The Most Evil Youtube Channel

New Poster

New Poster

Feb 22, 2019
Bald cafe

This channel is the most evil thing I have ever experienced. I'm watching these vids as I eat lunch, and I can't even finish eating. These videos are actually evil. Its an entire channel devoted to coping that shaving your head is the answer to balding. Every video is some guy who is breaking down about his hairloss and then shaving his head, and then the channel interviews them about how great a shaved head is. They discount every other option: finasteride, minoxidil, hair system, etc.

Like, we have a drug that saves people's hair for 90% of men. NONE OF THESE MOTHERFUCKERS TAKE IT! They all come up with some bullshit reason to not take finasteride or stop taking it. They probably got spooked by some schizos online talking about how their dick fell off, and they disregard the mountains of scientific studies on finasteride showing how safe it is. Fucking burn this channel to the ground. If you went bald without taking finasteride, you deserve to go bald. Fuck these people.
  • JFL
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: zura, incel194012940, Skywalker and 7 others
Bald head is masculine cope harder you prettyboy twink
  • JFL
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: JoshuaG, Skywalker, subhuman incel and 5 others
Bald head is masculine cope harder you prettyboy twink
The guys in these videos talk about being psychologically destroyed by hairloss, but, when it comes to taking a cheap pill once a day with minimal risk and rare side effects that are reverseable, then suddenly it's like "oh, well balding is just something that's happening to me..." I can't believe a handful of schizos on the internet have convinced the world to avoid the most successful hairloss treatment available.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Skywalker, subhuman incel, BigBoy and 2 others
I can't believe a handful of schizos on the internet have convinced the world to avoid the most successful hairloss treatment available.
Lol at what my psychological torture has done to them,I will personally looksmin every single man until I’m chad
  • JFL
  • So Sad
Reactions: Skywalker, Trilogy and BigBoy
Bald head is great for oofy doofy appeal
When i start balding i will shave it off to oofy doofy max
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: autistic_tendencies and Skywalker
Be confident in your balding therefore shave it off? Makes 0 sense
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Reactions: Deleted member 29167

im caging tf is this channel
  • JFL
Reactions: zura, Skywalker and Deleted member 28904
I'm about to have an aneurysm. One guy stopped taking finasteride because he went to some new age ayurveda guru who told him to stop because it wasn't "natural." The drug was working for him and he had regrowth. Now he's NW 5. I'm can't fucking breathe.

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  • JFL
Reactions: lebronjames23, incel194012940, Skywalker and 1 other person
it's a jew psych op has their telltale modus operandi of gaslighting and promotion of self sabotage and bluepill
  • +1
Reactions: autistic_tendencies
Another guy is saying he did all the research on hairloss and took Biotin supplements. Never mentioned finasteride or minoxidil.

  • JFL
Reactions: Skywalker and Deleted member 20370
Bald cafe

This channel is the most evil thing I have ever experienced. I'm watching these vids as I eat lunch, and I can't even finish eating. These videos are actually evil. Its an entire channel devoted to coping that shaving your head is the answer to balding. Every video is some guy who is breaking down about his hairloss and then shaving his head, and then the channel interviews them about how great a shaved head is. They discount every other option: finasteride, minoxidil, hair system, etc.

Like, we have a drug that saves people's hair for 90% of men. NONE OF THESE MOTHERFUCKERS TAKE IT! They all come up with some bullshit reason to not take finasteride or stop taking it. They probably got spooked by some schizos online talking about how their dick fell off, and they disregard the mountains of scientific studies on finasteride showing how safe it is. Fucking burn this channel to the ground. If you went bald without taking finasteride, you deserve to go bald. Fuck these people.
They can't help but pretend it's great because its the choice they've made

It's cope on all ends, promoting it is even bigger cope because they felt the need to justify it and cuck others to make themselves feel better.
  • +1
Reactions: Skywalker
They can't help but pretend it's great because its the choice they've made

It's cope on all ends, promoting it is even bigger cope because they felt the need to justify it and cuck others to make themselves feel better.
Copers gonna cope, but I'm losing my mind at the finasteride avoidance. They could have prevented all of this. Not one person on this channel is a non-responder. They all either responded well but later stopped or didn't take it at all.
  • +1
Reactions: Gaygymmaxx
Another guy took finasteride for 2-3 years and stopped balding entirely -- even got some regrowth -- and was too stupid to realize that he needs to keep taking it. He thought he was cured and was "tired" of a taking a pill, and stopped. Went full bald afterwards. Some people are too stupid to live.

I need to get off the computer and do shit, but I can't stop watching these vids. They're legit infuriating. Perfect ragebait.
  • Love it
Reactions: Skywalker
@New Poster funny thread; followed ya :Comfy:

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