The blackpill kills you on the inside



Jan 2, 2019
I miss my naive youth and childerhood years so fucking much. Yes it was still full of bullshit and I still had lots of problems even back then, but at least I didn't feel completely dead inside. I still experienced the occasional dose of happiness.

The problem is that once you've consumed high enough of a blackpill dose, it becomes impossible to feel excited about anything. All the traditional sources of happiness (family, nation, religion, love, sex, looking forward to the future, etc) are gone, and worse yet, you know that it was ALWAYS bullshit.

I'm convinced that the vast majority of human beings are inherently bluepilled because natural selection literally selects for it. Most men would just rope or go ER if they ever truly became blackpilled. I feel like i have essentially no reason for existing. Nothing matters. Everything is meaningless. Nobody loves me and nobody cares. I'm essentially just counting down the days until I die. And things will only get worse in the future, not better, because of economic and political trends.

Everything is so completely and utterly fucked it's not even funny.
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I become bluepilled when i get attention and love from someone
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your still that soft naive kid far as im concerned, you got a long way to go
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Do drugs, play video games, eat tasty food, escortcel, enjoy life :cool:
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Terra based.
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I can definitely relate. I would say the 2010's was the last decade I had some idealization of the future. Now, in the 2020's, I only see darkness.

And while I don't like romantizing the past, I also miss some of my teen mentality, when everything was more vibrant and you had a bluepilled view of the world, from education, school, media, etc.

Now... I'm a mere shadow of my former self.

What has been seen cannot be unseen.
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that's why you cope with substances
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Kills me
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I miss my naive youth and childerhood years so fucking much. Yes it was still full of bullshit and I still had lots of problems even back then, but at least I didn't feel completely dead inside. I still experienced the occasional dose of happiness.
Yes. Life was so simple back then. You were loved unconditionally. Stuff like looks, status, personality, money .etc didn't matter as much because we were all kids, even the losers had friends and fun. Then high school comes around and life changes dramatically, it's like the blackpill came to collect and the reality of being a sub 8 male settles in. Brutal
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Then high school comes around and life changes dramatically, it's like the blackpill came to collect and the reality of being a sub 8 male settles in.
Couldn’t put it any better tbh.
that's why you cope with substances
Not a good idea tbh. I did this with alcohol for 10+ years but it destroyed me mentally and physically and I eventually had to stop doing it. Near the end of it all it didn't even feel good anymore because my brain was too burned out from it.
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So ur 30 now, what are you gonna do with the rest of ur life? Just rope bro
So ur 30 now, what are you gonna do with the rest of ur life? Just rope bro
NEET & YOLO until civilization collapses.
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Do drugs, play video games, eat tasty food, escortcel, enjoy life :cool:
This is the only way but without drugs and escorts maybe. Monk life
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Do drugs, play video games, eat tasty food, escortcel, enjoy life :cool:
actual good non delulu advice, just do things that make you happy
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@ayusshhhh @boss8055
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@ayusshhhh @boss8055
Very true I have no motivation for college
But I will have to get through because India
I just want life to end asap
Nothing to look forward to

Atleast the blackpill freed me
There was inherently no problem with me
It was my DNA
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Very true I have no motivation for college
But I will have to get through because India
I just want life to end asap
Nothing to look forward to

Atleast the blackpill freed me
There was inherently no problem with me
It was my DNA
  • Hmm...
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Kya same bhai
You got sexy lips

IMG 20240826 031104
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All the traditional sources of happiness (family, nation, religion, love, sex, looking forward to the future, etc) are gone
Watch this video and you will see all these things are copes that help the average person to not commit a suicide. It's literally over at this point, the mog is simply too powerful. There is almost nothing you can do unless you are radicalized like me.

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Watch this video and you will see all these things are copes that help the average person to not commit a suicide. It's literally over at this point, the mog is simply too powerful. There is almost nothing you can do unless you are radicalized like me.

I just want to kill myself
And things will only get worse in the future, not better, because of economic and political trends.

Everything is so completely and utterly fucked it's not even funny.
Spot on squid...
I’ve accepted it that life is a cope in itself, we are just coping through it. But you should thrive to make is happiest and most comfortable for the best part. And how do it become comfortable? Just Look good no matter what surgery it takes and earn good no matter what’s the source.
I’ve accepted it that life is a cope in itself, we are just coping through it. But you should thrive to make is happiest and most comfortable for the best part. And how do it become comfortable? Just Look good no matter what surgery it takes and earn good no matter what’s the source.
wise word
I’ve accepted it that life is a cope in itself, we are just coping through it.
This is perhaps the ultimate blackpill of all. The final blackpill.

Neither life nor the universe itself serves any inherent purpose or meaning. You literally only continue to exist because there are certain chemicals in your brain that feed your reward centers when you do certain things, eat, laugh, have sex (those who actually can), etc. This is literally the only motivation for continuing to exist. To feed your brain 'happy chemicals'. Without this ultimately pointless incentive, there is no reason to do anything. I would know, because I've been on antidepressants at various different dosage levels, and at too much a dose it's like you exist for literally no reason because all your emotions have been blunted too much.

And the insane thing is, I'm actually still somehow one of the 'lucky' ones. For all my problems, I can still NEETbucks in a first-world white majority country. Imagine being a low-IQ shitskin in India that gets to see how badly he's being mogged in the West by even the poorcels living there. Imagine working 14 hours per day in a shitty country like that KNOWING how 1000x better it is elsewhere. I'd rope 100%.

