The 80/20 theory is a HUGE COPE



Mar 18, 2019
As someone who has had some experience in the normal world, this theory is a HUGE COPE

The 80/20 Theory comes from online dating due to women getting plenty of messages and causes most people to believe on this site that women aim for the top 20%, 10%, whatever. I do believe this is somewhat true in online dating, however this is not the case in real life.

If you have ever gone outside of your room, how come you don't see every below average looking/average-looking young woman dating a chad? It is because this theory is for you to COPE with the fact that you are BELOW AVERAGE looking or very autistic.

I literally know many guys at my university that most of yall would consider 3.5 PSL to 4 PSL Asian, Philipino, Indian ethnics slay way more than me. If you actually go outside and not cry on forums as I do, you will actually see it for yourself.
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Dn rd but the 80/20 rule is very real in the sense that most women only find 20% of men above average looking. These top 20% of men are the only ones that can be in a happy LTR where the Girls genuinely loves them.
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Didnt ask
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top 20% ~~~ 80% input

Middle 50% ~~~ 20% input

Bottom 30% ~~~ 0% input
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Fucking bluecels
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20/80 rule is real in attractiveness but people are compromising both man and women. hell not even in attractiveness, its everywhere
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didn't breed
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My guy you're above average. Looks aren't your issue. Haven't seen you're body, but if you've been hitting the gym for a while, it's even more surprising to me you struggle so much.

I feel like you must be shy and withdrawn, which hurts you a lot when you're black since you're kinda expected by society to be high test, NT, and outgoing.
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80/20 is for casual sex not LTR
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80/20 theory only applies to white men

for ethnics, itts much worse. prolly like 99/1
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  • JFL
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looks like youre coping lol
then why dont you have a girlfriend then huh? youre telling yourself its "just because i spend all my time on online forums crying"
no, ur not goodlooking enough
if there are indians worse looking than you who slay, then go and slay then
get outta here with ur bluepillery
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 6401, inv1sible, Chadeep and 3 others
looks like youre coping lol
then why dont you have a girlfriend then huh? youre telling yourself its "just because i spend all my time on online forums crying"
no, ur not goodlooking enough
if there are indians worse looking than you who slay, then go and slay then
get outta here with ur bluepillery
Like I said I am BELOW AVERAGE looking, I probably look worse than I think
My guy you're above average. Looks aren't your issue. Haven't seen you're body, but if you've been hitting the gym for a while, it's even more surprising to me you struggle so much.

I feel like you must be shy and withdrawn, which hurts you a lot when you're black since you're kinda expected by society to be high test, NT, and outgoing.
That's true tbh, but it's because of alot of events that have happened in my life
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Bluepilled bro, LTRs does not always mean a girl is attracted to you. It means you have a resource that she wants.

The only ioi is P in V
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It's real. 20% of men are having 80% of the sex. Most men are delusional as fuck and think that taking a picture of a women is basically fucking her, men lie about how many women they are fucking all the time.

Women spend their 20s having fun and have sex with the same group of men that are only using them as cum dumpsters. Once women get older and realize they won't be able to ltr a top 20% male they will settle for a guy who is not in the top 20 but still better looking than herself.

The thing is women don't realize they are all having sex with the same small group of men and think that all men must be having as much casual sex as them.

You can also take a look at std rates and you will find that a small portion of men and a large portion of women have stds, the mainstream narrative is that women are just more susceptible to getting stds but the back pill is the 80/20 rule being responsible for it.
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It's real. 20% of men are having 80% of the sex. Most men are delusional as fuck and think that taking a picture of a women is basically fucking her, men lie about how many women they are fucking all the time.

Women spend their 20s having fun and have sex with the same group of men that are only using them as cum dumpsters. Once women get older and realize they won't be able to ltr a top 20% male they will settle for a guy who is not in the top 20 but still better looking than herself.

The thing is women don't realize they are all having sex with the same small group of men and think that all men must be having as much casual sex as them.

