The Black Pill is for Losers drowned in Nihilism

Deleted member 6908

Deleted member 6908

Looks, Charisma, Masculine Virtues
May 12, 2020
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All the red pill 'gurus' are old guys who couldn't comprehend being a 20 year old in the dating market today.
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shit thread, "coach red pill" is a boomer coper
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Not Gonna watch some oldcel fag telling me about the blackpill he doesnt know shit about inceldom.
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shit thread, "coach red pill" is a boomer coper

That dude is 43 and Generation X (1965-1980) The gen before millennials.

Just saying.
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If blackpill = passivity and doing nothing. Then he is right.

I don't even know if the the blackpill means, do nothing. Although "it's over" is uttered to often here.

His whole opinion, that you need false meaning and believes, to fight for success is not 100% correct. Most people need some false sense of meaning/purpose/copes, to be motivated and active. But it's not 100%. I have fighting power in me by nature,even though I understand life is truth and essence without meaning/purpose/copes.

But here. Most are not 100% passive at all. Plenty often of times, peopletalk about stuff like: "if you never been below 15% bodyfat, then fuck off calling yourself blackpill or incel".

To add. The guy in the video, also sees this as success:
* BetaBuxxing for a woman
* Marrying the "chad/alpha widow"
* etc..
And well, some guys just don't want that for whatever reason. These men wanted to be chosen because she finds him hot, and not for other reasons. This dude makes no de\ifferentation between that.
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OK CRP, haven't you got a nazi march to attend? Oh and I'm sure there's some kids you can murder at your alt right meeting!
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That dude is 43 and Generation X (1965-1980) The gen before millennials.

Just saying.
ok hes a few years from being a boomer, still a boomer. also why are you posting redpill videos on a blackpilled forum, i dont understand
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Didn't watch because I'm in class, but the blackpill merely borrows pre-existing concepts from evolutionary biology and applies it to current society. Women are hypergamous, and the dating market is horrendously skewed in their favour, especially with the advent of online dating. This is not new either. This has existed for as long as we know that women have had the option to choose, or power and resources has been concentrated in the hands of a few men.
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I couldn't give a fuck about what this outdated posturing subhuman has to say.

There's some truth to saying that obsessing over blackpill ideas and philosophy and the hopelessness of it will make you a failure but opposition to the blackpill usually consists of idealistic, out of touch and outdated thinking, veiled as revolutionary thought like the cancer CRP pedals and all of the pseudo-masculinity channels, or "my friend Dave" sub 10 iq bluepill arguments.

You will rarely if EVER find anyone ready to engage in an honest good faith argument and discussion about/against the 'blackpill'
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ok hes a few years from being a boomer, still a boomer. also why are you posting redpill videos on a blackpilled forum, i dont understand

If this was a BlackPill forum, why would it be titled "" with "Aesthetics Matter" as a sub-logo?
If this was a BlackPill forum, why would it be titled "" with "Aesthetics Matter" as a sub-logo?
do you even know what the blackpill is
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do you even know what the blackpill is

Btw the youngest Baby Boomer is currently 56 years of age. No-where near their 40s. Again, just saying.
do you even know what the blackpill is

There is a difference between not believing mainstream narratives (Status quo's) and being a rotter.

For me that is the difference between how red and black pillers live their lives.

Prove me wrong.
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Btw the youngest Baby Boomer is currently 56 years of age. No-where near their 40s. Again, just saying.
lol youre taking me calling someone a boomer way too literally LMAO, he looks more 56 than he does 43 anyway
also u should read this:
the blackpill isnt about giving up or hopelessness or whatever, its just about realising looks are what really matter and to a much greater extent than u would have thought
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single digit iq

If you're ugly then BlackPill is giving up. Right or wrong?
lol youre taking me calling someone a boomer way too literally LMAO, he looks more 56 than he does 43 anyway
also u should read this:
the blackpill isnt about giving up or hopelessness or whatever, its just about realising looks are what really matter and to a much greater extent than u would have thought

What part of Red Pill philosophy doesn't include a man being self aware of his looks?
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If you're ugly then BlackPill is giving up. Right or wrong?

