The only good thing about modern English people is they are the least patriotic / nationalistic



Islamist jihadi and intersectional feminist
Nov 21, 2022
It's an honest feeling. I swear if you went out to the middle of the street and burned the British flag literally zero people would care. Maybe one person gives verbal abuse but even he wouldn't care and more concerned about fire hazard. I cannot remember the last time I saw a British flag. Maybe during Queen's death JFL.

This country is a fucking joke. There is nothing to like. Shit weather. Shit food. Shit women. Stagnant economy. Fucking uncontrolled immigrants everywhere and I'm the son of one myself and can't stand them as well! Independence of Scotland is an almost guaranteed certainty. Hopefully Wales soon after and Ireland is reunited. I hope London just fucks off entirely or gets nuked by Russia.

The far-right retards who wave British flags cope with a brief moment in human history when British empire mogged thanks to industrial revolution, but that's about it. There is nothing else great about "great Britain". It is already in the dustbin of history like many before it. No one growing up in todays world is gonna halo this shitty country. Idk why so many mfers wanna move here when it's purely the status it once had that lingers in many people's memory. I cannot think of a single positive thing about here. Maybe the humour of people.

@6ft4 @uksucks @PrinceLuenLeoncur
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: basedblackpiller, NEET_Emperor, uksucks and 6 others
There are probably more Bri'ish flags on display in northern Ireland than there are on the entire Island of Britian
Everything to do with Britian is about trying to cling onto the past
They are making no innovations but still expect to maintain their past power despite a dwindling population
They thought they could maintain their position while becoming fat and lazy and impotent

Notice the movement that was trying to hit back against immigration / muzzie rise in influence was called the English Defence League
Defence was a fitting aspect of the name because all they can do is try to defend, they can no longer attack or expand, they are shrinking in influence and trying to protect themselves from being overrun.

Cockney culture is going extinct because all the youngcels from that area move out of the area and ethnics move in so all they're left with is a bunch of old geezers down the pub talking about how shit things are and how they used to be.

Same with the Bri-ish loyal geezers in Belfast, the commercial part of their area has shut down due to population decline and ethnics have taken over the trade to cater to their growing population.

There is even a stark difference in the population pyramids of Catholics (ethnically Irish) and Protestants (Bri'ish) in Northern Ireland because the Irish were still having large families in the 80s and remained above replacement in the 2000s while the Bri'ish family sizes shrank way earlier and the went below replacement sooner.
I've posted about this before in reference to how quickly demographics can shift and how it influences power but Protestants went from being 2/3rds of the population of Northern Ireland in the 70s I believe to recently dropping below the number of catholics for the first time with this trend set to continue.
And this is just going by natural demographic changes of existing populations via birthrates
Now imagine how much your % of the population declines when you're competing against a group (ethnics) that can be imported to infinity and have higher birthrates on top of that.

It is utterly over for the british but they are kept going by the momentum of the former economic power they once were.
Their women are crass subhumans and treat their men like shit, their men are hedonistic clowns unworthy of respect.
The have almost reached peak level of dysgenics in the white race.

The Irish are going to mog them into oblivion in the coming years since the Irish have never had our time in the sun.
The Irish are going to replace the Jews as being the supposedly persecuted race that finally break free from their previous shackles and unleash their wrath.

Looking at videos of how the English treated the Irish resistance in the 70s-80s where there is lots of first hand documentation of what went on, the English seemed to have been able to breed an elite level of moralless psychopath that operated in positions of power and would go to any means to destroy anyone who tried to escape their tyranny.
The English are like the Jew in the sense they can breed the most facially disgusting fucks you've ever seen who want to unleash their self hatred and evil onto the world.
The problem is the typical normie English man of today is beaten down to the point of being a polite little pet who lets everyone walk all over him in his own country so he cant even fathom the mindset of the psychopaths who are have been maintaining English power for centuries.
So where there may once upon a time been strong men who were enforcing the will to power of their leaders while those in power did the dirty work of executing evil orders, there is now no manpower or strong men to fill such roles hence their decline.
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  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: silently_said, Always Stay You, diditeverbegin and 6 others
There are probably more Bri'ish flags on display in northern Ireland than there are on the entire Island of Britian
Everything to do with Britian is about trying to cling onto the past
They are making no innovations but still expect to maintain their past power despite a dwindling population
They thought they could maintain their position while becoming fat and lazy and impotent

Notice the movement that was trying to hit back against immigration / muzzie rise in influence was called the English Defence League
Defence was a fitting aspect of the name because all they can do is try to defend, they can no longer attack or expand, they are shrinking in influence and trying to protect themselves from being overrun.

