The disparity in falio/halo distribution among genders; Why women get haloed easily and get away with falios.



High Inhibition Victim
Apr 18, 2023
It's well known that women can't have falios in modern dating, excluding big deformities.
But why?

Sex drive and hypergamy

Sex drive completely ruins dating for many reasons (supply-demand issue as main). Sex drive + hypergamy (both biological) is why chads are so rare and desirable. This is also why men are so easily discarded on falios. Women require better looking mating partners because their sex drive is lower (they need better looking partners on average to get stimulated) and sex comes with more consequences (risk of pregnancy). Water I know, altough some here believe foids have equal sex drive on average:lul:.

Poor mandible projection and chin recession

These are regular falios, more people have recessed lower thirds than developed.
Both are correlated and are poor health indicators (indicating poor breathing canals); which genetically makes sense to not be desirable in mate selection for both genders.

However, because it's a submissive facial trait , making individuals look tame, weak and unopposing, it's again favouring women.

It's almost ideal for female sex appeal (men want to be the protectors just as much as foids want to be protected and cared for), yet a death sentance for men who need to be as masculine as possible for maximum SMV (some pretty boys and blacks can get away with this falio, but it's rare.)
Lower third is extremely important for male sex appeal. Good luck slaying with this falio.

Here are some of the most desired females with this falio;

Natalie Dormer


Scarlett Johansson

YfEzH82wHqmw9s2zKeEX8kpDuPV5 PppL1gbEuk ERA

Johansson looks recessed from these angles, would be called MTB here, yet has infinite SMV irl. Why? This image will help you understand.

Scarlett Johansson 635

Her tits (body) are suddenly haloing everything. Combined with the blonde hair and no clear falios from the frontal view; you can now understand her appeal more. Keep in mind there is nothing striking (or special) about her face. This is not rare genetic material.

She is slightly recessed - leaning submissive (almost ideal), with good features, no clear falios (for women), on an above average body and that's infinite SMV for foids.

So now we established that poor breathing canals can even be favourable for women; let's continue.

Negative cantal tilt and other eye area falios

NCT is asocciated with aging, and is therefore an undesirable feature for both genders by default.

Great example here is again a famous blonde - Syndey Sweeney


Truecel eye area. Combo of NCT, bad ipd, shit uee; brutal (disgusting) bug eyes.
I have heard multiple women call her beautiful. How? Because as a woman you are 10× more likely to have 1 feature haloing every facial deformity imaginable.

Sydney sweeney exercise regime 659bd6125f773

99.99 % of men would fuck her looking like this. Her body is again haloing everything (if you can even look at anything else:lul:).

Her truecel eye area suddenly looks slutty and exotic in the best way possible.

It's because we are biologically determined to look for as many sexual partners as possible. We change goalposts because we look for attractive features in women. While foids do the exact opposite for men.

Okay I gave 2 example of blonde + tits (kind of unfair of me:lul::lul:) so let's continue...

With another overrated blonde :lul::lul::lul::lul:

This one has no tits tho:feelsgood::feelsgood::feelsgood:

It is easy for women to get haloed by one feature

1 striking feature (not even as rare/desirable as Sweeney's tits:lul:) is enough for infinite SMV.

A good example here is:
Jennifer Aniston

Here is Jennifer Aniston getting brutally mogged by Pitt in a candid photograph.

6 Brad Pitt married Jennifer Aniston

Aniston has such a brutal combo of facial deformities. Bad ipd, weird narrow jaw shape and basically no lips (imagine how Brad felt finally kissing someone with lips when he cheated on her with Jolie (extremely based Brad ngl)).

So how can you possible be considered a sex symbol looking like this (and it's not just the media)?

Do you have any idea? Why did she lose so much appeal from season 1 of Friends to the latter seasons?

1 Ferris Bueller Jennifer Aniston

This is young Jen, pre Friends/fame. What is wrong here (except everything :lul::lul::lul:)?

It's the hair. This hairstly doesn't suit her and it certainly can't halo everything. You probably know many women who have insane SMV based on hair alone.

How do you feel about her here?


This is an ideal hairstyle for her (she has above average hait tbf) and it suddenly haloes everything.
She looks young, neotenous, innocent and like she needs help/guidance(all ideal for sex appeal).

Her facial falios become less visible because we again get cucked by biology. Be honest with yourself, do you consider her very attractive now?

This is season 4 Aniston

Hair is haloing again, but not to the levels as in season 1. She lost half the appeal with worse hair because it is less of a halo now (facial features are the same and she aged only 3 years)

Back to season 1
FJn vo2aUAAL0kS

I don't give a fuck about your copes this would get stacy treatment everywhere.

Why is it so much harder for men to be haloed by 1 feature?

Because women look for deformities while we look for reasons to fuck. It's a hard wired biological - mindset issue we can't fix.

Many will probably list Jacob Elordi as someone who has NCT and infinite SMV. Elordi is almost 2 m tall with perfect frame, big skull, long chin, great eyebrows and hair.
He has 3+ halos, including top 1 % height + frame. Do these females come into the same percanteges genetically? Sweeney's tits do tbh :lul::lul::lul: but her face is far worse than Elordi's, even with all the fakeup in the world.

Elordi effortlessly mogging Sweeney
1 1

All of this is also why asian women SMV mog asian men to self harm.

They have similair skulls with same falios. Poor mandible and upper maxilla projection and shit eye area, with unideal bodies (men too short and women not curvy enough).

Pexels arnie chou 304906 1690744

You again found neoteny and other attractive features in this recessed gook instinctively in a split of a second:lul::lul:

That's why men like everything in women, from fat to skinny, from short to long hair and from white to black skin.

