The boomer cope.


Deleted member 7725

Jun 8, 2020
You dumb ass motherfuckers would rather pay $3k rent than get a mortgage for a house for the same price and get a much better place. Dumb asl really got the nerve to complain.
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mortgage requires large down payments.
In the UK now with the rate rises and the price of property, renting is about half the price of even the interest on a mortgage for the same quality of property.
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No they don't dumb zoomer. Only 10% at most.
Over here you need a down payment of 20% to get a mortgage loan. Housing prices here average over a million even in the suburbs.
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so have you actually ever taken out a mortgage?
You dumb ass motherfuckers would rather pay $3k rent than get a mortgage for a house for the same price and get a much better place. Dumb asl really got the nerve to complain.
TBH. I am thinking of buying a house soon. Plus you can decorate your house as you want, and do what you wish without the fear of if landlord will allow.
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You have to be a retard not to buy a many cases it can be cheaper plus you in the end you end up owning an asset. You can be renting for years and walk away with nothing, it's money you are going to be spending you might as well end up owning something in the end.
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Renting is an expense which gets you tax cuts and benefits on social security, whereas owning a house is an asset and it drives your networth up thus you end up getting raped more by tax and with less benefits

thanks but i prefer staying poor
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Home owning, moggs. If you have the option to do that, than it's often best.
If you don't have the option to buy, than it's not even on the table

Renting is an expense which gets you tax cuts and benefits on social security, whereas owning a house is an asset and it drives your networth up thus you end up getting raped more by tax and with less benefits

thanks but i prefer staying poor
Just stay poor and low income. Because you have to pay 25%-30% tax in that income. theory
Home owning, moggs. If you have the option to do that, than it's often best.
If you don't have the option to buy, than it's not even on the table

Just stay poor and low income. Because you have to pay 25%-30% tax in that income. theory
just get a loan and pay instead of cuckold muh rent.

thats what my father did. but ngl when we were paying those loans our budget was real tight, often too few.
Renting is an expense which gets you tax cuts and benefits on social security, whereas owning a house is an asset and it drives your networth up thus you end up getting raped more by tax and with less benefits

thanks but i prefer staying poor
How do you get tax cuts and social security benefits? It's taxable income that you're spending lmfao.
Home owning, moggs. If you have the option to do that, than it's often best.
If you don't have the option to buy, than it's not even on the table

Just stay poor and low income. Because you have to pay 25%-30% tax in that income. theory
More like 0.5-2% more taxes.
depends on country.
where I life, I wished tax in labor income was -.5% to 2% range
I mean property taxes range from 0.5%-2%. You still have to pay income tax at the same tax rate whether you rent or not.
In the UK now with the rate rises and the price of property, renting is about half the price of even the interest on a mortgage for the same quality of property.
Fucking truss

Expenses for landlords going through the roof but you can't even charge more rent since the people can hardly afford to pay it at the current level as is.

We going to see people folding out of BTL market which will increases demands on the fewer rental properties left and so rental prices will probably go up.
Well yeah it would be nice to buy a house but some retards like me have been waiting for the housing crash that never seems to happen and just keeps getting propped up by the government. I’m still not going to buy at these highs and you gotta be a tard to do so.
Well yeah it would be nice to buy a house but some retards like me have been waiting for the housing crash that never seems to happen and just keeps getting propped up by the government. I’m still not going to buy at these highs and you gotta be a tard to do so.
Same. I've been sitting on my money waiting to buy a house or car. muh wait for housing prices to go down. Meanwhile it's been 2 years and they've barely budged.
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Wtf is the point getting a mortgage as an incel. You’re not gonna have wife and kids, you’ll be wageslaving most of the time so you don’t even get to enjoy the house.
Wtf is the point getting a mortgage as an incel. You’re not gonna have wife and kids, you’ll be wageslaving most of the time so you don’t even get to enjoy the house.
Because you own an asset and aren't just giving your money away.
Wtf is the point getting a mortgage as an incel. You’re not gonna have wife and kids, you’ll be wageslaving most of the time so you don’t even get to enjoy the house.

The point is in 30 years you’ll have a paid off asset that you can sell at the highs and retire your old ass so you don’t have to work anymore and just bang Thai ladyboys until the grim reaper comes for you.
Fucking truss

Expenses for landlords going through the roof but you can't even charge more rent since the people can hardly afford to pay it at the current level as is.

