the height of your parents is irrelevant in deciding how tall you will be



Dec 12, 2024
The more people I ask about height the more its apparent to me.

So many tall people have short parents and so many short people have tall parents

Although height is 99% genetics (unless ur a raw dairy merchant between 0 and 15).

Tall parents DOES NOT mean you will be tall.

Here's the theory:

- tall parents can carry genes for tall height
- however many of these genes won't affect you
- this is because height is influenced by over 1000 genes in your DNA
- some of these genes will work in weird ways
- for example if you have parents from different ethnic backgrounds
- genes from certain backgrounds eg Jew may have a height gene that only works if you have another copy of that height gene inherited from the other parent
- this is caused by dominant vs recessive alleles (i.e brown eyed alleles take priority over blue eyed so if you have a copy of both then you will have brown eyes)
- therefore if you have a gene that causes 3mm height growth on one side of the family like a Jew but your other parent is scandinavian then the scandinavian gene may be the dominant allele which takes charge over the Jew genes and voids the 3mm height growth.
- however this wouldnt affect ur jewish parent since they come from a family of jews so they would most likely all have this gene

- additionally some genes may work in ways such as one copy that adds 3mm of height growth whilst alone but paired with another copy it adds 9mm rather than 6mm
- these numbers are exaggerated there are no genes solely responsible for height changes that big

personally this applies to me as i am finished growing at 5'9 even tho my dad is 6'3 and mum is 5'8

lmk your thoughts

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I'm 6'4 never had problem with height. U cope so much...
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  • JFL
  • Ugh..
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Both parents are <5'7. Ended up 5'11 due to ancestors on my mothers side I'm pretty sure.
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I mean 5'9 is good height. U should not worry so much about it. Just be confident idk
hard to be confident in my upper middle class town where everybody's parents except mine fed them dairy and meat as a kid so the avg height is more like 6' for white boys like me :lul:
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I’m glad I don’t have to worry about any of this stuff at 6’4
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It's Russian roulette linked from whom you will get hundreds of genes that all contribute to height, frame, dick size, bone density and size, metabolism and growth hormones etc. (your parents carry not only their genes, but also those of your ancestors)

I have a neighbor with a 6'3 dad, 5'7 mom, and the kid is 5'6

I have a friend from high school with a 5'6 mom and 6'1 dad, and he is 5'8 with his twin sister

I have 3 neighbor boys with their dad and mom aroud 6-6'1, and all 3 are like 6'4

In my case, mom is 5'7, dad is 5'8, but I end up with 6'1 (the only other recent ancestor of mine who was my height was my paternal grandfather, so I guess I probably got lucky and got some good genes from him)
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It's Russian roulette linked from whom you will get hundreds of genes that all contribute to height, frame, dick size, bone density and size, metabolism and growth hormones etc. (your parents carry not only their genes, but also those of your ancestors)

I have a neighbor with a 6'3 dad, 5'7 mom, and the kid is 5'6

I have a friend from high school with a 5'6 mom and 6'1 dad, and he is 5'8 with his twin sister

I have 3 neighbor boys with their dad and mom aroud 6-6'1, and all 3 are like 6'4

In my case, mom is 5'7, dad is 5'8, but I end up with 6'1 (the only other recent ancestor of mine who was my height was my paternal grandfather, so I guess I probably got lucky and got some good genes from him)
yeah, i think sometimes height genes skip generations lmao
  • +1
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The more people I ask about height the more its apparent to me.

So many tall people have short parents and so many short people have tall parents

Although height is 99% genetics (unless ur a raw dairy merchant between 0 and 15).

Tall parents DOES NOT mean you will be tall.

