The "do what you love" meme is such terrible advice.


Deleted member 11126

Dec 4, 2020
First of all its a very toxic idea since most people will never find work they "love". Its better to find work that suits your goals and what you want out of life first and foremost. There are very few people in professions that are well paying that "love what they do" besides the occasional actual autistic people. And even the autists would rather do their own personal projects then do it for some company.

Do what you are good at and find a compromise you can't work a job you hate either but don't delude yourself into thinking you can create the perfect job that you love everyday. Even the people who achieve their dreams like athletes who have been training everyday still hate what they are doing half of the time. The difference is no matter what they keep going even on the days they don't feel like it. There is no such thing as a job you will like all or even most of the time. Trying to find some magic passion will likely bring you sadness if thats the standard you believe you need.
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People who tell uglies to "be themselves" and "do what you want" contradict their true beliefs and gaslights those poor guys into thinking it's something they can fix, like going from a 3 to an 8.

I hate normies
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People who tell uglies to "be themselves" and "do what you want" contradict their true beliefs and gaslights those poor guys into thinking it's something they can fix, like going from a 3 to an 8.

I hate normies
Sometimes that advice is good but there are some people who its simply over for. Life is a game of statistics and some people have such terrible odds that they would be happier if they just accepted its probably over in all likelyhood.

I think this is true for the bottom 20% of genes at least,
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I agree, I have hobbies OUTSIDE of work and they are what keep my quality of life relatively high. The need to be happy all the time is a cope for lazy people imho.
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I agree, I have hobbies OUTSIDE of work and they are what keep my quality of life relatively high. The need to be happy all the time is a cope for lazy people imho.
Yeah people also forget even things they love would suck if they did what it took to make them a career.

People will say shit like "I want to be a Youtuber" but they don't want to learn how to edit videos waste countles hundreds of hours with less pay off then minimum wage work to get a chance at success. People like the idea of being a Youtuber but none of the steps to get there. Same thing is true with art fags its easy to doodle when your bored but if you were expected to do art for 10 hours a day 7 days a week it would be much harder.

At the end of the day its just going to become work. You won't get far if you just do what you love because its a fleeting emotion. Going to the gym is nice half the time the other half you don't want to go.
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First of all its a very toxic idea since most people will never find work they "love". Its better to find work that suits your goals and what you want out of life first and foremost. There are very few people in professions that are well paying that "love what they do" besides the occasional actual autistic people. And even the autists would rather do their own personal projects then do it for some company.

Do what you are good at and find a compromise you can't work a job you hate either but don't delude yourself into thinking you can create the perfect job that you love everyday. Even the people who achieve their dreams like athletes who have been training everyday still hate what they are doing half of the time. The difference is no matter what they keep going even on the days they don't feel like it. There is no such thing as a job you will like all or even most of the time. Trying to find some magic passion will likely bring you sadness if thats the standard you believe you need.
"do what you love"
i cant nigga, i only like to play vidya, jerk off and sleep.
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"do what you love"
i cant nigga, i only like to play vidya, jerk off and sleep.
Yeah exactly why you shouldn't do what you "love" lol
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Agreed. 'Do what you love' isn't feasible for the vast majority of people; it's only so that corporations and the elites can keep the plebs exhausting themselves and working themselves to death so they can become even richer. It's all bullshit.

Very few people are rich and there's a reason why: the game is rigged from the start.
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Agreed. 'Do what you love' isn't feasible for the vast majority of people; it's only so that corporations and the elites can keep the plebs exhausting themselves and working themselves to death so they can become even richer. It's all bullshit.

Very few people are rich and there's a reason why: the game is rigged from the start.
That wasn't what I was getting at in this thread still true tho...

I meant more so the boomer advice of do what you want is stupid. The idea that people are going to get some dream job they love. A job is a job at the end of the day you are there because you are doing something you otherwise would not want to do. The way I see it is most jobs waste your time anyways so make sure your getting more money per hour. The time is gone regardless so might as well suffer a little more.
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People who tell uglies to "be themselves" and "do what you want" contradict their true beliefs and gaslights those poor guys into thinking it's something they can fix, like going from a 3 to an 8.

