Testmaxxing advice



Sep 12, 2023
I’ve heard things like polyester , elastane , nylon clothes etc lower testosterone as there made from plastics and shit
Is this true ?
Think of it faggot?
Polyester is made from plastic and when it’s heated (ie when you sweat) chemicals from it get released
Guarantee you if you stopped wearing them your test wouldn’t just magically shoot up
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Think of it faggot?
Polyester is made from plastic and when it’s heated (ie when you sweat) chemicals from it get released
Nigga there isn't any evidence directly linking polyester, elastane, or nylon clothing to lowered testosterone levels
Nigga there isn't any evidence directly linking polyester, elastane, or nylon clothing to lowered testosterone levels
Use your common sense
You don’t need scientific evidence on why you shouldn’t drink gasoline
And yes there is
It suppress them at least
the study you're most likely talking about was made in 1993 and even if it does suppress it slightly it won't change the fact you look like a twink nigga
No it won’t bro there will hardly be a difference
Yes there will
Plastic LOWERS testosterone it’s a fact
And therefore plastic clothes do too
Same with tubawere and bottled water
  • JFL
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I am
That’s why I’m right
Obviously plastic made fabrics lower test when worn especially when exercising
Why do you think so many people have varicoceles and low sperm counts
Most of the stuff you use is estrogenic so like me and the other guy said it literally wouldn't make a drastic difference
But it still makes a difference no matter how big
nigga BPA is found in polyester, BPA is a weak synthetic estrogen it wouldn't make a huge difference if you care so much hop on a cycle like holy hell
nigga BPA is found in polyester, BPA is a weak synthetic estrogen it wouldn't make a huge difference if you care so much hop on a cycle like holy hell
Bpa rapes testosterone levels bro
  • JFL
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You are so retarded its repulsive
IMG 0239

Read it fag
Bpa severely impacts test levels
And stop my body producing it naturally forever?
And also stunt my growth?
Enjoy living a life of homosexuality faggot
Go enjoy your estrogen levels being sky high 🤣
Get off the internet and read a book I refuse to believe that a person like you exists. What part of "BPA is a WEAK synthetic estrogen" are you not getting? It wouldn't make a major impact on your T-levels. And I can guarantee you that my test levels are higher than yours.
Get off the internet and read a book I refuse to believe that a person like you exists. What part of "BPA is a WEAK synthetic estrogen" are you not getting? It wouldn't make a major impact on your T-levels. And I can guarantee you that my test levels are higher than yours.
call it what you want bro
It massively impacts test and sperm concentration
Have you ever heard of pct lmao? And how tf would test stunt your growth?
Because testosterone breaks down into estrogen ?
So injecting yourself with it will raise estrogen and close your growth plates earlier then they were meant to
Because testosterone breaks down into estrogen ?
So injecting yourself with it will raise estrogen and close your growth plates earlier then they were meant to
That’s why you do a pct dumb fuck
Dawg, the source talks about how BPA MIGHT affect testosterone, but it's not clear how much it lowers testosterone in PEOPLE. Some studies in animals show effects, but in humans, the results are MIXED. Some studies link BPA to changes in hormones, but others don't show a big impact on testosterone
Dawg, the source talks about how BPA MIGHT affect testosterone, but it's not clear how much it lowers testosterone in PEOPLE.
Yeah it’s not clear how much exactly but if it’s impacting sperm concentration and quality of life it must be severe
Yeah it’s not clear how much exactly but if it’s impacting sperm concentration and quality of life it must be severe
It's not enough to be considered a biohazard so who cares? Like your source said it is mixed between people meaning some people can experience lower test, but not everyone's results differ from person to person. And it's still not enough to affect your day-to-day life.
It's not enough to be considered a biohazard so who cares. Like your source said it is mixed between people meaning some people can experience lower test, but not everyone results differ from person to person
Well it’s Russian roulette then….
If you care about your test then u might aswell avoid it it’s not hard
Well it’s Russian roulette then….
If you care about your test then u might aswell avoid it it’s not hard
There's really no point of avoiding it when the food we eat is filled with shit
Exactly my point
Find foods that don’t
There plenty out there
Either way, it wouldn't matter like the forum says "Chad eats and drinks anything and is still Chad", you eat whatever and look like shit
Either way, it wouldn't matter like the forum says "Chad eats and drinks anything and is still Chad", you eat whatever and look like shit
Keep living in that facade
That’s not real life
It’s more like “chad eats whatever he wants then gets fat low t and dies of heart failure”
“But Ltn prioritises his health and testosterone and becomes a chad”
Keep living in that facade
That’s not real life
It’s more like “chad eats whatever he wants then gets fat low t and dies of heart failure”
“But Ltn prioritises his health and testosterone and becomes a chad”
Muh high-T, I'll be Chad in no time. Maybe 2048? I might be able to feel the touch of a ltb.

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