The Meaning of the Black Pill



Nov 11, 2018
It means: Life is a scam. Trying hard is a scam. You're destined to be something right from when you're born. Your "motivation" is something you're born with. Your "confidence" is something you're born with. Your "mysteriousness" is something you're born with. Your being "hardworking" is genetic. All of your effort is just riding the waves of what your parents gave you and whatever comes your way. Seemingly, it's all meaningless. Even if you manage to have a good social circle of friends that mean a lot to you, it just means you had that propensity and need for socialization. You're not better for it. Even if you fuck hot girls and get validation, it's just a meaningless cause and effect, you look good and say something, she validates you. Great. Even if you get a good-paying job that you enjoy, you're still just riding the wave of life, eventually to die all alone, and you will be forgotten completely. The black pill is not overblown nor is it necessarily a neurotic, dull, shallow view of the world, it's the ultimate acceptance of its bitterness. meaninglessness, and mercilessness. The real truth that, if actually comprehended, would invalidate everything you do and think. Cheers y'all!
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After getting blackpilled i want to die every single day
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I think its just a catastrophizing disconnected unhealthy way of thinking that holds some truth, buth that doesn't mean it has to be definite in all its aspects, and you chose yourself how you want to perceieve and live life. Give up and drown yourself in misery, because genetics plays a somewhat important role, and because you vant get the validation of having a preety face, and tie that to the concluson that its all just a meaningless bitterness. Sure, but your trapping yourself in a bubble saying that any way of disproving this wordview ultimately confirms it. If i'll say change your mindset, leave this site, and work hard. You'll say that its meaningless, mental health is genetic and everything is predetimined, and that it ultimately proves your point. You've trapped yourself in a loop of despair, but if you step outside that for a minute. Relaize that it is just a way of thinking, and life is ultimately what you make it. And this way, isn't anything less that a sadistic self danmaging way of thinking that is only gonna lead you further down the rabbit hole.
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Blackpill = brutally honest truth about your sad looks and your true worth in society and dating market

Less than 1 percent men know the truth though . Most are blue pilled and can’t figure out why they can’t get a date . They spend years and lot of effort and money on game , personality , being funny , cool , dating coaches , online dating profile playing , etc etc etc.

Simple answer : your fate was sealed the day you were born . ( unless you took steps to looks max by roids, Surgery etc )
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I think its just a catastrophizing disconnected unhealthy way of thinking that holds some truth, buth that doesn't mean it has to be definite in all its aspects, and you chose yourself how you want to perceieve and live life. Give up and drown yourself in misery, because genetics plays a somewhat important role, and because you vant get the validation of having a preety face, and tie that to the concluson that its all just a meaningless bitterness. Sure, but your trapping yourself in a bubble saying that any way of disproving this wordview ultimately confirms it. If i'll say change your mindset, leave this site, and work hard. You'll say that its meaningless, mental health is genetic and everything is predetimined, and that it ultimately proves your point. You've trapped yourself in a loop of despair, but if you step outside that for a minute. Relaize that it is just a way of thinking, and life is ultimately what you make it. And this way, isn't anything less that a sadistic self danmaging way of thinking that is only gonna lead you further down the rabbit hole.
This is the response in would expect. I do study and work a lot. I actively move forward every day, I don't believe in staying in your place and stagnating. The only logical thing for most people to do is to ride the wave they've been given, if for anything then just to not live the worst hell possible. But it isn't obvious which decision is justified. A life of nihilism and giving up is justified, just as a life of trying and hope is. It's a terrible deal, you have to suffer and work just to minimize the guaranteed future suffering. I think it's why religion is so worldwide, the human brain can't help but believe there is some ultimate purpose to all the suffering. In fact I hope its true.
Guys that fuck hot girls have no use for black pill. Red pill as far as they go.

Red pill and black pill both represent truth.
Black pill is just pill used by ugly guys.

Sorry if you were coping and not aware of this.
if that is what blackpill is then its wrong. its almost like u r denying that free will exist. which is stupid. black pill is just the extra harsh truth about something. and is not always helpful like the redpill is
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Blackpill let me know my limits, the reason why I got treated differently than chads all my life, and that everyone was created unequal by default.
Guys that fuck hot girls have no use for black pill. Red pill as far as they go.

Red pill and black pill both represent truth.
Black pill is just pill used by ugly guys.

Sorry if you were coping and not aware of this.
The worse you have life, the more accurately you can see reality. Some have it much worse than blackpilled incels, there are different levels of suffering. Ours is mostly social deprivation and sexual frustration. Other people live with cancer, severe injury, sickle cell anemia, super low IQs, muscular dystrophy etc. Human conditions can get bad and some people literally aspire to just be able to walk. Doesn't invalidate the black pill.
it does if you stop wanting things

just do all the drugs you can find. ALL THE DRUGS.

