The looks theory is communism

Deleted member 2012

Deleted member 2012

Jun 10, 2019
I was trying to blackpill my normie friend that is majoring in economics and it went like this:

Him: what do you mean women have an inflated SMV and that’s not fair?

Me: For example, if you take a man and a woman of similar attractiveness, the woman is always going to have a much higher SMV than the guy.

Him: That just means the guy isn’t more attractive than the woman. You can’t assign a permanent objective value to a product on the market, the value of everything is flexible and depends on the demand. If you start putting a fixed value on something instead of letting the market naturally regulate itself its the same as being a communist. If the girl has more SMV then she’s more attractive. Being attractive just means that people are attracted to you, if more people are attracted to you you’re more attractive, theres no fixed objetive value to someone’s attractiveness.

Me: So by your logic women are much more attractive than men in average?

Him: Yeah

Me: don’t you realize it’s just men’s thirstiness thats increasing their value beyond reason?

Him: Men’s thirstiness is just a high demand, the higher the demand, the higher the price aka value of the product. It’s just a natural response in the market.

End of conversation, failed to blackpill him.

Later at home I was thinking to myself:

But wait a minute… In psl forums men often say that the west should never have become so promiscuous and they advocate for monogamy so that every man could have one woman. Their looksmatch.

Isn’t that an actual communist way of thinking? We want to take away freedom of choice from people to let them buy the products that they want and can buy (or to be with who they want and are able to) and we’re regulating the value of every product objectively.

Now I understand why some people say capitalism is evil and those on the bottom hopelessly suffer. Telling a hobo “just get a job and buy a house bro, you’ll have an economically stable life in no time!” is the same as telling an incel “just take a shower bro and be confident bro! You’ll be slaying in no time”

Capitalism is a system that allows for too much freedom of choice which makes some companies get everything and others shut down and go bankrupt. Or in this case it allows some chads to get all girls and leaves the rest of men to LDAR.

I just realized I am a communist hypocrite. I’ve always advocated for capitalism and never gave a fuck about hobos since I was privileged to be born into a well off family, I always looked the hobos and I thought the problem was their behavior not the circumstances in which they were born. But at the same time I complain the system is rigged against me in the dating market.

JFL @ my hypocrisy. Now I have to really reevaluate my life beliefs…
dn rd

your friend is right
I was trying to blackpill my normie friend that is majoring in economics and it went like this:

Him: what do you mean women have an inflated SMV and that’s not fair?

Me: For example, if you take a man and a woman of similar attractiveness, the woman is always going to have a much higher SMV than the guy.

Him: That just means the guy isn’t more attractive than the woman. You can’t assign a permanent objective value to a product on the market, the value of everything is flexible and depends on the demand. If you start putting a fixed value on something instead of letting the market naturally regulate itself its the same as being a communist. If the girl has more SMV then she’s more attractive. Being attractive just means that people are attracted to you, if more people are attracted to you you’re more attractive, theres no fixed objetive value to someone’s attractiveness.

Me: So by your logic women are much more attractive than men in average?

Him: Yeah

Me: don’t you realize it’s just men’s thirstiness thats increasing their value beyond reason?

Him: Men’s thirstiness is just a high demand, the higher the demand, the higher the price aka value of the product. It’s just a natural response in the market.

End of conversation, failed to blackpill him.

Later at home I was thinking to myself:

But wait a minute… In psl forums men often say that the west should never have become so promiscuous and they advocate for monogamy so that every man could have one woman. Their looksmatch.

Isn’t that an actual communist way of thinking? We want to take away freedom of choice from people to let them buy the products that they want and can buy (or to be with who they want and are able to) and we’re regulating the value of every product objectively.

Now I understand why some people say capitalism is evil and those on the bottom hopelessly suffer. Telling a hobo “just get a job and buy a house bro, you’ll have an economically stable life in no time!” is the same as telling an incel “just take a shower bro and be confident bro! You’ll be slaying in no time”

Capitalism is a system that allows for too much freedom of choice which makes some companies get everything and others shut down and go bankrupt. Or in this case it allows some chads to get all girls and leaves the rest of men to LDAR.

I just realized I am a communist hypocrite. I’ve always advocated for capitalism and never gave a fuck about hobos since I was privileged to be born into a well off family, I always looked the hobos and I thought the problem was their behavior not the circumstances in which they were born. But at the same time I complain the system is rigged against me in the dating market.

JFL @ my hypocrisy. Now I have to really reevaluate my life beliefs…
You cannot use economy for partners since there is different aspects to relationships other than looks. Looks may be the mayor fundamental topic but it doesn't make it the only one. You're supposed "friend" should've fathomed that before you wrote this post, basic economics cannot be applied to relationships it's like trying to hammer a stone instead of a spike.
communism is utopia but even evolution itself is capitalism and inequality. jfl at this trash world.
Not a single word
He's right, you need to separate attractiveness from beauty. You can have a 5/10 male and a 5/10 female in terms of beauty, but her attractiveness will mog his because of the higher demand for pussy

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