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or why moneymaxxing as a sub ltn will ALWAYS make you a betabuxx
Since the internet if filled with soys claiming that women, particularly hot women (only stacy matters tbh), care about your wallet and only your wallet, I decided to look up some studies looking at the relationship between money and attraction.
I found a very interesting one where they asked the participants what they desired in a partner, and then compared what they said they desired to what they actually desired. Turns out for both sexes it was looks > personality > money.
The paper is titled "Sex Differences in Mate Preferences Revisited: Do People Know What They Initially Desire in a Romantic Partner?"
It's rather interesting, but not that much. No, the real juicy bits are in the intro of the paper, under the subsection "Equivocal Evidence for Sex Differences", and it says as follows:
Turns out the studies that found a link between money/status and an attractive wife never took into account the attractiveness of the husband.
Turns out Stacy went for Chad who happened to have that managerial role due to the halo effect.
Turns out no amount of moneycoping will get you anything better than a mid
I decided to investigate further, so I checked the meta analysis by Langlois mentioned.
The strongest benefit of physical attractiveness is not relationship success or slaying count, it's OCCUPATIONAL SUCCESS
I noted that the meta analysis didn't differentiate by gender, plus it was from 2000. Given that the first paper above stated that a woman's attractiveness was related to her husband income but not her own, it could be that occupational success is stronger for Chad.
So I tried to look up some more recent studies.
From the paper titled "Are Good-Looking People More Employable?"
Chad gets twice the amount of interviews than the average man
Menawhile stacy gets as many as becky.
Now, the paper titled "Physical attractiveness and intergenerational social mobility" which was discussed A LOT on soyddit
Looks alone are a strong predictor of social mobility, and it matters more for Chad
Now, the paper titled "Height, Human Capital, and Earnings".
Notice how the earnings rise VERY quickly and then reach a ceiling at 6ft. It should be noted that they are using a log scale, so the differences in income are even bigger than shown. This paper also found a significant correlation between attractivenes at age 11 and income.
Finally, although not directly related to money and, socioeconomic status the paper titled "Who Attains Social Status? Effects of Personality and Physical Attractiveness in Social Groups"
Looks are a VERY strong predictor of popularity for men.
However looks don't predict popularity in women.
It makes sense if you think about it. The internet is filled with variations of the Chad meme, whether it's a wojak, gigachad, or simply a photoshop. Yet there is no relevant Stacy equivalent.
TL;DR: Chad gets the girl and the job
a few other related studies:
Good-Looking Lawyers Make More Money, Researcher Says
The ABA Journal is read by half of the nation's 1 million lawyers every month. It covers the trends, people and finances of the legal profession from Wall Street to Main Street to Pennsylvania Avenue.
Good-looking bankers earn $1M more than less attractive counterparts
Good looking bankers and CEOs earn $1million more on average than their less attractive counterparts - despite the fact they may not be working as hard.
>good loking executives get paid more