The Four Evolutionary Pillars of Male Attractiveness: What Really Matters



Jun 29, 2024
This isn’t „just“ a guide, I'm going to talk more about the biology behind it all and how we can take advantage of it or what we need to do to achieve it. I’ll try to minimize information that has already been discussed 100 times. I haven’t seen many threads about these 4 key factors, which in my opinion 90% of what matters, why I decided to make a thread about it. If I use information by other threads/ users I will tag them in the in the respective section. If I used studies for reference I will link them/ mention their name.

IMG 5190

When it comes to male attractiveness, four key factors—fertility, health signs, ability to function as a hunter, and resource provision—play a crucial role. These evolutionary traits, rooted in biology, have shaped the way women perceive and choose their partners, as they signal a man’s potential for survival, reproduction, and long-term support.

I’m not going to go into detail at any point; I’m just going to simplify the main points. There would be no point to write a high iq post if only some would understand it, so this it will be literary easy to understand.

1. Fertility
2. Health signs
3. Hunter
4.Resource provision

Fertility signals in men are evolutionarily relevant to women because they indicate that the man can produce healthy offspring. Men with high testosterone levels often display strong masculine traits that are associated with good genetic fitness and reproductive ability. Such characteristics indicate that the man is in his reproductive prime and can pass on healthy genes to the next generation-„evolutionary sorting“. Women just want the perfect gene pool for their offspring.

Fertility maxxing is pretty similar to Sex appeal maxxing, so if u want a more detailed guide look into @Kingkellz sex appeal maxxing guide. I will just talk about the most crucial ones and not go too much into depth.

Deep Voice=>
A deep voice is influenced by higher testosterone levels and is seen as an attractive sign of masculinity and fertility.
|—> To maximize your voice you can get Voice deepening surgery, hop on test or „train it“ by trying to get into the habit of speeding deeper ()

Facial Hair=> A stubble/beard is portrayed as a sign of sexual maturity, and therefore seen as fertile and attractive.
|—> To maximize your beard hop on test or use oral/topical minox. For manlets or balding people that can’t grow a beard a beard transplanted can also be considered ig ()

Symmetrical Face=> In the evolutionary context, symmetry in facial features as well as a symmetrical face symbolized the high fertility of man, it indicates a linear, undistorted development without illness and genetic interruptions or significantly before appropriate growth milestones. Genetic inheritance stands at the heart of any successful reproductive effort.
|—> have good genes, have slept right ur life and have somehow eat a healthy diet and u shouldn’t have noticeable unsymmetrical features. For some cases implants in one side of the jaw to even it out, rhinoplasty etc. Are the way to go (fillers aswell).

Lips=> Naturally balanced or slightly fuller lips signal overall health and youthfulness, which are crucial for fertility. Youth indicates that a man is within his reproductive prime.
|—> This shit has been posted often so I will just refer to this routine by @ShawarmaFilth which I personally like
Thread 'ULTIMATE lipmaxxing routine (chapped GTFIH)'

1. Puts, D. A. (2005). Mating context and menstrual phase affect women’s preferences for male voice pitch. Evolution and Human Behavior, 26(5), 388-397.
2.Dixson, B. J., & Vasey, P. L. (2012). Beards augment perceptions of men’s age, social status, and aggressiveness, but not attractiveness. Behavioral Ecology, 23(3), 481-490.

2. Health signs:blackpill:
Health traits only matter because women instinctively look for the best gene pool. A man must appear physically fit and not show any signs of illness, otherwise he will be evolutionarily sorted out. Foids are biologically programmed to select only men who exude perfect health because they want only the best genes for their kids.

Skin=> Most water information ever. Your skin is ur biggest organ, nothing shows more how healthy u truly are than this (Over for skincels like me).
|—> I think after debloat guides skin guides are the most common guides so I will make it short. Fix ur diet, eat what humans are supposed to, only real food and hop on accutane. For mot depth read one of the hundred skin maxxing guides.

White teeth=> White teeth represent good hygiene and general health. They signal that the man is free from diseases or bad habits that affect dental health.
|—> If u have genetically yellow teeth like me these whitening stripes ain’t gonna cut it. There are pretty useful tho if ur teeth just discolored due to smoking, coffee etc. I personally used @pneumocystosis teeth whitening guide and it did wonders. Before:
IMG 5261
and after:
IMG 5260
. People genuanly asked me in school if I got them bleached at a dentist.

Thick and full hair=> Full hair is a sign of youth and good health. Hair loss can be perceived as a sign of age or hormonal imbalances.
|—> Prevention is key: Microdose finasteride, if you don’t know how to look into @NZb6Air guide: Thread 'How to microdose finasteride with volumetric liquid dosing (it's very easy)'
Other ways are oral/topical minox and like always having a good diet. And most effective, get a hair transplant in turkey.

Eyes (sclera)=> Clear eyes are a sign of health, alertness and youth. Red or tired eyes can indicate health problems or lack of sleep.
|—> you want ur sclera
IMG 5262
too look as white as possible. Do that by staying Hydrated getting Enough Sleep using Eye Drops and eating lots of antioxidants.