Cockney culture is going extinct because all the youngcels from that area move out of the area and ethnics move in so all they're left with is a bunch of old geezers down the pub talking about how shit things are and how they used to be.

Same with the Bri-ish loyal geezers in Belfast, the commercial part of their area has shut down due to population decline and ethnics have taken over the trade to cater to their growing population.

There is even a stark difference in the population pyramids of Catholics (ethnically Irish) and Protestants (Bri'ish) in Northern Ireland because the Irish were still having large families in the 80s and remained above replacement in the 2000s while the Bri'ish family sizes shrank way earlier and the went below replacement sooner.
I've posted about this before in reference to how quickly demographics can shift and how it influences power but Protestants went from being 2/3rds of the population of Northern Ireland in the 70s I believe to recently dropping below the number of catholics for the first time with this trend set to continue.
And this is just going by natural demographic changes of existing populations via birthrates
Now imagine how much your % of the population declines when you're competing against a group (ethnics) that can be imported to infinity and have higher birthrates on top of that.

It is utterly over for the british but they are kept going by the momentum of the former economic power they once were.
Their women are crass subhumans and treat their men like shit, their men are hedonistic clowns unworthy of respect.
The have almost reached peak level of dysgenics in the white race.

The Irish are going to mog them into oblivion in the coming years since the Irish have never had our time in the sun.
The Irish are going to replace the Jews as being the supposedly persecuted race that finally break free from their previous shackles and unleash their wrath.

Looking at videos of how the English treated the Irish resistance in the 70s-80s where there is lots of first hand documentation of what went on, the English seemed to have been able to breed an elite level of moralless psychopath that operated in positions of power and would go to any means to destroy anyone who tried to escape their tyranny.
The English are like the Jew in the sense they can breed the most facially disgusting fucks you've ever seen who want to unleash their self hatred and evil onto the world.
The problem is the typical normie English man of today is beaten down to the point of being a polite little pet who lets everyone walk all over him in his own country so he cant even fathom the mindset of the psychopaths who are have been maintaining English power for centuries.
So where there may once upon a time been strong men who were enforcing the will to power of their leaders while those in power did the dirty work of executing evil orders, there is now no manpower or strong men to fill such roles hence their decline.

The British reached one of the highest peaks possible in short amount of time and fell so hard. It would look like a shitcoin on a chart. Anyone living here is basically bagholding this mfer.

Idk the solution. It's bad policy / politics at the heart of it. Also culture (?) what even happened to religion? Churches are dead.

Immigrants are part to blame I agree. But I disagree on the 'threat' you see posed from them. They are here (wrongly) for economic reasons but underestimate long term impact. They are surely not here for cultural colonisation because just look at the amount of incels here including myself who struggle because of our values. Third gen immigrants don't speak a word of their great grandparents. In fact, incels are disproportionately high amongst deathnics in the West because they simply can't compete with whites in terms of SMV and their pool of compatible women are extremely low - except in places like Birmingham maybe JFL. Also 'immigrants' are not a monolith and can hate each other too. The culture of ethnics is stronger, but the Jew forces of globalisation makes it more cucked with each successive generation. So regardless of if you're a white native or a deathnic diaspora, you are fucked.

I wish I picked up another language I would fucking leave this island. I cannot go back to fucking curryland (it's poor but even if it wasn't) they treat me as a foreigner there too.
  • JFL
Reactions: 6ft4
The British reached one of the highest peaks possible in short amount of time and fell so hard. It would look like a shitcoin on a chart. Anyone living here is basically bagholding this mfer.
Legit jfl

Idk the solution. It's bad policy / politics at the heart of it. Also culture (?) what even happened to religion? Churches are dead.