While women biologically only want tall, dark and handsome (extremely rare in that combination, especially considering that by handsome they mean perfect frame and facial structure:lul::lul::lul:).

We established what it takes for women to stand out.

1 rare halo + any falio (except long midface) = stacy treatment
1 decent halo + no big falios = stacy treatment

What it takes for men to stand out?

Perfect height, frame, colouring, facial structure, lower third, hair, skin. Ideally all of these in top 0.1% like the biggest mogger of all time; Vasily Stepanov.


Sex drive, hypergamy and other biological factors make all the difference in how we percieve opposite sex and they ultimately control dating (and our lives).
Most facial deformities have submissive conotations which is again favouring foids.
You can't win, they destroy us on all fronts.

How much must a regular man change to counter these issues? He can't. Not even you can with all the knowledge (and anger) about this subject. It's not possible.

The root of the problem is biological, it's too deep, and with how dating is progressing it can, and will only get worse.

It's so over if you are born as man.

I know all of this is water but I also think a lot of users like reading interactive threads like this one.
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  • JFL
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fuark sooo fucking true cagefuel thread tbh this one chick in class with the worst most bug eyed eye area ive ever seen ( but frauds it with eyeliner and some other shit defo i can see it, still has the worst eyes ever) gets simped on by dudes in my class shes like avg height aswell for females, i just couldnt stop thinking bout how if she was a dude being avg height and extreme bug eyed will just descend him to ltn automatically bruuutalll a dude cant even fraud with eyeliner or makeup on eyes aswell, a single fucking chromosome changed her entire fucking life
  • +1
Reactions: Pandora, fibonacci, pablomaxx and 10 others
It's well known that women can't have falios in modern dating, excluding big deformities.
But why?

Sex drive and hypergamy

Sex drive completely ruins dating for many reasons (supply-demand issue as main). Sex drive + hypergamy (both biological) is why chads are so rare and desirable. This is also why men are so easily discarded on falios. Women require better looking mating partners because their sex drive is lower (they need better looking partners on average to get stimulated) and sex comes with more consequences (risk of pregnancy). Water I know, altough some here believe foids have equal sex drive on average:lul:.

Poor mandible projection and chin recession

These are regular falios, more people have recessed lower thirds than developed.
Both are correlated and are poor health indicators (indicating poor breathing canals); which genetically makes sense to not be desirable in mate selection for both genders.

However, because it's a submissive facial trait , making individuals look tame, weak and unopposing, it's again favouring women.

It's almost ideal for female sex appeal (men want to be the protectors just as much as foids want to be protected and cared for), yet a death sentance for men who need to be as masculine as possible for maximum SMV (some pretty boys and blacks can get away with this falio, but it's rare.)
Lower third is extremely important for male sex appeal. Good luck slaying with this falio.

Here are some of the most desired females with this falio;

Natalie Dormer

View attachment 3009570

Scarlett Johansson

View attachment 3009384View attachment 3009386

Johansson looks recessed from these angles, would be called MTB here, yet has infinite SMV irl. Why? This image will help you understand.

View attachment 3009390

Her tits (body) are suddenly haloing everything. Combined with the blonde hair and no clear falios from the frontal view; you can now understand her appeal more. Keep in mind there is nothing striking (or special) about her face. This is not rare genetic material.

She is slightly recessed - leaning submissive (almost ideal), with good features, no clear falios (for women), on an above average body and that's infinite SMV for foids.

So now we established that poor breathing canals can even be favourable for women; let's continue.

Negative cantal tilt and other eye area falios

NCT is asocciated with aging, and is therefore an undesirable feature for both genders by default.

Great example here is again a famous blonde - Syndey Sweeney

View attachment 3009399

Truecel eye area. Combo of NCT, bad ipd, shit uee; brutal (disgusting) bug eyes.
I have heard multiple women call her beautiful. How? Because as a woman you are 10× more likely to have 1 feature haloing every facial deformity imaginable.

View attachment 3009404

99.99 % of men would fuck her looking like this. Her body is again haloing everything (if you can even look at anything else:lul:).

Her truecel eye area suddenly looks slutty and exotic in the best way possible.

It's because we are biologically determined to look for as many sexual partners as possible. We change goalposts because we look for attractive features in women. While foids do the exact opposite for men.

Okay I gave 2 example of blonde + tits (kind of unfair of me:lul::lul:) so let's continue...

With another overrated blonde :lul::lul::lul::lul:

This one has no tits tho:feelsgood::feelsgood::feelsgood:

It is easy for women to get haloed by one feature

1 striking feature (not even as rare/desirable as Sweeney's tits:lul:) is enough for infinite SMV.

A good example here is:
Jennifer Aniston

Here is Jennifer Aniston getting brutally mogged by Pitt in a candid photograph.

View attachment 3009417

Aniston has such a brutal combo of facial deformities. Bad ipd, weird narrow jaw shape and basically no lips (imagine how Brad felt finally kissing someone with lips when he cheated on her with Jolie (extremely based Brad ngl)).

So how can you possible be considered a sex symbol looking like this (and it's not just the media)?

Do you have any idea? Why did she lose so much appeal from season 1 of Friends to the latter seasons?

View attachment 3009421

This is young Jen, pre Friends/fame. What is wrong here (except everything :lul::lul::lul:)?

It's the hair. This hairstly doesn't suit her and it certainly can't halo everything. You probably know many women who have insane SMV based on hair alone.

How do you feel about her here?

View attachment 3009423

This is an ideal hairstyle for her (she has above average hait tbf) and it suddenly haloes everything.
She looks young, neotenous, innocent and like she needs help/guidance(all ideal for sex appeal).

Her facial falios become less visible because we again get cucked by biology. Be honest with yourself, do you consider her very attractive now?