I hate normies
telling people to "do what you want" is exactly like telling them to "be themselves" and to "not change for anyone".

You just made me fucking realise this.

One should not follow a career in what they like, but a career in something that will allow them to achieve their goals, as OP said.

Holy shit.
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telling people to "do what you want" is exactly like telling them to "be themselves" and to "not change for anyone".

You just made me fucking realise this.

One should not follow a career in what they like, but a career in something that will allow them to achieve their goals, as OP said.

Holy shit.
Well, I suppose that one should strike a balance between their interests and the interests of people around them. Sometimes doing something you like means sacrificing other people's needs, and vice versa.
Very Rari Pepe

I believe in the future I'll have the means necessary to do both on an equal level. I'm a pragmatist, as I like to say.
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That wasn't what I was getting at in this thread still true tho...

I meant more so the boomer advice of do what you want is stupid. The idea that people are going to get some dream job they love. A job is a job at the end of the day you are there because you are doing something you otherwise would not want to do. The way I see it is most jobs waste your time anyways so make sure your getting more money per hour. The time is gone regardless so might as well suffer a little more.
Yes and people only work for the money. Watch the unemployed rate skyrocket once UBI is set in place. Oh wait, that'll never happen.
"do what you love"
i cant nigga, i only like to play vidya, jerk off and sleep.
Same. Sometimes I just stare at the wall. Can't earn cash that way.
I hate every job, so I'm fucked no matter what I do.
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music or any other art career could definitely be what u love
People who tell uglies to "be themselves" and "do what you want" contradict their true beliefs and gaslights those poor guys into thinking it's something they can fix, like going from a 3 to an 8.

I hate normies
This is factual.
do what you love, if you are good at it
Do what you love!
If it feels good, do it!
Follow the money, and use the money to chase your dreams. That is the only way. I hate how normies gaslight people and when some subhuman unironically takes that advice that being yourself will make you happy they fuck up and can't go back. Vurtue signaling and gaslighting is cruel and destroys peoples lives instead of helping them.
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First of all its a very toxic idea since most people will never find work they "love". Its better to find work that suits your goals and what you want out of life first and foremost. There are very few people in professions that are well paying that "love what they do" besides the occasional actual autistic people. And even the autists would rather do their own personal projects then do it for some company.

Do what you are good at and find a compromise you can't work a job you hate either but don't delude yourself into thinking you can create the perfect job that you love everyday. Even the people who achieve their dreams like athletes who have been training everyday still hate what they are doing half of the time. The difference is no matter what they keep going even on the days they don't feel like it. There is no such thing as a job you will like all or even most of the time. Trying to find some magic passion will likely bring you sadness if thats the standard you believe you need.
cope athletes love every aspect of their job, they enjoy the pain , when i used to lift i liked the pain i saw others who didnt enjoy the physical lifting and only used it as a means to an end, you have to enjoy the means if you want to be successful, you think bill gates enjoyed writing code? he did, the reason you cant sit still at a desk and do some work and enjoy it is just because you are addicted to instant dopamine , and if you still hate it thats not the job for you
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“Do what you love” only applies to aspies like me who enjoy nerd shit
If that was the case I would make a career out of road tripping to different shithole cities and fucking low class women therein
cope athletes love every aspect of their job, they enjoy the pain , when i used to lift i liked the pain i saw others who didnt enjoy the physical lifting and only used it as a means to an end, you have to enjoy the means if you want to be successful, you think bill gates enjoyed writing code? he did, the reason you cant sit still at a desk and do some work and enjoy it is just because you are addicted to instant dopamine , and if you still hate it thats not the job for you
Thats bs man no one feels like going to the gym most of the time. People go because of discipline anyone who does anything exceptional has discipline they go to the gym regardless of how they feel I don't doubt that they do love their jobs overall but trust me man no one enjoys getting up at 6 am to run they do it because its their duty to do so.
If most men could do what they love, the most common occupation would be porn star.
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no one feels like going to the gym
i wemt to the gym cos i enjoyed it and i wanted to see myself get stronger and overcome pain, people who just want to look jacked dont want to go some are disciplined enough to follow through with it , i stopped going gym because of money and i dont want to train at home cow i dot want to do just pushups and bulgarian split squats
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If most men could do what they love, the most common occupation would be porn star.
I would be a porn star if it were like POV videos but not if my face is in it. Also it would probably be super fucking weird I heard a male porn star say like 90% of the men in the videos are in Viagra and they have to be hard like 3 hours a video because they reshoot the videos.
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I know plenty of scientists, professors and people in the medical field that "do what they love" and are very happy with it, all of them have told me to do the same.