Here's the theory:

- tall parents can carry genes for tall height
- however many of these genes won't affect you
- this is because height is influenced by over 1000 genes in your DNA
- some of these genes will work in weird ways
- for example if you have parents from different ethnic backgrounds
- genes from certain backgrounds eg Jew may have a height gene that only works if you have another copy of that height gene inherited from the other parent
- this is caused by dominant vs recessive alleles (i.e brown eyed alleles take priority over blue eyed so if you have a copy of both then you will have brown eyes)
- therefore if you have a gene that causes 3mm height growth on one side of the family like a Jew but your other parent is scandinavian then the scandinavian gene may be the dominant allele which takes charge over the Jew genes and voids the 3mm height growth.
- however this wouldnt affect ur jewish parent since they come from a family of jews so they would most likely all have this gene

- additionally some genes may work in ways such as one copy that adds 3mm of height growth whilst alone but paired with another copy it adds 9mm rather than 6mm
- these numbers are exaggerated there are no genes solely responsible for height changes that big

personally this applies to me as i am finished growing at 5'9 even tho my dad is 6'3 and mum is 5'8

lmk your thoughts

brutal genetic recombination. my dad's 5'8 i'm 6'2 and his frame is almost as wide as mine, same shoe size, larger hands, better bone density, more athletic, mogs both me and his lineage jfl
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It's Russian roulette linked from whom you will get hundreds of genes that all contribute to height, frame, dick size, bone density and size, metabolism and growth hormones etc. (your parents carry not only their genes, but also those of your ancestors)

I have a neighbor with a 6'3 dad, 5'7 mom, and the kid is 5'6

I have a friend from high school with a 5'6 mom and 6'1 dad, and he is 5'8 with his twin sister

I have 3 neighbor boys with their dad and mom aroud 6-6'1, and all 3 are like 6'4

In my case, mom is 5'7, dad is 5'8, but I end up with 6'1 (the only other recent ancestor of mine who was my height was my paternal grandfather, so I guess I probably got lucky and got some good genes from him)
mailman is 5'9 😭
  • WTF
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Reactions: confirmgy and HostSamurai
The more people I ask about height the more its apparent to me.

So many tall people have short parents and so many short people have tall parents

Although height is 99% genetics (unless ur a raw dairy merchant between 0 and 15).

Tall parents DOES NOT mean you will be tall.

Here's the theory:

- tall parents can carry genes for tall height
- however many of these genes won't affect you
- this is because height is influenced by over 1000 genes in your DNA
- some of these genes will work in weird ways
- for example if you have parents from different ethnic backgrounds
- genes from certain backgrounds eg Jew may have a height gene that only works if you have another copy of that height gene inherited from the other parent
- this is caused by dominant vs recessive alleles (i.e brown eyed alleles take priority over blue eyed so if you have a copy of both then you will have brown eyes)
- therefore if you have a gene that causes 3mm height growth on one side of the family like a Jew but your other parent is scandinavian then the scandinavian gene may be the dominant allele which takes charge over the Jew genes and voids the 3mm height growth.
- however this wouldnt affect ur jewish parent since they come from a family of jews so they would most likely all have this gene

- additionally some genes may work in ways such as one copy that adds 3mm of height growth whilst alone but paired with another copy it adds 9mm rather than 6mm
- these numbers are exaggerated there are no genes solely responsible for height changes that big

personally this applies to me as i am finished growing at 5'9 even tho my dad is 6'3 and mum is 5'8

lmk your thoughts

This is just untrue. Parents' heights are a pretty good indicator - not perfect but decent. Obviously, there are complexities like recessive genes expressing themselves after many generations but it's a good guiding principle.
Males are almost never shorter than their mothers.
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Tall mom close to father in height or even taller = tall sons.

I am doing LL anyways.
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You're doing LL, after all?
I mean I am going to facially Looksmaxx first. But I may get a good white collar job in the future so I could loan out for a top tier LL clinic after all is said and done. Not for dating purposes, but just the height neurosis I suffer everyday that not even elevator shoes can remedy honestly. Will go from my current height of 5'8 to 6'1 hopefully.

Another alternative is to get heel/insole implants or something of the sort which can give you a 2.5 inch boost, but I haven't seen much talk about this and it seems risky/weird in itself.
I mean I am going to facially Looksmaxx first. But I may get a good white collar job in the future so I could loan out for a top tier LL clinic after all is said and done. Not for dating purposes, but just the height neurosis I suffer everyday that not even elevator shoes can remedy honestly. Will go from my current height of 5'8 to 6'1 hopefully.