This is season 4 AnistonView attachment 3009433

Hair is haloing again, but not to the levels as in season 1. She lost half the appeal with worse hair because it is less of a halo now (facial features are the same and she aged only 3 years)

Back to season 1View attachment 3009436

I don't give a fuck about your copes this would get stacy treatment everywhere.

Why is it so much harder for men to be haloed by 1 feature?

Because women look for deformities while we look for reasons to fuck. It's a hard wired biological - mindset issue we can't fix.

Many will probably list Jacob Elordi as someone who has NCT and infinite SMV. Elordi is almost 2 m tall with perfect frame, big skull, long chin, great eyebrows and hair.
He has 3+ halos, including top 1 % height + frame. Do these females come into the same percanteges genetically? Sweeney's tits do tbh :lul::lul::lul: but her face is far worse than Elordi's, even with all the fakeup in the world.

Elordi effortlessly mogging Sweeney
View attachment 3009453

All of this is also why asian women SMV mog asian men to self harm.

They have similair skulls with same falios. Poor mandible and upper maxilla projection and shit eye area, with unideal bodies (men too short and women not curvy enough).

View attachment 3009492

You again found neoteny and other attractive features in this recessed gook instinctively in a split of a second:lul::lul:

That's why men like everything in women, from fat to skinny, from short to long hair and from white to black skin.

While women biologically only want tall, dark and handsome (extremely rare in that combination, especially considering that by handsome they mean perfect frame and facial structure:lul::lul::lul:).

We established what it takes for women to stand out.

1 rare halo + any falio (except long midface) = stacy treatment
1 decent halo + no big falios = stacy treatment

What it takes for men to stand out?

Perfect height, frame, colouring, facial structure, lower third, hair, skin. Ideally all of these in top 0.1% like the biggest mogger of all time; Vasily Stepanov.


Sex drive, hypergamy and other biological factors make all the difference in how we percieve opposite sex and they ultimately control dating (and our lives).
Most facial deformities have submissive conotations which is again favouring foids.
You can't win, they destroy us on all fronts.

How much must a regular man change to counter these issues? He can't. Not even you can with all the knowledge (and anger) about this subject. It's not possible.

The root of the problem is biological, it's too deep, and with how dating is progressing it can, and will only get worse.

It's so over if you are born as man.

I know all of this is water but I also think a lot of users like reading interactive threads like this one.

Some core ideas are good but your facial analyses are flawed IMO... Wasted potential.

For example Johanson is NOT recessed at all. Actual examples of women being praised despite their recession could be Adriana lima or Anna de Armas (instead of Johanson)


De armas:

Sydney Sweeney has much much greater problems than her eyes, mainly her vertical maxillary excess.

You also botched Jennifer Anishton Analyses (her IPD is not a failo) and I stopped reading there.

Also men can be haloed too, for example muscles halo like crazy for both the male and female gaze, not to mention Height, which is probably the biggest male halo, I keep seeing uggos have a decent SMV solely because of their height.

The recession stuff is true, though, women can get away with recession bc it's neotenous (failo for men) but you missed a contributing factor which is that they have higher hyoid bone positions on average, so they don't get a double chin as easily as men do with recessed jaws, therefore that aids in terms of not looking subhuman while being recessed (not sure how much of an impact it has but it's gotta have some impact for sure).
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severe autism but true
  • +1
  • JFL
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There are MANY girls with 2-3 big failos who are 7/10 for me
but my 5mm lack of chin projection immediately takes away 1-2 points
  • +1
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  • JFL
Reactions: Eren, FentCart, sayi and 6 others
Some core ideas are good but your facial analyses are very flawed IMO... Wasted potential.

For example Johanson is NOT recessed at all. Actual women being praised despite their recession examples could be Adriana lima and Anna de Armas

View attachment 3009594View attachment 3009595

De armas:
View attachment 3009596

Sydney Sweeney has much much greater problems than her eyes, mainly her vertical maxillary excess.

You also botched Jennifer Anishton Analyses (her IPD is not a failo) and I stopped reading there.

Also men can be haloed too, for example gym ceiling is NOT cope, and muscles halo like crazy for both the male and female gaze. Height is probably the biggest male halo, I keep seeing uggos have a decent SMV solely because of their height.
The thread/examples were rushed. I didn't want to use Lima because she has is too perfect, haloed by eye area but not as excessively as other examples. I forgot about De Armas but I agree, she wouldve been a great example.

Men can only get similairly haloed by height, and even then need other features to be better than foids do.

Thread could've been better with more time/ thought given into it, I appreciate your response.
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fuark sooo fucking true cagefuel thread tbh this one chick in class with the worst most bug eyed eye area ive ever seen ( but frauds it with eyeliner and some other shit defo i can see it, still has the worst eyes ever) gets simped on by dudes in my class shes like avg height aswell for females, i just couldnt stop thinking bout how if she was a dude being avg height and extreme bug eyed will just descend him to ltn automatically bruuutalll a dude cant even fraud with eyeliner or makeup on eyes aswell, a single fucking chromosome changed her entire fucking life
We all know many of these examples irl.

I have seen this many many times, and it angers me to the core. Men just can't help themselves.

I'm content with great genetic material getting that kind of attention, but when average looking foids recieve stacy treatment; I'm seething.
  • +1
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Reactions: Deleted member 31197, CyberPsychodelic, Deleted member 69862 and 1 other person
Good thread and i mostly agree, sweeneys eye area isn't trucel though, or maybe me saying this is a prime example of what you are saying JFL.
  • +1
Reactions: MedMogger and Manana
We all know many of these examples irl.

I have seen this many many times, and it angers me to the core. Men just can't help themselves.