Symmetrical Face=> already explained:owo:

1. Rhodes, G., et al. (2001). Facial symmetry and the perception of beauty. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 8(2), 221-242.
2. Fink, B., & Matts, P. J. (2008). The effects of skin colour distribution and topography cues on the perception of female facial age and health. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 22(4), 493-498.

3. Ability to function as a Hunter:blackpill:(Underrated by many on here)
Historically, as “hunters,” men depended on securing resources such as food and shelter. In early societies, this ability was crucial for the survival of women and their offspring. Women developed a biological preference for men with features such as broad collarbones and other “hunter” characteristics that signal physical strength and agility.

IMG 5263

Reed @Prettyboy s thread on this topic, honestly a hood thread
Thread 'Male attractiveness is ultimately rooted in the perceived ability to be a hunter'

Height=>Taller men are seen as more capable of asserting themselves in dangerous situations and securing resources. Size signals strength and dominance, which has been suggested to indicate greater survivability. That’s why foids want tall chads.
|—> good diet (a bit more calories than u need, like a bulking phase, and all micronutrients) during ur puberty/childhood and good genetic. U can try to cope with 4iu hgh, some aromasin and 900mcg ipomarelin if ur growth plates are still open.

Shoulder to waist ratio=> Wide clavicles (V-taper) demonstrates physical strength, which was necessary in the past to hunt, fight, or provide protection
IMG 5264
Foids today still thirst over a good S/W ratio. 6‘0 foot and great S/W ratio > 6‘2 and awful S/W ratio.
|—> Spam lateral raises like crazy and train ur lats. Get lean af to make ur waist appear smaller
and be somehow genetically blessed.
( )

Athletic=>Athleticism, characterized by strength, agility, and endurance, is essential for physical performance and survival in a hunting context. It signals fitness and capability, which are attractive traits. Every Becky will prefer a mtn who’s an athlete over an mtn who isn’t.
|—> Gymcell, get into combat sports like mma, javelin throw or the sport which is most popular in your country to be more respected.

1.Pawlowski, B., Dunbar, R. I. M., & Lipowicz, A. (2000). Tall men have more reproductive success. Nature, 403(6766), 156.
2. Frederick, D. A., & Haselton, M. G. (2007). Why is muscularity sexy? Tests of the fitness indicator hypothesis. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33(8), 1167-1183.

4.Resource Provision :redpill:
In evolution, it was crucial for women to choose a mate who could secure and share resources to ensure their survival and that of their offspring. Men who were physically capable of obtaining these resources had an evolutionary advantage.

Today that has hardly changed. Although the focus is more on money and material wealth, the basic principles are the same. Men who are financially successful are considered the best “providers.”

Moneymaxx=>Money=Can provide=Attractive:soy::soy::soy:
|—> Get a fucking job and cope a bit with some redpill tactics. Way to complex just look at some threads in „Money-making & Succes“
Dense bone density and muscular stature=> These physical characteristics indicate that the man is capable of carrying heavy loads, indicating physical prowess and the ability to do hard work and secure resources. And most important with good bones comes chad face:3
|—> Roid like crazy or reincarnate.

NT-maxxing=> Being Nt is crucial to be part of the tribe, for example Following fashion trends= sign Ure Part of the tribe, and therefore attractive to foids.
|—> Socialize, Fashion max and go on parties. All of them signal that u are part of the tribe. Take pregablin if u have social anxiety, this might help aswell:

1.Buss, D. M. (1989). Sex differences in human mate preferences: Evolutionary hypotheses tested in 37 cultures. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 12(1), 1-49.
2. Sell, A., et al. (2017). Humans can accurately assess physical strength from the voice. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 274(1623), 1504-1508.


Thanks for reading bhais:owo::owo:
IMG 5175

(If u write dnrd/dnr u are a faggot!)
@ImVerySorry @WhoTookVendetta @castizo
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good thread
  • Woah
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Reactions: armemann and BinPanda
This isn’t „just“ a guide, I'm going to talk more about the biology behind it all and how we can take advantage of it or what we need to do to achieve it. I’ll try to minimize information that has already been discussed 100 times. I haven’t seen many threads about these 4 key factors, which in my opinion 90% of what matters, why I decided to make a thread about it. If I use information by other threads/ users I will tag them in the in the respective section. If I used studies for reference I will link them/ mention their name.

View attachment 3249516

When it comes to male attractiveness, four key factors—fertility, health signs, ability to function as a hunter, and resource provision—play a crucial role. These evolutionary traits, rooted in biology, have shaped the way women perceive and choose their partners, as they signal a man’s potential for survival, reproduction, and long-term support.

I’m not going to go into detail at any point; I’m just going to simplify the main points. There would be no point to write a high iq post if only some would understand it, so this it will be literary easy to understand.