You can also take a look at std rates and you will find that a small portion of men and a large portion of women have stds, the mainstream narrative is that women are just more susceptible to getting stds but the back pill is the 80/20 rule being responsible for it.
Yeah this makes sense, sometimes it just blows my mind though how I see some average looking or below ethnic guys do okay IRL
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80/20 is too black/white. Truth is that the better looking you are, the more slays and the higher quality slays you can get. Every small bit helps and makes it a bit easier to get and maintain plates/LTR's.

You have this habit that your LTR says she thinks is mildly annoying? If you had slightly thicker eyebrows she might have not cared or even noticed. If you are an autistic shut-in then something like frauding 2 inches with lifts isn't going to make the difference on it's own though lol.
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question 1

then why are you here

question 2

why are you here then?
My guy you're above average. Looks aren't your issue. Haven't seen you're body, but if you've been hitting the gym for a while, it's even more surprising to me you struggle so much.

I feel like you must be shy and withdrawn, which hurts you a lot when you're black since you're kinda expected by society to be high test, NT, and outgoing.

look at that god tier collagen i need to be gene researcher and find out how can i get god tier collagen ngl
  • JFL
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Reactions: Toth's thot, Deleted member 6401, Chadeep and 3 others
My guy you're above average. Looks aren't your issue. Haven't seen you're body, but if you've been hitting the gym for a while, it's even more surprising to me you struggle so much.

I feel like you must be shy and withdrawn, which hurts you a lot when you're black since you're kinda expected by society to be high test, NT, and outgoing.
no hes not lol
what u call "above average" =/= attractive to women

im just gonna be brutal from now on, im not gonna lie in my ratings ever again because i realise how stupid that is
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, Deleted member 5143, Chadeep and 1 other person
It's real. 20% of men are having 80% of the sex. Most men are delusional as fuck and think that taking a picture of a women is basically fucking her, men lie about how many women they are fucking all the time.

Women spend their 20s having fun and have sex with the same group of men that are only using them as cum dumpsters. Once women get older and realize they won't be able to ltr a top 20% male they will settle for a guy who is not in the top 20 but still better looking than herself.

The thing is women don't realize they are all having sex with the same small group of men and think that all men must be having as much casual sex as them.

You can also take a look at std rates and you will find that a small portion of men and a large portion of women have stds, the mainstream narrative is that women are just more susceptible to getting stds but the back pill is the 80/20 rule being responsible for it.
This. I'd say if youve fucked 15 or more girls before you turn 20 its a pretty good indicator that you're in that top 20%.

Fucking only a handfull of girls or being a virgin after you're a teenager is laughable to most girls; they think that everyone is out having alot of sex because they and their girlfriends get a different chads dick once a week
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, inv1sible, Vvvvxxxx and 4 others
I NEVER see young attractive girls with non chadlite/chad boyfriends. Its a huge cope from normies, that many ugly guys have hot gfs.
One of my best friends is a high tier chad, and he has multiple gfs and fucks also different girls every week. Laycount over 200, and 900 tinder matches in 2 weeks. From him i know a lot about the life of a real chad, and how girls behave around them. I went to party with him many times, and it was pure suifuel.
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, inv1sible, Vvvvxxxx and 6 others
I NEVER see young attractive girls with non chadlite/chad boyfriends. Its a huge cope from normies, that many ugly guys have hot gfs.
This. It happens so rarely that whenever it does happen it's a HUGE shock and everyone is like: 'How the hell is she with him?' Says enough really.
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no hes not lol
what u call "above average" =/= attractive to women

im just gonna be brutal from now on, im not gonna lie in my ratings ever again because i realise how stupid that is
You do you. I just think the top 10% or death outlook isn't healthy or productive at all, and that he would do just fine with girls now. He looks better than me and I get attractive girls off tinder or through bars/social circle pretty regularly and I've been in two relationships. There's no reason he can't do just that. Looksmaxxing is still something he should be doing to make things easier though.
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You do you. I just think the top 10% or death outlook isn't healthy or productive at all, and that he would do just fine with girls now. He looks better than me and I get attractive girls off tinder or through bars/social circle pretty regularly and I've been in two relationships. There's no reason he can't do just that. Looksmaxxing is still something he should be doing to make things easier though.

