't care about his mother's brain
Paternity tests are banned in France, why do you think that is? if they could get away with it, they'd ban them in every country in the west. Paternity test will show he is the father and technically he is, i am not disputing that, i am simply stating the child carries DNA from the mothers previous sexual partners. I did not say the DNA stored in the womans brain is transferred into her egg cells, there's no need because the mans DNA is stored not only into the womans cells around the vagina but also in the cerebral spinal fluid and other areas of the body. If a man ejaculates into a woman, her uterus/vaginal walls permanently absorb that DNA and who knows where else. We don't know the exact specifics of every area of a womans body where the mans sperm is transferred to or absorbed but we do know for a fact that any future children will carry the previous mans and all sexual partners DNA. It is genetic cuckolding. If DNA is going all the way from the vaginal walls/uterus right to the top of her body crossing the blood brain barrier, do you really think there's no place it can't go in her body? there isn't. Read the picture i posted aswell in the OP, it not only changes her personality but also affects health and can even change her face.
  • JFL
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Tag me in ur future posts
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read every molecule
at the end of the day the path of least resistance for foids these days is to whore out. they receive more male attention in their lifetime than all of their female ancestors combined ever since they start middle school, and those who came from religious households that restricted intimacy will be the biggest whores once they gain a semblance of freedom in uni.

even if she appears to be HQNP there's no way to know 100%. if mandatory hymen inspection was implemented there are lots of foids who will do sexual shit minus P in V and there are hymen reconstruction surgeries. plus da jooz invented the larp of muh "it can tear from other activities" :forcedsmile:
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read every molecule
at the end of the day the path of least resistance for foids these days is to whore out. they receive more male attention in their lifetime than all of their female ancestors combined ever since they start middle school, and those who came from religious households that restricted intimacy will be the biggest whores once they gain a semblance of freedom in uni.
View attachment 3289255
even if she appears to be HQNP there's no way to know 100%. if mandatory hymen inspection was implemented there are lots of foids who will do sexual shit minus P in V and there are hymen reconstruction surgeries. plus da jooz invented the larp of muh "it can tear from other activities" :forcedsmile:
yep it's over.
Paternity tests are banned in France, why do you think that is? if they could get away with it, they'd ban them in every country in the west. Paternity test will show he is the father and technically he is, i am not disputing that, i am simply stating the child carries DNA from the mothers previous sexual partners. I did not say the DNA stored in the womans brain is transferred into her egg cells, there's no need because the mans DNA is stored not only into the womans cells around the vagina but also in the cerebral spinal fluid and other areas of the body. If a man ejaculates into a woman, her uterus/vaginal walls permanently absorb that DNA and who knows where else. We don't know the exact specifics of every area of a womans body where the mans sperm is transferred to or absorbed but we do know for a fact that any future children will carry the previous mans and all sexual partners DNA. It is genetic cuckolding. If DNA is going all the way from the vaginal walls/uterus right to the top of her body crossing the blood brain barrier, do you really think there's no place it can't go in her body? there isn't. Read the picture i posted aswell in the OP, it not only changes her personality but also affects health and can even change her face.
How could that even work. How much percent is it?
not reading all this shit. a year ago I read about this, and came to the conclusion that it was probably bull shit.
And even if that is true, what difference does it make, the majority of the DNA will still be from the man who impregnated the woman. If you're cuckold because your son has a bit of DNA from her other boyfriends, so you are also being cucked by the woman's father's, since she carries his DNA, that is a stupid idea.

My aunt had several boyfriends, and her son still looks a lot like his father.

People have sex, man woman, its just human nature. It would be better if the woman was a virgin because she wouldn't meet other dicks and it would reduce the chance of her being dissatisfied with her husband, not because of this DNA bullshit.
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not reading all this shit. a year ago I read about this, and came to the conclusion that it was probably bull shit.
And even if that is true, what difference does it make, the majority of the DNA will still be from the man who impregnated the woman. If you're cuckold because your son has a bit of DNA from her other boyfriends, so you are also being cucked by the woman's father's, since she carries his DNA, that is a stupid idea.