1. Fertility
2. Health signs
3. Hunter
4.Respurce provision

Fertility signals in men are evolutionarily relevant to women because they indicate that the man can produce healthy offspring. Men with high testosterone levels often display strong masculine traits that are associated with good genetic fitness and reproductive ability. Such characteristics indicate that the man is in his reproductive prime and can pass on healthy genes to the next generation-„evolutionary sorting“. Women just want the perfect gene pool for their offspring.

Fertility maxxing is pretty similar to Sex appeal maxxing, so if u want a more detailed guide look into @Kingkellz sex appeal maxxing guide. I will just talk about the most crucial ones and not go too much into depth.

Deep Voice=>
A deep voice is influenced by higher testosterone levels and is seen as an attractive sign of masculinity and fertility.
|—> To maximize your voice you can get Voice deepening surgery, hop on test or „train it“ by trying to get into the habit of speeding deeper ()

Facial Hair=> A stubble/beard is portrayed as a sign of sexual maturity, and therefore seen as fertile and attractive.
|—> To maximize your beard hop on test or use oral/topical minox. For manlets or balding people that can’t grow a beard a beard transplanted can also be considered ig ()

Symmetrical Face=> In the evolutionary context, symmetry in facial features as well as a symmetrical face symbolized the high fertility of man, it indicates a linear, undistorted development without illness and genetic interruptions or significantly before appropriate growth milestones. Genetic inheritance stands at the heart of any successful reproductive effort.
|—> have good genes, have slept right ur life and have somehow eat a healthy diet and u shouldn’t have noticeable unsymmetrical features. For some cases implants in one side of the jaw to even it out, rhinoplasty etc. Are the way to go (fillers aswell).

Lips=> Naturally balanced or slightly fuller lips signal overall health and youthfulness, which are crucial for fertility. Youth indicates that a man is within his reproductive prime.
|—> This shit has been posted often so I will just refer to this routine by @ShawarmaFilth which I personally like
Thread 'ULTIMATE lipmaxxing routine (chapped GTFIH)'

1. Puts, D. A. (2005). Mating context and menstrual phase affect women’s preferences for male voice pitch. Evolution and Human Behavior, 26(5), 388-397.
2.Dixson, B. J., & Vasey, P. L. (2012). Beards augment perceptions of men’s age, social status, and aggressiveness, but not attractiveness. Behavioral Ecology, 23(3), 481-490.

2. Health signs:blackpill:
Health traits only matter because women instinctively look for the best gene pool. A man must appear physically fit and not show any signs of illness, otherwise he will be evolutionarily sorted out. Foids are biologically programmed to select only men who exude perfect health because they want only the best genes for their kids.

Skin=> Most water information ever. Your skin is ur biggest organ, nothing shows more how healthy u truly are than this (Over for skincels like me).
|—> I think after debloat guides skin guides are the most common guides so I will make it short. Fix ur diet, eat what humans are supposed to, only real food and hop on accutane. For mot depth read one of the hundred skin maxxing guides.

White teeth=> White teeth represent good hygiene and general health. They signal that the man is free from diseases or bad habits that affect dental health.
|—> If u have genetically yellow teeth like me these whitening stripes ain’t gonna cut it. There are pretty useful tho if ur teeth just discolored due to smoking, coffee etc. I personally used @pneumocystosis teeth whitening guide and it did wonders. Before: View attachment 3249637 and after: View attachment 3249640. People genuanly asked me in school if I got them bleached at a dentist.

Thick and full hair=> Full hair is a sign of youth and good health. Hair loss can be perceived as a sign of age or hormonal imbalances.
|—> Prevention is key: Microdose finasteride, if you don’t know how to look into @NZb6Air guide: Thread 'How to microdose finasteride with volumetric liquid dosing (it's very easy)'
Other ways are oral/topical minox and like always having a good diet. And most effective, get a hair transplant in turkey.

Eyes (sclera)=> Clear eyes are a sign of health, alertness and youth. Red or tired eyes can indicate health problems or lack of sleep.
|—> you want ur sclera View attachment 3249656 too look as white as possible. Do that by staying Hydrated getting Enough Sleep using Eye Drops and eating lots of antioxidants.

Symmetrical Face=> already explained:owo:

1. Rhodes, G., et al. (2001). Facial symmetry and the perception of beauty. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 8(2), 221-242.
2. Fink, B., & Matts, P. J. (2008). The effects of skin colour distribution and topography cues on the perception of female facial age and health. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 22(4), 493-498.

3. Ability to function as a Hunter:blackpill:(Underrated by many on here)
Historically, as “hunters,” men depended on securing resources such as food and shelter. In early societies, this ability was crucial for the survival of women and their offspring. Women developed a biological preference for men with features such as broad collarbones and other “hunter” characteristics that signal physical strength and agility.

View attachment 3249683

Reed @Prettyboy s thread on this topic, honestly a hood thread
Thread 'Male attractiveness is ultimately rooted in the perceived ability to be a hunter'

Height=>Taller men are seen as more capable of asserting themselves in dangerous situations and securing resources. Size signals strength and dominance, which has been suggested to indicate greater survivability. That’s why foids want tall chads.
|—> good diet (a bit more calories than u need, like a bulking phase, and all micronutrients) during ur puberty/childhood and good genetic. U can try to cope with 4iu hgh, some aromasin and 900mcg ipomarelin if ur growth plates are still open.

