The best 8 supplements to increase T levels for low Tcels (based on studies)



ur gonna make it *brah*
May 17, 2019

The supplements aim either to increase testosterone or related hormones directly, or prevent the body from converting testosterone into estrogen.

Here are 8 of the best testosterone boosting supplements.

1. D-Aspartic Acid​

D-Aspartic acid is a natural amino acid that can boost low testosterone levels.
Research suggests that it works mainly by increasing levels of follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone, the latter of which stimulates Leydig cells in the testes to produce more testosterone (3Trusted Source).
One study found that taking D-aspartic acid for 12 days may boost the production of luteinizing hormone and testosterone. It may also enhance their transportation around the body (3Trusted Source).
It may likewise benefit sperm quality and production.
One 90-day study gave D-aspartic acid to men with impaired sperm production. Sperm count doubled, rising from 8.2 million sperm per mL to 16.5 million sperm per mL (4).
In a 2013 study, athletic men with healthy testosterone levels followed a 28-day weight lifting routine. Half of them took 3 grams of D-aspartic acid per day.
All participants reported an increase in strength and muscle mass, but no one in the D-aspartic acid group experienced increased testosterone (5Trusted Source).
A 2017 study also found that D-aspartic acid raised neither testosterone levels nor resistance training outcomes (6Trusted Source).
Furthermore, research published in 2020 found that taking 3 grams of D-aspartic acid did not affect testosterone levels in humans, while taking 6 grams appeared to reduce its levels (7).
Overall, research into whether D-aspartic acid can help people with low testosterone or impaired sexual function appears inconclusive.
Shop for D-aspartic acid online.
D-Aspartic acid may work by stimulating some key testosterone-producing hormones.

2. Vitamin D​

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that your body produces upon exposure to sunlight. People with limited exposure to sunlight may have low levels of vitamin D.
In its active form, vitamin D functions as a steroid hormone in the body. Experts say it’s essential for male sexual function (7Trusted Source).
Increasing vitamin D stores may boost testosterone and improve other related health measures, such as sperm quality (8Trusted Source).
One study found a link between vitamin D deficiency and low testosterone. When participants spent more time in the summer sun, their vitamin D and testosterone levels increased (8Trusted Source).
In another yearlong study, researchers split 65 men into 2 groups, one of which took 3,300 IU of vitamin D daily. The supplement group’s vitamin D levels doubled, and their testosterone levels increased by around 20%, from 10.7 nmol/L to 13.4 nmol/L (9Trusted Source).
To get more vitamin D, increase your sun exposure. You can also take around 3,000 IU of vitamin D3 daily and eat more vitamin-D-rich foods.
Shop for vitamin D supplements online.
Vitamin D is an important vitamin that may boost testosterone levels, especially if your vitamin D levels are deficient.

3. Tribulus Terrestris​

Tribulus terrestris is an herb that has been used for centuries in traditional medicine, and some scientists have been investigating its effects on testosterone levels and sexual health.
Research has found that it can increase testosterone levels in animals, but it does not appear to have the same effect in humans (10).
However, some evidence suggests that it may enhance sexual function and libido in both men and women (11, 12).
Shop for tribulus terrestris online.
Tribulus may help enhance sexual function and libido, but it does not appear to increase testosterone levels.

4. Fenugreek​

Fenugreek is another popular herb-based option.
A 2011 study examined how fenugreek affected sexual function and quality of life.
The researchers gave 60 healthy men ages 25–52 either 600 mg of fenugreek or a placebo pill every day for 6 weeks (12Trusted Source).
The participants reported improvements in strength after taking the fenugreek supplements.
Moreover, authors of a 2020 review concluded that fenugreek extract can enhance testosterone levels (13Trusted Source).
Shop for fenugreek is online.
Taking 500 mg of fenugreek per day may help boost testosterone and sexual function in men with normal and low testosterone levels.

5. Ginger​

Ginger is a common household spice that has played a role in alternative medicine for centuries.
It appears to have many potential health benefits, such as reducing inflammation and cholesterol levels. One study in rats has suggested it may also boost testosterone (14Trusted Source).
In fact, several rodent studies have found that ginger positively affects testosterone levels and sexual function. In one 30-day study, researchers found ginger increased testosterone and luteinizing hormone in rats with diabetes (15Trusted Source).
In one study, the rats’ testosterone levels nearly doubled. Another research team found greater increases in testosterone when they doubled the amount of ginger they gave the rats (16, 17).
In one of the few human studies, 75 men with infertility took a daily ginger supplement. After 3 months, they experienced a 17% increase in testosterone levels, and their levels of luteinizing hormone had nearly doubled (18).
When measuring sperm health, the researchers found several improvements, including a 16% increase in sperm count (18).
More research on how ginger might benefit testosterone is needed. Still, eating ginger is safe, and it may provide numerous other health benefits.
Shop for ginger supplements online.
Ginger may increase testosterone levels and sperm count in men with infertility. Studies investigating its effects in healthy humans are needed.