Immigrants are part to blame I agree. But I disagree on the 'threat' you see posed from them. They are here (wrongly) for economic reasons but underestimate long term impact. They are surely not here for cultural colonisation because just look at the amount of incels here including myself who struggle because of our values. Third gen immigrants don't speak a word of their great grandparents. In fact, incels are disproportionately high amongst deathnics in the West because they simply can't compete with whites in terms of SMV and their pool of compatible women are extremely low - except in places like Birmingham maybe JFL. Also 'immigrants' are not a monolith and can hate each other too. The culture of ethnics is stronger, but the Jew forces of globalisation makes it more cucked with each successive generation. So regardless of if you're a white native or a deathnic diaspora, you are fucked.
I mean ethnics being a threat to cause whites to become minorities in their own countries, but yes it makes sense that ethnic couples who move to the west are just going to make life hell for their children

I wish I picked up another language I would fucking leave this island. I cannot go back to fucking curryland (it's poor but even if it wasn't) they treat me as a foreigner there too.
Why not live in Dubai then?
You get the perception of a 1st world country around whites but also Arabs and you can speak English there
  • +1
Reactions: SecularIslamist
Legit jfl

I mean ethnics being a threat to cause whites to become minorities in their own countries, but yes it makes sense that ethnic couples who move to the west are just going to make life hell for their children
It can happen but I think you're over-estimating the threat long term. Maybe certain ethnics will create their own thriving and lasting community that will fully embrace British identity like African-Americans and Latino Americans in the USA (even they have issue). I'm thinking of pakis / Indians and maybe some Afro-Blacks - who already kind of have. But they will also suffer outside their localised circles. Basically it's okay if you're paki and living in Birmingham just like if you're black and living in ATL, Georgia.

As for the 100s of other ethnicities / nationalities it's totally over. Some have their own enclaves (Romanians, Bengalis, Polish, even fucking 5'3 east Timor in Lincolnshire). But they will face the end of their bloodline too. I'm thinking 100+ years into the future btw. Someone will end up incel or become mixed mutts with an identity crisis. Idk about the fate of White British people but I assume the same thing. The average British person didn't choose this, the Jew-controlled policymakers did. Both ethnics and native whites are heading towards the same

Why not live in Dubai then?
You get the perception of a 1st world country around whites but also Arabs and you can speak English there
Lmao it's a non-option and only for the rich. I can't move anywhere not out of choice but necessity. If I ever have children I will make sure they learn an international language so they can fuck off.

@JohnDoe I wish I did that TEFL (teaching English abroad) literally anywhere else. Native English is the biggest halo for geomaxxing. There is massive demand. Living with as a top 10% earner in any second world country mogs living in places like UK. Even if you earn 'less' because of currency exchange (and the £ is becoming irrelevant day by day too).
  • +1
Reactions: 6ft4
It's an honest feeling. I swear if you went out to the middle of the street and burned the British flag literally zero people would care. Maybe one person gives verbal abuse but even he wouldn't care and more concerned about fire hazard. I cannot remember the last time I saw a British flag. Maybe during Queen's death JFL.

This country is a fucking joke. There is nothing to like. Shit weather. Shit food. Shit women. Stagnant economy. Fucking uncontrolled immigrants everywhere and I'm the son of one myself and can't stand them as well! Independence of Scotland is an almost guaranteed certainty. Hopefully Wales soon after and Ireland is reunited. I hope London just fucks off entirely or gets nuked by Russia.

The far-right retards who wave British flags cope with a brief moment in human history when British empire mogged thanks to industrial revolution, but that's about it. There is nothing else great about "great Britain". It is already in the dustbin of history like many before it. No one growing up in todays world is gonna halo this shitty country. Idk why so many mfers wanna move here when it's purely the status it once had that lingers in many people's memory. I cannot think of a single positive thing about here. Maybe the humour of people.

@6ft4 @uksucks @PrinceLuenLeoncur
My street has 2 union jacks tired up on the phone rial.

Brits are nationalistic just not extremely so. Also many have ex colonial white guilt
  • Hmm...
Reactions: SecularIslamist
There are probably more Bri'ish flags on display in northern Ireland than there are on the entire Island of Britian
Everything to do with Britian is about trying to cling onto the past
They are making no innovations but still expect to maintain their past power despite a dwindling population
They thought they could maintain their position while becoming fat and lazy and impotent

Notice the movement that was trying to hit back against immigration / muzzie rise in influence was called the English Defence League
Defence was a fitting aspect of the name because all they can do is try to defend, they can no longer attack or expand, they are shrinking in influence and trying to protect themselves from being overrun.

Cockney culture is going extinct because all the youngcels from that area move out of the area and ethnics move in so all they're left with is a bunch of old geezers down the pub talking about how shit things are and how they used to be.

Same with the Bri-ish loyal geezers in Belfast, the commercial part of their area has shut down due to population decline and ethnics have taken over the trade to cater to their growing population.

