King Solomon
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I. . Zero carb organic grass fed / finished whole foods carnivore diet. Cooked or raw depends on your specific issues. Use a four day rotational diet for leaky gut syndrome which virtually every one has some degree of leaky gut. This should be high in fat and organ meats for superior nutrition.
A. Pros
1. Great for short term healing things like SIBO, intestinal disorders, diabetes, etc.
2. Very easy to follow if raw.
3. Easy to build muscle mass
B. Cons
1. If done for too long you are at risk of developing kidney stones, osteoporosis, heart disease, severe gallbladder inflammation, cut your lifespan overall by 50 percent.
2. Tastes like dog shit
3. Potentially high in heavy metals and plastics will lead to the destruction of your microbiome which will cause all kinds of health issues.
C. If you plan on doing this for over six months which I don't recommend.
1. If u require cooked carnivore to heal specific issues, switch to raw ASAP because your gallbladder will be shot within 5 six months on cooked carnivore.
2. Eat just enough protein for muscle regeneration and no more. Normally over 12 ounces is completely unnecessary for a day.
This helps prevent kidney stones and osteoporosis. You can also use some lemon juice to prevent these issues but if you can't cheat at all don't do it.
3. Try to obtain a good amount of your protein from milk kefir and duck or quail eggs. These are alkaline and help prevent osteoporosis and kid ey stones.
4.maintain a lean body mass and exercise daily to prevent osteoporosis.
5. Use glutathione transdermal spray to detoxify the heavy metals and micro plastics daily.
6. Cooked is better than raw for taste.
7. Consume low histamine non aged meats to reduce gut inflammation.
II. Raw fruit diet.
Organic, raw, seasonal, local, no seeds, whole, fresh, not in plastic. Also a four day rotation and potential intermittent fasting.
A. Pros
1. Tastes amazing
2. Easy preparation or no preparation
3. Alkaline so it cures more diseases than the carnivore diet as no disease can thrive in an alkaline atmosphere
4. Clear skin
B. Cons
1. Expensive
2. Restrictive when out of season unless you live in the tropics
3. Doesn't help with SIBO or C. Difficile and can make those conditions worse.
4. you can stay on this diet for life but eventually will want to consume the seeds of the fruit for more protein and or add in the highest protein fruits.
C. Overcome the issues
1. Move to tropics
2. Grow your own fruit
3. The only way to cure SIBO or C. Difficile on a fruit diet is consuming the oils only but that will wreck your gallbladder.
4. Stay away from grapes, apples and pears due to arsenic poisoning.
III. RAW FRUIT JUICE DIET : similar to the fruit diet but less protein and fat and more detoxifying abikities.
- it can potentially cure things faster than the raw fruit diet.
- I don't recommend for more than six months as temhe protein is so low you'll start wasting away. Add in green juices later to push over one year of you still require more healing.
- this isn't a life long diet as you need some fat.
IV. Elemental diet: this diet basically cures all intestinal disorders or bacterial overgrowth like an all meat diet. If you have troubles digesting fat and or protein this diet can help as you can adjust the macros to your needs.
A. Pros :
1. You will not have any bowel movements ever as it produces no fecal matter as the ingredients digest fully in your system.
2. It tastes great
3. Very easy
4. Lowers inflammation
B. Cons
1. Isolated proteins don't help with muscle regeneration so your muscles degenerate quickly and turn to fat
2. You have to drink a ton and urinate many times per day.
3. The processed issues can cause other health effects in the long term.
4. Extremely expensive
C. Overcome the issues
1. Do this for no longer than a month
2. Create your own for a cheaper version.
V. Total paranatel nutrition
This is if you are in a coma, digestive system complete failure, etc.
1. Unlimited free time and higher levels of cognition as your body isn't focusing on digesting food at all.
2. Costs up to 200k a year
-you can create your own based off various public parents.
3. This can be a life long solution as TPN advancements have come a long way and they have lowered risks.
VI. Bonus supplements
1. Pot for intestinal disorders
2. Peptides like bcp 157 LL 37 AND KPV for autoimmune disorders intestinal disorders to heal and prevent inflammation.
3. Glutathione injections and or transdermal spray for detoxification.
4. Ashwaganda lowers cortisol
5. Essiac tea cure to cancer as a mixture of various teas.
6. Bone setta tea for arthritis
7. Shilajit and nettle for a nutrition boost.
VII. Alternatives for those on a tight budget
1. Water fasting max 365 days depending on body mass
2. Dry fasting max 14 days some can only make it for 7 days depending on your health issues.
An extreme Russian protocol that cures Lyme disease uses 3 sets of 15 day dry fasts 3 days of water fasts in a row.
3. Breatharianism level five. You essentially are able to live off just prana. The only concern for you is toxins from the air and you can move to a better location to prevent that. Level five which is no food no water and no sleep has only been achieved by a small number of people on earth. Most breatharians are level 3 as they consume roughly 500 calories of fruit juice a day and no water.
4. Mother nature's aka earthing, the sun, deep breathing clean air near plants and trees.
Nobody jumps into this and learns breatharianism immediately as it takes years of consistent practice. Basically this is like being on total paranatel nutrition without the potential side effects and this allows your body to degenerate all new cells in the body . Basically, all cells in our body have been completely replaced after 7 years. The healing process can be doubled if you take some peptides and glutathione.
