Tess "the hog" Holiday recieves threats.



Mar 21, 2019
"The sad reality of death threats is nothing new in the body-positive community. Activists deal with constant haters, concern trolls, and threats of violence. But after a particularly terrifying threat was sent to Tess Holliday, Natalie Hage, and Whitney Way Thore, the three decided to let the world in on a microcosm of the hate they receive every day.
As Yahoo reports, the same hateful message was allegedly sent to Natalie Hage of @nataliemeansnice, and called out both Tess Holliday and Whitney Way Thore. Among other insults and threats, the sender referred to the activists as "gluttonous sows" who "will not make it to 50."

Tbh ngl with the way her cholesterol is through the ceiling its over for her. Ngl she did start to work out? Ded srs?

tbh maybe she is stacy under that fat?

im curious if she cuts down ngl, maybe she is stacy ngl? who knows tbhtbh

porks me
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Reactions: RichardSpencel
Females have one job to be attractive and that's just not be fat. And yet alot of them fail at it and say that society's beughty standards are oppressive.
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Reactions: kobecel, retard, Insomniac and 1 other person
Man it’s not even hard to lose weight
constant haters, concern trolls, and threats of violence.
  • +1
Reactions: kobecel, Insomniac and RichardSpencel
natural selection still doing its job :)

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