There is even a stark difference in the population pyramids of Catholics (ethnically Irish) and Protestants (Bri'ish) in Northern Ireland because the Irish were still having large families in the 80s and remained above replacement in the 2000s while the Bri'ish family sizes shrank way earlier and the went below replacement sooner.
I've posted about this before in reference to how quickly demographics can shift and how it influences power but Protestants went from being 2/3rds of the population of Northern Ireland in the 70s I believe to recently dropping below the number of catholics for the first time with this trend set to continue.
And this is just going by natural demographic changes of existing populations via birthrates
Now imagine how much your % of the population declines when you're competing against a group (ethnics) that can be imported to infinity and have higher birthrates on top of that.

It is utterly over for the british but they are kept going by the momentum of the former economic power they once were.
Their women are crass subhumans and treat their men like shit, their men are hedonistic clowns unworthy of respect.
The have almost reached peak level of dysgenics in the white race.

The Irish are going to mog them into oblivion in the coming years since the Irish have never had our time in the sun.
The Irish are going to replace the Jews as being the supposedly persecuted race that finally break free from their previous shackles and unleash their wrath.

Looking at videos of how the English treated the Irish resistance in the 70s-80s where there is lots of first hand documentation of what went on, the English seemed to have been able to breed an elite level of moralless psychopath that operated in positions of power and would go to any means to destroy anyone who tried to escape their tyranny.
The English are like the Jew in the sense they can breed the most facially disgusting fucks you've ever seen who want to unleash their self hatred and evil onto the world.
The problem is the typical normie English man of today is beaten down to the point of being a polite little pet who lets everyone walk all over him in his own country so he cant even fathom the mindset of the psychopaths who are have been maintaining English power for centuries.
So where there may once upon a time been strong men who were enforcing the will to power of their leaders while those in power did the dirty work of executing evil orders, there is now no manpower or strong men to fill such roles hence their decline.

Irish cope.

You’ll never mogg the Anglo Tigers they will always have you potato niggers under their boot

There are probably more Bri'ish flags on display in northern Ireland than there are on the entire Island of Britian
Everything to do with Britian is about trying to cling onto the past
They are making no innovations but still expect to maintain their past power despite a dwindling population
They thought they could maintain their position while becoming fat and lazy and impotent

Notice the movement that was trying to hit back against immigration / muzzie rise in influence was called the English Defence League
Defence was a fitting aspect of the name because all they can do is try to defend, they can no longer attack or expand, they are shrinking in influence and trying to protect themselves from being overrun.

Cockney culture is going extinct because all the youngcels from that area move out of the area and ethnics move in so all they're left with is a bunch of old geezers down the pub talking about how shit things are and how they used to be.

Same with the Bri-ish loyal geezers in Belfast, the commercial part of their area has shut down due to population decline and ethnics have taken over the trade to cater to their growing population.

There is even a stark difference in the population pyramids of Catholics (ethnically Irish) and Protestants (Bri'ish) in Northern Ireland because the Irish were still having large families in the 80s and remained above replacement in the 2000s while the Bri'ish family sizes shrank way earlier and the went below replacement sooner.
I've posted about this before in reference to how quickly demographics can shift and how it influences power but Protestants went from being 2/3rds of the population of Northern Ireland in the 70s I believe to recently dropping below the number of catholics for the first time with this trend set to continue.
And this is just going by natural demographic changes of existing populations via birthrates
Now imagine how much your % of the population declines when you're competing against a group (ethnics) that can be imported to infinity and have higher birthrates on top of that.

It is utterly over for the british but they are kept going by the momentum of the former economic power they once were.
Their women are crass subhumans and treat their men like shit, their men are hedonistic clowns unworthy of respect.
The have almost reached peak level of dysgenics in the white race.

The Irish are going to mog them into oblivion in the coming years since the Irish have never had our time in the sun.
The Irish are going to replace the Jews as being the supposedly persecuted race that finally break free from their previous shackles and unleash their wrath.

Looking at videos of how the English treated the Irish resistance in the 70s-80s where there is lots of first hand documentation of what went on, the English seemed to have been able to breed an elite level of moralless psychopath that operated in positions of power and would go to any means to destroy anyone who tried to escape their tyranny.
The English are like the Jew in the sense they can breed the most facially disgusting fucks you've ever seen who want to unleash their self hatred and evil onto the world.
The problem is the typical normie English man of today is beaten down to the point of being a polite little pet who lets everyone walk all over him in his own country so he cant even fathom the mindset of the psychopaths who are have been maintaining English power for centuries.
So where there may once upon a time been strong men who were enforcing the will to power of their leaders while those in power did the dirty work of executing evil orders, there is now no manpower or strong men to fill such roles hence their decline.