Shoulder to waist ratio=> Wide clavicles (V-taper) demonstrates physical strength, which was necessary in the past to hunt, fight, or provide protection View attachment 3249701Foids today still thirst over a good S/W ratio. 6‘0 foot and great S/W ratio > 6‘2 and awful S/W ratio.
|—> Spam lateral raises like crazy and train ur lats. Get lean af to make ur waist appear smaller
and be somehow genetically blessed.
( )

Athletic=>Athleticism, characterized by strength, agility, and endurance, is essential for physical performance and survival in a hunting context. It signals fitness and capability, which are attractive traits. Every Becky will prefer a mtn who’s an athlete over an mtn who isn’t.
|—> Gymcell, get into combat sports like mma, javelin throw or the sport which is most popular in your country to be more respected.

1.Pawlowski, B., Dunbar, R. I. M., & Lipowicz, A. (2000). Tall men have more reproductive success. Nature, 403(6766), 156.
2. Frederick, D. A., & Haselton, M. G. (2007). Why is muscularity sexy? Tests of the fitness indicator hypothesis. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33(8), 1167-1183.

4.Resource Provision :redpill:
In evolution, it was crucial for women to choose a mate who could secure and share resources to ensure their survival and that of their offspring. Men who were physically capable of obtaining these resources had an evolutionary advantage.

Today that has hardly changed. Although the focus is more on money and material wealth, the basic principles are the same. Men who are financially successful are considered the best “providers.”

Moneymaxx=>Money=Can provide=Attractive:soy::soy::soy:
|—> Get a fucking job and cope a bit with some redpill tactics. Way to complex just look at some threads in „Money-making & Succes“
Dense bone density and muscular stature=> These physical characteristics indicate that the man is capable of carrying heavy loads, indicating physical prowess and the ability to do hard work and secure resources. And most important with good bones comes chad face:3
|—> Roid like crazy or reincarnate.

NT-maxxing=> Being Nt is crucial to be part of the tribe, for example Following fashion trends= sign Ure Part of the tribe, and therefore attractive to foids.
|—> Socialize, Fashion max and go on parties. All of them signal that u are part of the tribe. Take pregablin if u have social anxiety, this might help aswell:

1.Buss, D. M. (1989). Sex differences in human mate preferences: Evolutionary hypotheses tested in 37 cultures. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 12(1), 1-49.
2. Sell, A., et al. (2017). Humans can accurately assess physical strength from the voice. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 274(1623), 1504-1508.


Thanks for reading bhais:owo::owo:
View attachment 3249725
(If u write dnrd/dnr u are a faggot!)
@ImVerySorry @WhoTookVendetta @castizo

dnr appeal is everything
  • +1
Reactions: sexy
dnr appeal is everything
„muhhh appeal>deeply anchored evolutionary attributes that women find primitively attractive because it is genetically anchored in them, Muhh female gaze muh“ ~:feelsuhh:
Read the thread and u would be a bit smarter, u don’t even know what appeal really is negro
This isn’t „just“ a guide, I'm going to talk more about the biology behind it all and how we can take advantage of it or what we need to do to achieve it. I’ll try to minimize information that has already been discussed 100 times. I haven’t seen many threads about these 4 key factors, which in my opinion 90% of what matters, why I decided to make a thread about it. If I use information by other threads/ users I will tag them in the in the respective section. If I used studies for reference I will link them/ mention their name.

View attachment 3249516

When it comes to male attractiveness, four key factors—fertility, health signs, ability to function as a hunter, and resource provision—play a crucial role. These evolutionary traits, rooted in biology, have shaped the way women perceive and choose their partners, as they signal a man’s potential for survival, reproduction, and long-term support.

I’m not going to go into detail at any point; I’m just going to simplify the main points. There would be no point to write a high iq post if only some would understand it, so this it will be literary easy to understand.

1. Fertility
2. Health signs
3. Hunter
4.Resource provision

Fertility signals in men are evolutionarily relevant to women because they indicate that the man can produce healthy offspring. Men with high testosterone levels often display strong masculine traits that are associated with good genetic fitness and reproductive ability. Such characteristics indicate that the man is in his reproductive prime and can pass on healthy genes to the next generation-„evolutionary sorting“. Women just want the perfect gene pool for their offspring.

Fertility maxxing is pretty similar to Sex appeal maxxing, so if u want a more detailed guide look into @Kingkellz sex appeal maxxing guide. I will just talk about the most crucial ones and not go too much into depth.

