The real reason so many incels are autists



Dec 14, 2018
Autism is as we all know a mental condition, however it actually has physical symptoms and traits. Any google search will bring these up but some I should mention include big foreheads, wide set eyes, long philtrums,prominent ears, thin upper lips, expressionless faces, and a tendency to have an open mouth posture

With this in mind, it basically explains the link between inceldom and autism, in the sense that autism isn’t only making you incel presently by hindering a cels ability to be NT, low inhib, socially aware :bluepill:, etc but it has also made you incel in the beginning by bestowing upon you symptomatic traits of autism as listed above. In simple terms, autism contributed to the way you look by giving you certain facial features that are used to diagnose autism as well as increasing your likliehood of mouth breathing, further exacerbating subhumanity. Furthermore, the increased stresses and overall higher cortisol levels present in autistic individuals stemming from years of living with autism and it’s effects will have undoubtedly had a hormone disrupting and growth stunning effect on the individual. This means lower Testosterone, lower growth hormone, higher resting cortisol levels, and many other such effects.
Individuals with autism are also notoriously picky eaters and often are deficient nutritionally, with sub standard vitamin and mineral intake, further contributing to subhumanity in an obvious way. As you can see, autism is no fucking joke, it’s effects are not only mental or psychological but also physical with very observable impacts. Autism can go unnoticed and many peopel live with the condition without even knowing it, with many getting diagnosed in middle age or even later after having lived their entire lives with it wondering why they were different.
As an interesting side note, autism cases have sky rocketed in recent years and decades, and at the same time so has inceldom as characterised by the statistic that 1/3 men under 30 are celibate in 2019. Coincidence?

Autism and inceldom go hand in hand, and as a result, it was over before it even began. :feelsrope:
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because they uggo :feelsyay:
Irrevelant thread to looksmaxxing, reported it so it goes in the right section
Didn't read a single word btw
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Irrevelant thread to looksmaxxing, reported it so it goes in the right section
No, I thought long and hard about where to put it. This is the right section. It relates to looks.
reported it
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Do you even know what cope means you utter low iq subhuman? I think you may want to learn the lingo tbh
You need to kill yourself first
All the lingo PSLers use is low IQ af
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Yep. Kids with adhd are often mouthbreathers
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Is this how do you cope with having 75 IQ?
Read me clearly here faggot, I will bully you off this fucking site and not blink an eye about doing so. Weaponised autism is not something you can compete with, beleive me.
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Read me clearly here faggot, I will bully you off this fucking site and not blink an eye about doing so. Weaponised autism is not something you can compete with, beleive me.
Did I tell you to kill yourself today?
And that you're a worthless low IQ piece of scum that can't post in the right section?
Did I tell you to kill yourself today?
Yeah, you are definitely 12 years old. Either that or some 20 year old autistic coomer who is trying his hardest to act like a normie on the internet
Yeah, you are definitely 12 years old. Either that or some 20 year old autistic coomer who is trying his hardest to act like a normie on the internet
Fag fag fag
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I have none of those
And Incels are autistic? NO! most people here and in the community are NT.
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Incel >social isolation> lack of social experiences = autist
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actual utism has nothing to do with looks
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I have wide-set eyes and a tall forehead but my upper lip is thick and my philtrum short (ugly af). Would prefer having more autistic facial traits so my lips and philtrum look better.
big foreheads, wide set eyes, long philtrums,prominent ears, thin upper lips, expressionless faces
that's me tbh, maybe i have averge ipd

I have wide-set eyes and a tall forehead but my upper lip is thick and my philtrum short (ugly af). Would prefer having more autistic facial traits so my lips and philtrum look better.
you're philtrum is not short. You mouth area mogs me to oblivion
Autism is as we all know a mental condition, however it actually has physical symptoms and traits. Any google search will bring these up but some I should mention include big foreheads, wide set eyes, long philtrums,prominent ears, thin upper lips, expressionless faces, and a tendency to have an open mouth posture

With this in mind, it basically explains the link between inceldom and autism, in the sense that autism isn’t only making you incel presently by hindering a cels ability to be NT, low inhib, socially aware :bluepill:, etc but it has also made you incel in the beginning by bestowing upon you symptomatic traits of autism as listed above. In simple terms, autism contributed to the way you look by giving you certain facial features that are used to diagnose autism as well as increasing your likliehood of mouth breathing, further exacerbating subhumanity. Furthermore, the increased stresses and overall higher cortisol levels present in autistic individuals stemming from years of living with autism and it’s effects will have undoubtedly had a hormone disrupting and growth stunning effect on the individual. This means lower Testosterone, lower growth hormone, higher resting cortisol levels, and many other such effects.
Individuals with autism are also notoriously picky eaters and often are deficient nutritionally, with sub standard vitamin and mineral intake, further contributing to subhumanity in an obvious way. As you can see, autism is no fucking joke, it’s effects are not only mental or psychological but also physical with very observable impacts. Autism can go unnoticed and many peopel live with the condition without even knowing it, with many getting diagnosed in middle age or even later after having lived their entire lives with it wondering why they were different.
As an interesting side note, autism cases have sky rocketed in recent years and decades, and at the same time so has inceldom as characterised by the statistic that 1/3 men under 30 are celibate in 2019. Coincidence?

Autism and inceldom go hand in hand, and as a result, it was over before it even began. :feelsrope:
fucking legit
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Life really is about vicious spirals, the rich get richer while the poor get poorer, Chad gets Chadder while the incel gets incelluluar(?)
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Life really is about vicious spirals, the rich get richer while the poor get poorer, Chad gets Chadder while the incel gets incelluluar(?)
Yes bro 100%, it is so brutal and barbaric this world we live rot in. My other thread explains the "Chad gets chaddier and Incel gets Incel-ier" theory quite well. It deserves to be published by Harvard tbh. It explains how it is basically over before it even began to begin, as our fate as subhumans was sealed in the era of our grandparents, possibly up to a century ago. Literally over for it even began to begin to be over.
Here it is:
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Reactions: EckhartTollemaxx and LordNorwood
Yes bro 100%, it is so brutal and barbaric this world we live rot in. My other thread explains the "Chad gets chaddier and Incel gets Incel-ier" theory quite well. It deserves to be published by Harvard tbh. It explains how it is basically over before it even began to begin, as our fate as subhumans was sealed in the era of our grandparents, possibly up to a century ago. Literally over for it even began to begin to be over.
Here it is:
A worthy addition to the Blackpill Canon
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I'm not autistic but I do know that cycles are brutal
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no one here is autistic just ugly
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Life really is about vicious spirals, the rich get richer while the poor get poorer, Chad gets Chadder while the incel gets incelluluar(?)
Incellular nice word 😂
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This is huge cope. Of course there's people with legit autism, but all of this 'high functioning' stuff and probably like 75% is mostly social maladjustment (often due to being a social reject or due to parental child abuse).

When I went to a psych for being depressed they tried to put the label of autism on me aswell, because I had 'non-NT eye movement and gestures'. Passed every single one of their official tests and their conclusion was that: 'Maybe I am autistic, but the tests are unable to show it. Another round of tests should be done at a different date.'

Like, what the fuck. Sounds like major cope and a label you are trying to put on me mate. Perhaps my social retardation had something to do with not having a gf, friends or regular social contact? Brainlet psychiatrist.
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