Another alternative is to get heel/insole implants or something of the sort which can give you a 2.5 inch boost, but I haven't seen much talk about this and it seems risky/weird in itself.
Sounds like you've got a plan now at least. I remember when we had a huge debate about it.
It's a good baseline height for surgery. You gain more female acceptance going from 5ft 8 to 5t 11 than 5ft 5 to 5ft 9.
It's actually crazy based on the stats I've seen.
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Sounds like you've got a plan now at least. I remember when we had a huge debate about it.
It's a good baseline height for surgery. You gain more female acceptance going from 5ft 8 to 5t 11 than 5ft 5 to 5ft 9.
It's actually crazy based on the stats I've seen.
Well it probably won't be until 5-10+ years down the road at the very least. I don't care about female acceptance for this here. Nothing is worse than the feeling of just being an unaesthetic height like 5'8 and people regularly profiling you as short. I will do it even if I am in a successful LTR. Most people I see doing it are middle aged men anyways TBH, who've already settled down.

By then hopefully, there's also more advancements in LL technology that make it safer, cheaper, and less recovery time with minimal setbacks and more normalization for later years in life.

What do you think about heel/sole implants though?
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Well it probably won't be until 5-10+ years down the road at the very least. I don't care about female acceptance for this here. Nothing is worse than the feeling of just being an unaesthetic height like 5'8 and people regularly profiling you as short. I will do it even if I am in a successful LTR. Most people I see doing it are middle aged men anyways TBH, who've already settled down.

By then hopefully, there's also more advancements in LL technology that make it safer, cheaper, and less recovery time with minimal setbacks and more normalization for later years in life.

What do you think about heel/sole implants though?
I get it's probably a psychological thing about feeling like a proper man.

I don't know enough about heels/sole implants. What do you mean? Actual subdermal implants or shoe lifts?
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I get it's probably a psychological thing about feeling like a proper man.

I don't know enough about heels/sole implants. What do you mean? Actual subdermal implants or shoe lifts?
More about aesthetics. The most aesthetic height for a man is 5'11-6'1 with slightly longer legs than torso (golden ratio). 5'8 is not really an aesthetic height period, especially the typical proportions of a 5'8 person. Essentially, I could use longer legs, which I find is more aesthetic on both genders anyways.

By heel/some implants, I mean like actual subdermal implants, yes. Preferably using titanium. I've heard people on here discuss it here and there. Yes, there are many setbacks but the surgery itself is far less daunting and scary than LL I feel. It's used on flat footed people already.
More about aesthetics. The most aesthetic height for a man is 5'11-6'1 with slightly longer legs than torso (golden ratio). 5'8 is not really an aesthetic height period, especially the typical proportions of a 5'8 person. Essentially, I could use longer legs, which I find is more aesthetic on both genders anyways.
Makes sense.
By heel/some implants, I mean like actual subdermal implants, yes. Preferably using titanium. I've heard people on here discuss it here and there. Yes, there are many setbacks but the surgery itself is far less daunting and scary than LL I feel. It's used on flat footed people already.
Interesting. I don't like the idea of using implants that you're constantly applying pressure to everyday. That instinctively doesn't feel right to me. Feels like the complication rate could be much higher but I'm not basing that off of anything. Would have to research it.
LL is probably the long term solution. If you don't have the time and money for LL and aren't concerned about the safety profile then maybe implants are a good idea. It's difficult to say.
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Makes sense.

Interesting. I don't like the idea of using implants that you're constantly applying pressure to everyday. That instinctively doesn't feel right to me. Feels like the complication rate could be much higher but I'm not basing that off of anything. Would have to research it.
LL is probably the long term solution. If you don't have the time and money for LL and aren't concerned about the safety profile then maybe implants are a good idea. It's difficult to say.
Please do research it and report your findings to me as I've hit a dead end when I was looking into it but you seem more experienced with various surgeries than me. It does seem really weird but it could be something promising. 2.5-3 inch increase in height is no joke and it seems some real tall people have really big insoles and such anyways or people who have bigger feet. Perhaps an even greater increase in height, who knows. I bet 4 inches maximum though based on foot geometry (may need to research this myself).

