The most underrated factor determining attraction



Sep 2, 2023
Hi guys! This is a serious post, so please only reply with serious answers!

We always talk about SMV (Sexual Market Value), and how it will impact your dating and success levels with the opposite sex. We never talk about how important "subconscious" triggers are.
While a minimul SMV level is important to keep, let me define what subconscious triggers are.

For instance, do you remember that person who made you feel stuck in a state of anticipation for 5 to 10 seconds? Which made your body feel an electric shock? Well, is that only based on their SMV or was there something about them, which you didn't notice at first, but which resonated with you at a subconscious level? Yes, that was the trigger.
You even didn't know anything about that person before, but suddenly, you do.

That could be something you rememebr from your mother, like the position of her mouth, the shape or color of her eyes, the way she moves, her voice or how she speaks, etc.
This, is the most underrated aspect we often leave out from the attraction equation.
This is what goes beyond height, social status, looks, fitness, and other such factors.
This is why you see "unbalanced" couples, like a poor, bald and fat guy with a beautiful woman.

Could that be just imprinting?
Could that person simply feel a sense of well-being only and exclusively with that "unattractive" man?
Yes, He/She can, and cannot explain it.

I've seen many LTR's based on this theory.
Also those relationships have everyday issues, high drama, and a high rate of arguments, but the women can't really explain why they're still bonded to this type of man, and they come back every time after an argue.

Please share your perspective on this topic, which is very underrated
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  • JFL
Reactions: GlamGuru, got.daim and Gonthar
Yeah bitches wanna fuck me cuz i have bpd
I see merit to this but have nothing to add at this moment
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For instance, do you remember that person who made you feel stuck in a state of anticipation for 5 to 10 seconds? Which made your body feel an electric shock? Well, is that only based on their SMV or was there something about them, which you didn't notice at first, but which resonated with you at a subconscious level? Yes, that was the trigger.
You even didn't know anything about that person before, but suddenly, you do.

That could be something you rememebr from your mother, like the position of her mouth, the shape or color of her eyes, the way she moves, her voice or how she speaks, etc.
This, is the most underrated aspect we often leave out from the attraction equation.
This is what goes beyond height, social status, looks, fitness, and other such factors.
This is why you see "unbalanced" couples, like a poor, bald and fat guy with a beautiful woman.

Could that be just imprinting?
Could that person simply feel a sense of well-being only and exclusively with that "unattractive" man?
Yes, He/She can, and cannot explain it.

I've seen many LTR's based on this theory.
Also those relationships have everyday issues, high drama, and a high rate of arguments, but the women can't really explain why they're still bonded to this type of man, and they come back every time after an argue.

Please share your perspective on this topic, which is very underrated
Lol this stuff reminds me of PUA courses and seminars, lots of PUAs peddled similar ideas, yapping about how there's something hidden deep inside men, that can somehow make women immediately attracted to them in some specific circumstances and they all made it sound mystical and esoteric, only at the end to give you some pointless tip about how to stand straight when you talk to a woman, so you will look confident and alpha.
Then they would babble again about seduction and how skilled PUAs can make it look almost like magic, picking women with just a few words and then some other useless tip would follow, like smiling before saying hello to a girl.
Many of these PUA courses will alternate between this mystical language making seduction seem like a magical art and then delivering some basic knowledge in the form of simple, obvious tips and tricks, simply to hook you and make you buy more and more, hoping that one day you will eventually learn all that magical stuff(which simply doesn't exist).
  • +1
Reactions: got.daim
Hi guys! This is a serious post, so please only reply with serious answers!

We always talk about SMV (Sexual Market Value), and how it will impact your dating and success levels with the opposite sex. We never talk about how important "subconscious" triggers are.
While a minimul SMV level is important to keep, let me define what subconscious triggers are.

For instance, do you remember that person who made you feel stuck in a state of anticipation for 5 to 10 seconds? Which made your body feel an electric shock? Well, is that only based on their SMV or was there something about them, which you didn't notice at first, but which resonated with you at a subconscious level? Yes, that was the trigger.
You even didn't know anything about that person before, but suddenly, you do.

That could be something you rememebr from your mother, like the position of her mouth, the shape or color of her eyes, the way she moves, her voice or how she speaks, etc.
This, is the most underrated aspect we often leave out from the attraction equation.
This is what goes beyond height, social status, looks, fitness, and other such factors.
This is why you see "unbalanced" couples, like a poor, bald and fat guy with a beautiful woman.

Could that be just imprinting?
Could that person simply feel a sense of well-being only and exclusively with that "unattractive" man?
Yes, He/She can, and cannot explain it.

I've seen many LTR's based on this theory.
Also those relationships have everyday issues, high drama, and a high rate of arguments, but the women can't really explain why they're still bonded to this type of man, and they come back every time after an argue.

Please share your perspective on this topic, which is very underrated
The only think that matters is your face and height

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