Deep Voice=>
A deep voice is influenced by higher testosterone levels and is seen as an attractive sign of masculinity and fertility.
|—> To maximize your voice you can get Voice deepening surgery, hop on test or „train it“ by trying to get into the habit of speeding deeper ()

Facial Hair=> A stubble/beard is portrayed as a sign of sexual maturity, and therefore seen as fertile and attractive.
|—> To maximize your beard hop on test or use oral/topical minox. For manlets or balding people that can’t grow a beard a beard transplanted can also be considered ig ()

Symmetrical Face=> In the evolutionary context, symmetry in facial features as well as a symmetrical face symbolized the high fertility of man, it indicates a linear, undistorted development without illness and genetic interruptions or significantly before appropriate growth milestones. Genetic inheritance stands at the heart of any successful reproductive effort.
|—> have good genes, have slept right ur life and have somehow eat a healthy diet and u shouldn’t have noticeable unsymmetrical features. For some cases implants in one side of the jaw to even it out, rhinoplasty etc. Are the way to go (fillers aswell).

Lips=> Naturally balanced or slightly fuller lips signal overall health and youthfulness, which are crucial for fertility. Youth indicates that a man is within his reproductive prime.
|—> This shit has been posted often so I will just refer to this routine by @ShawarmaFilth which I personally like
Thread 'ULTIMATE lipmaxxing routine (chapped GTFIH)'

1. Puts, D. A. (2005). Mating context and menstrual phase affect women’s preferences for male voice pitch. Evolution and Human Behavior, 26(5), 388-397.
2.Dixson, B. J., & Vasey, P. L. (2012). Beards augment perceptions of men’s age, social status, and aggressiveness, but not attractiveness. Behavioral Ecology, 23(3), 481-490.

2. Health signs:blackpill:
Health traits only matter because women instinctively look for the best gene pool. A man must appear physically fit and not show any signs of illness, otherwise he will be evolutionarily sorted out. Foids are biologically programmed to select only men who exude perfect health because they want only the best genes for their kids.

Skin=> Most water information ever. Your skin is ur biggest organ, nothing shows more how healthy u truly are than this (Over for skincels like me).
|—> I think after debloat guides skin guides are the most common guides so I will make it short. Fix ur diet, eat what humans are supposed to, only real food and hop on accutane. For mot depth read one of the hundred skin maxxing guides.

White teeth=> White teeth represent good hygiene and general health. They signal that the man is free from diseases or bad habits that affect dental health.
|—> If u have genetically yellow teeth like me these whitening stripes ain’t gonna cut it. There are pretty useful tho if ur teeth just discolored due to smoking, coffee etc. I personally used @pneumocystosis teeth whitening guide and it did wonders. Before: View attachment 3249637 and after: View attachment 3249640. People genuanly asked me in school if I got them bleached at a dentist.

Thick and full hair=> Full hair is a sign of youth and good health. Hair loss can be perceived as a sign of age or hormonal imbalances.
|—> Prevention is key: Microdose finasteride, if you don’t know how to look into @NZb6Air guide: Thread 'How to microdose finasteride with volumetric liquid dosing (it's very easy)'
Other ways are oral/topical minox and like always having a good diet. And most effective, get a hair transplant in turkey.

Eyes (sclera)=> Clear eyes are a sign of health, alertness and youth. Red or tired eyes can indicate health problems or lack of sleep.
|—> you want ur sclera View attachment 3249656 too look as white as possible. Do that by staying Hydrated getting Enough Sleep using Eye Drops and eating lots of antioxidants.

Symmetrical Face=> already explained:owo:

1. Rhodes, G., et al. (2001). Facial symmetry and the perception of beauty. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 8(2), 221-242.
2. Fink, B., & Matts, P. J. (2008). The effects of skin colour distribution and topography cues on the perception of female facial age and health. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 22(4), 493-498.

3. Ability to function as a Hunter:blackpill:(Underrated by many on here)
Historically, as “hunters,” men depended on securing resources such as food and shelter. In early societies, this ability was crucial for the survival of women and their offspring. Women developed a biological preference for men with features such as broad collarbones and other “hunter” characteristics that signal physical strength and agility.

View attachment 3249683

Reed @Prettyboy s thread on this topic, honestly a hood thread
Thread 'Male attractiveness is ultimately rooted in the perceived ability to be a hunter'

Height=>Taller men are seen as more capable of asserting themselves in dangerous situations and securing resources. Size signals strength and dominance, which has been suggested to indicate greater survivability. That’s why foids want tall chads.
|—> good diet (a bit more calories than u need, like a bulking phase, and all micronutrients) during ur puberty/childhood and good genetic. U can try to cope with 4iu hgh, some aromasin and 900mcg ipomarelin if ur growth plates are still open.

Shoulder to waist ratio=> Wide clavicles (V-taper) demonstrates physical strength, which was necessary in the past to hunt, fight, or provide protection View attachment 3249701Foids today still thirst over a good S/W ratio. 6‘0 foot and great S/W ratio > 6‘2 and awful S/W ratio.
|—> Spam lateral raises like crazy and train ur lats. Get lean af to make ur waist appear smaller
and be somehow genetically blessed.
( )

Athletic=>Athleticism, characterized by strength, agility, and endurance, is essential for physical performance and survival in a hunting context. It signals fitness and capability, which are attractive traits. Every Becky will prefer a mtn who’s an athlete over an mtn who isn’t.
|—> Gymcell, get into combat sports like mma, javelin throw or the sport which is most popular in your country to be more respected.