What part of Red Pill philosophy doesn't include a man being self aware of his looks?
These are the true difference between the 3 pills.

Shit man, you're low IQ.
These are the true differences between the 4 pills. Explained, without self-indulgence.

If you're ugly then BlackPill is giving up. Right or wrong?
Lol no, the 'blackpill' is a vague and undefined ideological position where the vast majority of it's subscribers believe that physical characteristics largely determine your success in the dating market

Pretty much everyone who claims to be blackpilled will say that outliers exist and you can looksmax to ascension some of the time. That is precisely why this site exists, it baffles me that you don't realize that.

It's a theory about the way the world works and humans interact and such, does not neccesarily predict life outcomes, such as your and mine.

People do let it control their life outcomes though, I will grant you that.
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also u should read this:
the blackpill isnt about giving up or hopelessness or whatever, its just about realising looks are what really matter and to a much greater extent than u would have thought
Thanks for shaing what blackill actually means. That CRP dude in the video, don't used a good defenition for blackpillers.

Reading the definition, of blackpill.
"Hardcore blackpillers often promote suicide for incels. ......... True to their broader ideology and anti-social-justice origins, doing nothing is an especially common thing blackpillers propose for incels."
Although true, for a man with very bad looks to be incel for life, unless he becomes famous or mega rich.
They call to often on this fourm: "it's over". Especially for white men, and for asian men. WHY? because they don't factor in, getting money, andafter enough saved money just locationmaxx. A white dude, can always go JBW locationmaxxing to asia or africa. And a Asian man or Happa man, that has no/little succes might be a mayor hit and success in an Asian country.
So in that case: It's not over! He just gotta find ways to earn money, and then get the hell out of his location, and move into pussy heaven.
This is all that I am talking about.
That's a small minority, especially on this site.
Even the biggest and earliest backpillers like faceandLMS aren't giving up and are getting surgery and shit

for some people 'making it' / ascending or whatever is gonna be so much effort that they'd just to prefer to avoid the rat race and live life on their own terms, it's a personal choice, I can't blame them for it even if I may disagree with their choices.
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Could be both

Pua arent self aware they talk about game . And blackpill says being good looking is the main factor to attracting women .

Red Pill PUA's ethos is that your looks are your "base" and how the better you look, the easier you'll have it.

Black Pills have a fatalist view point.
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  • +1
Reactions: Highrise
These are the true differences between the 4 pills. Explained, without self-indulgence.

watched it and that dude's wrong, has the idea of redpill right but just wrong about everything else. lol ur on a blackpilled forum and sitll dont know about what the blackpill actually is
he's redpilled asf, talking about stuff like "shit testing" and other stupid stuff
u should read these:
  • +1
Reactions: HighIQcel
If you're ugly then BlackPill is giving up. Right or wrong?
To foten claimed/suggested to give up. While there is imo still hope. But need alot of effort often. Possible hopes often being: looksmaxxing extreme; Locationmaxxing (need money for that often), StatusMaxxing and MoneyMaxxing. Only 1 or a combo of these 4 things, can cause a mayor shift for an ugly man.
What part of Red Pill philosophy doesn't include a man being self aware of his looks?
They low-ball the importance of looks. They akwnowledge it matters, but that it's like point number 5 in the top 5 things that matter. And they are quit low effort about looks often. Often RedPillers will say, that Alpa personality (or game) or stuff like that, matters more then looks.

While reality is more like. Looks (face + body) matter most. And matters like 75% of the total equation of attraction and attractiveness.
Thanks for shaing what blackill actually means. That CRP dude in the video, don't used a good defenition for blackpillers.

