The Players Diary



Jul 28, 2020
Be indifferent. Women are attracted to men whose feelings are unclear. If she thinks she has you there is no need for her to keep chasing you, she already figured you out. Focus on your purpose, this looksmax steers you in a direction where you can’t leave the site. You ask for ratings and people bring you down, unnecessary negativity. A man without purpose or direction is a ship leaving shore without a destination, not even the wind can steer it in the right direction; it has no destination. You’re a man, you produce semen, power that can create another human being in this world. Save it. Purpose is crucial for a man, no purpose = no chicks, no money, no happiness, depression. The world is yours only you can see reality the way you do, the world is yours. Ask questions in this thread to get your crush. I’ve been studying this shit hardcore for 5 years, not even craving pussy, more so personality.
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This works well after 5.5PSL+
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Be indifferent. Women are attracted to men whose feelings are unclear.
ONLY (in non-poverty-erea's of the world), can she have such feelings. For men that is good looking enough, that he creates a feeling inside her.

no purpose = no chicks
Both matter. IF you meet the entance looks requirement a woman has set. WHich is generally speaking not set very low by women, I think. They as looks minded also, as us men.

her to keep chasing you
Only for men, that meets the looks standard.
no attractive-ish woman is chasing a man like this (unless he mega rich or meage famous)

Focus on your purpose, this looksmax steers you in a direction where you can’t leave the site. You ask for ratings and people bring you down, unnecessary negativity. A man without purpose or direction is a ship leaving shore without a destination, not even the wind can steer it in the right direction; it has no destination. You’re a man, you produce semen, power that can create another human being in this world. Save it. Purpose is crucial for a man, no purpose = no chicks, no money, no happiness, depression. The world is yours only you can see reality the way you do, the world is yours. Ask questions in this thread to get your crush. I’ve been studying this shit hardcore for 5 years, not even craving pussy, more so personality.
For life, I agree. Purpose or Goals = LifeFuel. One needs it, to deal and cope with life. Without it, basically dead man walking.
It helps some, in dating as well. I do think the effect is somewhat limited tohough. For sure if looks matters like (random guess) 50% for dating; than purpose and goals matter like 10%.
no purpose = no chicks
Some example, of lost dudes. Seeming purposeless, and bad personality (unless being criminal, pedophile, nazi, or someone that beats a woman over noot cooking well; is showing good personality or purpose)



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redpill is useless unless you are attractive
i used to do redpill shit when i looked like shit didn't get anywhere, its all looks
redpill is useless unless you are attractive
i used to do redpill shit when i looked like shit didn't get anywhere, its all looks
I see your reasoning. Logically thinking you’re right. Girls don’t think like this thoough they’re emotionally based. If you can stir their emotions you will not own her but you will own her mind. Better to know redpill and be ready when the right lady comes, than to not know shit and lose a quality person. Also everyone reading this shit, your life is who you are. The girl you attract is who you are. If you’re ugly what are you doing to fix it? Are you putting in the extra hours of work to get your surgery? It ain’t free but it’s there if you want it bad enough.
I see your reasoning. Logically thinking you’re right. Girls don’t think like this thoough they’re emotionally based. If you can stir their emotions you will not own her but you will own her mind. Better to know redpill and be ready when the right lady comes, than to not know shit and lose a quality person. Also everyone reading this shit, your life is who you are. The girl you attract is who you are. If you’re ugly what are you doing to fix it? Are you putting in the extra hours of work to get your surgery? It ain’t free but it’s there if you want it bad enough.
all you have to do is mog the girl by some points then talk and you can fuck its not that complicated
when you are better looking than the girl you own her automatically
Be indifferent. Women are attracted to men whose feelings are unclear. If she thinks she has you there is no need for her to keep chasing you, she already figured you out. Focus on your purpose, this looksmax steers you in a direction where you can’t leave the site. You ask for ratings and people bring you down, unnecessary negativity. A man without purpose or direction is a ship leaving shore without a destination, not even the wind can steer it in the right direction; it has no destination. You’re a man, you produce semen, power that can create another human being in this world. Save it. Purpose is crucial for a man, no purpose = no chicks, no money, no happiness, depression. The world is yours only you can see reality the way you do, the world is yours. Ask questions in this thread to get your crush. I’ve been studying this shit hardcore for 5 years, not even craving pussy, more so personality.
Just be good looking theory strikes again.
redpill is useless unless you are attractive
i used to do redpill shit when i looked like shit didn't get anywhere, its all looks
I was "PUA" when I was PSL3point something range. Tried to spit good game, and probably was at some point quit decent to good at "gaiming".
Looks wise, i was PSL3, aka,below average in looks (not fat/not overweight), aka 40 percentile in looks.

