The risk of going MGTOW. Stopping to try to build something. Just HobbyMaxx, like MGTOW suggest.



Aug 29, 2019
You may end up like Carl. (RIP MGTOW Carl). Carl existed. MGTOW or redPill phylosophy, may make you end up like Carl. A sad story. The male version, of a cat lady.

Because the life after late 40's (probs earlier) without anything build up, may end up like Carl ended up.

I think the RedPill is copeing. With saying that men are at peak attractiveness at 40's or 50's. Untrue, imo. Because most men, become ugly looking by then.

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  • +1
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Reactions: thereallegend, Yerico7, Corleone and 8 others
It's more of an argument against life itself. A 50 year old wrinkly ugly married couple isn't living the best life either.

The agepill is a brutal one indeed. I hope to comit suicide around the age of 50, because it's no life worth living that old.
  • +1
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It's more of an argument against life itself. A 50 year old wrinkly ugly married couple isn't living the best life either.

The agepill is a brutal one indeed. I hope to comit suicide around the age of 50, because it's no life worth living that old.
Actually same philosophy as you in reguards of age around 50 to disconnect oneself. I look at ppl at my work who are 46+, esp men, theyre walking around like invisible zombies anyways. No matter what they do or where they go, there are 0 attractive emotions towards them, some of them single or divorced men start to cope with "muh hobbies with muh bros... etc" and shit like that, but that is nothing but a distraction for the bitter fact that theyre basically invisible and inexistent already anyways and cant get a somewhat decent looking foid anymore. Thats not much different than giga old ppl like 70+, they are basically inexistent anymore anyways. Noone wants to be around them, noone wants to have to deal with them and so on.

The only way youd still exist with 50+ is if you manage to look like Mark Wahlberg at 50, this is why its so crucial to start looksmaxing early and exercisemaxxing. If one looks like the typical 50 yo normie man, one might as well not exist tbh, because it makes the same difference.

You may end up like Carl. (RIP MGTOW Carl). Carl existed. MGTOW or redPill phylosophy, may make you end up like Carl. A sad story. The male version, of a cat lady.

Because the life after late 40's (probs earlier) without anything build up, may end up like Carl ended up.

I think the RedPill is copeing. With saying that men are at peak attractiveness at 40's or 50's. Untrue, imo. Because most men, become ugly looking by then.

Good post bro, the problem is, sometimes ppl cant do anything against the age reaper. So its not like anyone has a free choice. But that is exactly why its important to start looksmaxing as early as humanly possible and prepare oneself as good as possible for the time after 35-40. Again Mark Wahlberg and Cruise should be the idol for all men, even though we dont know what type of stuff they might be doing behind the scenes to stay young (well you know all these top actors are shills of the elites and ((()))) and they do all sorts of crazy shit to stay young).

Its important to start gymcelling and maintaining exercising all the time, not drinking and smoking, not eating too much sugar and so on.

By the way @eduard, are you that guy who did like 1k approaches in NL? Im not sure if it was you or someone else.
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  • +1
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It's more of an argument against life itself. A 50 year old wrinkly ugly married couple isn't living the best life either.

The agepill is a brutal one indeed. I hope to comit suicide around the age of 50, because it's no life worth living that old.

Life in itself is a tragic existence which is why I am so anti natalist. Life past youth especially is a cruel joke. You watch your loved ones get sick and die before you (parents or any older family or friends) while you yourself follow suit. Not to mention you are old and ugly and are expected to financially support a wife who is old and ugly and hates u and kids who hate u and u get to watch have fun in their youth, a time that u will never experience again as an oldcel
  • +1
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Life in itself is a tragic existence which is why I am so anti natalist. Life past youth especially is a cruel joke. You watch your loved ones get sick and die before you (parents or any older family or friends) while you yourself follow suit. Not to mention you are old and ugly and are expected to financially support a wife who is old and ugly and hates u and kids who hate u and u get to watch have fun in their youth, a time that u will never experience again as an oldcel
JFL bro so based. One of the biggest reasons for me personally against ever getting children (when I think about pro/contra) is like when they are young in their prime time and enjoy doing all sorts of shit, going out, doing this doing that, while I would have to drive them around or smth- that would only remind me that I cant do this shit anymore and just have to rot, while they enjoy the best time in life etc.

