The dark and sad truth about the Covid vaccine, its spiritual effects and consequences for the soul and physical body



Aug 29, 2024
I will preface this by saying that this post is incredibly dark and intended to discuss a particular topic that I don't see talked about often despite its importance, perhaps due to its severity or the fact posts are removed.
I do not intent to spread fear with this post, rather aim to address the true purpose of the Covid MRNA vaccines for important discussion to then discuss potential solutions for those that have fallen victim to this attack on humanity.
When looking deeper, we can in-fact discover that what was sold to humanity as a 'vaccine' was actually far from a vaccine, rather a biological weapon (by design) built by the forces that run this realm that attacks both the energetic and physical aspects of the human soul. This post focuses on hidden (Spiritual) occult knowledge and does not support religious ideas, despite using quotes from religious text.
Before starting I would definitely suggest looking into Thomas Mayer's 'Covid Vaccines from a Spiritual Perspective' - Consequences for the Soul and Spirit and for Life After Death for more information surrounding the effects and true intentions behind the Covid Vaccines.
The vaccine was a worldwide, black magic consent ritual that built the Third Masonic Pillar inside the temple of god via consent (Your body)
"Do you not know that you are the temple of God and the Spirit of God dwells in you? - Corinthians 3:16
God (source energy) created us with a double helix in our DNA. The helix structure was found by DR.Francis Crick and DR. James Watson in 1953. They declared that each human has 144000 genes, 72000 from the mother and 72000 from the father.
The idea that only 144,000 people will make it to heaven is a belief held by Jehovah's Witnesses who will be resurrected to heaven as immortal spirit beings to spend eternity with God and Christ.
When looking at the original patents of the MRNA 'Vaccine' - (Pages 4 and 45) we can identify that the introduction of MRNA to humans induces a 'triple helix' by adding Cytosine into the original YHVH genetic coding bringing the code from ATCG to ATCCCG.
Cytosine is found in quantum Computing/ AI -, Why are they adding Cytosine to the DNA? - Potentially to connect us to the nanotechnology that is being found in the blood of both vaccinated and unvaccinated
NIH states that CRISPR CAS G is 'editing the book of life' with molecular scissors
Revelation 20:15 - And if anyone was found whose name was not written in the Book of Life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.
Our DNA is the code of Life, which is gods name, gods number, gods mark, gods image
Revelation 13:16 - "He causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead" 18 - Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Most DNA double helixes are right-handed -
The Vaccine adds a third MRNA Strand and therefore we find ourselves with 216000 genes (Added 72000), 6x60x600 = 216000 meaning that the Vaccine itself is not the mark of the beast rather it encodes the number of the beast into the person
Humans are referred to as 'Carbon Based Lifeforms' which equates to 6 Protons, 6 neutrons and 6 Electrons
Daniel 2:43 And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay.
When we look at the Queens Jubilee Ceremony, we can see the elites are literally throwing the triple helix in humanities face that they have completed their mission -
They want to separate us from god in order to bring about Transhumanism, where we will have no need for god as they aim to make us immortal.
DNA's importance in Escaping the simulation and the consequences of the third strand DNA.
The beings that control our simulation know that the unlocking of Unlocking the frequency of Our DNA is the key to escaping the simulation they have placed us in. Through the activation our dormant DNA through spiritual practise, correct dieting and high vibrations we can actually upgrade the frequency of our DNA to a 12 strand 'light form' (144000) that allows us to access higher levels of consciousness and therefore access our powers. This includes astral projection/lucid dreaming, memory of past lives and telekinesis. When we are attached to materialism, these beings can make us reincarnate as we are still attached to low vibrational matter.
The beings (known as archons - demons and angels) that have trapped our souls here in this simulation do not want us to know how powerful we are since our low vibrational energy is literally food for these Beings.
When the third MRNA strand is introduced, it acts as a blocker for this expansion, which essentially binds the soul to the physical body. This means that those who have taken the Real vaccine (as many where placebo's) are tied to the double helix DNA strand, potentially trapping their souls in the 3D for eternity (Vaxxinated = tied to the cross). This is why those that take the mark of the beast are separated from god for eternity, since their DNA has been cut off from ascension meaning they cannot return to source and can therefore be attacked by negative entities. This explains why people have become so NPC like since covid, and explains why people claim to have 'lost' their spiritual powers after taking the vaccine.