Just look at this fucking shit (shitskins literally trying to attach themselves to planes leaving to USA):

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It's time to accept that this earth and reality it's a prison. We have only been created to be slaves. The body by itself it's a prison. Just think about it. You have to feed it regularly otherwise you will degenerate and suffer. You have to kill others animals and eat his flesh so you don't degenerate and die. Why can't we just eat fruits and other sugary foods that are tasty and be healthy and happy? No, you will degenerate.

Women. Imagine having to reproduce and form a family with a being that has NOTHING in common with you? Men and women have NOTHING in common. Women brains really differs from men's. They are designed to be like a parasite. That's their design. Who would think of such thing? And you naturally cannot have proper sex without having to bring another being to this world that never asked for it. All of this (personally) it's proof that we are slaves. Also worth mentioning how has been proved that most women are attracted to criminal traits in men...

Humans crave power and it's always trying to compete, we can't have peace, never, seems to be impossible. Also it's obvious that nowadays we are surrounded by NPC's which goals seems to be do the possible to isolate us.

And you cannot live in a forest if you don't want to starve yourself or being attacked by some predator.

And we are designed to be around people otherwise we will feel depressed and miserable. But nowadays you can't have that. You can't even make a family unless you are planning to bring your child just to suffer in this hell and if you wanna enslave yourself working all your life to provide your family. And who the hell wants to be a provider?
Maybe our lives could've been better if eugenics were applied long time ago so the scum on the earth wouldn't been able to multiply.

We are mortal ... happiness is ephemeral ... everything is hard ... every place is polluted ... life is boring ... people lie all the time .... etc

At this point I can only hope with the believe that maybe life it's like a "videogame" (just like GTA) created for more intelligent and superior beings and that our goals is to ascend and escape this place. And we don't how to ascend and why we are here in the first place? Seriously, have we been punished?
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I wish I could be a kid again. Instead im gonna go ER soon
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I wish I could be a kid again. Instead im gonna go ER soon
Real. Life after puberty as a sub 8 is fucking brutal. rope or cope and I ain't even kidding I'm crying right now writing this :feelswhy:
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Idk if I should buy test and try another worthless attempt to ascend or just buy coke and od :feelswhy::feelswhy::feelswhy::feelswhy:
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I miss my naive youth and childerhood years so fucking much. Yes it was still full of bullshit and I still had lots of problems even back then, but at least I didn't feel completely dead inside. I still experienced the occasional dose of happiness.

The problem is that once you've consumed high enough of a blackpill dose, it becomes impossible to feel excited about anything. All the traditional sources of happiness (family, nation, religion, love, sex, looking forward to the future, etc) are gone, and worse yet, you know that it was ALWAYS bullshit.

I'm convinced that the vast majority of human beings are inherently bluepilled because natural selection literally selects for it. Most men would just rope or go ER if they ever truly became blackpilled. I feel like i have essentially no reason for existing. Nothing matters. Everything is meaningless. Nobody loves me and nobody cares. I'm essentially just counting down the days until I die. And things will only get worse in the future, not better, because of economic and political trends.

Everything is so completely and utterly fucked it's not even funny.
trust we will ascend
I miss my naive youth and childerhood years so fucking much. Yes it was still full of bullshit and I still had lots of problems even back then, but at least I didn't feel completely dead inside. I still experienced the occasional dose of happiness.

The problem is that once you've consumed high enough of a blackpill dose, it becomes impossible to feel excited about anything. All the traditional sources of happiness (family, nation, religion, love, sex, looking forward to the future, etc) are gone, and worse yet, you know that it was ALWAYS bullshit.

I'm convinced that the vast majority of human beings are inherently bluepilled because natural selection literally selects for it. Most men would just rope or go ER if they ever truly became blackpilled. I feel like i have essentially no reason for existing. Nothing matters. Everything is meaningless. Nobody loves me and nobody cares. I'm essentially just counting down the days until I die. And things will only get worse in the future, not better, because of economic and political trends.

Everything is so completely and utterly fucked it's not even funny.
That’s the autism
I'm convinced that the vast majority of human beings are inherently bluepilled because natural selection literally selects for it. Most men would just rope or go ER if they ever truly became blackpilled.
This is actually incredibly correct.

Blackpill is the most valuable to the winners of life, the average man's life will probably be made worse through such realizations. Not that they shouldn't have them but we have to be honest that the saying "ignorance is bliss" doesn't exist for no reason. Being made aware of how fucked you are is only a good thing if you have the power to change your circumstances.
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This is actually incredibly correct.

Blackpill is the most valuable to the winners of life, the average man's life will probably be made worse through such realizations. Not that they shouldn't have them but we have to be honest that the saying "ignorance is bliss" doesn't exist for no reason. Being made aware of how fucked you are is only a good thing if you have the power to change your circumstances.

This is why religion has historically been so important to the poor sheeple throughout history. They needed it to cope or else they had nothing for the most part. Even today, this is true for lots of people. Go see how people live in the third world where the subhuman population enjoys like 10% the wealth we do with barely functioning infrastructure and rampant corruption. Utter ropefuel.
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The comment about religion and poor people is a spot on.

I'm a Brazilian dude from a working class background and where I live there was an explosion of evangelical churches in the last decades... and guess which demographic group they are more presented, yep, among poor/working class people.

I'm an atheist and blackpilled, which makes my life even harder, I can't cope with an afterlife and all that mumbo jumbo crap, I know that if I die there's no second chance.

It's not easy.
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