Might try it out. Might be the best cope out there.
if that is what blackpill is then its wrong. its almost like u r denying that free will exist. which is stupid. black pill is just the extra harsh truth about something. and is not always helpful like the redpill is
This. It's just a defeatist attitude for retards to ldar cuz they're lazy and have no discipline
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This. It's just a defeatist attitude for retards to ldar cuz they're lazy and have no discipline
This. It's just a defeatist attitude for retards to ldar cuz they're lazy and have no discipline
Lol no man. I don't live by the black pill. These are just observations I make. Think blackpilled, act bluepilled. Not laziness.
Lol no man. I don't live by the black pill. These are just observations I make. Think blackpilled, act bluepilled. Not laziness.
Fair enough man but blackpill is simply extreme autism. I mean really look at the kind of people it attracts and tell me it isn't aspie
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Fair enough man but blackpill is simply extreme autism. I mean really look at the kind of people it attracts and tell me it isn't aspie
Doesn't mean it's false. When I hear of a guy who commited suicide, I'm not surprised, though for some reason other people are shocked and disappointed everytime. People committing suicide is proof of the black pill. Why would people kill themselves?
Doesn't mean it's false
It's not false per se. Just very over exaggerated and therefore inaccurate.
Why would people kill themselves?
People don't kill themselves because of the blackpill LMFAO. They kill themselves because they have a fucking mental disorder. A chemical imbalance
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It's not false per se. Just very over exaggerated and therefore inaccurate.

People don't kill themselves because of the blackpill LMFAO. They kill themselves because they have a fucking mental disorder. A chemical imbalance
It's true for some people. Once they reach a certain amount of depression and suffering, the black pill becomes their reality. They have no control over how things happen (including their hormonal imbalances) which then leads to the act. We're getting into semantics though. The point is that nature itself is blackpilled, it doesn't give a fuck what you want or how you feel. Darwinian evolution implies the survival of a few, and the suffering of the rest, and a guaranteed death for all. It's something you have to accept if you want to be at peace with life. Religion may be the only way to cope.
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It's true for some people. Once they reach a certain amount of depression and suffering, the black pill becomes their reality. They have no control over how things happen (including their hormonal imbalances) which then leads to the act. We're getting into semantics though. The point is that nature itself is blackpilled, it doesn't give a fuck what you want or how you feel. Darwinian evolution implies the survival of a few, and the suffering of the rest, and a guaranteed death for all. It's something you have to accept if you want to be at peace with life. Religion may be the only way to cope.

That’s why our ancestors developed the concept of civilized society . It was mainly to keep the hypergamous nature of femoids in check and to ensure that at least 70 percent men got regular sex by looks matched wifey through institution of marriage . If men don’t get laid , they become violent and lose purpose in life . This is exactly what we are seeing now due to breakdown of social rules and femoids behaving in the most primitive way . This is end of western civilization.
true i worked on my personality,game other and non of it works because my face is below the standard of today women

blackpill is truth
true i worked on my personality,game other and non of it works because my face is below the standard of today women

blackpill is truth
Yeah the face blackpill is a big one for guys like us. It's not limited to that though, it encompasses many aspects of life.
Yeah the face blackpill is a big one for guys like us. It's not limited to that though, it encompasses many aspects of life.
when i got blackpilled everything seem to be very easy and clear now i know what to do since im young,
going to get philtrum shortening lift surgery and get better skin and lookmax as much as possible
because other guys had no personality and no game and they get all the girls because they are above 5:10 with handsome face
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It means: Life is a scam. Trying hard is a scam. You're destined to be something right from when you're born. Your "motivation" is something you're born with. Your "confidence" is something you're born with. Your "mysteriousness" is something you're born with. Your being "hardworking" is genetic. All of your effort is just riding the waves of what your parents gave you and whatever comes your way. Seemingly, it's all meaningless. Even if you manage to have a good social circle of friends that mean a lot to you, it just means you had that propensity and need for socialization. You're not better for it. Even if you fuck hot girls and get validation, it's just a meaningless cause and effect, you look good and say something, she validates you. Great. Even if you get a good-paying job that you enjoy, you're still just riding the wave of life, eventually to die all alone, and you will be forgotten completely. The black pill is not overblown nor is it necessarily a neurotic, dull, shallow view of the world, it's the ultimate acceptance of its bitterness. meaninglessness, and mercilessness. The real truth that, if actually comprehended, would invalidate everything you do and think. Cheers y'all!

Low iq tbh
Yeah the face blackpill is a big one for guys like us. It's not limited to that though, it encompasses many aspects of life.

Yep . Looks ( especially facial features of a man ) can break or make your life in current era . Not just getting laid and dating but social acceptance, social diagnity , making friends , not being bullied , professional and career growth , new business and promotion opportunities and overall mental health and well being . It is no longer about true qualities that should matter - intelligence , education , hard work , work ethic , reliability , provider / protector role , good values . None of these matter and they all mean shit . It’s all about looks especially as a man . Women can get away as long as they are not land whales . Even landwhales have more SMV and Social value than a sub 8 man who is not wealthy .
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