My aunt had several boyfriends, and her son still looks a lot like his father.

People have sex, man woman, its just human nature. It would be better if the woman was a virgin because she wouldn't meet other dicks and it would reduce the chance of her being dissatisfied with her husband, not because of this DNA bullshit.
Cope. Not even worth responding to until you come up with a better argument.
Cope. Not even worth responding to until you come up with a better argument.
I annihilated your idea. Worrying about this is complete nonsense, jfl.

Bu okay friend, let's try to understand this, I'm curious too about this, from what I understand the thing is this:

First of all, TELEGONY IS NOT REAL even for animals.
This is a theory that was accepted until the end of the 19th century, I don't care if animal breeders still believe this, this has already been shown to not be real, at least for a lot of animals that they used to believe it was, including horses.
They used to believe this was real for humans too, Darwin talks about this on his book. There are comments from him saying that this is why women shouldn't have sex with ethnic people, so as not to affect the purity of the race, even if they later have a child with a white person.

There was a famous case, Lord Morton's Mare('s_mare), which suggested that telegony was real, this was in 1820. Darwin cites this example as evidence of telegony in the origin of species.
However, in the mid-1890s, a Swiss man named James Cossar Ewart conducted a series of experiments called the "Penycuik Experiments." During these experiments, Ewart crossed mares with zebras and then with horses to study the inheritance of traits and test the theory of telegony.
However, in the mid-1890s, a Swiss man named James Cossar Ewart conducted a series of experiments called the "Penycuik Experiments." During these experiments, Ewart crossed mares with zebras and then with horses to study the inheritance of traits and test the theory of telegony. Ewart proved that Lord Morton's case was probably a misinterpretation and that the observed marks were natural variations or genetic coincidences rather than an effect of telegony.
At that time, genetic mechanisms were not understood. Mendel's laws were not known yet, they only became known in the 20th century, there was no science of genetics, it only started in the 20th century.

Telegony is an outdated idea.

Now, lets think about this microchimerism thing:

I) Microchimerism refers to a population of cells in a woman's body that have a different DNA from that of the woman. The most common cause is from her child's cells that were exchanged during pregnancy, or from fetuses that were spontaneously aborted. Other SPECULATIVE causes would be blood transfusions and sperm from sexual relations. Either way, these are a POPULATION OF CELLS in a woman's body. From what I understand its a small number of cells.

II) How could microchimerism from sex happen:
I'm remembering now from my research last year on this, male sperm can penetrate mamall cells that are not eggs and their DNA enters the cell's DNA. And that's it, they dont know much about it. it will be a modified cell, maybe those cells will die idk.
There are some studies on this, and they are kinda old, there are no new studies on this.

III) As far as we know, the way a human being is formed is a sperm penetrating an egg(a woman's eggs are generated since her childhood, they can't have mixed DNA, that doesn't make much sense I think). The DNA of these two does are not mixed with any other DNA from another individual.
So the fathers DNA is ALL there.

Given these informations, the way another man's DNA can be present in your child's body is as follows:
-you get the woman pregnant, she is now pregnant with your child.
-now, the child can generate microchimerism in her, cells from child's body can go to her body, but the opposite could also happen, cells from her body go to child's body, some of these cells could be the cells she has from microchimerism, those with DNA from another previous pregnancy(or speculatively otherwise like blood transfusion or sex like I said in (I)).
But now I ask you, can these microchimerism cells be passed on to the next generations? I don't think so, I don't know how it works. But it seems to me that it is only a small population of cells compared to the individual's original cells.

And another thing, to check if this is true, just look for microchimerism in children and men, if this happens there must be cells from another individual in them too. Not jus in adult women.
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I annihilated your idea. Worrying about this is complete nonsense, jfl.