We could say they have imprinted the mark of physical matter into the DNA to show the allegiance of the person to the physical realm and therefore they become owned by the simulation and not god. This is also why the virus was called Corona virus as it is telling you it is targeting your crown chakra.
Because of this the persons soul (DNA) is cut of from source energy which means that after death, the soul may not be able to reincarnate again to continue its process of evolution where it can be fed on by negative entities . Either this or it is forced to reincarnate again in the 3D (Outside of earth, perhaps on a computer) where the transhumanism agenda will take place. Think of this as the great soul harvest, the archons have let their tree grow large, then they have harvested it at the correct season.
This also means that humans will lose their spiritual ideas which makes them easier to control into the new world order on a larger scale. The beings that are doing this may not see this as a bad thing, as they understand that a lot of people enjoy the physical.
Lucia Caldo, Russian phychotherapist
"I was shown that vector vaccines, which are now in use, change the human genome. This is the point. Disconnect and break the connection between the soul and the Spirit. I observe similar phenomena when people are on antidepressants. As a psychotherapist, I see such an influence in my work. Absolutely isolation from the Higher Self. The same effect will be from the vaccine. To be more precise, from the vector vaccine, which is spread by the West. Russian Sputnik V is also a vector vaccine. This is not intoxication. This is a genome change. Genetic Engineering. You can read about the mechanism of action of this vaccine. It is not hidden that the vaccine embeds new codes into DNA. Thus, the human soul is cut off from the Creator, from the Higher Self, from its Avatar. It is better to die from the virus and reunite with your origin than to inject yourself and lose the soul connection forever. And never to return. The whole point is this. This is a satanic trap for human souls."
(Unidentified) French energetic spiritual healer
"I realised the purpose is to damage and try to destroy contact with consciousness, As for the situation manifesting on the energetic level and especially the soul, it has been confirmed that it no longer interacts with the physical body, it is still bound by the so-called cord, but it confirms it no longer interacts with the physical, emotional and mental body, there is no longer any kind of communication. The soul is no longer able to manage these three bodies, To continue its process of incarnation and evolution, precisely because the contact has been broken.
I knew the intentions of these vaccines was to block the ascension but I wasn't sure how and im blown away, I'm also aware they want to trap souls in the 3D reality which is hell.
Robin Kaiser, German Spiritual Healing therapist:
"For a long time I have personally resisted taking a public stand on the vaccine issue. However, my life has brought me to a point where I feel it is my duty to say something about this issue from an energetic perspective. Tt was never about the pandemic, but about getting the approval of very many people for the enforcement of very specific measures in which vaccination plays a central role
"The vaccination leaves an imprint, a mark in the vibrational signature of the energetic body, which can be followed over several incarnations. It sets a brand mark for a very specific spirit soul development path. As human beings, we have come to a crossroads of development, and the directions of development are set, among other things, by the inoculation marker. It was never about money what the pharmaceutical industry earns thereby, also it was only marginally about the goal of population reduction, but it is ultimately about winning souls over several incarnations for the digital path of development. The vaccination decomposes the energetic inner life and rewrites the RNA coding in such a way that after some time it can be applied to digital silicon structures."
"The string-pullers who want to dutifully bring the vaccination measures into play have a super-incarnational perspective, and it is important to them that they keep all their sheep together with the marking in the energy body, so that even after leaving the body it can be ensured that the soul aspect continues to move in the direction of digitalization. RNA and DNA is coded languages of creation and inoculation is an essential step in transforming this language of creation into a digital language of art. DNA is the language of life, carrying the complete blueprint for a particular life form and controlling individual life processes. Through the RNA language, genetic information can be translated in the organism. The RNA language has a direct access to the regulation of DNA coding and provides for the translation of enzymes and proteins. The vaccine is artificially programmed in RNA coding, thus mimicking the language with which our organism speaks. The actual goal of the vaccination is a gradual DNA modification by minimally changing the information chains of the RNA exchange. With vaccination, we are injected with passive RNA codes that latch onto the body’s communication system, and which can be specifically activated from the outside via radiation technology."
