The Definitive Guide To Skincare



Jun 21, 2020
Similar to my last definitive guide about leanmaxing/fat loss which you can check out here, taking care of your skin is another relatively simple way to raise your psl as a softmax and often underrated. It won't matter if you have ideal ratios if you're covered with pus filled acne, hyperpigmentation scars and skin texture and moisture reminiscent of sandpaper. In this guide I will outline the optimal skin care routine and short reviews of the science behind why you should follow it. I want to make this advice definitive on this issue which will mean this thread may be a little long but read it all it contains valuable information. The face is the first thing people look at, this has been scientifically proven so pay attention to it, remember if you're not skinmaxing you're not looksmaxing.

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THE skin care routine
1- Cleanser 1- Twice Daily Oil Cleanser
2- Cleanser 2- Twice Daily Main Cleanser
3- Exfoliation- Once Weekly
4- Face Mask- Twice Weekly
5- Exfoliating Toner- Twice Daily
6- Essence- Twice Daily
7- Active Ingredient- Morning- Once Daily
8- Active Ingredient- Night- Once Daily
9- Moisturising SPF- Twice Daily

Explaining the routine
As you can see I've included two cleansers as opposed to one, the reason for this is because your skin needs it especially when your applying multiple active ingredients daily. Furthermore double cleansing is relatively new practice and works by initially using one gentle oil cleanser to non-abrasively cleanse your skin whilst moisturising it. After this you follow up with your main cleanser that may include ingredients such as salicylic/glycolic acid to thoroughly cleanse your skin optimally preparing it to absorb and take on the following steps. I can't recommend double cleansing enough, in this case more is better. That being said though this may not work for everyone as you may find that your skin is extremely sensitive which is rare but is a possibility so experiment and see if that issue pertains to you.

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The next step involves using a physical exfoliator to exfoliate your skin, they usually consist of small beads or natural ingredients that physically exfoliate your skin to induce your skin cells to turnover and get rid of dry and dead skin. Many people recommend doing this daily or even every other day but frankly speaking using a physical exfoliator to that degree is an outdated practice which may do more harm than good. This is because you are getting rid of skin cells that don't need turnover or exfoliation which strips away natural glow and oils. You'll find that people who do that have a a shiny, matte like texture which is not desirable. I recommend using it once a week because the effect of brightened and smoother skin is instant as such I'd use this before going out on one day of the week you want your skin to look better than usual.

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After this I recommend using a face mask, face masks depending on the type can be used to control and treat different issues you may have. For example some face masks are catered to acne and hyperpigmentation whilst others focus on pore display and excess sebum control. What kind of face mask you need depends on your unique problems with your skin therefore I can't recommend the use of one particular type of face mask because it isn't universal. Naturally if you have acne issues then use face mask geared towards that and vice versa. Exceeding the use of a face mask more than twice a week may cause your skin to dry up and become flaky and in time become oilier than it used to be so use in caution.

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Moving forward to the next couple of steps in the routine I suggest an Exfoliating toner, this is a toner that consists primarily of AHA (alpha hydroxy acid), BHA (beta hydroxy acid) or both. The benefits of using a toner that exfoliates is that not only is it gentle enough to use daily thus giving the desired smooth glow on a consistent basis but it also moisturises and nourishes your skin which is key for this routine. They come in many different forms such as spray or apply but they all do the same thing. An essence once again is a Korean skincare practice soon becoming popularised in the west, it reinforces what the exfoliator does but its primary purpose is to give you a glow and retain moisture within the skin. I'd also like to add that these are somewhat optional depending on your budget, time and skin issue especially the latter but there aren't enough downsides to not consider these two things especially if you want to go the extra mile for your skin. Which should be everyones motive.

