The pathway to a long and happy relationship

Deleted member 10413

Deleted member 10413

Oct 23, 2020

Everyone girl is going to have an overall societal rating (this rating is *usually very inflated). There's also how you view a women which we will can an "internal rating".

Let's go over a quick example:


So my internal rating would put this women at the gigastacy level while society as a whole might only put her at stacylite.


You need to understand the important of point gaps:

If you are (5/10) and she is (5/10) it's very likely she will cheat on you

If you are (6/10) and she is (5/10) it is still possible for her to cheat but it's not as likely

If you are (7/10) and she is (5/10) it is VERY unlikely she will cheat on you and will be very attached to you

If you are (7/10) and she is (4/10) she will view you as "the one" and be deeply attached to you. She might even cut herself if you asked her too.

It's important to remember that her ratings are going to be the societal rating (that I mentioned above)

So now that you understand the importance of a 2-3 point gap as well as the fact that society rates differently then your goal should be:

-Reach 7/10 with alot of softmaxxing (and maybe hardmaxxing if you need it)

-Find a girl that is ugly by societal standards but that you still find attractive so there is a massive point differential between you too

-LTR her with the confidence of knowing she won't cheat on you and that she will be insanely attached to you
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: SlavojZ, Deleted member 4106, one job away and 14 others
why would u date someone thats 3 points lower than u just because u feel insecure about her cheating on you jfl
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
Reactions: cajuun0, Arcturus, PrisonMike and 4 others
why would u date someone thats 3 points lower than u just because u feel insecure about her cheating on you jfl
She would only be 3 points lower than you by "societal standards" but your own internal rating of her should be much higher than 4/10. Ideally 6/10 but if your attracted to very weird girls maybe 7/10
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member, Arcturus, thecel and 1 other person
heres a replyerino for your effort stranger
to avoid being cheated on, find a girl with a good dad and mom. and become friends with her parents so there is a sense of community in the relationship.

cheating occurs when a whore looks at her phone all day and fantasizes about next chad with 0 environmental consequence. doesnt matter how subhuman she looks
  • +1
Reactions: p0lishsubhuman, noprogressno, Arcturus and 11 others
She would only be 3 points lower than you by "societal standards" but your own internal rating of her should be much higher than 4/10. Ideally 6/10 but if your attracted to very weird girls maybe 7/10
I beg you to post pics of 4/10 girls please
your supposition rests on the hypothesis that muh looks are subjective. I don't want to breed with some butterface and doom my bloodline anyway.
  • +1
Reactions: kej3094
I won't aim for a foid above 4/10 in looks tbh.
  • JFL
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Reactions: cajuun0, Darkstrand, Deleted member 10413 and 2 others
I want a girl who is better looking than me and preferably taller (atleast 3+ inches)
Low T asf
If you had any knowledge about this, you would realize that being able to sleep with below average foids is high T and not it is not low T.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Darkstrand and Jason Voorhees
If you had any knowledge about this, you would realize that being able to sleep with below average foids is high T and not it is not low T.
It's a cope.If ur above a 4/10 breeding with a foid below ur looksmatch is like flushing ur genes down the toilet.
It's a cope.If ur above a 4/10 breeding with a foid below ur looksmatch is like flushing ur genes down the toilet.
How is it a cope if I am subhuman in looks too? Breeding with Stacies isn't always necessarily promising either for chad sons. I'm a solid 4/10 so what is wrong with going for a 3-4/10 foid? Either way my looksmatch will want a chad and so will yours. Being chad is a pipedream. I'm anti-natalist either way so I don't care about genes. I don't worry about shit like that since I am not naturally a chad myself.
It is totally clear that if you LTR a woman who mogs you or is even your looksmatch then she is going to leave you someday so jfl at you.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Darkstrand and Jason Voorhees
I’m so just so exhausted with females man. I’m about to give up on the dating market. I had massive blackpills hit me today in damn near toxic levels and it finally left me fully content with just LDARing. I’m seriously about to just give up and focus on myself.

Today I:

1) saw girls I used to talk to talking to random dudes who I mog because they are seeking validation
2) saw a random whore with an ugly short black dude old looking simp next to her who she keeps for validation
3) saw the girl I like who I’ve invited over to drink before just not even intimating convo with me, which is a big no no for me as i require full attention back or i gtfo
4) watched the halo effect in action and me get zero bitches

being blackpilled, intelligent, socially aware, and lonely all together are too much for me to bear. im about to just log out on society and be by myself.

Everyone girl is going to have an overall societal rating (this rating is *usually very inflated). There's also how you view a women which we will can an "internal rating".

Let's go over a quick example:


So my internal rating would put this women at the gigastacy level while society as a whole might only put her at stacylite.