Bu okay friend, let's try to understand this, I'm curious too about this, from what I understand the thing is this:

First of all, TELEGONY IS NOT REAL even for animals.
This is a theory that was accepted until the end of the 19th century, I don't care if animal breeders still believe this, this has already been shown to not be real, at least for a lot of animals that they used to believe it was, including horses.
They used to believe this was real for humans too, Darwin talks about this on his book. There are comments from him saying that this is why women shouldn't have sex with ethnic people, so as not to affect the purity of the race, even if they later have a child with a white person.

There was a famous case, Lord Morton's Mare('s_mare), which suggested that telegony was real, this was in 1820. Darwin cites this example as evidence of telegony in the origin of species.
However, in the mid-1890s, a Swiss man named James Cossar Ewart conducted a series of experiments called the "Penycuik Experiments." During these experiments, Ewart crossed mares with zebras and then with horses to study the inheritance of traits and test the theory of telegony.
However, in the mid-1890s, a Swiss man named James Cossar Ewart conducted a series of experiments called the "Penycuik Experiments." During these experiments, Ewart crossed mares with zebras and then with horses to study the inheritance of traits and test the theory of telegony. Ewart proved that Lord Morton's case was probably a misinterpretation and that the observed marks were natural variations or genetic coincidences rather than an effect of telegony.
At that time, genetic mechanisms were not understood. Mendel's laws were not known yet, they only became known in the 20th century, there was no science of genetics, it only started in the 20th century.

Telegony is an outdated idea.

Now, lets think about this microchimerism thing:

I) Microchimerism refers to a population of cells in a woman's body that have a different DNA from that of the woman. The most common cause is from her child's cells that were exchanged during pregnancy, or from fetuses that were spontaneously aborted. Other SPECULATIVE causes would be blood transfusions and sperm from sexual relations. Either way, these are a POPULATION OF CELLS in a woman's body. From what I understand its a small number of cells.

II) How could microchimerism from sex happen:
I'm remembering now from my research last year on this, male sperm can penetrate mamall cells that are not eggs and their DNA enters the cell's DNA. And that's it, they dont know much about it. it will be a modified cell, maybe those cells will die idk.
There are some studies on this, and they are kinda old, there are no new studies on this.

III) As far as we know, the way a human being is formed is a sperm penetrating an egg(a woman's eggs are generated since her childhood, they can't have mixed DNA, that doesn't make much sense I think). The DNA of these two does are not mixed with any other DNA from another individual.
So the fathers DNA is ALL there.

Given these informations, the way another man's DNA can be present in your child's body is as follows:
-you get the woman pregnant, she is now pregnant with your child.
-now, the child can generate microchimerism in her, cells from child's body can go to her body, but the opposite could also happen, cells from her body go to child's body, some of these cells could be the cells she has from microchimerism, those with DNA from another previous pregnancy(or speculatively otherwise like blood transfusion or sex like I said in (I)).
But now I ask you, can these microchimerism cells be passed on to the next generations? I don't think so, I don't know how it works. But it seems to me that it is only a small population of cells compared to the individual's original cells.

And another thing, to check if this is true, just look for microchimerism in children and men, if this happens there must be cells from another individual in them too. Not jus in adult women.
Did not read you kike, go cope elsewhere.
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  • JFL
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I only see lifefuel for ünters. @hopecel take the cuckpill and don't let your kids follow your same fate. Overcome your genetics by letting your wife have some fun with high caste brahmins from time to time.
  • JFL
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What an awakening!
I feel enlightened after reading this.
My over 9000 IQ has just entered 10000+ territory.
I am just one step closer to the Universal Truth.