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The next step is using an active ingredient, this is one of two active ingredients what will be directly treating your skin issue. For most people this issue is acne as such I'd recommend 5% benzoyl peroxide, the reason I recommend this is because it is what cured 70% of my skin issues, The way it does this is by using potassium hydroxyquinoline sulphate, an active ingredient that reduces the micro bacteria on your face therefore reducing the acne. Typical side effects of benzoyl peroxide are dry skin, irritation and redness. Although its benefits are enhanced by the effective cleansing and exfoliation which allow it to work better as well as the moisturising offered by this routine which quickly dissolves the side effects. You only need a small amount of this daily spread evenly on your face and I recommend using it at night as opposed to the morning because it may take longer for the side effects to subside due to the exposure of UV rays. Many people instantly jump to using treatments like Tretinoin and Accutane however these are treatments that have aggressive side effects and when looking at other anecdotes they provide short term relief. One way to describe it is like an alcoholic drinking more alcohol to get rid of last nights hangover caused by excessive alcohol. You need to address the issue not mask it and then rebound which is what implementing a consistent and well built routine will avoid and do the opposite of. That being said if your skin issues aren't resolved with benzoyl peroxide then you will need to scale up your treatment but once again that doesn't mean jumping to the most aggressive one.
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The final step of this routine is to use a moisturising SPF, as you may have noticed unlike other common routines I've advised using a two in one moisturiser and SPF. In most cases two in ones in general aren't as effective in focusing on both of these things which is to provide moisture to the skin and to protect and reverse damage done to the skin by UV rays. This damage can show up in terms of darkening skin complexion and redness in the cheeks and near eye area and of course not using a moisturiser leads to dry skin which then leads to excess sebum which THEN leads to acne which can cause a whole host of other issues like scarring in it's aftermath. However I believe that moisturising SPF creams provided that they are high quality are much lighter whilst still being moisturising as well as being more cost effective and less time consuming. In regards to the degree of SPF for the sake of simplicity I will say this, SPF 50 is the definitive degree that you need and so any lower isn't as effective but any higher creates a substantial effect of diminishing returns. You may also choose that instead of using this both day and night you could a moisturising SPF in the day then a richer, pure moisturiser in the night which is a change I'll be making soon.

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The other active ingredient in this routine is geared more towards a goal of yours for your skin as opposed to purely treating an issue. This may be wanting to brighten your skin complexion, improving the texture or retaining more moisture. This means that this is "customisable" if you'd like and depends on what you want, some common active ingredients used are Vitamin C to brighten skin tone and improve hyperpigmentation scars or Hyaluronic Acid to improve skin hyrdration and add collagen to maintain a youthful face. I'd recommend using this active ingredient in the morning because often they provide instant effects that will improve the way your skin looks throughout the day so its ineffective to waste those benefits whilst sleeping. I should warn though once again that for people who do have extremely sensitive skin using two active ingredients may be too much so experiment and see what works for you. Its easy for me to write this and give you a cookie cutter plan but not every single aspect will work for every single person, that's just how we are as humans, unique.

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Skincare products I recommend/use-
Dear Klairs gentle black deep cleansing oil
Cosrx daily pH cleanser/ La Roche Posay
Dear Klairs gentle black sugar facial polish
Cosrx AHA/BHA toner
Cosrx Snail Mucin 96 essence
Dear Klairs Vitamin C juice drops
5% Duac Once Daily
Cosrx Daily SPF 50 aloe vera moisturiser

As you can see I prefer Cosrx/Dear Klairs for my skin care :LOL: , if you liked this thread and found it insightful give it a like and leave feedback below, I’m trying to get rep to see what’s in the the best of the best section but if you need further help let me know down below. BARS
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  • +1
Reactions: EggKing, lightskinbengali, neithernorwood and 14 others
will read later
  • +1
Reactions: harrys
Nice guide (y)
What would you recommend to make large pores appear smaller?
  • +1
Reactions: harrys and deer
Thanks man, can’t wait to kill myself tonight
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  • +1
Reactions: harrys
Nice guide (y)
What would you recommend to make large pores appear smaller?
I’d recommend a few things, firstly I would look into using a clay mask twice weekly which will keep sebum under control which is a large part of why pores appear larger than usual. You can also find essences/toners that are specifically tailored to minimising pores. For me personally, the AHA/BHA toner I mentioned in the post has been great at minimising pores for me coupled with being consistent with the routine overall.
  • +1
Reactions: Mongrelcel and looksaboveeverything
I’d recommend a few things, firstly I would look into using a clay mask twice weekly which will keep sebum under control which is a large part of why pores appear larger than usual. You can also find essences/toners that are specifically tailored to minimising pores. For me personally, the AHA/BHA toner I mentioned in the post has been great at minimising pores for me coupled with being consistent with the routine overall.
Thanks, I'm going to try that. I really have to be more consistent, it's very easy to miss a day.
  • +1
Reactions: harrys
High effort but after months of trial ans error and research I partly disagree