I'm content with great genetic material getting that kind of attention, but when average looking foids recieve stacy treatment; I'm seething.
that's life in 2024 isn't it? average foids getting insane attention/treatment from guys because every guy is pussy hungry and will fuck anything. I feel like make-up these days is so advanced that it turns a LTB into MTB, it just makes everything 100x worse for men.
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  • +1
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There are MANY girls with 2-3 big failos who are 7/10 for me
but my 5mm lack of chin projection immediately takes away 1-2 points
Makeup is the culprit here, it hides their subhumanity. Seen so many foids without makeup and all their recessed subhuman features are way more visible and showing.
  • +1
  • Woah
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 31197, CyberPsychodelic and blackout_96_
Sydney Sweeney has much much greater problems than her eyes, mainly her vertical maxillary excess.
wdym? if she hadn't this thing, what would she look like?
  • JFL
We all know many of these examples irl.

I have seen this many many times, and it angers me to the core. Men just can't help themselves.

I'm content with great genetic material getting that kind of attention, but when average looking foids recieve stacy treatment; I'm seething.
tbh i feel like dudes are realising now since even when a girl looks decent me and some of my friends in skl( even tho they arent pslers) call these short chicks out for being short and realise that their kids might end up short aswell and so dont commit long term and one dude in my class told the chick i mentioned has "weird tired looking eyes" so some dudes are realising
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Eren, Xangsane and Manana
It's well known that women can't have falios in modern dating, excluding big deformities.
But why?

Sex drive and hypergamy

Sex drive completely ruins dating for many reasons (supply-demand issue as main). Sex drive + hypergamy (both biological) is why chads are so rare and desirable. This is also why men are so easily discarded on falios. Women require better looking mating partners because their sex drive is lower (they need better looking partners on average to get stimulated) and sex comes with more consequences (risk of pregnancy). Water I know, altough some here believe foids have equal sex drive on average:lul:.

Poor mandible projection and chin recession

These are regular falios, more people have recessed lower thirds than developed.
Both are correlated and are poor health indicators (indicating poor breathing canals); which genetically makes sense to not be desirable in mate selection for both genders.

However, because it's a submissive facial trait , making individuals look tame, weak and unopposing, it's again favouring women.

It's almost ideal for female sex appeal (men want to be the protectors just as much as foids want to be protected and cared for), yet a death sentance for men who need to be as masculine as possible for maximum SMV (some pretty boys and blacks can get away with this falio, but it's rare.)
Lower third is extremely important for male sex appeal. Good luck slaying with this falio.

Here are some of the most desired females with this falio;

Natalie Dormer

View attachment 3009570

Scarlett Johansson

View attachment 3009384View attachment 3009386

Johansson looks recessed from these angles, would be called MTB here, yet has infinite SMV irl. Why? This image will help you understand.

View attachment 3009390

Her tits (body) are suddenly haloing everything. Combined with the blonde hair and no clear falios from the frontal view; you can now understand her appeal more. Keep in mind there is nothing striking (or special) about her face. This is not rare genetic material.

She is slightly recessed - leaning submissive (almost ideal), with good features, no clear falios (for women), on an above average body and that's infinite SMV for foids.

So now we established that poor breathing canals can even be favourable for women; let's continue.

Negative cantal tilt and other eye area falios

NCT is asocciated with aging, and is therefore an undesirable feature for both genders by default.

Great example here is again a famous blonde - Syndey Sweeney

View attachment 3009399

Truecel eye area. Combo of NCT, bad ipd, shit uee; brutal (disgusting) bug eyes.
I have heard multiple women call her beautiful. How? Because as a woman you are 10× more likely to have 1 feature haloing every facial deformity imaginable.

View attachment 3009404

99.99 % of men would fuck her looking like this. Her body is again haloing everything (if you can even look at anything else:lul:).

Her truecel eye area suddenly looks slutty and exotic in the best way possible.

It's because we are biologically determined to look for as many sexual partners as possible. We change goalposts because we look for attractive features in women. While foids do the exact opposite for men.

Okay I gave 2 example of blonde + tits (kind of unfair of me:lul::lul:) so let's continue...

With another overrated blonde :lul::lul::lul::lul:

This one has no tits tho:feelsgood::feelsgood::feelsgood:

It is easy for women to get haloed by one feature

1 striking feature (not even as rare/desirable as Sweeney's tits:lul:) is enough for infinite SMV.

A good example here is:
Jennifer Aniston

Here is Jennifer Aniston getting brutally mogged by Pitt in a candid photograph.

View attachment 3009417

Aniston has such a brutal combo of facial deformities. Bad ipd, weird narrow jaw shape and basically no lips (imagine how Brad felt finally kissing someone with lips when he cheated on her with Jolie (extremely based Brad ngl)).

So how can you possible be considered a sex symbol looking like this (and it's not just the media)?

Do you have any idea? Why did she lose so much appeal from season 1 of Friends to the latter seasons?

View attachment 3009421

This is young Jen, pre Friends/fame. What is wrong here (except everything :lul::lul::lul:)?

It's the hair. This hairstly doesn't suit her and it certainly can't halo everything. You probably know many women who have insane SMV based on hair alone.

How do you feel about her here?

View attachment 3009423

This is an ideal hairstyle for her (she has above average hait tbf) and it suddenly haloes everything.
She looks young, neotenous, innocent and like she needs help/guidance(all ideal for sex appeal).

Her facial falios become less visible because we again get cucked by biology. Be honest with yourself, do you consider her very attractive now?

This is season 4 AnistonView attachment 3009433

Hair is haloing again, but not to the levels as in season 1. She lost half the appeal with worse hair because it is less of a halo now (facial features are the same and she aged only 3 years)

Back to season 1View attachment 3009436

I don't give a fuck about your copes this would get stacy treatment everywhere.