We going to see people folding out of BTL market which will increases demands on the fewer rental properties left and so rental prices will probably go up.

It's gonna be grisly for sure.
As you say, tenants literally can't afford a rent increase.
The average salary in the UK covers the cost of living with maybe a 10-20% margin.

This is why I'm 100% in dollars, bitcoin, and nibbling at cheap tech stocks. Hopefully the rebound from the current crash will set me up to retire as otherwise there is absolutely no future for me working in the UK on literal slave wages.
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It's gonna be grisly for sure.
As you say, tenants literally can't afford a rent increase.
The average salary in the UK covers the cost of living with maybe a 10-20% margin.

This is why I'm 100% in dollars, bitcoin, and nibbling at cheap tech stocks. Hopefully the rebound from the current crash will set me up to retire as otherwise there is absolutely no future for me working in the UK on literal slave wages.
Smart man.

I have 3 mortgages.

Pray for me.
Because you own an asset and aren't just giving your money away.
Yes ideally we would all get a mortgage but life is not so black and white like that. Rent suits people who don’t have the money for a down payment or the credit score to get a loan. Rent is also far more manageable and elastic compared to a mortgage. Not everyone plans to stay in the same place for 10+ years. Rent is for people a different stage of life, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s bad.
The point is in 30 years you’ll have a paid off asset that you can sell at the highs and retire your old ass so you don’t have to work anymore and just bang Thai ladyboys until the grim reaper comes for you.
You guys talk like mortgages are easy to get jfl. Some people have no choice to rent. Also what happens when you get a mortgage and miss a payment cause your job laid you off or something. Your credit score will be beyond fucked whereas with rent you can just house share and pay 300 a month tops or fuck off to some different place without all the hassle of a mortgage holding you down.
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You guys talk like mortgages are easy to get jfl. Some people have no choice to rent. Also what happens when you get a mortgage and miss a payment cause your job laid you off or something. Your credit score will be beyond fucked whereas with rent you can just house share and pay 300 a month tops or fuck off to some different place without all the hassle of a mortgage holding you down.
They literally give a mortgage to anyone nowadays. The government passed laws to force them to do it. That's why the media convinces normtards like you that paying rent to your overlord is the best option.
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They literally give a mortgage to anyone nowadays. The government passed laws to force them to do it. That's why the media convinces normtards like you that paying rent to your overlord is the best option.
That’s how I know you don’t know jack shit about finance. To get a mortgage you’ll first need a minimum 10k bulk down payment. Then on top of that you’ll need an above average credit score with evidence of long term stable employment. Most people don’t have this. Rent is not even that bad. Here in the UK you can literally get a house share with all bills included and only be paying 300 a month depending on where you are.
That’s how I know you don’t know jack shit about finance. To get a mortgage you’ll first need a minimum 10k bulk down payment. Then on top of that you’ll need an above average credit score with evidence of long term stable employment. Most people don’t have this. Rent is not even that bad. Here in the UK you can literally get a house share with all bills included and only be paying 300 a month depending on where you are.
10k? You mean 10%? That's nothing. If you want a million dollar house, you only need $100k cash.
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10k? You mean 10%? That's nothing. If you want a million dollar house, you only need $100k cash.
Well good for if you can afford that. Me personally I only make peanuts, not gonna have wife and kids, wageslaving most of the time and have no plans of staying in house for 10+ years so a mortgage makes no sense for me even if I world get accepted for one. We’re all gonna end up 6ft under so what’s the point of even caring about shit like this unless you intend to have a family. The bank will own the house anyway until you pay it off and have all the power to take the house from you for whatever reason.
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Well good for if you can afford that. Me personally I only make peanuts, not gonna have wife and kids, wageslaving most of the time and have no plans of staying in house for 10+ years so a mortgage makes no sense for me even if I world get accepted for one. We’re all gonna end up 6ft under so what’s the point of even caring about shit like this unless you intend to have a family. The bank will own the house anyway until you pay it off and have all the power to take the house from you for whatever reason.
Coping nihilistcel.
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Fucking truss

Expenses for landlords going through the roof but you can't even charge more rent since the people can hardly afford to pay it at the current level as is.

We going to see people folding out of BTL market which will increases demands on the fewer rental properties left and so rental prices will probably go up.
Life fuel
TBH. I am thinking of buying a house soon. Plus you can decorate your house as you want, and do what you wish without the fear of if landlord will allow.

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