The majority of men build muscle to intimidate other men, not attract women



Too high IQ to post here or waste any time anymore
Jan 5, 2025
The majority of men are insecure and use bodybuilding as away to intimidate others.

Most bodybuilders don't know how to fight so they get big to seem like a force to be reckoned with.

They know deep down it often makes no difference with women much for most dudes.

For most guys those muscles are to impress other guys & scare other guys.

To look like/give off the "I'm more of a man" sort of vibe.

Kind of like the dick braggers who brag TO OTHER MEN about their size, when most girls don't care.

They want other men to admire them, respect them, fear them -- but want to be them.

Have other men be envious of them. Have the bragging rights about their size.

They want other men to know they're bigger and thus better.

It makes worthless men who'd otherwise be even less impressive feel valuable.

But their "impressiveness" still is hinged mostly on how other men view them rather than women.

They wanna be seen as CONFIDENT and POWERFUL and VALUE WORTHY to MEN.

They don't get muscles often for any reasons much besides how the size makes them feel around other men.

They love how feeling "big" makes them feel like they can hold a candle to other men in terms of masculinity.

It is nothing but bro code sort of shit mostly -- women/girls just like toned guys with medium size MAX.

So muscle in effect for guys is really a social code to SIGNAL VALUE TO EACH OTHER more than anything.

In reality a lot of girls could give a fuck about your muscles in most cases.
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The majority of men are insecure and use bodybuilding as away to intimidate others.

Most bodybuilders don't know how to fight so they get big to seem like a force to be reckoned with.

They know deep down it often makes no difference with women much for most dudes.

For most guys those muscles are to impress other guys & scare other guys.

To look like/give off the "I'm more of a man" sort of vibe.

They want other men to admire them, respect them, fear them -- but want to be them.

Have other men be envious of them. Have the bragging rights about their size.

They want other men to know they're bigger and thus better.

In reality a lot of girls could give a fuck about your muscles in most cases.
I am insecure i built muscle to feel good about myself, not to show them off instead i try to hide my muscles now bcs i hate people talking about my body
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The majority of men are insecure and use bodybuilding as away to intimidate others.

Most bodybuilders don't know how to fight so they get big to seem like a force to be reckoned with.

They know deep down it often makes no difference with women much for most dudes.

For most guys those muscles are to impress other guys & scare other guys.

To look like/give off the "I'm more of a man" sort of vibe.

They want other men to admire them, respect them, fear them -- but want to be them.

Have other men be envious of them. Have the bragging rights about their size.

They want other men to know they're bigger and thus better.

In reality a lot of girls could give a fuck about your muscles in most cases.
girls absolutely care about muscles. good body is enough to ascend by half psl in nearly all cases. train the right bits (back, shoulders, forearms) and you have askreddit threads drooling over said muscle groups by the minute.
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Women do care about muscles to some extent, but just not a lot of muscle to the point you can't touch your back. If you wanna build that much muscle then might as well quit whatever you're doing and become a security guard/bouncer.

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girls absolutely care about muscles. good body is enough to ascend by half psl in nearly all cases. train the right bits (back, shoulders, forearms) and you have askreddit threads drooling over said muscle groups by the minute.

Keep coping. All of the gymcels know what I'm saying is mostly true.
Cant speak for every country but most women love tall muscular guys. That doesn’t mean they want to date them, I’m talking about they want to fuck them. Be dominated by them. It is their fantasy. When they see a big guy they immediately think of how big his cock is.
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Yet another shitty post.
The majority of men are insecure and use bodybuilding as away to intimidate others.

Most bodybuilders don't know how to fight so they get big to seem like a force to be reckoned with.

They know deep down it often makes no difference with women much for most dudes.

For most guys those muscles are to impress other guys & scare other guys.

To look like/give off the "I'm more of a man" sort of vibe.

Kind of like the dick braggers who brag TO OTHER MEN about their size, when most girls don't care.

