the more i think about my tongue tie the more i want to fucking kill myself

manlet cUnt

manlet cUnt

every day is cope day
Jan 19, 2019
i cant bear to imagine how im supposed to function like a normal human with such a fucked up tongue. imagine if something goes wrong with the surgery and i dont gain full mobility with my tongue. what will happen? if i cant mew then i cant ascend. if i cant ascend then i will have to kms or i will end up hurting othERs. im a subhuman dicklet manlet literally this is my only chance at ascension. its crazy to think how such an insignificant muscle could change my life. mewing is pretty much my sole cope at this point and without it i legit have no reason to live. its not as simple as its sounds either literally my entire tongue except the front third is stuck to my lower jaw. its so fucking bad you cant even see the frenulum because its surrounded by a bunch of tissue. my myologist said shes never seen anything that bad before and it would take more than 1 tongue tie release thats how bad it is. fuck, as if being an ugly manlet, ethnic, framelet, dicklet, autist wasnt enough god that faggot had to curse me with a subhuman tongue. i really want to die at this point rn. cursed fucking existence
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Reactions: PURE ARYAN GENETICS, SayNoToRotting and androidcel
A normal tongue wouldn't save you anyway => you were dommed from the start
Fuck that rant made my blood boil in rage, I feel ya brotha
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Reactions: manlet cUnt and bolgin
severe tongue tie is also causes poor face devolopment

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