1.Pawlowski, B., Dunbar, R. I. M., & Lipowicz, A. (2000). Tall men have more reproductive success. Nature, 403(6766), 156.
2. Frederick, D. A., & Haselton, M. G. (2007). Why is muscularity sexy? Tests of the fitness indicator hypothesis. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33(8), 1167-1183.

4.Resource Provision :redpill:
In evolution, it was crucial for women to choose a mate who could secure and share resources to ensure their survival and that of their offspring. Men who were physically capable of obtaining these resources had an evolutionary advantage.

Today that has hardly changed. Although the focus is more on money and material wealth, the basic principles are the same. Men who are financially successful are considered the best “providers.”

Moneymaxx=>Money=Can provide=Attractive:soy::soy::soy:
|—> Get a fucking job and cope a bit with some redpill tactics. Way to complex just look at some threads in „Money-making & Succes“
Dense bone density and muscular stature=> These physical characteristics indicate that the man is capable of carrying heavy loads, indicating physical prowess and the ability to do hard work and secure resources. And most important with good bones comes chad face:3
|—> Roid like crazy or reincarnate.

NT-maxxing=> Being Nt is crucial to be part of the tribe, for example Following fashion trends= sign Ure Part of the tribe, and therefore attractive to foids.
|—> Socialize, Fashion max and go on parties. All of them signal that u are part of the tribe. Take pregablin if u have social anxiety, this might help aswell:

1.Buss, D. M. (1989). Sex differences in human mate preferences: Evolutionary hypotheses tested in 37 cultures. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 12(1), 1-49.
2. Sell, A., et al. (2017). Humans can accurately assess physical strength from the voice. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 274(1623), 1504-1508.


Thanks for reading bhais:owo::owo:
View attachment 3249725
(If u write dnrd/dnr u are a faggot!)
@ImVerySorry @WhoTookVendetta @castizo

great thread
  • Love it
Reactions: BinPanda
This isn’t „just“ a guide, I'm going to talk more about the biology behind it all and how we can take advantage of it or what we need to do to achieve it. I’ll try to minimize information that has already been discussed 100 times. I haven’t seen many threads about these 4 key factors, which in my opinion 90% of what matters, why I decided to make a thread about it. If I use information by other threads/ users I will tag them in the in the respective section. If I used studies for reference I will link them/ mention their name.

View attachment 3249516

When it comes to male attractiveness, four key factors—fertility, health signs, ability to function as a hunter, and resource provision—play a crucial role. These evolutionary traits, rooted in biology, have shaped the way women perceive and choose their partners, as they signal a man’s potential for survival, reproduction, and long-term support.

I’m not going to go into detail at any point; I’m just going to simplify the main points. There would be no point to write a high iq post if only some would understand it, so this it will be literary easy to understand.

1. Fertility
2. Health signs
3. Hunter
4.Resource provision

Fertility signals in men are evolutionarily relevant to women because they indicate that the man can produce healthy offspring. Men with high testosterone levels often display strong masculine traits that are associated with good genetic fitness and reproductive ability. Such characteristics indicate that the man is in his reproductive prime and can pass on healthy genes to the next generation-„evolutionary sorting“. Women just want the perfect gene pool for their offspring.

Fertility maxxing is pretty similar to Sex appeal maxxing, so if u want a more detailed guide look into @Kingkellz sex appeal maxxing guide. I will just talk about the most crucial ones and not go too much into depth.

Deep Voice=>
A deep voice is influenced by higher testosterone levels and is seen as an attractive sign of masculinity and fertility.
|—> To maximize your voice you can get Voice deepening surgery, hop on test or „train it“ by trying to get into the habit of speeding deeper ()

Facial Hair=> A stubble/beard is portrayed as a sign of sexual maturity, and therefore seen as fertile and attractive.
|—> To maximize your beard hop on test or use oral/topical minox. For manlets or balding people that can’t grow a beard a beard transplanted can also be considered ig ()

Symmetrical Face=> In the evolutionary context, symmetry in facial features as well as a symmetrical face symbolized the high fertility of man, it indicates a linear, undistorted development without illness and genetic interruptions or significantly before appropriate growth milestones. Genetic inheritance stands at the heart of any successful reproductive effort.
|—> have good genes, have slept right ur life and have somehow eat a healthy diet and u shouldn’t have noticeable unsymmetrical features. For some cases implants in one side of the jaw to even it out, rhinoplasty etc. Are the way to go (fillers aswell).

Lips=> Naturally balanced or slightly fuller lips signal overall health and youthfulness, which are crucial for fertility. Youth indicates that a man is within his reproductive prime.
|—> This shit has been posted often so I will just refer to this routine by @ShawarmaFilth which I personally like
Thread 'ULTIMATE lipmaxxing routine (chapped GTFIH)'

1. Puts, D. A. (2005). Mating context and menstrual phase affect women’s preferences for male voice pitch. Evolution and Human Behavior, 26(5), 388-397.
2.Dixson, B. J., & Vasey, P. L. (2012). Beards augment perceptions of men’s age, social status, and aggressiveness, but not attractiveness. Behavioral Ecology, 23(3), 481-490.