The other issue would be not only feeling but also wearing shoes. However you could get custom designed shoes to mitigate this issue I suppose, and then add elevator shoes into that. So boom, someone can easily have 4 inches max + whatever elevator shoes they use, so say 7 inches if they use a 3 inch elevator shoe.
Please do research it and report your findings to me as I've hit a dead end when I was looking into it but you seem more experienced with various surgeries than me. It does seem really weird but it could be something promising. 2.5-3 inch increase in height is no joke and it seems some real tall people have really big insoles and such anyways or people who have bigger feet. Perhaps an even greater increase in height, who knows. I bet 4 inches maximum though based on foot geometry (may need to research this myself).

The other issue would be not only feeling but also wearing shoes. However you could get custom designed shoes to mitigate this issue I suppose, and then add elevator shoes into that. So boom, someone can easily have 4 inches max + whatever elevator shoes they use, so say 7 inches if they use a 3 inch elevator shoe.
I'm experienced with bimax and maxillofacial stuff. I've probably spent literally days in aggregate researching and learning things.
I know about LL because it sort of ties in with it in some ways and it's a popular/well known surgery.

I'm not short so this isn't really my area. I have a natural aversion to long term implants. LL with Paley is probably the best treatment for manletism we have right now but again this is something you'd have to research. I'm no better than you. It's just a question of time and energy spent investigating different avenues.
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I'm experienced with bimax and maxillofacial stuff. I've probably spent literally days in aggregate researching and learning things.
I know about LL because it sort of ties in with it in some ways and it's a popular/well known surgery.

I'm not short so this isn't really my area. I have a natural aversion to long term implants. LL with Paley is probably the best treatment for manletism we have right now but again this is something you'd have to research. I'm no better than you. It's just a question of time and energy spent investigating different avenues.
TBF I've seen quite a bit of 5'11-6'+ people do LL for whatever reason. But you are right, it's not really something you'd see. I don't see many people invested in LL to begin with.

I'll try to do my research on it. I do have a mathematical background, so I could try to come up with something. But my experience with applying it to biology is kinda limited, but I'd like to grow at it.
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TBF I've seen quite a bit of 5'11-6'+ people do LL for whatever reason. But you are right, it's not really something you'd see. I don't see many people invested in LL to begin with.

I'll try to do my research on it. I do have a mathematical background, so I could try to come up with something. But my experience with applying it to biology is kinda limited, but I'd like to grow at it.
While I can't speak for height related surgeries, I think the most important thing is to have a logical approach/methodology.
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  • +1
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The more people I ask about height the more its apparent to me.

So many tall people have short parents and so many short people have tall parents

Although height is 99% genetics (unless ur a raw dairy merchant between 0 and 15).

Tall parents DOES NOT mean you will be tall.

Here's the theory:

- tall parents can carry genes for tall height
- however many of these genes won't affect you
- this is because height is influenced by over 1000 genes in your DNA
- some of these genes will work in weird ways
- for example if you have parents from different ethnic backgrounds
- genes from certain backgrounds eg Jew may have a height gene that only works if you have another copy of that height gene inherited from the other parent
- this is caused by dominant vs recessive alleles (i.e brown eyed alleles take priority over blue eyed so if you have a copy of both then you will have brown eyes)
- therefore if you have a gene that causes 3mm height growth on one side of the family like a Jew but your other parent is scandinavian then the scandinavian gene may be the dominant allele which takes charge over the Jew genes and voids the 3mm height growth.
- however this wouldnt affect ur jewish parent since they come from a family of jews so they would most likely all have this gene

- additionally some genes may work in ways such as one copy that adds 3mm of height growth whilst alone but paired with another copy it adds 9mm rather than 6mm
- these numbers are exaggerated there are no genes solely responsible for height changes that big

personally this applies to me as i am finished growing at 5'9 even tho my dad is 6'3 and mum is 5'8

lmk your thoughts

No one in my family is above 6ft
Currently 6ft2
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While I can't speak for height related surgeries, I think the most important thing is to have a logical approach/methodology.
Yeah, I'll first facially maxx out and I don't really feel short at all in elevator shoes TBH (although the fact it's a fraud is kinda disheartening). Heck, by the end, I may not even feel I'd need LL, who knows.

