The 99% don't have any redeeming qualites and are actually the bad guys



Jan 2, 2019
All they ever do is bitch and moan about how the man is keeping them down and how evil/classist/racist/whatever the fuck your cope is the 1% is. In reality the 99% are just ugly, low IQ, talentless pieces of filth with garbage morals and no redeeming qualities. I use to hate the elites but realizing what most people are actually like has put their actions into a new perspective for me. If most of the planet wasn't worthless fucking garbage would immigration even be so destructive in the first place? Would there be any poverty filled shitholes or terrorism if every immigrant had 120+ IQ and strong work ethnic and morals? No. Immigration is only bad BECAUSE MOST PEOPLE ARE WORTHLESS.

And this is how it has always been for all of history. The only reason most people exist is because historically the upper classes needed a large unintelligent lower class to do all the shitty braindead work while they took care of the more challenging aspects of governance. Soon once robots remove the need for unskilled labor most humans will be completely useless to them. Even morally the 99% is worse because it's much more likely to be racist/xenophobic/dumb etc. Jfl at thinking higher IQ rich people are more evil than the genocidal low IQ hordes of poor people.

The 99% are not victims of anything but their own disgusting degenerate nature. The 1% are secretly the "heroes" in this story because they just want to live in a world with other rich high IQ persons far away from the filthy unintelligent masses. I don't blame them whatsofuckingever for wanting to get rid of the 99% or democracy. If I was in their shoes I would also do this.
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elites are born into wealth, they don't just get there by forcing their way in
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elites are born into wealth, they don't just get there by forcing their way in

The "the elites were just born into wealth so they aren't smarter" cope is just that. A cope.

The elites make their wealth by being more intelligent and their offspring inherit the superior intelligence of their parents. This is why the lower classes have low IQ on average but the rich higher. This is proven fact mind you, not just my opinion. On average the lower classes have between 80-95 IQ where as the wealthy have between 115-140 IQ on average. Massive difference.
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suck the elites dry you fag
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You fucking class cuck, hang yourself
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The "the elites were just born into wealth so they aren't smarter" cope is just that. A cope.

The elites make their wealth by being more intelligent and their offspring inherit the superior intelligence of their parents. This is why the lower classes have low IQ on average but the rich higher. This is proven fact mind you, not just my opinion. On average the lower classes have between 80-95 IQ where as the wealthy have between 115-140 IQ on average. Massive difference.
no, im not saying theyre not smarter, youre distorting my initial statement; they can afford to breed w the highest genetic material they can find, no shit theyre gonna mog joe into oblivion

it takes a good amount of luck if you want to make it big, on top of strong work ethic and iq

more than half of businesses go bankrupt

even more of em barely make enough money to sustain themselves

the only thing that can help you make money quick and rise fast is... more money

even if you have all those qualities you need theres no guarantee youll make it to the 1percent, whether or not joe finds a way to cope with his miserable drone life is another story

inb4 my new york times article tier comment gets dusted and distorted cus of my gypsy colloquial terminology
it takes a good amount of luck if you want to make it big

Cope this has been discredited by genetics research.

more than half of businesses go bankrupt

Even more. 95% of businesses don't survive longer than 10 years. Just goes to show how worthless more people.
Muh hardworking

The fact that once you hit a certain age that no amount of hard working can save you is brutal.
And ofc, Op is the 1%:feelshah:
Did I read a word most likely not since OP is being retarded again.
i agree to an extent
Why haven't you been banned yet you raging faggot
In reality the 99% are just ugly, low IQ, talentless pieces of filth with garbage morals and no redeeming qualities. If most of the planet wasn't worthless fucking garbage would immigration even be so destructive in the first place? No. Immigration is only bad BECAUSE MOST PEOPLE ARE WORTHLESS.

The 99% are not victims of anything but their own disgusting degenerate nature. The 1% are secretly the "heroes" in this story because they just want to live in a world with other rich high IQ persons far away from the filthy unintelligent masses. I don't blame them whatsofuckingever for wanting to get rid of the 99% If I was in their shoes I would also do this.
I can feel the rage and contempt through your post.
I can feel the rage and contempt through your post.

Democracy is a failed system. Though democracy, the retarded masses have succeeded in taking the most powerful and richest states ever to have existed in the entire history of the world, and are reducing them to literal third world shitholes. All the while the large majority of Chinese say they have a positive opinion on their nation's future despite living in a supposed "evil dictatorship". Autocrats build nations. Democracies destroy them.

Democracy is a meme. It will be the end of the west. Tbh white people deserve what is coming to them. They had the chance to belong to a massively powerful civilization, and instead they decided to piss it all away for the most retarded reasons imaginable. They are simply getting what they deserve. Or at least normie whites anyway. It still remains to be seen which demographic will remain the largest within the 1% or if the rich whites will actually lose their power even after the third worldization of the west.
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Tbh white people deserve what is coming to them. They had the chance to belong to a massively powerful civilization, and instead they decided to piss it all away for the most retarded reasons imaginable. They are simply getting what they deserve. Or at least normie whites anyway.

Democracy is a failed system. Though democracy, the retarded masses have succeeded in taking the most powerful and richest states ever to have existed in the entire history of the world, and are reducing them to literal third world shitholes. All the while the large majority of Chinese say they have a positive opinion on their nation's future despite living in a supposed "evil dictatorship". Autocrats build nations. Democracies destroy them.

Democracy is a meme. It will be the end of the west. Tbh white people deserve what is coming to them. They had the chance to belong to a massively powerful civilization, and instead they decided to piss it all away for the most retarded reasons imaginable. They are simply getting what they deserve. Or at least normie whites anyway. It still remains to be seen which demographic will remain the largest within the 1% or if the rich whites will actually lose their power even after the third worldization of the west.

an e-celeb pedo kike as reference JFL
basement dweller DESTORYS incels with FACTS and LOGIC

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