2. Health signs:blackpill:
Health traits only matter because women instinctively look for the best gene pool. A man must appear physically fit and not show any signs of illness, otherwise he will be evolutionarily sorted out. Foids are biologically programmed to select only men who exude perfect health because they want only the best genes for their kids.

Skin=> Most water information ever. Your skin is ur biggest organ, nothing shows more how healthy u truly are than this (Over for skincels like me).
|—> I think after debloat guides skin guides are the most common guides so I will make it short. Fix ur diet, eat what humans are supposed to, only real food and hop on accutane. For mot depth read one of the hundred skin maxxing guides.

White teeth=> White teeth represent good hygiene and general health. They signal that the man is free from diseases or bad habits that affect dental health.
|—> If u have genetically yellow teeth like me these whitening stripes ain’t gonna cut it. There are pretty useful tho if ur teeth just discolored due to smoking, coffee etc. I personally used @pneumocystosis teeth whitening guide and it did wonders. Before: View attachment 3249637 and after: View attachment 3249640. People genuanly asked me in school if I got them bleached at a dentist.

Thick and full hair=> Full hair is a sign of youth and good health. Hair loss can be perceived as a sign of age or hormonal imbalances.
|—> Prevention is key: Microdose finasteride, if you don’t know how to look into @NZb6Air guide: Thread 'How to microdose finasteride with volumetric liquid dosing (it's very easy)'
Other ways are oral/topical minox and like always having a good diet. And most effective, get a hair transplant in turkey.

Eyes (sclera)=> Clear eyes are a sign of health, alertness and youth. Red or tired eyes can indicate health problems or lack of sleep.
|—> you want ur sclera View attachment 3249656 too look as white as possible. Do that by staying Hydrated getting Enough Sleep using Eye Drops and eating lots of antioxidants.

Symmetrical Face=> already explained:owo:

1. Rhodes, G., et al. (2001). Facial symmetry and the perception of beauty. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 8(2), 221-242.
2. Fink, B., & Matts, P. J. (2008). The effects of skin colour distribution and topography cues on the perception of female facial age and health. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 22(4), 493-498.

3. Ability to function as a Hunter:blackpill:(Underrated by many on here)
Historically, as “hunters,” men depended on securing resources such as food and shelter. In early societies, this ability was crucial for the survival of women and their offspring. Women developed a biological preference for men with features such as broad collarbones and other “hunter” characteristics that signal physical strength and agility.

View attachment 3249683

Reed @Prettyboy s thread on this topic, honestly a hood thread
Thread 'Male attractiveness is ultimately rooted in the perceived ability to be a hunter'

Height=>Taller men are seen as more capable of asserting themselves in dangerous situations and securing resources. Size signals strength and dominance, which has been suggested to indicate greater survivability. That’s why foids want tall chads.
|—> good diet (a bit more calories than u need, like a bulking phase, and all micronutrients) during ur puberty/childhood and good genetic. U can try to cope with 4iu hgh, some aromasin and 900mcg ipomarelin if ur growth plates are still open.

Shoulder to waist ratio=> Wide clavicles (V-taper) demonstrates physical strength, which was necessary in the past to hunt, fight, or provide protection View attachment 3249701Foids today still thirst over a good S/W ratio. 6‘0 foot and great S/W ratio > 6‘2 and awful S/W ratio.
|—> Spam lateral raises like crazy and train ur lats. Get lean af to make ur waist appear smaller
and be somehow genetically blessed.
( )

Athletic=>Athleticism, characterized by strength, agility, and endurance, is essential for physical performance and survival in a hunting context. It signals fitness and capability, which are attractive traits. Every Becky will prefer a mtn who’s an athlete over an mtn who isn’t.
|—> Gymcell, get into combat sports like mma, javelin throw or the sport which is most popular in your country to be more respected.

1.Pawlowski, B., Dunbar, R. I. M., & Lipowicz, A. (2000). Tall men have more reproductive success. Nature, 403(6766), 156.
2. Frederick, D. A., & Haselton, M. G. (2007). Why is muscularity sexy? Tests of the fitness indicator hypothesis. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33(8), 1167-1183.

4.Resource Provision :redpill:
In evolution, it was crucial for women to choose a mate who could secure and share resources to ensure their survival and that of their offspring. Men who were physically capable of obtaining these resources had an evolutionary advantage.

Today that has hardly changed. Although the focus is more on money and material wealth, the basic principles are the same. Men who are financially successful are considered the best “providers.”

Moneymaxx=>Money=Can provide=Attractive:soy::soy::soy:
|—> Get a fucking job and cope a bit with some redpill tactics. Way to complex just look at some threads in „Money-making & Succes“
Dense bone density and muscular stature=> These physical characteristics indicate that the man is capable of carrying heavy loads, indicating physical prowess and the ability to do hard work and secure resources. And most important with good bones comes chad face:3
|—> Roid like crazy or reincarnate.