Reading the definition, of blackpill.
"Hardcore blackpillers often promote suicide for incels. ......... True to their broader ideology and anti-social-justice origins, doing nothing is an especially common thing blackpillers propose for incels."
Although true, for a man with very bad looks to be incel for life, unless he becomes famous or mega rich.
They call to often on this fourm: "it's over". Especially for white men, and for asian men. WHY? because they don't factor in, getting money, andafter enough saved money just locationmaxx. A white dude, can always go JBW locationmaxxing to asia or africa. And a Asian man or Happa man, that has no/little succes might be a mayor hit and success in an Asian country.
So in that case: It's not over! He just gotta find ways to earn money, and then get the hell out of his location, and move into pussy heaven.
thats redpilled cope, looks are what really matter, money wont actually make you more attractive to women, theyll just be attracted to ur money
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watched it and that dude's wrong, has the idea of redpill right but just wrong about everything else. lol ur on a blackpilled forum and sitll dont know about what the blackpill actually is
he's redpilled asf, talking about stuff like "shit testing" and other stupid stuff
u should read these:

I agree with him.

I've experienced shit-testing and what I've found is the better looking you are, the easier the shit-test. Comparing my better looking days with my not as good looking days. Which is why people on here are obsessed with looking like Chads.
All the red pill 'gurus' are old guys who couldn't comprehend being a 20 year old in the dating market today.
They literally embody the meme of the Boomer.
I agree with him.

I've experienced shit-testing and what I've found is the better looking you are, the easier the shit-test. Comparing my better looking days with my not as good looking days. Which is why people on here are obsessed with looking like Chads.
I agree with him.

I've experienced shit-testing and what I've found is the better looking you are, the easier the shit-test. Comparing my better looking days with my not as good looking days. Which is why people on here are obsessed with looking like Chads.
Jfl shit tests don't exist
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The black pill is legit and worse than you could imagine tbh

But "it's over" "ldar" are some nice solid copes since they literally help you escape reality/cope with existing. I did it for ages and there's nothing I regret more tbh. Broken down it's literally just coping.

But the black pill is also CONDENSED here. All of the black pills from all over the world from people looking for it get posted. Now ofc some also go unseen since the userbase is small in the grand scheme of things but life isn't as black/white as people here think. But generally, you find what you seek. This even goes for what you see IRL to an extent. You're PROGRAMMING your fucking brain to notice this X Y Z thing

Some things matter that you can do very little about that are beyond looks. Like height is more changeable than some other things that also effect how you function as an individual in the collective consciousness. Nothing more brutal than being rejected from the societal collective consciousness for being dysfunctional as fuck AND being below average looking. That's why rotting is a thing.

And as far as female shit tests etc go as discussed above, they literally are a thing and happen to anyone since looks-matching is frequently what happens in a relationship dynamic. Women are only ever in the present moment so to a rational male mind they can seem fucking ridiculous at times - this is literally their programming and also why they'll drop you at a moments notice to go and fuck chad.

Gotta be indifferent to existence boyos. You can't take any of this shit with you after death. And if death is the final frontier, then literally none of this fucking shit matters. Lose lose situation focusing on it and CARING.
Jfl shit tests don't exist

So you can look like a chad and act like a complete beta puss boy when a woman of equal sexual market value comes up to you and not run into at least some obstacles?
So you can look like a chad and act like a complete beta puss boy when a woman comes up to you and not run into at least some obstacles?
That's not what I said.
If a woman finds you attractive she'll make the way to her pussy as easy as possible.
That's not what I said.
If a woman finds you attractive she'll make the way to her pussy as easy as possible.

And that isn't disagreeing with anything red-pill philosophy believes in.
Red Pill PUA's ethos is that your looks are your "base" and how the better you look, the easier you'll have it.
But they say often also to an ugly man. He can have dating success through his personality and stuff. And that's just wrong. Also they often dismiss the concept of staying within your looks league. Where they will say to an ugly man 3/10 that he can score hotties (8/10) with game. Not gonna happen, 99.9% of the time.
Black Pills have a fatalist view point.
Some do. Which is granted imo, if it is hopeless; but not when it's not hopeless. And it's good to call each other out on that. I liked this post about, white incel = volcel.