Why is it so much harder for men to be haloed by 1 feature?

Because women look for deformities while we look for reasons to fuck. It's a hard wired biological - mindset issue we can't fix.

Many will probably list Jacob Elordi as someone who has NCT and infinite SMV. Elordi is almost 2 m tall with perfect frame, big skull, long chin, great eyebrows and hair.
He has 3+ halos, including top 1 % height + frame. Do these females come into the same percanteges genetically? Sweeney's tits do tbh :lul::lul::lul: but her face is far worse than Elordi's, even with all the fakeup in the world.

Elordi effortlessly mogging Sweeney
View attachment 3009453

All of this is also why asian women SMV mog asian men to self harm.

They have similair skulls with same falios. Poor mandible and upper maxilla projection and shit eye area, with unideal bodies (men too short and women not curvy enough).

View attachment 3009492

You again found neoteny and other attractive features in this recessed gook instinctively in a split of a second:lul::lul:

That's why men like everything in women, from fat to skinny, from short to long hair and from white to black skin.

While women biologically only want tall, dark and handsome (extremely rare in that combination, especially considering that by handsome they mean perfect frame and facial structure:lul::lul::lul:).

We established what it takes for women to stand out.

1 rare halo + any falio (except long midface) = stacy treatment
1 decent halo + no big falios = stacy treatment

What it takes for men to stand out?

Perfect height, frame, colouring, facial structure, lower third, hair, skin. Ideally all of these in top 0.1% like the biggest mogger of all time; Vasily Stepanov.


Sex drive, hypergamy and other biological factors make all the difference in how we percieve opposite sex and they ultimately control dating (and our lives).
Most facial deformities have submissive conotations which is again favouring foids.
You can't win, they destroy us on all fronts.

How much must a regular man change to counter these issues? He can't. Not even you can with all the knowledge (and anger) about this subject. It's not possible.

The root of the problem is biological, it's too deep, and with how dating is progressing it can, and will only get worse.

It's so over if you are born as man.

I know all of this is water but I also think a lot of users like reading interactive threads like this one.

Good thread but you went wrong with conclusion. If this was the case you wouldn't ever see looksmatch couples, and this is essentially the case for most relationships. If this again was the case you wouldn't see normies slaying left and right. Explain.
good thread but kinda water, women will have infinite SMV regardless
  • +1
Reactions: Manana
Good thread but you went wrong with conclusion. If this was the case you wouldn't ever see looksmatch couples, and this is essentially the case for most relationships. If this again was the case you wouldn't see normies slaying left and right. Explain.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Most looksmatched couples are easily explainable. It's mostly jbf (the best way by far) or need of resources (money, place to stay...).
There are always exceptions tho. Normies slay for many reasons. Some are approaching like crazy, some are statusmaxed (at certain points in their life), some get lucky, but most of all; this can be contributed to the tendancy this forum has of underrating people irl by a lot.

My point was that the disparity in halos/falios is down to our biological needs/wants and can't be changed. We instinctively and automatically look for reasons to find women attractive, but they do the complete opposite to us.
  • +1
Reactions: HTN_When_Lean, CyberPsychodelic and got.daim
I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Most looksmatched couples are easily explainable. It's mostly jbf (the best way by far) or need of resources (money, place to stay...).
There are always exceptions tho. Normies slay for many reasons. Some are approaching like crazy, some are statusmaxed (at certain points in their life), some get lucky, but most of all; this can be contributed to the tendancy this forum has of underrating people irl by a lot.

My point was that the disparity in halos/falios is down to our biological needs/wants and can't be changed. We instinctively and automatically look for reasons to find women attractive, but they do the complete opposite to us.
I agree with your main point, last paragraph. What I don't agree as a generalized phenomenon is hypergamy. Most women are happy to be with their looksmatch, they are not 24/7 hunting for more. And yes, I agree with the reasons you described to explain normies slaying.
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It's well known that women can't have falios in modern dating, excluding big deformities.
But why?

Sex drive and hypergamy

Sex drive completely ruins dating for many reasons (supply-demand issue as main). Sex drive + hypergamy (both biological) is why chads are so rare and desirable. This is also why men are so easily discarded on falios. Women require better looking mating partners because their sex drive is lower (they need better looking partners on average to get stimulated) and sex comes with more consequences (risk of pregnancy). Water I know, altough some here believe foids have equal sex drive on average:lul:.

Poor mandible projection and chin recession

These are regular falios, more people have recessed lower thirds than developed.
Both are correlated and are poor health indicators (indicating poor breathing canals); which genetically makes sense to not be desirable in mate selection for both genders.

However, because it's a submissive facial trait , making individuals look tame, weak and unopposing, it's again favouring women.

It's almost ideal for female sex appeal (men want to be the protectors just as much as foids want to be protected and cared for), yet a death sentance for men who need to be as masculine as possible for maximum SMV (some pretty boys and blacks can get away with this falio, but it's rare.)
Lower third is extremely important for male sex appeal. Good luck slaying with this falio.

Here are some of the most desired females with this falio;

Natalie Dormer

View attachment 3009570

Scarlett Johansson

View attachment 3009384View attachment 3009386

Johansson looks recessed from these angles, would be called MTB here, yet has infinite SMV irl. Why? This image will help you understand.

View attachment 3009390

Her tits (body) are suddenly haloing everything. Combined with the blonde hair and no clear falios from the frontal view; you can now understand her appeal more. Keep in mind there is nothing striking (or special) about her face. This is not rare genetic material.

She is slightly recessed - leaning submissive (almost ideal), with good features, no clear falios (for women), on an above average body and that's infinite SMV for foids.

So now we established that poor breathing canals can even be favourable for women; let's continue.