6. DHEA​

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a hormone that’s primarily produced by your adrenal glands.
It helps manage testosterone and estrogen levels. Many people supplement with DHEA, which is an anabolic steroid, to boost testosterone.
Some research has suggested that taking DHEA supplements can boost testosterone levels, especially as people age (19Trusted Source, 20Trusted Source).
However, as with most supplements, the results are mixed. Other studies using similar dosages have found no effect (21Trusted Source, 22Trusted Source, 23Trusted Source, 24Trusted Source).
While the effects of DHEA on testosterone levels and athletic performance aren’t clear, the use of DHEA is banned in professional sports (25).
As with some of the other supplements, it may benefit those with low DHEA or testosterone levels.
Shop for DHEA online.
Although DHEA is one of the most popular testosterone boosters on the market, research on its effects is mixed.

7. Zinc​

Zinc is an essential mineral that contributes to over 100 chemical processes within your body.
Research has found links between zinc and men’s sexual health, including testosterone levels. The authors of a 2018 review noted that low zinc levels can negatively affect men’s sexual health and fertility (26Trusted Source).
One study has suggested that men with low testosterone levels and infertility can benefit from taking 220 mg of zinc sulfate twice a day for 1–4 months (27).
Shop for zinc supplements online.
Taking zinc may be effective among people with low zinc or testosterone levels, or those who are currently in stressful training.

8. Ashwagandha​

Also known as Withania somnifera, ashwagandha is an herb used in ancient Indian medicine (28Trusted Source).
Ashwagandha is primarily used as an adaptogen, meaning it helps your body handle stress and anxiety (29Trusted Source).
One study tested its benefits on sperm quality in men with infertility.
After taking 5 grams per day for 3 months, the participants experienced a 10–22% increase in testosterone levels. In addition, the partners of 14% of the participants became pregnant (30Trusted Source).
Another study suggested ashwagandha increases exercise performance, strength, and fat loss while boosting testosterone levels (31Trusted Source).
Currently, it seems likely that ashwagandha could help increase testosterone levels in stressed individuals, possibly by reducing the stress hormone cortisol.
Shop for ashwagandha online.

Research shows ashwagandha may help increase testosterone levels, as well as improve sexual function and body composition.

The bottom line​

Testosterone is crucial for many aspects of sexual health and body composition.
A wide range of testosterone-boosting supplements are available, but only a few have significant research to support their use.
Most of these supplements will likely only have noticeable benefits in individuals with fertility issues or low testosterone levels.
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Reactions: Acnno, hennypapi, RoundHouse and 2 others

D-Aspartic Acid,​

Tribulus Terrestris​

these are definitely cope, don't know about others though
Testosterone Enanthate Injection
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member, Edgar, oldcelloser and 6 others
Yeah my ass
Dont take shit DHEA it will elevate estrogen levels
Gotta eat a ginger for T increase

  • JFL
Reactions: fjor2096, Tallooksmaxxer, Baguvix and 2 others
DHEA is for oldcels i said it in the post
You didnt say anything about the side effects though?

It doesn't just manage but increase estrogen
You didnt say anything about the side effects though?

It doesn't just manage but increase estrogen
You are right, DHEA can be converted to estrogen or testosterone in tissues that have the appropriate steroidogenic enzymes, thought it was worth a mention since it increases athletes performance.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 10949
Check my thread on Vitamin E.
  • +1
Reactions: Chowdog
Vitamin E antagonizes your estrogen RECEPTORS. By doing that it prevents estrogen from being high by attacking the bodies abililty to use it.
  • +1
Reactions: Acnno and Chowdog
Vitamin E antagonizes your estrogen RECEPTORS. By doing that it prevents estrogen from being high by attacking the bodies abililty to use it.
While that is good for increasing testosterone levels, estrogen is still required in the male body for many things. If your estrogen levels are too low the male body can produce symptoms such as:
  • decreased sex drive
  • excess fat around the belly
  • bone loss
  • osteoporosis
Researchers found that males with cardiovascular disease had lower levels of testosterone and estrogen.

Hypogonadism, a condition that can cause a decrease in sex hormones, can be a cause of low estrogen in males.

And further research is still required to confirm other symptoms that low estrogen can have on the male body.
You didnt say anything about the side effects though?

It doesn't just manage but increase estrogen
Lol. I experimented with the dosage of dhea and got sides at 300mg a day for 2 months. Just minor nipple itch and puffiness. Took a month to go away after I stopped. Deffinately boosts test but it is a double edged sword. 40y.o guy btw
What about arginine?

9. Following @Knight on​


The bottom line​

Testosterone is crucial for many aspects of sexual health and body composition.
A wide range of testosterone-boosting supplements are available, but only a few have significant research to support their use.
Most of these supplements will likely only have noticeable benefits in individuals with fertility issues or low testosterone levels.
Lol. I experimented with the dosage of dhea and got sides at 300mg a day for 2 months. Just minor nipple itch and puffiness. Took a month to go away after I stopped. Deffinately boosts test but it is a double edged sword. 40y.o guy btw
Depends on the person its still not worth it taking that shit

Some people get sides even at 100mg
just increase systematic health

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