Most Arabs and blacks I know aren’t incel but I am ofc but I’m not even a good example as I’m literally non NT high inhb whilst belong to the most NT race essentially my personality stats don’t match with my race despite my face actually being htn hence why I’m incel.

Ethnics will be bred out starting with blacks, we acknowledge that 70-80% of mixed people are mullatos even in 100% white areas you’ll find mullatos en masse it’s worrying for black brits we are being genocided by Becky. Now I’m even seeing white men dating black foids it’s actually over for the black race in Britain. In my city the mullatos are the new “blacks” because blacks are too retarded to breed amongst their own and instead fuck beckies too much and now :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

At least curries and Arabs don’t do this so you lot are ok. Your race will exist for centuries mine will be absorbed by the whites and at best we can hope for is to turn the UK into Maherville where you’ll have white chads with a black great grandparent like Tyler :lul::lul::lul:
  • JFL
Reactions: diditeverbegin
It's an honest feeling. I swear if you went out to the middle of the street and burned the British flag literally zero people would care. Maybe one person gives verbal abuse but even he wouldn't care and more concerned about fire hazard. I cannot remember the last time I saw a British flag. Maybe during Queen's death JFL.

This country is a fucking joke. There is nothing to like. Shit weather. Shit food. Shit women. Stagnant economy. Fucking uncontrolled immigrants everywhere and I'm the son of one myself and can't stand them as well! Independence of Scotland is an almost guaranteed certainty. Hopefully Wales soon after and Ireland is reunited. I hope London just fucks off entirely or gets nuked by Russia.

The far-right retards who wave British flags cope with a brief moment in human history when British empire mogged thanks to industrial revolution, but that's about it. There is nothing else great about "great Britain". It is already in the dustbin of history like many before it. No one growing up in todays world is gonna halo this shitty country. Idk why so many mfers wanna move here when it's purely the status it once had that lingers in many people's memory. I cannot think of a single positive thing about here. Maybe the humour of people.

@6ft4 @uksucks @PrinceLuenLeoncur
Patriotism is a retarded concept, every developped countried let go of it almost completely.
  • +1
Reactions: SecularIslamist
Hopefully Wales soon after
Wales will be finished without London
They only gain financially
Honestly asides from London, the UK is quite a poor country

No one growing up in todays world is gonna halo this shitty country.

For foreigners abroad when geomaxing, the only status it has is because English is the main language of the world, songs are in English everywhere, and films also. That's it
  • +1
Reactions: SecularIslamist
The Irish are going to replace the Jews as being the supposedly persecuted race


What do the Irish have? Hearted warriors? :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
Last edited:
  • JFL
Reactions: 6ft4
Wales will be finished without London
They only gain financially
Honestly asides from London, the UK is quite a poor country
It will be overtaken by Poland soon on a GDP per capita basis. Technically it already has if you removed London.
For foreigners abroad when geomaxing, the only status it has is because English is the main language of the world, songs are in English everywhere, and films also. That's it
Yeah they're fucking dumb. No one in the right mind should immigrate here. I'm shocked at the statistics. UK just has status amongst third welders who know no better. Some things like education are still good because again of status - Oxbridge, LSE etc attract top students but it's declining. AstraZeneca and Shell are probably the only two companies with global influence. Compare that with hundreds of multibillion dollars USA and Chinese companies. Even Germany and France have more companies probably.

Tthe fact that they benefit from English being lingua franca is a testament to their past as a global superpower. Everything about the UK just screams living off past glory. I doubt the kids being born today abroad will halo the UK as much as these immigrants do.

UK is shit.
  • +1
Reactions: uksucks and got.daim
It will be overtaken by Poland soon on a GDP per capita basis. Technically it already has if you removed London.

Yeah they're fucking dumb. No one in the right mind should immigrate here. I'm shocked at the statistics. UK just has status amongst third welders who know no better. Some things like education are still good because again of status - Oxbridge, LSE etc attract top students but it's declining. AstraZeneca and Shell are probably the only two companies with global influence.

Even the fact that they benefit from English being lingua franca is a testament to their past as a global superpower. Everything about the UK just screams living off past glory. I doubt the kids being born today abroad will halo the UK as much as these immigrants do.