You need to understand the important of point gaps:

If you are (5/10) and she is (5/10) it's very likely she will cheat on you

If you are (6/10) and she is (5/10) it is still possible for her to cheat but it's not as likely

If you are (7/10) and she is (5/10) it is VERY unlikely she will cheat on you and will be very attached to you

If you are (7/10) and she is (4/10) she will view you as "the one" and be deeply attached to you. She might even cut herself if you asked her too.

It's important to remember that her ratings are going to be the societal rating (that I mentioned above)

So now that you understand the importance of a 2-3 point gap as well as the fact that society rates differently then your goal should be:

-Reach 7/10 with alot of softmaxxing (and maybe hardmaxxing if you need it)

-Find a girl that is ugly by societal standards but that you still find attractive so there is a massive point differential between you too

-LTR her with the confidence of knowing she won't cheat on you and that she will be insanely attached to you
I think a 1 point gap is enough. If you have good income as a 7/10 a 6/10 will not leave you imo, or cheat. And if she does you gotta toss her ass and move to the next, 2-3 point gaps and you start to tamper with your gene pool in an unfavorable way.
  • +1
Reactions: PrisonMike
why would u date someone thats 3 points lower than u just because u feel insecure about her cheating on you jfl
Kinda true.

ALSO, for breeders.
You are basically breeding with lesser looks genes. So not cool for your kids, to become Chads or Stacies.
She would only be 3 points lower than you by "societal standards" but your own internal rating of her should be much higher than 4/10. Ideally 6/10 but if your attracted to very weird girls maybe 7/10

Good thing I love BBWs
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 5521, Deleted member 10413 and volcelfatcel
wtf is this cucked mindset, are you that insecure? Low T af. Once you pass the looks threshold, you and her just have to have chemistry and a genuine attraction for each other, and you need charisma for that to work. Of course some ppl here will cope with "muhhh women cheat all the time" cuz these ppl are the anti social, mentally deranged loners of this site
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Reactions: AsGoodAsItGets

Everyone girl is going to have an overall societal rating (this rating is *usually very inflated). There's also how you view a women which we will can an "internal rating".

Let's go over a quick example:


So my internal rating would put this women at the gigastacy level while society as a whole might only put her at stacylite.


You need to understand the important of point gaps:

If you are (5/10) and she is (5/10) it's very likely she will cheat on you

If you are (6/10) and she is (5/10) it is still possible for her to cheat but it's not as likely

If you are (7/10) and she is (5/10) it is VERY unlikely she will cheat on you and will be very attached to you

If you are (7/10) and she is (4/10) she will view you as "the one" and be deeply attached to you. She might even cut herself if you asked her too.

It's important to remember that her ratings are going to be the societal rating (that I mentioned above)

So now that you understand the importance of a 2-3 point gap as well as the fact that society rates differently then your goal should be:

-Reach 7/10 with alot of softmaxxing (and maybe hardmaxxing if you need it)

-Find a girl that is ugly by societal standards but that you still find attractive so there is a massive point differential between you too

-LTR her with the confidence of knowing she won't cheat on you and that she will be insanely attached to you
So by your logic, a 4 would still cheat kn a 7 ltr with an 9-10. Fucking pathetic. I’d rather fuck higher numbers with zero attachment. Most girls I fuck are already in relationships. No ltrs for me. I have my passions to ltr with
to avoid being cheated on, find a girl with a good dad and mom. and become friends with her parents so there is a sense of community in the relationship.

cheating occurs when a whore looks at her phone all day and fantasizes about next chad with 0 environmental consequence. doesnt matter how subhuman she looks
Couldn’t agree more. You’re with a crowd whore, you get crowd whore behaviour becasie it is somehow justified by feminism or whatever post whoring behaviour rationalisation
Finding tall girls (5'9+) might be the ultimate solution because:

1. They're usually more accepting of shorter men
2. They have lower perceived attractiveness than short women by society, making competition lower
3. Guarantees you have mogger babies

any thoughts?
LTR her with the confidence of knowing she won't cheat on you and that she will be insanely attached to you
Captain America Laughing GIF by mtv

LTR= cuck beta loser who needs a
"mommy" for emotional validation
Isnt that a guy using the girl filter on sc
why would u date someone thats 3 points lower than u just because u feel insecure about her cheating on you jfl
Because if you don't, you're going to be cheated on. If you prefer to date your looksmatch but inevitably get cheated on and left, then thats fine. Most guys, however, want to have a stable relationship where whatever you put into it isn't throwed in the garbage can down the line.

OP, this is a fine thread and I agree.
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Reactions: Deleted member 10413
wtf is this cucked mindset, are you that insecure? Low T af. Once you pass the looks threshold, you and her just have to have chemistry and a genuine attraction for each other, and you need charisma for that to work. Of course some ppl here will cope with "muhhh women cheat all the time" cuz these ppl are the anti social, mentally deranged loners of this site
you are absolutely retarded if you think foids have any loyalty nowadays lmao
relationshits are for fags fuck your gynocentric servitude

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