I maybe managed to hit 1% success rate (success, counting as in p in v) maybe at best. Not easy, at all when you look below average.
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I was "PUA" when I was PSL3point something range. Tried to spit good game, and probably was at some point quit decent to good at "gaiming".
Looks wise, i was PSL3, aka,below average in looks (not fat/not overweight), aka 40 percentile in looks.

I maybe managed to hit 1% success rate (success, counting as in p in v) maybe at best. Not easy, at all when you look below average.
its all looks
I see your reasoning. Logically thinking you’re right. Girls don’t think like this thoough they’re emotionally based. If you can stir their emotions you will not own her
good looking dude = hormones and brain getting active = emotions. There are other ways to spark emotions as well, that's true. If you meet her minimum looks cirteria, but you will be 1 of the mainy that are in that categry for her. That's when ALL the other factors start to matter, like how fun you are for her, how strong you come across, your status or position in the world, and so on..
but you will own her mind. Better to know redpill and be ready when the right lady comes, than to not know shit and lose a quality person
True, can't be some dopehead, taking it eassy when managing an starting and/or LTR. Need to be savage as fuck often, to keep it going decentle. Probably red pill stuff, works actually great or better in LTR settings than for getting new women. Because in an LTR, behavior is important factor alot. Initially, like for getting new women, redpill dudes ften under-estimate looks factor. ALTHOUGH, I must say that a real redpiller has gotta be a muscled man. SO at least they get the body halo, which is actually great looksmaxxing. Body halo, with muscles, is legit as hell. "no gym for your face" is most often a cope for lazy blackpillers, and only true when yo have like a really ugly face. But then still should do it, because you can than command respect through fear at least, because based on face looks you might get a hard time form plety people. SO you better looks strong, so they don't dare to be an ass to you.

The girl you attract is who you are. If you’re ugly what are you doing to fix it? Are you putting in the extra hours of work to get your surgery? It ain’t free but it’s there if you want it bad enough.
Matching theory, is legit. What you can get, is where you are at.
This looksmaxxing forum, should be guys to put in effort to ascend in looks. Luckily plenty have, from what I've seen. But also plenty laizyness.
If not born beautifull. You gotta go through the pain, to be better looking.
By the way. Anyone here for some time, and having the following and not working to improve it and on the path, is failing in looksmaxxing:
* wearing glasses
* bodyfat percenatge above 18%
* skiny, no muscles
* maxxed out in styling
These are all part of soft maxxing imo.
its all looks
it's the main factor. And it's the thing that sets the base, and frame. And it's the thing, that detemrinies the starting point.
But one can compensate a bit, although limited compared to looks, with other stuff.

Liketo add. Above is true, for the "rich" West.
In places like poor Russia, where poverty is rampant. Provider/betaBuxxing moggs, over looks. Got told so by a Russian dude, and I beleive him. When starving, and in poverty, a woman becomes more Money Hypergamous than Looks hypergamous.
it's the main factor. And it's the thing that sets the base, and frame. And it's the thing, that detemrinies the starting point.
But one can compensate a bit, although limited compared to looks, with other stuff.

Liketo add. Above is true, for the "rich" West.
In places like poor Russia, where poverty is rampant. Provider/betaBuxxing moggs, over looks. Got told so by a Russian dude, and I beleive him. When starving, and in poverty, a woman becomes more Money Hypergamous than Looks hypergamous.
I like the way you’re breaking it down. Redpill behavior is indeed more important in LTR. The looks and vibes will get you all the slays in the bed. Yet coming from personal experience PUSSY IS BORING ASF. There’s nothing more upsetting than a woman that can only offer you pussy, and trust you’re gonna crave a chill lit bitch. Unless you’re on your purpose and don’t want any commitment, carry on, king.
Yet coming from personal experience PUSSY IS BORING ASF.
Although I never managed to slay. I found the few 1 night things I head, not satisfying much besides the first few ego boost factors. Repeating that story over and over again, sounds annoying if one has to put in alot of effort to get those. Defoo not worth it. If it's easy, it probably gets boring. The thing is, women have no game, so most are very uninteresting, so that adds to the broing factor as well I guess.
There’s nothing more upsetting than a woman that can only offer you pussy, and trust you’re gonna crave a chill lit bitch. Unless you’re on your purpose and don’t want any commitment, carry on, king.
In my limited expierence. Only had 1 LTR of like 5 years, but it was a pretty good one. Pretty happy period. That quit good LTR, totally mogged the ifestyle and experience I had in the single time when I managed a few flings and 1 time things.
A good LTR, with a good woman I find attractive. is better for me. Needs to be damn savage though, to keep a good LTR. Can't slack much.

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