Another alternative is an elastic supermaterial that can deform and stretch easily so you can customize elevator shoes to your liking without discomfort and posture issues.
  • +1
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The more people I ask about height the more its apparent to me.

So many tall people have short parents and so many short people have tall parents

Although height is 99% genetics (unless ur a raw dairy merchant between 0 and 15).

Tall parents DOES NOT mean you will be tall.

Here's the theory:

- tall parents can carry genes for tall height
- however many of these genes won't affect you
- this is because height is influenced by over 1000 genes in your DNA
- some of these genes will work in weird ways
- for example if you have parents from different ethnic backgrounds
- genes from certain backgrounds eg Jew may have a height gene that only works if you have another copy of that height gene inherited from the other parent
- this is caused by dominant vs recessive alleles (i.e brown eyed alleles take priority over blue eyed so if you have a copy of both then you will have brown eyes)
- therefore if you have a gene that causes 3mm height growth on one side of the family like a Jew but your other parent is scandinavian then the scandinavian gene may be the dominant allele which takes charge over the Jew genes and voids the 3mm height growth.
- however this wouldnt affect ur jewish parent since they come from a family of jews so they would most likely all have this gene

- additionally some genes may work in ways such as one copy that adds 3mm of height growth whilst alone but paired with another copy it adds 9mm rather than 6mm
- these numbers are exaggerated there are no genes solely responsible for height changes that big

personally this applies to me as i am finished growing at 5'9 even tho my dad is 6'3 and mum is 5'8

lmk your thoughts

yeah well my dad is 5'6, mom 5'2, and I'm 5'4 sooooo
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This is just untrue. Parents' heights are a pretty good indicator - not perfect but decent. Obviously, there are complexities like recessive genes expressing themselves after many generations but it's a good guiding principle.
Males are almost never shorter than their mothers.
ofc males are never shorter than their mothers - because the average female height is the bottom 3rd percentile of men lmao and there is still genetics at play
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ofc males are never shorter than their mothers - because the average female height is the bottom 3rd percentile of men lmao and there is still genetics at play
I've noticed that however tall the mother is though the son is almost always taller. My friend's mom was 5ft 10 and the my friend is taller than her. Essentially, if you have a tall mom, there's a high likelihood that you will also be tall. Not saying it's a guarantee but the odds are more in your favor.
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Yeah, I'll first facially maxx out and I don't really feel short at all in elevator shoes TBH (although the fact it's a fraud is kinda disheartening). Heck, by the end, I may not even feel I'd need LL, who knows.

Another alternative is an elastic supermaterial that can deform and stretch easily so you can customize elevator shoes to your liking without discomfort and posture issues.
im also considering LL if i dont reach 6' and its looking very unlikely
stupid, if there wasn't anyone tall in your ancestry you won't be tall. Depends on genetics. the question logically arises that how did the first person above the max height of all the previous ancestors came to be where there were no tall genes recessive or dominant and that is just randomness i think
stupid, if there wasn't anyone tall in your ancestry you won't be tall. Depends on genetics. the question logically arises that how did the first person above the max height of all the previous ancestors came to be where there were no tall genes recessive or dominant and that is just randomness i think
learn to read plz i literally said its 99% genetics however ur parents height isnt a good indicator of how your genetics will play out
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learn to read plz i literally said its 99% genetics however ur parents height isnt a good indicator of how your genetics will play out
It literally is? Recessive genes are much rarer to find expression. Everything you inherit, ofc it's genetics. You're more likely to be tall if parents tall.
mother is 5'1 dad is 6'3 i am 5'9 at 16 is it over for me?
my mom is 5'11 and my dad is 5'10 and I got to 6'5 somehow
The more people I ask about height the more its apparent to me.