I. . Zero carb organic grass fed / finished whole foods carnivore diet. Cooked or raw depends on your specific issues. Use a four day rotational diet for leaky gut syndrome which virtually every one has some degree of leaky gut. This should be high in fat and organ meats for superior nutrition.
A. Pros
1. Great for short term healing things like SIBO, intestinal disorders, diabetes, etc.
2. Very easy to follow if raw.
3. Easy to build muscle mass
B. Cons
1. If done for too long you are at risk of developing kidney stones, osteoporosis, heart disease, severe gallbladder inflammation, cut your lifespan overall by 50 percent.
2. Tastes like dog shit
3. Potentially high in heavy metals and plastics will lead to the destruction of your microbiome which will cause all kinds of health issues.
C. If you plan on doing this for over six months which I don't recommend.
1. If u require cooked carnivore to heal specific issues, switch to raw ASAP because your gallbladder will be shot within 5 six months on cooked carnivore.
2. Eat just enough protein for muscle regeneration and no more. Normally over 12 ounces is completely unnecessary for a day.
This helps prevent kidney stones and osteoporosis. You can also use some lemon juice to prevent these issues but if you can't cheat at all don't do it.
3. Try to obtain a good amount of your protein from milk kefir and duck or quail eggs. These are alkaline and help prevent osteoporosis and kid ey stones.
4.maintain a lean body mass and exercise daily to prevent osteoporosis.
5. Use glutathione transdermal spray to detoxify the heavy metals and micro plastics daily.
6. Cooked is better than raw for taste.
7. Consume low histamine non aged meats to reduce gut inflammation.
II. Raw fruit diet.
Organic, raw, seasonal, local, no seeds, whole, fresh, not in plastic. Also a four day rotation and potential intermittent fasting.
A. Pros
1. Tastes amazing
2. Easy preparation or no preparation
3. Alkaline so it cures more diseases than the carnivore diet as no disease can thrive in an alkaline atmosphere
4. Clear skin
B. Cons
1. Expensive
2. Restrictive when out of season unless you live in the tropics
3. Doesn't help with SIBO or C. Difficile and can make those conditions worse.
4. you can stay on this diet for life but eventually will want to consume the seeds of the fruit for more protein and or add in the highest protein fruits.
C. Overcome the issues
1. Move to tropics
2. Grow your own fruit
3. The only way to cure SIBO or C. Difficile on a fruit diet is consuming the oils only but that will wreck your gallbladder.
4. Stay away from grapes, apples and pears due to arsenic poisoning.
III. RAW FRUIT JUICE DIET : similar to the fruit diet but less protein and fat and more detoxifying abikities.
- it can potentially cure things faster than the raw fruit diet.
- I don't recommend for more than six months as temhe protein is so low you'll start wasting away. Add in green juices later to push over one year of you still require more healing.
- this isn't a life long diet as you need some fat.
IV. Elemental diet: this diet basically cures all intestinal disorders or bacterial overgrowth like an all meat diet. If you have troubles digesting fat and or protein this diet can help as you can adjust the macros to your needs.
A. Pros :
1. You will not have any bowel movements ever as it produces no fecal matter as the ingredients digest fully in your system.
2. It tastes great
3. Very easy
4. Lowers inflammation
B. Cons
1. Isolated proteins don't help with muscle regeneration so your muscles degenerate quickly and turn to fat
2. You have to drink a ton and urinate many times per day.
3. The processed issues can cause other health effects in the long term.
4. Extremely expensive
C. Overcome the issues
1. Do this for no longer than a month
2. Create your own for a cheaper version.
V. Total paranatel nutrition
This is if you are in a coma, digestive system complete failure, etc.
1. Unlimited free time and higher levels of cognition as your body isn't focusing on digesting food at all.
2. Costs up to 200k a year
-you can create your own based off various public parents.
3. This can be a life long solution as TPN advancements have come a long way and they have lowered risks.
VI. Bonus supplements
1. Pot for intestinal disorders
2. Peptides like bcp 157 LL 37 AND KPV for autoimmune disorders intestinal disorders to heal and prevent inflammation.
3. Glutathione injections and or transdermal spray for detoxification.
4. Ashwaganda lowers cortisol
5. Essiac tea cure to cancer as a mixture of various teas.
6. Bone setta tea for arthritis
7. Shilajit and nettle for a nutrition boost.
VII. Alternatives for those on a tight budget
1. Water fasting max 365 days depending on body mass
2. Dry fasting max 14 days some can only make it for 7 days depending on your health issues.
An extreme Russian protocol that cures Lyme disease uses 3 sets of 15 day dry fasts 3 days of water fasts in a row.
3. Breatharianism level five. You essentially are able to live off just prana. The only concern for you is toxins from the air and you can move to a better location to prevent that. Level five which is no food no water and no sleep has only been achieved by a small number of people on earth. Most breatharians are level 3 as they consume roughly 500 calories of fruit juice a day and no water.
4. Mother nature's aka earthing, the sun, deep breathing clean air near plants and trees.
Nobody jumps into this and learns breatharianism immediately as it takes years of consistent practice. Basically this is like being on total paranatel nutrition without the potential side effects and this allows your body to degenerate all new cells in the body . Basically, all cells in our body have been completely replaced after 7 years. The healing process can be doubled if you take some peptides and glutathione.