- No physical, just chemical exfoliation. Physical can damage and too harsh

-Many people are sufficient cleansing once in the evening (dry skin)

-double cleanse is more for makeup
  • +1
Reactions: thecaste and harrys
High effort but after months of trial ans error and research I partly disagree

- No physical, just chemical exfoliation. Physical can damage and too harsh

-Many people are sufficient cleansing once in the evening (dry skin)

-double cleanse is more for makeup
Yeah I’ve addressed these issues in the post but it’s more trial and error. For the majority of people who don’t have sensitive skin and even those who do, physical exfoliation is an instant boost to the skin and doing it once weekly is safe enough in my experience and others with sensitive skin that I’ve conferred with. I agree that double cleansing is more known for makeup but can be just as effective to unclog pores. Its also why I recommend using an oil cleanser alongside a main cleanser because it nourishes and moisturises as opposed to two main cleansers. Trust me try this method out.
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  • +1
Reactions: Mongrelcel and JustAFewMM
  • +1
Reactions: harrys
@benignice skin care thread is pretty amazing and is similar to mine but he goes more into detail with the science and product recommendations whereas I tried to keep it simple and short for everyone. I tried going into the science on my last thread about leanmaxing but most preferred keeping it simple.
  • +1
Reactions: Mongrelcel and Mateusz74
@benignice skin care thread is pretty amazing and is similar to mine but he goes more into detail with the science and product recommendations whereas I tried to keep it simple and short for everyone. I tried going into the science on my last thread about leanmaxing but most preferred keeping it simple.
Both are good threads. Repped
  • +1
Reactions: harrys
WTF IS THIS FUCKING SHIT. How can i give negative rep? Where is the tretinoin? This guide is cancer and the products too.
No feature like that yet we’re not reddit if you don’t like a post ignore and it’ll lose traction and be lost. Although nine other people seem to disagree with you :feelsyay:, I hope you were being sarcastic lmao @TITUS
  • +1
Reactions: Mongrelcel
Where's tretinoin ,vitamin c serum, niaciamide+zinc , peptides like matrixyl , dermarolling and all the high iq science ?
  • +1
Reactions: harrys
Where's tretinoin ,vitamin c serum, niaciamide+zinc , peptides like matrixyl , dermarolling and all the high iq science ?
Like I said I tried to keep this short and simple and so didn’t delve too much into the science only here and there. If you’d read the post I mentioned tretinoin and what I think about it, in regards to the other practices you mentioned whilst I didn’t specifically mention them in my active ingredients section I mentioned how there are multiple AIs you could use depending on your skin issues.
  • +1
Reactions: Mongrelcel
Like I said I tried to keep this short and simple and so didn’t delve too much into the science only here and there. If you’d read the post I mentioned tretinoin and what I think about it, in regards to the other practices you mentioned whilst I didn’t specifically mention them in my active ingredients section I mentioned how there are multiple AIs you could use depending on your skin issues.
Those are 96% and the trash you mentioned is 4% of skincare, works fine for acne filled teenagecelsbut is dogshit otherwise

>>>>>> Toilet
Very informative.
  • +1
Reactions: harrys
Those are 96% and the trash you mentioned is 4% of skincare, works fine for acne filled teenagecelsbut is dogshit otherwise

>>>>>> Toilet
This is my last take on this but you’ve got it the wrong way around, if you really believe dermarolling is more important than cleansing then you’ve proved why my thread needed to be posted. I suggest you to do your research but in the meantime why don’t you make your own “High IQ” thread.
  • +1
Reactions: thotbuster3000 and Mongrelcel
You're a baby greycel, the crap you wrote is MANDATORY baby shit, in the best if the best section there is a GOD TIER NSA iq skincare guide, makes this trash (exfoliate and put aloe vera ololol) look like inbred downsyndrome baby vomit.
  • JFL
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