Doing what you love isn't about having constantly pleasurable work, it's about doing work that is meaningful to yourself.

Of course, you have to compromise meaning for salary at a certain point, lower than 80k€/year is a big sacrifice but there are many jobs above this that will provide intrinsic value to most people that pursue them, whether that be the challenge, moving human knowledge forward or helping others.

+ you spend more than 1/2 of your waking hours in life working, getting a measly 50k€-100k€ more for all that time sucking ass is not worth it to the average person.
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I know plenty of scientists, professors and people in the medical field that "do what they love" and are very happy with it, all of them have told me to do the same.

Doing what you love isn't about having constantly pleasurable work, it's about doing work that is meaningful to yourself.

Of course, you have to compromise meaning for salary at a certain point, lower than 80k€/year is a big sacrifice but there are many jobs above this that will provide intrinsic value to most people that pursue them, whether that be the challenge, moving human knowledge forward or helping others.

+ you spend more than 1/2 of your waking hours in life working, getting a measly 50k€-100k€ more for all that time sucking ass is not worth it to the average person.
Yeah I guess it depends. But I would advise this to people who want to become artists or something. Also a lot of people who want to be scientists aren't happy and just are payed to find results companies want.

You have to find something that combines something you can excel in with something you don't hate
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I fell for this shit and it cost me YEARS. Lead me full face in fighting homelessness.
I just JUST figured out how to actually start making money and the compromises that come with that.
I will never understand society and feeding people bull shit like this. I feel as if this works for women but for men it only harms.
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The "do what you love" people always fail to mention the stress associated with living paycheck to paycheck, the dependence on others to survive each month, and the inability to support your elderly parents financially.
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Brotip from someone who “does whet he loves”

By the third years youll start hating it as well. Business of any form sucks the life out of everything
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I fell for this shit and it cost me YEARS. Lead me full face in fighting homelessness.
I just JUST figured out how to actually start making money and the compromises that come with that.
I will never understand society and feeding people bull shit like this. I feel as if this works for women but for men it only harms.
In the long run it requires a lot more effort. The average STEM major is a lot happier then the average liberal arts major in polls.

Doing easy things in the long run will lead to you having to work more. Thats what people often are not told just because a pathway is easy and fun today doesn't mean it won't be the harder pathway in 4 years
Yeah I guess it depends. But I would advise this to people who want to become artists or something. Also a lot of people who want to be scientists aren't happy and just are payed to find results companies want.

