The dating scene is over

Deleted member 616

Deleted member 616

Dec 4, 2018
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  • JFL
Reactions: xit, Zygos4Life, Vitruvian and 6 others
I don't know if it's low T, but I almost don't care about girls/relationships anymore.
It's too surreal for me, I'm too lazy and weird to maintain one anyway.
I just want to have a great relationship with myself, I want to love myself, my appearance and everything.
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Reactions: Deleted member 275, MammothActuary, Ghostcel and 13 others
I don't know if it's low T, but I almost don't care about girls/relationships anymore.
It's too surreal for me, I'm too lazy and weird to maintain one anyway.
I just want to have a great relationship with myself, I want to love myself, my appearance and everything.
Same, I care more about getting validation and improving my self esteem than actually getting a gf, or maintaining a LTR. I already ruined so many potentially good LTRs due to my personality disorders and I don’t think I’ll feel like investing emotionally myself into another one.
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Same, I care more about getting validation and improving my self esteem than actually getting a gf, or maintaining a LTR. I already ruined so many potentially good LTRs due to my personality disorders and I don’t think I’ll feel like investing emotionally myself into another one.
It feels so fucking amazing getting that boost ego from woman, knowing she wants you to approach her but you just ego boosting. I always get such a nice feeling afterwards lol
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I don't know if it's low T, but I almost don't care about girls/relationships anymore.
It's too surreal for me, I'm too lazy and weird to maintain one anyway.
I just want to have a great relationship with myself, I want to love myself, my appearance and everything.

same. I canceled a date today because i didnt want to put any effort into it. Im on the "if happens, happens" mood
same. I canceled a date today because i didnt want to put any effort into it. Im on the "if happens, happens" mood
How does she look?
It's getting there
I don't know if it's low T, but I almost don't care about girls/relationships anymore.
It's too surreal for me, I'm too lazy and weird to maintain one anyway.
I just want to have a great relationship with myself, I want to love myself, my appearance and everything.
What are you doing in your free time, Mr. IDGAF?
I mean I feel all of you brocels. It's only gonna get worse. If you're looksmaxing, understand that you're putting in all this time and making all this effort and wasting all this valuable time trying to get control over an area of life that is, let's be honest, pretty much obsolete. Every year that this cultural degeneracy keeps accelerating the chances of you having any success in this part of life keeps getting less and less. It's over, bro. Stop putting in all this effort for something that is completely RIGGED. Invest all that time in yourself. Go monk. For your own sanity. Your natural desires are turned against you so the only option is to transcend, and rewire your brain. It's crazy we've come to this point, but hey, here we are. We're at the end times, buddy.
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  • So Sad
  • JFL
Reactions: MammothActuary, Ghostcel, Deleted member 616 and 3 others
I mean I feel all of you brocels. It's only gonna get worse. If you're looksmaxing, understand that you're putting in all this time and making all this effort and wasting all this valuable time trying to get control over an area of life that is, let's be honest, pretty much obsolete. Every year that this cultural degeneracy keeps accelerating the chances of you having any success in this part of life keeps getting less and less. It's over, bro. Stop putting in all this effort for something that is completely RIGGED. Invest all that time in yourself. Go monk. For your own sanity. Your natural desires are turned against you so the only option is to transcend, and rewire your brain. It's crazy we've come to this point, but hey, here we are. We're at the end times, buddy.
I can’t not get validation from females I will sui without it srs it’s the number one most important thing is life to me
  • So Sad
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Are you serious?
Yes I’m serious, do you think I’m taking steroids that could potentially take years and years off my life just for a laugh ? If I can’t get validation, mutual attraction between me and a female I don’t think this life is worth living for me. I can’t think of anything that effects my happiness more than whether or not girls like me
I wish this wasn’t the case I wish I was born in 1985. and
Yes, I keep saying there are many more incels in denial that people believe

Girls are only attracted to the top 20% of guys and only have sex with them. They prefer to share them and stay single instead of settle with a guy at their level of below.
Yes, I keep saying there are many more incels in denial that people believe

Girls are only attracted to the top 20% of guys and only have sex with them. They prefer to share them and stay single instead of settle with a guy at their level of below.
I can understand wkmen having ONS with chad but routinely expecting it and only going to their looksmatch at 30 is unfair
I don't know if it's low T, but I almost don't care about girls/relationships anymore.
It's too surreal for me, I'm too lazy and weird to maintain one anyway.
I just want to have a great relationship with myself, I want to love myself, my appearance and everything.

It's mostly because you know most girls are degenerate feminist whores who will either cheat on you or ask for an open relationship, and this is mostly cause by how weak men became, JFL a lot of men are pride cucks
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Yes I’m serious, do you think I’m taking steroids that could potentially take years and years off my life just for a laugh ? If I can’t get validation, mutual attraction between me and a female I don’t think this life is worth living for me. I can’t think of anything that effects my happiness more than whether or not girls like me
You need to transcend this need for validation if you ever wish to be truly happy. Being dependant on others, or women, for happiness is bound to lead you to suffering. ESPECIALLY if you're born in the 21st century where women don't provide you with the validation your body and biology craves. Monk is the only way. And yes, you can overcome all this.
You need to transcend this need for validation if you ever wish to be truly happy. Being dependant on others, or women, for happiness is bound to lead you to suffering. ESPECIALLY if you're born in the 21st century where women don't provide you with the validation your body and biology craves. Monk is the only way. And yes, you can overcome all this.

But having a girl like me makes me happy. If I fail in getting a girl im happy with when I do give up in my late 20s if I haven’t ascended by then it’ll never happen, maybe I’ll look into all this stuff at that point, but for now I’d rather looksmax
But having a girl like me makes me happy. If I fail in getting a girl im happy with when I do give up in my late 20s if I haven’t ascended by then it’ll never happen, maybe I’ll look into all this stuff at that point, but for now I’d rather looksmax
Have you ever had a girl like you?
Have you ever had a girl like you?
Yes once had a gf which made me happy, well I was happier then than I am now. Also had an ONS who couldn’t keep her hands off me when she was drunk but seemed indifferent to me when she sobered up in the morning
  • So Sad
Reactions: Deleted member 616
Yes once had a gf which made me happy, well I was happier then than I am now. Also had an ONS who couldn’t keep her hands off me when she was drunk but seemed indifferent to me when she sobered up in the morning
I see. This validation is so fleety and the feeling is gone before you know it, I don't think you can build happiness on the fleetiness of validation based happiness tbh monkmax rn bro before you reach instanity. thats all i can say
Stop shitposting. You're ridiculously annoying
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fuark i wish i was born 30 years before :(

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