The day I got blackpilled on eye color

Deleted member 2012

Deleted member 2012

Jun 10, 2019
This story is back from when I was bluepilled.

I used to think that looks were subjective, and that the reason blue eyes were generally considered more attractive is because they were more rare. It made sense right?

Harder to find / obtain = More valuable

This concept applies to many thing in life.

Anyway, so I was in summer school and I met this Estonian girl and she was telling me about how Estonia dodged a bullet in the whole immigration crisis in Europe. She said that 99% of people in Estonia have blue eyes.


I’m Brazilian and here in Brazil, blue eyes are pretty rare. And light colored eyes are obviously considered the most attractive here. I always coped that the rea.

So my curiosity led me to ask her:
So what color eyes do you find the most attractive? I was expecting her to say brown because from her perspective that would be the most exotic.

But to no one’s surprise on this site…

She said blue.


That’s when I realized it wasn’t a matter of rarity, even in a country where everyone has blue eyes, it is still the preferable . The rarity factor only adds to an already higher value.

Now that I think about it it’s pretty obvious blue is the preferred eye color…If you ask people to rank their favorite colors, how many will put brown above blue?

Blue is the most common favorite color in the world:


Why is blue a more preferred color in general though? It probably has to do with what we associate the colors to.

What comes to mind when you hear the color blue?

Things that are vast, and out of our feeble human reach…

The sky, the Ocean, the Horizon… Even in nature, blue animals are quite rare.

While brown, we associate it with more boring and mundane things such as…

The dirt on the ground, mud, tree trunks, most mammals are also brown, it is the most common color in nature.

So no wonder a color like blue would be more preferred on average.

At least that’s my take on this.
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In Estonia 99% of all people have blue eyes? It’s actually about 89% in Estonia and Finland, which is high regardless.
tl;dr blue eyes are superior genetically because it's the same color as cool things (and is pleasing to look at) and brown is the color of shit and dirt
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tl;dr blue eyes are superior genetically because it's the same color as cool things (and is pleasing to look at) and brown is the color of shit and dirt
Pretty much
Another reason as to why blue eyes are considered more attractive is because it’s associated with attractive phenotypes.
Yeah not gonna read all that. Everyone likes lighter colored eyes, this was super easy to figure out even as a kid.
Green eyes and blue eyes are the best
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I have green
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what about amber and hazel?
blue eyes halo hard my subhuman face tbh
superior genetically

However, darker eyes act like a stronger filter for light, which means that dark-eyed people tend to see better in bright sunlight and are less susceptible to glare.
If i could pick an eye color it wouldn't be blue although it's my favorite color irl
all my clothes i'm wearing now are blue
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However, darker eyes act like a stronger filter for light, which means that dark-eyed people tend to see better in bright sunlight and are less susceptible to glare.
cope. that's like saying it's better to be short because you're a smaller target and harder to shoot, bruh it doesn't matter, your genes are still undesired.
a chad is a chad regardless of eye color. of course it's going to halo you hard especially in ethnic countries but if you're attractive then your eye color won't matter.
  • +1
Reactions: HowAmIAlive123
cope. that's like saying it's better to be short because you're a smaller target and harder to shoot, bruh it doesn't matter, your genes are still undesired.
cope, brown eye genes are dominant and will overrun blue eye genes

jfl calling "genetic superiority" a mutation that only serves an aesthethic purpose while brown gives extra functionality to eyes

The brown eye form of the eye color gene (or allele) is dominant, whereas the blue eye allele is recessive.
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This story is back from when I was bluepilled.

I used to think that looks were subjective, and that the reason blue eyes were generally considered more attractive is because they were more rare. It made sense right?

Harder to find / obtain = More valuable

This concept applies to many thing in life.

Anyway, so I was in summer school and I met this Estonian girl and she was telling me about how Estonia dodged a bullet in the whole immigration crisis in Europe. She said that 99% of people in Estonia have blue eyes.

View attachment 583042

I’m Brazilian and here in Brazil, blue eyes are pretty rare. And light colored eyes are obviously considered the most attractive here. I always coped that the rea.

So my curiosity led me to ask her:
So what color eyes do you find the most attractive? I was expecting her to say brown because from her perspective that would be the most exotic.

But to no one’s surprise on this site…

She said blue.

View attachment 583043View attachment 583044

That’s when I realized it wasn’t a matter of rarity, even in a country where everyone has blue eyes, it is still the preferable . The rarity factor only adds to an already higher value.

Now that I think about it it’s pretty obvious blue is the preferred eye color…If you ask people to rank their favorite colors, how many will put brown above blue?

Blue is the most common favorite color in the world:

View attachment 583054

Why is blue a more preferred color in general though? It probably has to do with what we associate the colors to.

What comes to mind when you hear the color blue?

Things that are vast, and out of our feeble human reach…

The sky, the Ocean, the Horizon… Even in nature, blue animals are quite rare.

While brown, we associate it with more boring and mundane things such as…

The dirt on the ground, mud, tree trunks, most mammals are also brown, it is the most common color in nature.

So no wonder a color like blue would be more preferred on average.

At least that’s my take on this.
The evidence does agree with you, at least in all the studies where women rate/interact with men. Blue eyes are preferred more than any other color worldwide, and although rarity adds attractiveness, even in places like estonia blue eyes are still considered the most attractive, although brown eyes are considered more attractive there than in brazil due to their rarity.

Its like fisherian runaway with birds and other animals. Where ornate and colorful features attract attention and raise sexual value even though they provide zero benefit or are a detriment to an animal’s survival/reproduction
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jfl calling "genetic superiority" a mutation that only serves an aesthethic purpose while brown gives extra functionality to eyes
If this mutation is so useless than why did it spread like the plague as soon as it originated 10 thousand years ago?

This mutation gave people who had it a significant sexual selection advantage.

Yes, blue eyes are more sensitive to light, which means brown eyed people can see better in bright places but that also means blue eyed people can see better in the darkness.

Eyesight is by far the most important sense to humans, if a mutation that was actually negative for eye sight came along it wouldn’t have been selected for.

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