Deep down I always knew that being nubile virginal Aryan Stacy only was the way to go.
Now I also have to make sure she is an only child that has no brothers(don't want that incestuous male DNA in my wife), and her mother wasn't banging other dudes(especially niggas) while she was pregnant with her.
Damn, the process of choosing an ideal wife just gets more and more complex. We're entering quantum physics levels of complexity here.
  • Hmm...
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Did not read you kike, go cope elsewhere.
? cope? lol.
read it you fuckin retard, I didn't deny that microchimerism exists, read that shit please.
I only see lifefuel for ünters. @hopecel take the cuckpill and don't let your kids follow your same fate. Overcome your genetics by letting your wife have some fun with high caste brahmins from time to time.
- least cucked Nazi Slavshit

no excuse for your submissiveness to Hans, Ivan
  • JFL
Reactions: Debetro
Nigga forgot people looking at their reflections in ponds or still water. Ancients were very much aware of their own appearance.
I annihilated your idea. Worrying about this is complete nonsense, jfl.

Bu okay friend, let's try to understand this, I'm curious too about this, from what I understand the thing is this:

First of all, TELEGONY IS NOT REAL even for animals.
This is a theory that was accepted until the end of the 19th century, I don't care if animal breeders still believe this, this has already been shown to not be real, at least for a lot of animals that they used to believe it was, including horses.
They used to believe this was real for humans too, Darwin talks about this on his book. There are comments from him saying that this is why women shouldn't have sex with ethnic people, so as not to affect the purity of the race, even if they later have a child with a white person.

There was a famous case, Lord Morton's Mare('s_mare), which suggested that telegony was real, this was in 1820. Darwin cites this example as evidence of telegony in the origin of species.
However, in the mid-1890s, a Swiss man named James Cossar Ewart conducted a series of experiments called the "Penycuik Experiments." During these experiments, Ewart crossed mares with zebras and then with horses to study the inheritance of traits and test the theory of telegony.
However, in the mid-1890s, a Swiss man named James Cossar Ewart conducted a series of experiments called the "Penycuik Experiments." During these experiments, Ewart crossed mares with zebras and then with horses to study the inheritance of traits and test the theory of telegony. Ewart proved that Lord Morton's case was probably a misinterpretation and that the observed marks were natural variations or genetic coincidences rather than an effect of telegony.
At that time, genetic mechanisms were not understood. Mendel's laws were not known yet, they only became known in the 20th century, there was no science of genetics, it only started in the 20th century.

Telegony is an outdated idea.

Now, lets think about this microchimerism thing:

I) Microchimerism refers to a population of cells in a woman's body that have a different DNA from that of the woman. The most common cause is from her child's cells that were exchanged during pregnancy, or from fetuses that were spontaneously aborted. Other SPECULATIVE causes would be blood transfusions and sperm from sexual relations. Either way, these are a POPULATION OF CELLS in a woman's body. From what I understand its a small number of cells.

II) How could microchimerism from sex happen:
I'm remembering now from my research last year on this, male sperm can penetrate mamall cells that are not eggs and their DNA enters the cell's DNA. And that's it, they dont know much about it. it will be a modified cell, maybe those cells will die idk.
There are some studies on this, and they are kinda old, there are no new studies on this.

III) As far as we know, the way a human being is formed is a sperm penetrating an egg(a woman's eggs are generated since her childhood, they can't have mixed DNA, that doesn't make much sense I think). The DNA of these two does are not mixed with any other DNA from another individual.
So the fathers DNA is ALL there.

Given these informations, the way another man's DNA can be present in your child's body is as follows:
-you get the woman pregnant, she is now pregnant with your child.
-now, the child can generate microchimerism in her, cells from child's body can go to her body, but the opposite could also happen, cells from her body go to child's body, some of these cells could be the cells she has from microchimerism, those with DNA from another previous pregnancy(or speculatively otherwise like blood transfusion or sex like I said in (I)).
But now I ask you, can these microchimerism cells be passed on to the next generations? I don't think so, I don't know how it works. But it seems to me that it is only a small population of cells compared to the individual's original cells.

And another thing, to check if this is true, just look for microchimerism in children and men, if this happens there must be cells from another individual in them too. Not jus in adult women.
I was reading about a case where the guy got cucked by his twin brother who died in the womb and he absorbed his DNA, when he became a father and did paternity test it came negative, somehow the brother's DNA he absorbed when they were in the womb was the father

Basically got cucked by his unborn brother
  • JFL
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