Negative cantal tilt and other eye area falios

NCT is asocciated with aging, and is therefore an undesirable feature for both genders by default.

Great example here is again a famous blonde - Syndey Sweeney

View attachment 3009399

Truecel eye area. Combo of NCT, bad ipd, shit uee; brutal (disgusting) bug eyes.
I have heard multiple women call her beautiful. How? Because as a woman you are 10× more likely to have 1 feature haloing every facial deformity imaginable.

View attachment 3009404

99.99 % of men would fuck her looking like this. Her body is again haloing everything (if you can even look at anything else:lul:).

Her truecel eye area suddenly looks slutty and exotic in the best way possible.

It's because we are biologically determined to look for as many sexual partners as possible. We change goalposts because we look for attractive features in women. While foids do the exact opposite for men.

Okay I gave 2 example of blonde + tits (kind of unfair of me:lul::lul:) so let's continue...

With another overrated blonde :lul::lul::lul::lul:

This one has no tits tho:feelsgood::feelsgood::feelsgood:

It is easy for women to get haloed by one feature

1 striking feature (not even as rare/desirable as Sweeney's tits:lul:) is enough for infinite SMV.

A good example here is:
Jennifer Aniston

Here is Jennifer Aniston getting brutally mogged by Pitt in a candid photograph.

View attachment 3009417

Aniston has such a brutal combo of facial deformities. Bad ipd, weird narrow jaw shape and basically no lips (imagine how Brad felt finally kissing someone with lips when he cheated on her with Jolie (extremely based Brad ngl)).

So how can you possible be considered a sex symbol looking like this (and it's not just the media)?

Do you have any idea? Why did she lose so much appeal from season 1 of Friends to the latter seasons?

View attachment 3009421

This is young Jen, pre Friends/fame. What is wrong here (except everything :lul::lul::lul:)?

It's the hair. This hairstly doesn't suit her and it certainly can't halo everything. You probably know many women who have insane SMV based on hair alone.

How do you feel about her here?

View attachment 3009423

This is an ideal hairstyle for her (she has above average hait tbf) and it suddenly haloes everything.
She looks young, neotenous, innocent and like she needs help/guidance(all ideal for sex appeal).

Her facial falios become less visible because we again get cucked by biology. Be honest with yourself, do you consider her very attractive now?

This is season 4 AnistonView attachment 3009433

Hair is haloing again, but not to the levels as in season 1. She lost half the appeal with worse hair because it is less of a halo now (facial features are the same and she aged only 3 years)

Back to season 1View attachment 3009436

I don't give a fuck about your copes this would get stacy treatment everywhere.

Why is it so much harder for men to be haloed by 1 feature?

Because women look for deformities while we look for reasons to fuck. It's a hard wired biological - mindset issue we can't fix.

Many will probably list Jacob Elordi as someone who has NCT and infinite SMV. Elordi is almost 2 m tall with perfect frame, big skull, long chin, great eyebrows and hair.
He has 3+ halos, including top 1 % height + frame. Do these females come into the same percanteges genetically? Sweeney's tits do tbh :lul::lul::lul: but her face is far worse than Elordi's, even with all the fakeup in the world.

Elordi effortlessly mogging Sweeney
View attachment 3009453

All of this is also why asian women SMV mog asian men to self harm.

They have similair skulls with same falios. Poor mandible and upper maxilla projection and shit eye area, with unideal bodies (men too short and women not curvy enough).

View attachment 3009492

You again found neoteny and other attractive features in this recessed gook instinctively in a split of a second:lul::lul:

That's why men like everything in women, from fat to skinny, from short to long hair and from white to black skin.

While women biologically only want tall, dark and handsome (extremely rare in that combination, especially considering that by handsome they mean perfect frame and facial structure:lul::lul::lul:).

We established what it takes for women to stand out.

1 rare halo + any falio (except long midface) = stacy treatment
1 decent halo + no big falios = stacy treatment

What it takes for men to stand out?

Perfect height, frame, colouring, facial structure, lower third, hair, skin. Ideally all of these in top 0.1% like the biggest mogger of all time; Vasily Stepanov.


Sex drive, hypergamy and other biological factors make all the difference in how we percieve opposite sex and they ultimately control dating (and our lives).
Most facial deformities have submissive conotations which is again favouring foids.
You can't win, they destroy us on all fronts.

How much must a regular man change to counter these issues? He can't. Not even you can with all the knowledge (and anger) about this subject. It's not possible.

The root of the problem is biological, it's too deep, and with how dating is progressing it can, and will only get worse.

It's so over if you are born as man.

I know all of this is water but I also think a lot of users like reading interactive threads like this one.

Men get away with more nose failos, this you can’t lie about, everything else though is true. Men are also hornier, there comes a point where you go from having to force yourself to see it through to reprehending yourself from becoming a degenerate who fqs anything that Moves. women will always have higher SMV as there are more and more desperate men who need pussy
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You’re competing with other men, not women. You can’t mog her because the criteria are not the same, dimorphism and neotony are not new explanations for this. It’s not that the woman’s standards for men are higher than men’s standards for women (which can’t be true because the standards are just different) but it’s that men simp too much and give attention to women when they should withhold attention and make women compete for them. It’s social and cultural, not innate.
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You’re competing with other men, not women. You can’t mog her because the criteria are not the same, dimorphism and neotony are not new explanations for this. It’s not that the woman’s standards for men are higher than men’s standards for women (which can’t be true because the standards are just different) but it’s that men simp too much and give attention to women when they should withhold attention and make women compete for them. It’s social and cultural, not innate.
You are not wrong but all of that is a product/consequence of our biological needs. As soon as women didn't need men for social/resource reasons (as much as before) they raised their standards. It's how they were always biologically wired to pick out men.

