The perfect teen boy face



Sep 18, 2023
Most ppl on this forum focus only in the dating life . That's one part of the BP . Guys you should understand something alright , if you're here , bcs you're having troubles in the dating market and attracting women , then that means that your whole life has been shit . Most of us are sub5s we had troubles socializing , we had troubles with our anxiety bcs of loneliness . So i want to take the focus away from the dating market for a sec . and focus on something much more important . That something , are your youth years . The years that you should be spending with your friends. Cracking jokes, smoking and drinking . Now ofc that it wasn't your fault you tried to socialize but you got ignored ,rejected, bullied you were the first to be thrown under the bus really tough scenes . However this wasn't purely just bcs how attractive you were but also what i'd like to call you had a lack of "the bad boy" face . If you want to be successful at making friends in high school male friends ofc , it is more about looking like a bad boy rather than being attractive . I mean sure being attractive but being like 5/10 average guy with the features i'm gonna mention will make you desirable by your friends , they'll automaticially want to be friend with you which will lead to success and happiness in life . But what are these features . Before explaining i want you guys to take a look at these pics
Screenshot 20241009 214822 YouTube
Screenshot 20241009 214705 YouTube
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Screenshot 20241009 214858 YouTube

As a teenager in high school , who do you think are you going to have more fun with ? Probaly with the guys at the least 2 pics right ? The other 2 guys , one looks too masculine and the other too feminine . Well that's bcs one is the perfect hypermasculine man and the other is the soft boy(hyper-feminine) while the last 2 guys are chad and pretty boy . Bascially , looking young having youthful features but not too feminine nor too masculine either , the best archetype that you want to be at your teen years is pretty boy , or chad . Chad is the best archrtype overall for everything but the ideal for this age is pretty boy . So the first rule to be likeable by your friends is LOOKING YOUNG . If you look too old or too masculine you won't get bullied but nobody would want to be friend with u ppl will try to avoid you although , they will not harm you . While if you look too soft too feminine, not only you will not have friends but you will also get bullied . So is somewhat better to be overly masculine than overly feminine. Either way, you're cooked. The last thing that you need to have is the bad boy face . This is optional , you don't really need this to be siccessful with your social life , but if you have it you'll be more successful . So the bad boy face basically consist of these features: pretty boy archrtype , hollow cheeks , hooded upper eyelid , narrow eyes , v shaped eyebrows , short to medium har, light colored eyes (preferably blue very important for this face ) Having light colored eyes is very crucial for the bad boy face . You can't pull it out if you don't have light colored eyes(preferably blue) you are gonna look cringe just being at the pretty boy archetype and not having fully hooded eyes (pure hunter eyes) will be better . This archetype requires pure fully hooded hunter eyes . While having almond eyes will give a soft look which will correalate more with the nice guy archetype ( which is almost as good as bad boy ) . Nice guy archetype has some other features such as : slight UEE exposure , softer cheekbones , v shaped eyebrows but more positive , longer har, darker eyes color (preferably brown ) . This archetype can also lead you a lot of success but will not work as well as bad boy and you also gotta be more attractive so you gotta at least 6/10 to pull this archetype . Here are some examples

Bad Boy

Hero 260724 GettyImages 2097694490

Hero is a textbook example of this

Nice guy
( Softer eyes much roundish orbitals more uee, dark eyes color etc.)
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Although these guys look a little bit like bad boys they're definetly softer looking than other bad boys . Take this information and used it for your own benefits . Remember , try to imporve in a smart way . If you're a 6/10 with almond brown eyes it will be stupid to go for the bad boy . Bcs you have to put lenses to your eyes , again you can't pull the bad boy look as a brown eyed guy you will look weird . And if you're some 5/10 with brown eyes going for nice guy will make you look average , in this case i'd recommend lenses . But again hope this helps
  • JFL
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your an afro persian ?
  • JFL
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wheres the tldr

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