They want other men to admire them, respect them, fear them -- but want to be them.

Have other men be envious of them. Have the bragging rights about their size.

They want other men to know they're bigger and thus better.

It makes worthless men who'd otherwise be even less impressive feel valuable.

But their "impressiveness" still is hinged mostly on how other men view them rather than women.

They wanna be seen as CONFIDENT and POWERFUL and VALUE WORTHY to MEN.

They don't get muscles often for any reasons much besides how the size makes them feel around other men.

They love how feeling "big" makes them feel like they can hold a candle to other men in terms of masculinity.

It is nothing but bro code sort of shit mostly -- women/girls just like toned guys with medium size MAX.

So muscle in effect for guys is really a social code to SIGNAL VALUE TO EACH OTHER more than anything.

In reality a lot of girls could give a fuck about your muscles in most cases.
That’s true for bodybuilders, but most men in gyms aren’t preparing for a show. Most men and women work out to be healthier and to be more attractive. And yeah. Building some muscle makes you more attractive to women.
  • Ugh..
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The majority of men are insecure and use bodybuilding as away to intimidate others.

Most bodybuilders don't know how to fight so they get big to seem like a force to be reckoned with.

They know deep down it often makes no difference with women much for most dudes.

For most guys those muscles are to impress other guys & scare other guys.

To look like/give off the "I'm more of a man" sort of vibe.

Kind of like the dick braggers who brag TO OTHER MEN about their size, when most girls don't care.

They want other men to admire them, respect them, fear them -- but want to be them.

Have other men be envious of them. Have the bragging rights about their size.

They want other men to know they're bigger and thus better.

It makes worthless men who'd otherwise be even less impressive feel valuable.

But their "impressiveness" still is hinged mostly on how other men view them rather than women.

They wanna be seen as CONFIDENT and POWERFUL and VALUE WORTHY to MEN.

They don't get muscles often for any reasons much besides how the size makes them feel around other men.

They love how feeling "big" makes them feel like they can hold a candle to other men in terms of masculinity.

It is nothing but bro code sort of shit mostly -- women/girls just like toned guys with medium size MAX.

So muscle in effect for guys is really a social code to SIGNAL VALUE TO EACH OTHER more than anything.

In reality a lot of girls could give a fuck about your muscles in most cases.
I know tallcells on this website who have such little dicks
muscles signals high t. Nuff said
The majority of men are insecure and use bodybuilding as away to intimidate others.

Most bodybuilders don't know how to fight so they get big to seem like a force to be reckoned with.

They know deep down it often makes no difference with women much for most dudes.

For most guys those muscles are to impress other guys & scare other guys.

To look like/give off the "I'm more of a man" sort of vibe.

Kind of like the dick braggers who brag TO OTHER MEN about their size, when most girls don't care.

They want other men to admire them, respect them, fear them -- but want to be them.

Have other men be envious of them. Have the bragging rights about their size.

They want other men to know they're bigger and thus better.

It makes worthless men who'd otherwise be even less impressive feel valuable.

But their "impressiveness" still is hinged mostly on how other men view them rather than women.

They wanna be seen as CONFIDENT and POWERFUL and VALUE WORTHY to MEN.

They don't get muscles often for any reasons much besides how the size makes them feel around other men.

They love how feeling "big" makes them feel like they can hold a candle to other men in terms of masculinity.

It is nothing but bro code sort of shit mostly -- women/girls just like toned guys with medium size MAX.

So muscle in effect for guys is really a social code to SIGNAL VALUE TO EACH OTHER more than anything.

In reality a lot of girls could give a fuck about your muscles in most cases.

Honestly retarded take muscles help but they won't fix a shit face but if you have a normie face then yeah it helps
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They care about muscles to the degree that you are athletic muscular, not gymcel muscular.

Look at high jumpers or sprinters for reference - these builds would be overpowered af in a hunter gatherer society.
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