All of the mentioned is interwined tho. It's a cycle that keeps worsening. Foids recieve attention>raise standards > men need to give attention because otherwise they stay single> foids recieve attention and then it just goes on and on.
It's ineviatably going to get much worse until enough men realise this and rebel against it; which majority never will.

So for example I, who disagrees with what society percieves as my looksmatch, because it makes no sense genetically/biologically speaking, my genetic material is much rarer percentile wise (hence the frustration), will not approach and will stay single. This applies to the majority of this forum too.

But all that does is help those who will. I didn't inflate any foids ego/percieved self worth and I am not a competition to other men; making me a retard. You either play by their rules or you stay single. This is why rebeling on your own is pointless.
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lets be honest please... Syndey Sweeney is kind of ugly?

She has great boobs tho
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lets be honest please... Syndey Sweeney is kind of ugly?

She has great boobs tho
Kind of? She looks like a drowned rat. But at least rats are cute in their own way unlike her
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Kind of? She looks like a drowned rat. But at least rate are cute in their own way unlike her
she is only great in motion when she has that sweet voice and dumb looks, but in picture she's meh
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so OP the only option is transmaxxxing?
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Hopping on HRT immediately. Only way to ascend.
muhh tits muhh ass
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It's well known that women can't have falios in modern dating, excluding big deformities.
But why?

All of this is also why asian women SMV mog asian men to self harm.

They have similair skulls with same falios. Poor mandible and upper maxilla projection and shit eye area, with unideal bodies (men too short and women not curvy enough).

View attachment 3009492

You again found neoteny and other attractive features in this recessed gook instinctively in a split of a second:lul::lul:
And remember that most asian foids are not attractive (many are ugly) and would be mogged by an aesthetic asian dude with atypical features lol. That’s also why the most attractive asian foids date and marry their own, even though the percentage of attractive asian foids is still low. And the unattractive asian foids despise their own features to self-harm, and the existence of good looking asian dudes only adds to it lol
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Men are actually genetically supposed to be better looking than women, as seen in every other mammal on the planet. The reason behind this is that the Goy-verment has demasculinized men over the years with phytoestrogenic fagfood leading to most men to be sub5 and take on a "confirmative" bluepill mindset instead of a more masculine dominating mindset, making them all "simps" to some or great extent.
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High IQ thread

Guess this stuff explains why so many zoomer men fagmax. Not enough female sex drive to go around in a world riddled with male lust.
woman just want a guy with a big dick(according to them)
You are not wrong but all of that is a product/consequence of our biological needs. As soon as women didn't need men for social/resource reasons (as much as before) they raised their standards. It's how they were always biologically wired to pick out men.

All of the mentioned is interwined tho. It's a cycle that keeps worsening. Foids recieve attention>raise standards > men need to give attention because otherwise they stay single> foids recieve attention and then it just goes on and on.
It's ineviatably going to get much worse until enough men realise this and rebel against it; which majority never will.

So for example I, who disagrees with what society percieves as my looksmatch, because it makes no sense genetically/biologically speaking, my genetic material is much rarer percentile wise (hence the frustration), will not approach and will stay single. This applies to the majority of this forum too.

But all that does is help those who will. I didn't inflate any foids ego/percieved self worth and I am not a competition to other men; making me a retard. You either play by their rules or you stay single. This is why rebeling on your own is pointless.
Don’t worry too much, women chase after men they can’t get and get turned off by guys that chase them. Just focus on yourself and improve yourself, women will start chasing you eventually. That’s how the natural order works. Stay on your purpose, one day it’ll make sense, women acting entitled doesn’t mean they deserve it. Those who work for it, only they deserve it. It’s important that you don’t give anything to women. Men will start winning after 35 years of age, when they finally stop simping and simultaneously stop caring about what women think about them.
Sydney Sweeney is so fucking ugly and if she were male she would be the biggest truecel on this entire site
It's well known that women can't have falios in modern dating, excluding big deformities.
But why?

Sex drive and hypergamy

Sex drive completely ruins dating for many reasons (supply-demand issue as main). Sex drive + hypergamy (both biological) is why chads are so rare and desirable. This is also why men are so easily discarded on falios. Women require better looking mating partners because their sex drive is lower (they need better looking partners on average to get stimulated) and sex comes with more consequences (risk of pregnancy). Water I know, altough some here believe foids have equal sex drive on average:lul:.

Poor mandible projection and chin recession

These are regular falios, more people have recessed lower thirds than developed.
Both are correlated and are poor health indicators (indicating poor breathing canals); which genetically makes sense to not be desirable in mate selection for both genders.

However, because it's a submissive facial trait , making individuals look tame, weak and unopposing, it's again favouring women.

It's almost ideal for female sex appeal (men want to be the protectors just as much as foids want to be protected and cared for), yet a death sentance for men who need to be as masculine as possible for maximum SMV (some pretty boys and blacks can get away with this falio, but it's rare.)
Lower third is extremely important for male sex appeal. Good luck slaying with this falio.

Here are some of the most desired females with this falio;

Natalie Dormer

View attachment 3009570

Scarlett Johansson

View attachment 3009384View attachment 3009386

Johansson looks recessed from these angles, would be called MTB here, yet has infinite SMV irl. Why? This image will help you understand.

View attachment 3009390

Her tits (body) are suddenly haloing everything. Combined with the blonde hair and no clear falios from the frontal view; you can now understand her appeal more. Keep in mind there is nothing striking (or special) about her face. This is not rare genetic material.

She is slightly recessed - leaning submissive (almost ideal), with good features, no clear falios (for women), on an above average body and that's infinite SMV for foids.

So now we established that poor breathing canals can even be favourable for women; let's continue.