So many tall people have short parents and so many short people have tall parents

Although height is 99% genetics (unless ur a raw dairy merchant between 0 and 15).

Tall parents DOES NOT mean you will be tall.

Here's the theory:

- tall parents can carry genes for tall height
- however many of these genes won't affect you
- this is because height is influenced by over 1000 genes in your DNA
- some of these genes will work in weird ways
- for example if you have parents from different ethnic backgrounds
- genes from certain backgrounds eg Jew may have a height gene that only works if you have another copy of that height gene inherited from the other parent
- this is caused by dominant vs recessive alleles (i.e brown eyed alleles take priority over blue eyed so if you have a copy of both then you will have brown eyes)
- therefore if you have a gene that causes 3mm height growth on one side of the family like a Jew but your other parent is scandinavian then the scandinavian gene may be the dominant allele which takes charge over the Jew genes and voids the 3mm height growth.
- however this wouldnt affect ur jewish parent since they come from a family of jews so they would most likely all have this gene

- additionally some genes may work in ways such as one copy that adds 3mm of height growth whilst alone but paired with another copy it adds 9mm rather than 6mm
- these numbers are exaggerated there are no genes solely responsible for height changes that big

personally this applies to me as i am finished growing at 5'9 even tho my dad is 6'3 and mum is 5'8

lmk your thoughts

my both parents 5'2 , my brother 6'3 & I'm 5'9
it doesn't really matter
  • +1
Reactions: AuggyDauggy
The more people I ask about height the more its apparent to me.

So many tall people have short parents and so many short people have tall parents

Although height is 99% genetics (unless ur a raw dairy merchant between 0 and 15).

Tall parents DOES NOT mean you will be tall.

Here's the theory:

- tall parents can carry genes for tall height
- however many of these genes won't affect you
- this is because height is influenced by over 1000 genes in your DNA
- some of these genes will work in weird ways
- for example if you have parents from different ethnic backgrounds
- genes from certain backgrounds eg Jew may have a height gene that only works if you have another copy of that height gene inherited from the other parent
- this is caused by dominant vs recessive alleles (i.e brown eyed alleles take priority over blue eyed so if you have a copy of both then you will have brown eyes)
- therefore if you have a gene that causes 3mm height growth on one side of the family like a Jew but your other parent is scandinavian then the scandinavian gene may be the dominant allele which takes charge over the Jew genes and voids the 3mm height growth.
- however this wouldnt affect ur jewish parent since they come from a family of jews so they would most likely all have this gene

- additionally some genes may work in ways such as one copy that adds 3mm of height growth whilst alone but paired with another copy it adds 9mm rather than 6mm
- these numbers are exaggerated there are no genes solely responsible for height changes that big

personally this applies to me as i am finished growing at 5'9 even tho my dad is 6'3 and mum is 5'8

lmk your thoughts

kinda glad it's this way since both my parents are under 5'3 and I'm 5'10. my 13 yr old lil bro is nearing 6'1
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kinda glad it's this way since both my parents are under 5'3 and I'm 5'10. my 13 yr old lil bro is nearing 6'1
Seeing your younger brother eclipse you is something.
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Seeing your younger brother eclipse you is something.
Yeah, it was a brutal hit to my ego at first. 11 years old and height mogging the entire family already. I'm still grateful though, things could've been much worse
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mother is 5'1 dad is 6'3 i am 5'9 at 16 is it over for me?
were in the same situation except my mums tall too jfl its even more over for me. also i wouldnt give up until 18 on growth
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my mom is 5'11 and my dad is 5'10 and I got to 6'5 somehow
ur mum is top 0.5% tbf so its not super crazy for u to also be top 0.5% if you got the right combination of genes
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