You have to find something that combines something you can excel in with something you don't hate
The worst type of "artists" are the types who cry about how they deserve to be paid enough to live a comfortable life without doing anything else. Great artists can be separated into two categories: egoists and workmen. Egoists have the balls to accept a life of squalor because they truly believe they have created and can create something sublime. Workmen circumnavigate the risk by splitting their lives into professional and creative pursuits. Moreover, they benefit from having responsibilities outside of art because it provides structure in their lives. Both treat art as sacred. The egoist does so by completely immersing himself in it and the workman carves out a definite portion of his life that he keeps separate from other portions. The undisciplined soy artist assumes that his (often shallow and shit) "taste" in art justifies his existence as an artist like a pathetic worm.
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The worst type of "artists" are the types who cry about how they deserve to be paid enough to live a comfortable life without doing anything else. Great artists can be separated into two categories: egoists and workmen. Egoists have the balls to accept a life of squalor because they truly believe they have created and can create something sublime. Workmen circumnavigate the risk by splitting their lives into professional and creative pursuits. Moreover, they benefit from having responsibilities outside of art because it provides structure in their lives. Both treat art as sacred. The egoist does so by completely immersing himself in it and the workman carves out a definite portion of his life that he keeps separate from other portions. The undisciplined soy artist assumes that his (often shallow and shit) "taste" in art justifies his existence as an artist like a pathetic worm.
Most artists at the end of the day aren't good. Also most people who major in liberal arts are very mediocre the very few genuine exceptional artists probably aren't in university.

I don't feel bad for anyone in liberal arts or the humantities that is in debt from their degree that cannot find a job. I'm sure somewhere inside these people must know they are getting a waste of a degree and they should be payed accordingly
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Most artists at the end of the day aren't good. Also most people who major in liberal arts are very mediocre the very few genuine exceptional artists probably aren't in university.

I don't feel bad for anyone in liberal arts or the humantities that is in debt from their degree that cannot find a job. I'm sure somewhere these people must know they are getting a waste of a degree and they should be payed accordingly
Universities produce good art critics, not good artists. Naive young people, often slightly more creative than their peers, are told to go to art school because they made a nice painting or wrote a decent piece of fiction one time in high school. You take four or five classes a semester (at least one of these is a gen ed course) for four years, studying texts or pieces of art curated by what some random professor thinks is good or is forced to teach by the diversity department. Turns out you're standing on a foundation built of straw. I don't feel bad for them either and I'm glad I didn't go down that route.
Follow the money, and use the money to chase your dreams. That is the only way. I hate how normies gaslight people and when some subhuman unironically takes that advice that being yourself will make you happy they fuck up and can't go back. Vurtue signaling and gaslighting is cruel and destroys peoples lives instead of helping them.
Most normies are not your friend. They just tell you what you want to hear.

If you are fat they will say its a unique look instead of telling you to lose weight
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Great point, summed up by Tate (for illiterate users)
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Well, I suppose that one should strike a balance between their interests and the interests of people around them. Sometimes doing something you like means sacrificing other people's needs, and vice versa.
View attachment 1961499View attachment 1961500
I believe in the future I'll have the means necessary to do both on an equal level. I'm a pragmatist, as I like to say.
Pictures illustrate it well tbh. Do your passion on the side until it provides a stable income and have a valuable trade to fall back on.
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Most normies are not your friend. They just tell you what you want to hear.

If you are fat they will say its a unique look instead of telling you to lose weight
That’s only because of societal programming and now; cancel culture. In the past bullying was rampant and people would ridicule you for flaws openly. These days they fear cancellation from the left mob so hold their tongues till no one’s watching(online/offline - group chats, omegle, behind back). Have been foids exposed on omegle for calling people retarded, fat, fags and niggers then having BLM, LGBT, body positive messages on IG. All optics
That’s only because of societal programming and now; cancel culture. In the past bullying was rampant and people would ridicule you for flaws openly. These days they fear cancellation from the left mob so hold their tongues till no one’s watching(online/offline - group chats, omegle, behind back). Have been foids exposed on omegle for calling people retarded, fat, fags and niggers then having BLM, LGBT, body positive messages on IG. All optics
Even in the past people lied for self serving reasons. Although you are correct it is 10X worse then it was in the past.
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just wanna ldar
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Yes, you need actual working methods whose success is guaranteed by a reliable market research
Sell what you like is such a meme I got cucked multiple times by this retarded logic
You need to sell what people want

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