"The inoculation is a one-way street, from which one does not come out so fast after the activation of the digital RNA virus. And who now lets himself be inoculated once again on the last meters, and thereby spirit runs in a completely different direction, is to be helped only with difficulty
They truly believe they are helping us evolve by implanting artificial DNA. RNA vaccination is supposed to prepare the human organism to absorb parts of the DNA structure from a highly intelligent digital species. They believe that by assimilating our DNA to their programming, they will actually help us because they see the vaccination as the preparation for eternal life in a digital form. And most likely, the part of humanity that gets vaccinated today will follow this path of assimilation into a highly intelligent, technological field."
AstraZeneca clinical trial participant
"They've Killed God; I Can't Feel God; My Soul Is Dead ..."
Thomas Mayer, German Spirtual Author, healer :
“On February 23, 2021, during a work meeting, I had the opportunity to perceive a deceased person, who had received a corona vaccination before leaving the body. The etheric body of the deceased was contracted, slanted, and tense, the soul was chained to it, sad, suffering, lonely and disoriented in darkness. Normally, after death, the etheric body expands and the tableau of life becomes free, in which the deceased experiences all the memories of his or her past life in simultaneity and greater clarity. This did not happen here, the life tableau was prevented, and the soul was stuck earthbound. No light of the spiritual world reached it. Normally, the deceased are received and enveloped by their angels. That was not the case here, the angel was without connection on the sidelines.
From such blocked states souls cannot free themselves from their predicament in foreseeable time. They need an intervention from the outside. Spiritual interventions, which are stimulated by incarnated people, can help here. We did our best for this poor soul to help it in a process of development. Was this just an isolated case or is it common after corona vaccination? That is a burning question.
If there is no one to take care of the earthbound deceased, it may take many centuries for their condition to change. “It’s just a jab and then you can travel again”, announce the vaccinations commercials. But in reality, it could mean that the soul cannot make its journey through the spiritual world for hundreds of years after death, stuck, suffering, and thus burdening living ones.”
“…During the spiritual intervention, I concentrated first on the soratic-transhumanism spirits in her etheric body. But this was not enough, there were other dark inclusions connected with a group of deceased, who were in a miserable state and had connected themselves with the highest adversarial spirits. These sucked power from the earthbound woman. Only after the possession by this group of the dead was removed, was the spiritual intervention felt to be bringing effects.
“We have looked at a total of 31 vaccinated deceased people, all of whom were earthbound. These people died in March and April 2021 and were mostly over 80 years old.
Earthbound means that the etheric body and phantom body (physical spirit body) are solidified and do not expand. The soul is chained to these bodies and therefore lives in darkness – it does not experience life-panorama or their spiritual environment and does not experience its angel. They neither can experience other light-filled dead around them nor the warming spiritual light of the Christ.
Rudolph Steiner - Famous German Spiritual philosopher
" In the future, the materialists will find a vaccine that will drive all inclination towards spiritual ideas -1917"
The Final goal, the creation of Cyborgs
Thomas Mayer - "The goal of the covid 'inoculations' is not to cure a virus, rather to direct humanity towards the direction of transhumanism and transhumanistic ideas"
We ask why they are changing the genome of humanity and why they would do something so cruel. The answer... The Archons want soulless beings, disconnected from source energy so that they can never escape the simulation. They also want humans trapped in silicone bodies, just as Kaiser said, that are not only immortal but have no need for human pleasure for the ultimate farming of negative energy.
I will not go into the nanotechnology found in the shots in this post, as it will simply change the subject as I only want to discuss the DNA change however there was also nanotechnology and graphene in the shots which links to transhumanism.
Potential Solutions
Everyone is affected by the vaccine differently on an individual basis so we cannot make generalizations. Many known and unknown factors come in: how many doses/boosters did a person receive, the person’s level of being, soul development, spiritual strength, karmic and spiritual lessons, and much more that is impossible for the mind to grasp.
Although the DNA damage may be irreversible, there are still actions that can be taken to reduce the effects of the vaccine, especially the physical effects. This includes healthy dieting, time away from technology and spiritual practise. Mayer also mentions experienced spiritual healers can help people especially the already deceased.
We cannot stop engaging in the inner work, as this is what these beings want, us to be scared but there is still a chance that we can fight this.
Peace to you all, Hope you enjoyed this post, it may be a bit all over the place but eventually it all adds up.

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This is fucking insane, new level of schizo
Yeah now guess what, its not just covid, every vaccine is just as bad if not worse
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I’ve seen the vaccine change people drastically first hand. These people are pure evil

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