What if you're an ugly curry?

is there any hope
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What if you're an ugly curry?

is there any hope
I feel like you guys have it easier because worst case scenario you can just get arranged lol. Or are you focused on a white stacy?

Send me pics though and I'll try to help.
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401 and Chadeep
I feel like you guys have it easier because worst case scenario you can just get arranged lol. Or are you focused on a white stacy?

Send me pics though and I'll try to help.

This Jewish Stacy was showing me ioi's before school got closed, I know her instagram but I can't even DM her because I don't have a personal instagram because I'm not NT

I am ugly tho
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Of course, but it's still over if you aren't NT enough to build friend circles and get acquainted with females
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question 1

then why are you here
question 1

then why are you here

question 2

why are you here then?

View attachment 335742
look at that god tier collagen i need to be gene researcher and find out how can i get god tier collagen ngl

look at that god tier collagen i need to be gene researcher and find out how can i get god tier collagen ngl
Prime Pitt was a beast. I don't know how any woman could resist that charismatic inviting smile with that kind of coloring, bones, and collagen.
This Jewish Stacy was showing me ioi's before school got closed, I know her instagram but I can't even DM her because I don't have a personal instagram because I'm not NT

I am ugly tho
I wouldn't make fun lol. PM me.
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As someone who has had some experience in the normal world, this theory is a HUGE COPE

The 80/20 Theory comes from online dating due to women getting plenty of messages and causes most people to believe on this site that women aim for the top 20%, 10%, whatever. I do believe this is somewhat true in online dating, however this is not the case in real life.

If you have ever gone outside of your room, how come you don't see every below average looking/average-looking young woman dating a chad? It is because this theory is for you to COPE with the fact that you are BELOW AVERAGE looking or very autistic.

I literally know many guys at my university that most of yall would consider 3.5 PSL to 4 PSL Asian, Philipino, Indian ethnics slay way more than me. If you actually go outside and not cry on forums as I do, you will actually see it for yourself.
Dn rd none on this forum feels comfortable as a below average man jfl imagine being in a relationship where they think u don't look good
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You can get a woman after her prime after 24 sure having sucked 100's of tyrones and Chad's. But would be really happy in that Relationship.
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As someone who has had some experience in the normal world, this theory is a HUGE COPE

The 80/20 Theory comes from online dating due to women getting plenty of messages and causes most people to believe on this site that women aim for the top 20%, 10%, whatever. I do believe this is somewhat true in online dating, however this is not the case in real life.

If you have ever gone outside of your room, how come you don't see every below average looking/average-looking young woman dating a chad? It is because this theory is for you to COPE with the fact that you are BELOW AVERAGE looking or very autistic.

I literally know many guys at my university that most of yall would consider 3.5 PSL to 4 PSL Asian, Philipino, Indian ethnics slay way more than me. If you actually go outside and not cry on forums as I do, you will actually see it for yourself.
what a load of bollocks, then go out then and slay like them, what are you doing here?
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It’s not about having sex it’s about if the girl genuinely attracted to you. Girls will have sex with average and belo av
I NEVER see young attractive girls with non chadlite/chad boyfriends. Its a huge cope from normies, that many ugly guys have hot gfs.
One of my best friends is a high tier chad, and he has multiple gfs and fucks also different girls every week. Laycount over 200, and 900 tinder matches in 2 weeks. From him i know a lot about the life of a real chad, and how girls behave around them. I went to party with him many times, and it was pure suifuel.
it Is what it is
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Basically because of pair-bonding but even then the woman will move on when she realizes she can do better
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