I have seen tinder tests in asian countries with sub-human white men. And they got replies.
I know 1 Dutch dude IRL; hooked nose not that good looking low tier normie. He has a Laos woman. He would be incel or having a hard time, if he didn't go "holidaying" in Asia and met his wife there.
I know 1 other Dutch dude IRL, older and in looks low tier nromie at best. He is with Ukraine woman. He would be incel or having a hard time, if he didn't go "holidaying" in Ukraine and met his wife there.
I know 1 other Dutch dude IRL, fat and in looks low tier nromie at best. He is with Armenian woman. He admitted he couldn't get anywhere with the local Dutch women, sowould be incel otherwise. Now he has 2 kids with her.

ALL THESE ABOVE DUTCH DUDES. If they posted here, plenty would had said "it's over". But the reality is, it is/was not over; IF your are willing to go extreme. WHcih includes taking your ass to poor shithole countries.
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But they say often also to an ugly man. He can have dating success through his personality and stuff. And that's just wrong. Also they often dismiss the concept of staying within your looks league. Where they will say to an ugly man 3/10 that he can score hotties (8/10) with game. Not gonna happen, 99.9% of the time.

Well of course they do this. They want as many guys to subscribe to their premium content as possible. If you tell 3PSL that he can get a 5PSL chick by "treating her mean and keeping her keen", then you're increasing your probability of getting them to subscribe. When really the PUA is obviously only talking about girls within the dude's looks-league. At best.

I have seen tinder tests in asian countries with sub-human white men. And they got replies.
I know 1 Dutch dude IRL; hooked nose not that good looking low tier normie. He has a Laos woman. He would be incel or having a hard time, if he didn't go "holidaying" in Asia and met his wife there.
I know 1 other Dutch dude IRL, older and in looks low tier nromie at best. He is with Ukraine woman. He would be incel or having a hard time, if he didn't go "holidaying" in Ukraine and met his wife there.
I know 1 other Dutch dude IRL, fat and in looks low tier nromie at best. He is with Armenian woman. He admitted he couldn't get anywhere with the local Dutch women, sowould be incel otherwise. Now he has 2 kids with her.

ALL THESE ABOVE DUTCH DUDES. If they posted here, plenty would had said "it's over". But the reality is, it is/was not over; IF your are willing to go extreme. WHcih includes taking your ass to poor shithole countries.

Yup, pretty much agreed. Caucasians have it easier in general and to such an extent that ugly 3PSLs can score with 4PSL asian girls, simply because the white gene is subconsciously or even unconsciously looked at by them, as being superior.

Which is why there was that story of an Asian teenage boy who committed suicide because there was a tape of his mother along with a couple of her friends fucking and sucking off a bald middle aged average looking dad bod white man, on PornHub. You'll find the actual footage of him jumping off a building on "All Gore" which also has the link to his mothers' slutty antics. They all knew it was being recorded too.
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thats redpilled cope, looks are what really matter, money wont actually make you more attractive to women, theyll just be attracted to ur money
That's true. They will not be attracted to you for your looks. Although probably with Asian woman, the white skin might add like 2 points to your looks there, because plenty just find that skin tone attrctive I guess.

How is it cope, if a woman choses a man for his money and/or Status??
He is chosen.
I understand and know when man is chosen for his money, there come downsides and stuff with it that would not be the case for when she choses a man because she find him hot. So that man (chosen for his money) need to be extra carefull, hardballing and savage to not get screwed over.
Yet, If he gets pussy because of it, I call it winning. Well not winning big, but still some form of winning. He's at least not incel anymore. Now I can undertand a man dislikeing being chosen for his money, and not want that, and thus decides to opt out. (aka me also, I betabuxxed once and m not pleased to do so again). But I do feel to call volcel then, for such a dude that could betabuxx his way into females.

By the way, 80+% of men need to betaBuxx at some points in their life.

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