The importance of hormones

Lev Peshkov

Lev Peshkov

High T
Apr 5, 2020

So many of you here know what a Chad looks like and many of them are present in media and shit and most Chad's will have the features of, tall, straight teeth, big D, muscular and good facial growth and that's with very very minimum daily looksmaxxing.

Now as good and easy as it is to blame it on genetics it doesn't make sense to me for many reasons (and it does for many reasons too). For example all nerds will be skinny, weak, ugly and crooked teeth. Some will say its in their genetics. They are clever. Well actually Chad is clever too. So whats going on?

Bit of background

So I was looking at what I can do to growth max and shit in my teen years and it turns out GH or GH peptides will do a lot. And after lots of research it is like the Chad serum, boosts height, craniofacial growth, occulusion, tissue density etc. And this mixed with T for muscle and confidence is starting to paint the picture to me how an ugly ass baby can either decent to uglier ot ascend to soenthing women want to fcuk so bad they cause emotional damage to their real looksmatch.

Examples of the phenonomon

Mike mew (despite his flaws) has educated me a lot of facial growth and its affect on looks. Despite his theory being wrong he is right about ancient man.

Look at the foreth on these average skulls found from about 2000 years ago
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Such mogs. Now compare it to the average skull of man today
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Not only is it unattractive iy is really bad for your health.

Now this is where my theory differs to mew copers. While. Mike is convinced having your tongue on the roof of your mouth will move your bones that can take your weight and not break or move by applying soft force to your bones.

My theory is however is based on the environment and lifestyle. Don't forget genetics though its not likely the only reason you'll be good having a good pheno is a large reason for attractive people. No matter how high T an Arab is he's still an Arab pheno and won't be attractive.

So my theory is back then they eat organic foods, went out in the sun, exercised more and thus due to this environment eating nutritious food unlike the uncle diet I like to call it which concsits of pizza, sugar and shit they'd eat fresh meat, eggs, vegetables, milk and be just much helstheir than us. Now also going out and exercising will prevent landwhale body and vitamin d boosts T. See what I'm getting at. Eating these good foods and eating healthily and living properly will have boosted T and HGH or atleast provided them with their genetic potentials worth.

However we are the opposite of this aren't we. Barely go out, never exericisng eating badly you can see how our body can't hormone max when you don't fuel it right

And if you look at the skeletons signs of good growth and thick bones and high T is present and less with us, look here

Screenshot 20200521 145128

So as you can see different frames and different skulls.

How does this apply to today?

Probably more than you think.

Look at the typical nerd who never goes out, exercises or eats well
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Really bad tbh now look at the jocks/chads who exercise, go out, have good diets cuz there healthy and you'll see they are all the side effects of GH and T

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Now whether or not these are genetic or not (o belive it's not genetic just a sign of how you optimise you're health and thus being a better mate than the unhealthy beta nerd)

I even asked a genetic science PhD high iq cel with this theory and syas geneticslly speaking genetics control the blueprint for growth. Not it's shape it just helps you grow. And hirninally speaking you have a genetic litneitwl but you cna boost it with the right nutrition


So when you plan to breed your shit genes make your your mate is a Stacey cuz otherwise your kid may be fucked.

Make sure they have good tongue posture just incase mews ideas are rights and make sure they go out, eat well and exercise. All sounds water but the correct lifestyle may be responsible for GH and T which in turn creates a Chad or trucel.

If your rwd this far thanks so much. Don't take this as bible it's a theory, it's got more evidence than mewing though

Sources :

It's pretty conclusive that GH affects your PSL due to studies and studies also show its diet and lifestyle based. Remeber though if your genetic potential is still below chad levels you won't reach Chad no matter if you are at 100%
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  • +1
Reactions: Nyessssss, MentalistKebab and Nisse
High effort good shit
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 1751 and Lev Peshkov
Most of it is just genetic recombination tbh but yeah environmental pressure can effect genes too, both work together
  • +1
Reactions: Lev Peshkov
Hormones are everything. It's not a big secret, if you go deep into cell signaling you will realize this.
  • +1
Reactions: Lev Peshkov
Most of it is just genetic recombination tbh but yeah environmental pressure can effect genes too, both work together
As much as I'd like to agree with the recombination theory and stuff something about growth doesn't add up. Like for example survival of the fittest is present in every animal but in humans its survival of thr giga mogger lol. Hormones and genetic phenotype though will form genetically 8psl chads. However for our kids (if you breed with Stacey's) it's not over. They'll hire with fairly good growth if we try and hormone max, mewing like I said idk about no one really knows and with a good pheno form Stacey wide that we fooled with our Chad looks from surgery our defendants will be godly. But in summary hormones basically prevent truecels looks while genetics and hormones seen in models produce such a great combo to make giga Chad
Hormones are everything. It's not a big secret, if you go deep into cell signaling you will realize this.
Exactly boyo, the things is maximising our hormones. Tbh for most here it's too late but you'll want to give your kids the best chance surely. Imagine having an ugly boy child that does nothing but play on his pc and self harm and get bullied. That's a bad child. I want my kid to be the low inhib, jock I couldn't be. Hell get laid early too to get low inhib.
  • +1
Reactions: Effortless
Easily refuted. Modern man is taller thanks to better nutrition. The phenomenon you are describing is just down to genetics and (lack of) genetic mutation
hormones basically prevent truecels looks while genetics and hormones seen in models produce such a great combo to make giga Chad

Very much agree with this

Though I feel like genetics set your potential but where you land on that potential is based on environment and i feel like no one has met their 100% potential
  • +1
Reactions: Lev Peshkov
Easily refuted. Modern man is taller thanks to better nutrition. The phenomenon you are describing is just down to genetics and (lack of) genetic mutation
I'd wish that too, but it can't be not true. Think about this. Most malnourished nerds you'll see are skinny, short. Even ancient man was taller than some of the malnourished incels here. Mosntof ancient man was taller than 5'6 more than what can be said for our generation. You're absolutely correct with the genetics stuff too but not so much about the importance of hormones. We also don't know if ancient man is shorter do to growth plates closing earlier due to heavy kfijvg at younger ages
Very much agree with this

Though I feel like genetics set your potential but where you land on that potential is based on environment and i feel like no one has met their 100% potential
That's what I think. Chico has an amazing phenotype and great high T and clearly had HIGH HGH in his teens cuz height, frame, craniofacial and good tissues
Easily refuted. Modern man is taller thanks to better nutrition. The phenomenon you are describing is just down to genetics and (lack of) genetic mutation
I'd also like to point out that man's average hight ha fluctuated not neccasarily got taller over the past. In fact a ershe hunter gathers were 5:9-5'11 due to their protein rich (high T and HGH) diet and we as a species have a genetic potential for height slthat we're approaching.
Greycel moment

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