NT-maxxing=> Being Nt is crucial to be part of the tribe, for example Following fashion trends= sign Ure Part of the tribe, and therefore attractive to foids.
|—> Socialize, Fashion max and go on parties. All of them signal that u are part of the tribe. Take pregablin if u have social anxiety, this might help aswell:

1.Buss, D. M. (1989). Sex differences in human mate preferences: Evolutionary hypotheses tested in 37 cultures. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 12(1), 1-49.
2. Sell, A., et al. (2017). Humans can accurately assess physical strength from the voice. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 274(1623), 1504-1508.


Thanks for reading bhais:owo::owo:
View attachment 3249725
(If u write dnrd/dnr u are a faggot!)
@ImVerySorry @WhoTookVendetta @castizo

I want to add that facial symmetry goes much further than human health. Symmetry is inherently desirable because in a physical sense it embodies the state that requires the lowest state of entropy (symmetry needs the least amount of resources to make up something, in this case the face - everything else other than symmetrical requires more matter, which is inefficient).

People find symmetry inherently good because doing so is deeply rooted in all of the universe, living and not.

That’s why a harmonious face will always triumph over one with a distasteful mix of high PSL features - the first is just metaphysically superior to the latter.
  • Woah
Reactions: BinPanda
I want to add that facial symmetry goes much further than human health. Symmetry is inherently desirable because in a physical sense it embodies the state that requires the lowest state of entropy (symmetry needs the least amount of resources to make up something, in this case the face - everything else other than symmetrical requires more matter, which is inefficient).

People find symmetry inherently good because doing so is deeply rooted in all of the universe, living and not.

That’s why a harmonious face will always triumph over one with a distasteful mix of high PSL features - the first is just metaphysically superior to the latter.
damn, extremely interesting aspect, would love to edit it into my thread, but can’t edit it anymore😣😣
More people reply to/read my shitposts than when I once actually put some effort into a thread… brutal
wow bhai this thread might actually be giga high iq

you might have converted from me a 6'6 white HTN meatrider to a high iq primitive monkey maxxer :lul::lul:

does this guide apply to ricecels as well? or should i just kpopmaxx and trannymaxx instead
wow bhai this thread might actually be giga high iq

you might have converted from me a 6'6 white HTN meatrider to a high iq primitive monkey maxxer :lul::lul:

does this guide apply to ricecels as well? or should i just kpopmaxx and trannymaxx instead
Asian+big hips= femboymaxx and try to make money using discord mods
  • So Sad
Reactions: BinPanda
„muhhh appeal>deeply anchored evolutionary attributes that women find primitively attractive because it is genetically anchored in them, Muhh female gaze muh“ ~:feelsuhh:
Read the thread and u would be a bit smarter, u don’t even know what appeal really is negro
Saying appeal is absolute cope is also low iq
what foids find attractive is also influenced by societal standards and what type of face the joos push
Of course most of these trends correlate with what was in the thread but saying appeal is nothing also doesn't make sense
  • Hmm...
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Dnrs but will read
  • +1
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Saying appeal is absolute cope is also low iq
what foids find attractive is also influenced by societal standards and what type of face the joos push
Of course most of these trends correlate with what was in the thread but saying appeal is nothing also doesn't make sense
Fitting societal standards=being Ort of the tribe.
I was just making fun of him cause he had no clue what he’s talking about, he probably has seen one slideshow with „psl or appeal“ not knowing that u can’t have a high appeal without a high psl. He thinks psl means uncanny alien look… appeal also goes down way deeper than „female gaze“ or any of that brainrot shit, if u want to appear attractive to a woman, you have to fulfill her evolutionary instincts and simply show how much you belong to the tribe, for example with a certain trendy haircut. However, this is of no use if your PSL score is too low. So summing up, saying „appeal>everything“ simply shows Ure a braindead TikTok rotting person with a lower iq than a fucking tree, who doesn’t even know what appeal is but simply repeats what he reads on TikTok!:owo:
  • +1
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Fitting societal standards=being Ort of the tribe.
I was just making fun of him cause he had no clue what he’s talking about, he probably has seen one slideshow with „psl or appeal“ not knowing that u can’t have a high appeal without a high psl. He thinks psl means uncanny alien look… appeal also goes down way deeper than „female gaze“ or any of that brainrot shit, if u want to appear attractive to a woman, you have to fulfill her evolutionary instincts and simply show how much you belong to the tribe, for example with a certain trendy haircut. However, this is of no use if your PSL score is too low. So summing up, saying „appeal>everything“ simply shows Ure a braindead TikTok rotting person with a lower iq than a fucking tree, who doesn’t even know what appeal is but simply repeats what he reads on TikTok!:owo:
thats what i was saying!
having wide appeal in different time periods implicate a different "look" but both have to be in line with a woman's evolutionary biology, or psl
high iq user
  • +1
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having wide appeal in different time periods implicate a different "look" but both have to be in line with a woman's evolutionary biology
Misunderstood u a bit:owo:
  • +1
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