Negative cantal tilt and other eye area falios

NCT is asocciated with aging, and is therefore an undesirable feature for both genders by default.

Great example here is again a famous blonde - Syndey Sweeney

View attachment 3009399

Truecel eye area. Combo of NCT, bad ipd, shit uee; brutal (disgusting) bug eyes.
I have heard multiple women call her beautiful. How? Because as a woman you are 10× more likely to have 1 feature haloing every facial deformity imaginable.

View attachment 3009404

99.99 % of men would fuck her looking like this. Her body is again haloing everything (if you can even look at anything else:lul:).

Her truecel eye area suddenly looks slutty and exotic in the best way possible.

It's because we are biologically determined to look for as many sexual partners as possible. We change goalposts because we look for attractive features in women. While foids do the exact opposite for men.

Okay I gave 2 example of blonde + tits (kind of unfair of me:lul::lul:) so let's continue...

With another overrated blonde :lul::lul::lul::lul:

This one has no tits tho:feelsgood::feelsgood::feelsgood:

It is easy for women to get haloed by one feature

1 striking feature (not even as rare/desirable as Sweeney's tits:lul:) is enough for infinite SMV.

A good example here is:
Jennifer Aniston

Here is Jennifer Aniston getting brutally mogged by Pitt in a candid photograph.

View attachment 3009417

Aniston has such a brutal combo of facial deformities. Bad ipd, weird narrow jaw shape and basically no lips (imagine how Brad felt finally kissing someone with lips when he cheated on her with Jolie (extremely based Brad ngl)).

So how can you possible be considered a sex symbol looking like this (and it's not just the media)?

Do you have any idea? Why did she lose so much appeal from season 1 of Friends to the latter seasons?

View attachment 3009421

This is young Jen, pre Friends/fame. What is wrong here (except everything :lul::lul::lul:)?

It's the hair. This hairstly doesn't suit her and it certainly can't halo everything. You probably know many women who have insane SMV based on hair alone.

How do you feel about her here?

View attachment 3009423

This is an ideal hairstyle for her (she has above average hait tbf) and it suddenly haloes everything.
She looks young, neotenous, innocent and like she needs help/guidance(all ideal for sex appeal).

Her facial falios become less visible because we again get cucked by biology. Be honest with yourself, do you consider her very attractive now?

This is season 4 AnistonView attachment 3009433

Hair is haloing again, but not to the levels as in season 1. She lost half the appeal with worse hair because it is less of a halo now (facial features are the same and she aged only 3 years)

Back to season 1View attachment 3009436

I don't give a fuck about your copes this would get stacy treatment everywhere.

Why is it so much harder for men to be haloed by 1 feature?

Because women look for deformities while we look for reasons to fuck. It's a hard wired biological - mindset issue we can't fix.

Many will probably list Jacob Elordi as someone who has NCT and infinite SMV. Elordi is almost 2 m tall with perfect frame, big skull, long chin, great eyebrows and hair.
He has 3+ halos, including top 1 % height + frame. Do these females come into the same percanteges genetically? Sweeney's tits do tbh :lul::lul::lul: but her face is far worse than Elordi's, even with all the fakeup in the world.

Elordi effortlessly mogging Sweeney
View attachment 3009453

All of this is also why asian women SMV mog asian men to self harm.

They have similair skulls with same falios. Poor mandible and upper maxilla projection and shit eye area, with unideal bodies (men too short and women not curvy enough).

View attachment 3009492

You again found neoteny and other attractive features in this recessed gook instinctively in a split of a second:lul::lul:

That's why men like everything in women, from fat to skinny, from short to long hair and from white to black skin.

While women biologically only want tall, dark and handsome (extremely rare in that combination, especially considering that by handsome they mean perfect frame and facial structure:lul::lul::lul:).

We established what it takes for women to stand out.

1 rare halo + any falio (except long midface) = stacy treatment
1 decent halo + no big falios = stacy treatment

What it takes for men to stand out?

Perfect height, frame, colouring, facial structure, lower third, hair, skin. Ideally all of these in top 0.1% like the biggest mogger of all time; Vasily Stepanov.


Sex drive, hypergamy and other biological factors make all the difference in how we percieve opposite sex and they ultimately control dating (and our lives).
Most facial deformities have submissive conotations which is again favouring foids.
You can't win, they destroy us on all fronts.

How much must a regular man change to counter these issues? He can't. Not even you can with all the knowledge (and anger) about this subject. It's not possible.

The root of the problem is biological, it's too deep, and with how dating is progressing it can, and will only get worse.

It's so over if you are born as man.

I know all of this is water but I also think a lot of users like reading interactive threads like this one.

A major element of this is there is an exact form of beauty for men meanwhile there are many variations of beauty for women. Tall women and short women can be beautiful but short men cant, only tall men are good looking. Women can be thin, slightly thick or athletic, men can only be athletic. Women can have round or Angular faces, men can only have angular faces. There is an exact objective image of an attractive man so the instant a man strays from that image in any way, he is now ugly meanwhile there are many types of "good looking" women like cute asians or strikingly beautiful scandinavians or sexy latinas etc, all different phenotypes yet all attractive. Meanwhile all attractive men will look basically the same as it is an exact phenotype with very little deviation, anything other than that is ugly
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High iq, but johanson is not recessed even by american standards, and innocent big eyes are considered attractive in women
Men are actually genetically supposed to be better looking than women, as seen in every other mammal on the planet. The reason behind this is that the Goy-verment has demasculinized men over the years with phytoestrogenic fagfood leading to most men to be sub5 and take on a "confirmative" bluepill mindset instead of a more masculine dominating mindset, making them all "simps" to some or great extent.
Blue pill mindset is not the reason for simps it’s also kinda biological
So we have to tranny max?

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