The gymcel copers got triggered



Dec 3, 2021
Now before anybody misunderstand me, I'm not, nor have I ever said, that people shouldn't gymcel. Nor have I ever said it won't benefit some people. All I've said is that it's as I have previously said, a partial admit of defeat (because face trumps all and anybody whose spent any time here should know that) and damage control for about 95% of guys who do it. I've challenged all of you to go pay attention to what your average guy at the gym looks like facially, then how close he is to ripped, and then whether it looks like any of the young women there are paying any attention to the guy. I guarantee almost every one you see will

1. Be average to ugly in the face
2. Have decent to good muscle definition, but bodyfat levels far too high to be ripped
3. There will be absolutely no young women noticing he's even there

Furthermore, as I previously stated, it's damned hard to get ripped. Who here is ripped or has been ripped? Must be almost no one because if you've been ripped (I've been ripped. I'm not now because I eat like a pig) you know how much effort it takes to get there and stay there and if you were ripped you'd be reaping enough benefits that you'd feel fully looksmaxed.

But there's a big correlation between being facially handsome and well statured and having the genetic ability to get ripped. You don't just "go get ripped bruh". Many guys can't even accomplish it even with roids. So it's the chicken egg thing. Does being ripped make you handsome or are you more likely to accomplish being ripped because you're handsome?

So yea, it would just seem that a lot of guys want to be able to paint the gymmax thing as this "I could do that" thing. They've accepted that it's not so easy to boost SMV via improving the face and that for many it involves shit that one can't control, but they don't want to hear it that it could be the same for the body too. Big muscles and a ripped body is kind of the gold standard for masculinity in the same way Young Leo's face is the gold standard for asthetics. So why would anybody want to consider that they're not in control of either?

Nobody who's wanting to keep things optimistic is gonna want to do that.
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I don't think anyone will read this
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a lot of coper i see either too lazy to gymcel or putting too much time and effort to gymcel
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srs question, is gymcelling complete cope @LooksOverAll
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how can i tell if i have abuility to get ripped
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Reactions: Toth's thot and delusionalretard
Same thing happened in the UK post GFC, accelerated in 2012 event (tinder X insta) regarding money.

Lot of young guys realised the myth they'd been fed, that they could easily have a good life with good money like their boomer parents if they just follow the algorithm and drink the KOOL aid was destroyed as there just wasn't liquidity and it became 100x harder to get the same real income as their boomer parents. So these guys became gym freaks, roided up, spending thousands they didn't have on fashion, veneers, tans, hair schemes, and Ibiza flexes. Cos looking 'good' became easier than getting money.

This obviously (well debatedly) has flipped again now post 2019 where standards for what is looking good are Hemsworth X momoa x DiVaio or death, and getting money is easy
Brb on my way to my 90% BBC and ethnic gym before it gets locked down
Brb on my way to my 90% BBC and ethnic gym before it gets locked down
extremely cringe you consistently call black dudes "bbc". baby black carrot lover smh
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how can i tell if i have abuility to get ripped
Usually correlated with around 5'9" height, thick wrists, and proportional frame. Also high T features. Someone like young Stallone.
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Usually correlated with around 5'9" height, thick wrists, and proportional frame. Also high T features. Someone like young Stallone.
Stallone was ripped as a kid
  • Woah
  • JFL
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Reactions: Toth's thot, n0rthface and Deleted member 7725
The most appealing physiques to women (especially young) are skinnny, normal amount of muscle mass, slim waist and broad square shoulder. I already posted a lot of pics about how it's all about BONES.
What do u want me to call them?? Blacks?? Negroes?? Coloureds??
Do you really think calling black dudes black is less normal than calling them bbcs? Retard :feelskek:
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I am ripped.

Not really so much thick and muscular but I am athletically ripped.

It's not brain surgery.

I use an X3 bar and use the Heavy Hands system. I do a little jogging. Easy Peasy. A retard can duplicate my program. A literal retard, can do what I do and be ripped. Possibly even a slightly intelligent chimpanzee.

Can you access a pair of 5, 6, and 7 lb dumb bells? Good, start doing Heavy Hands. Google it, it will take you 5 seconds to find it. If you want to spend the $$ get the legit Weighted Hands dumbells if you wanna be a Pro at it like me. The guy who designed Heavy Hands was a ripped as fuck guy who died in his 70's with a physique that would Mog most of you.

Don't get all scientific with it.

Don't eat like a fucking asshole. It's not hard.

If you're not willing to live at 7-8% BF then don't bother. It makes ALL the difference. If you don't have abs and pecs, you have nothing. Don't stress about biceps, just have nice, defined arms that look good in a fitted T-Shirt. V-taper physique and the V-Cuts below the abs.

I just had a woman tell me I "should just walk around naked". 100%, no bullshit. Granted she isn't anything special to look at but who gives a fuck, she's a woman. Better than nothing.

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