UK is shit.
based thread, has my support
  • +1
Reactions: SecularIslamist
I'd love to get between the legs of a British woman.
  • JFL
Reactions: diditeverbegin
It’s why my plan is to immigrate to the US.

But I don’t think the country is in decline. It’s just stagnated. France and Germany - these countries are also going through it. Poland? Who the fuck wants to live there?

We’re cruising at the moment but I want to live in a place that’s the best of the best aka the US
  • +1
Reactions: SecularIslamist
If i was PM (with little to no democractic oversight) i could fix the UK.

Step 1: abolish the NHS and privatise all healthcare. the government will now only subsidise healthcare US style
Step 2: significantly reduce welfare spending. this and the above allows us to reduce income + capital gains taxes
Step 3: cut red tape everywhere. abolish the green belt. make it easy to get permission to build things. use fiscal savings from above to invest in massive nuclear powerplant projects
Step 4: stop with the nanny state nonsense i.e. prosecuting social media posts and banning anything 'unhealthy'
Step 5: create a legitimate disincentive for migrants e.g. Rwanda scheme
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  • +1
Reactions: Always Stay You and SecularIslamist
If i was PM (with little to no democractic oversight) i could fix the UK.

Step 1: abolish the NHS and privatise all healthcare. the government will now only subsidise healthcare US style
Step 2: significantly reduce welfare spending. this and the above allows us to reduce income + capital gains taxes
Step 3: cut red tape everywhere. abolish the green belt. make it easy to get permission to build things.
Step 4: stop with the nanny state nonsense aka prosecuting social media posts and banning anything 'unhealthy'
Step 5: create a legitimiate disincentive for migrants e.g. Rwanda scheme
the UK would then be an economic powerhouse
It’s why my plan is to immigrate to the US.

But I don’t think the country is in decline. It’s just stagnated. France and Germany - these countries are also going through it. Poland? Who the fuck wants to live there?

We’re cruising at the moment but I want to live in a place that’s the best of the best aka the US
Stagnation is precisely decline. Growth is something every country aims for. Look at Japan, it's been in stagnant for decades. It's still a "first world" country just like the UK. But it feels a step down even from the UK. This is a country back in the 70s or 80s that was on cost to overtake the US. People speaking about Japan 50 years ago the way people speak about China today.
The UK could still turn it around, but obviously the cuck population are not willing to take the drastic measures necessary and would rather just watch football matches and love island, feeling proud about how diverse their country is. "One of our greatest strengths!" Is what they'd say. UK lost completely. Eh, at least they were winning at some point.
  • +1
Reactions: SecularIslamist
The UK could still turn it around, but obviously the cuck population are not willing to take the drastic measures necessary and would rather just watch football matches and love island, feeling proud about how diverse their country is. "One of our greatest strengths!" Is what they'd say. UK lost completely. Eh, at least they were winning at some point.
Everyone shits on Liz Truss and yeah she was a bitch. So was Margaret Thatcher. Both of them total whores. But they were willing to do drastic risky shit coz they wanted big gains. At least with Thatcher it paid off (in the 90s and early 2000s). Nowadays too cuck to do anything.
Everyone shits on Liz Truss and yeah she was a bitch. So was Margaret Thatcher. Both of them total whores. But they were willing to do drastic risky shit coz they wanted big gains. At least with Thatcher it paid off (in the 90s and early 2000s). Nowadays too cuck to do anything.
The UK unironically needs to abandon its current democratic system in favour of a dictator or one party system where they can focus on a plan for the next 100 years. UK hasn't done shit since the turn of the century. The entire culture needs to change. China style.
  • +1
Reactions: SecularIslamist
Fucking uncontrolled immigrants everywhere and I'm the son of one myself and can't stand them as well!
you know its over when even ethnics are sick of the immigrants :lul: country is done

No one growing up in todays world is gonna halo this shitty country
brutal truth, the current generation doesn't even know what a real white country is like :dafuckfeels:
  • JFL
Reactions: SecularIslamist
you know its over when even ethnics are sick of the immigrants :lul: country is done
Children born to immigrants are the biggest victims. My parents came over here to end my bloodline. When I see FOBs come to the UK it makes my blood boil. They are making it worse for themselves and the local population here. Not to mention especially the ethnics because we are failoed 100x more.
brutal truth, the current generation doesn't even know what a real white country is like :dafuckfeels:
It's not just that. The UK is really bad. The only people who think it's worth visiting and living in are boomerang and retards living their life on Instagram. If London was in the USA, it would be a slap bang average city.
  • So Sad
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