Dont ge me wrong its not about being selfish or narcy, its just that you see others enjoy the best of the life everyday in your house, while youre roting away like some bio waste in the sun.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 7776, Amnesia and Deleted member 110
God you lot are depressing cunts

Plenty of people live a fulfilling life past 50, 60, 70 and beyond. Many do not, but the same can be said for young people. As long as you have mental and physical health then there are options in life. Of course if you keep a bizarre 'based' philosophy then you will be miserable from now until your death no matter the age
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: mulberrymolasses, flamboyant, Deleted member 7776 and 6 others
God you lot are depressing cunts

Plenty of people live a fulfilling life past 50, 60, 70 and beyond. Many do not, but the same can be said for young people. As long as you have mental and physical health then there are options in life. Of course if you keep a bizarre 'based' philosophy then you will be miserable from now until your death no matter the age
Whenever you hear an oldcel talk about how young people are being irresponsible, snowflakes, have no work ethic, don't save enough money, blah blah. You know it's an oldcel coping with his failed life and is jealous of the fun that younger people are having.

Many of the people already show various of such traits at earlier age. Such as how many guys here are 'disgusted' by sluts, mostly because they are too ugly to enjoy that life themselves.

Young people in general love good-looking sluts as they bring fun into their lives since they get to have sex with these sluts.
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  • +1
Reactions: Hirekdr, john2, Deleted member 7776 and 2 others
Whenever you hear an oldcel talk about how young people are being irresponsible, snowflakes, have no work ethic, don't save enough money, blah blah. You know it's an oldcel coping with his failed life and is jealous of the fun that younger people are having.

Many of the people already show various of such traits. Such as how many guys here are 'disgusted' by sluts, mostly because they are too ugly to enjoy that life themselves.

Young people in general love good-looking sluts as they bring fun into their lives since they get to have sex with these sluts.
Yeah. Society these days copes so much jfl.
  • +1
Reactions: john2, Deleted member 7776, Amnesia and 1 other person
Whenever you hear an oldcel talk about how young people are being irresponsible, snowflakes, have no work ethic, don't save enough money, blah blah. You know it's an oldcel coping with his failed life and is jealous of the fun that younger people are having.

Many of the people already show various of such traits. Such as how many guys here are 'disgusted' by sluts, mostly because they are too ugly to enjoy that life themselves.

Young people in general love good-looking sluts as they bring fun into their lives since they get to have sex with these sluts.


Oldcels I know that are successful, experienced and have rich lives are not bitching about young people. They have a kind of patronizing understanding and find it all quite funny.
JFL bro so based. One of the biggest reasons for me personally against ever getting children (when I think about pro/contra) is like when they are young in their prime time and enjoy doing all sorts of shit, going out, doing this doing that, while I would have to drive them around or smth- that would only remind me that I cant do this shit anymore and just have to rot, while they enjoy the best time in life etc.

Dont ge me wrong its not about being selfish or narcy, its just that you see others enjoy the best of the life everyday in your house, while youre roting away like some bio waste in the sun.
For some reason it would fulfill me if I could see them enjoying their life.
Maybe because I never had those experiences ?
feels weird tbh
God you lot are depressing cunts

Plenty of people live a fulfilling life past 50, 60, 70 and beyond. Many do not, but the same can be said for young people. As long as you have mental and physical health then there are options in life. Of course if you keep a bizarre 'based' philosophy then you will be miserable from now until your death no matter the age

Id argue that those ppl were above normie looking their whole life, if not even Chadlite/Stacylite and basically experienced the best life already without having any major struggles, without missing out on all the amazing experiences and when theyre old, theyre basically chilling. Ofcourse those oldfags will be chill and relaxed etc. But it doesnt mean that everywhere they go, ppl see them as expired goods.

So yeah, just "cherrypick" to make an argument theory. The absolute majority of old people I see, like above 90% dont look happy, relaxed and satisfied with their life at that age.

The sheer reason why almost every oldfag is doing some form of youthmaxxing, be it skin cremes, face lifts, liposuction etc. etc. just shows that 98% of oldfags are fkn unhappy with their life as an oldfag. Otherwise they wouldnt be so obsessed with making themselved look younger at all cost.

Literally almost 99% of people above like 55 yo that I see are bitter and hateful as fuck, because theyre giga descended and invisible to all the younger ppl.
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By the way @eduard, are you that guy who did like 1k approaches in NL? Im not sure if it was you or someone else.
More then 500 for sure. But deffo not 1k. Did those though 13 to 9 years ago. Then the LTR put an end to chatting up randoms. Chatting up randoms was pretty rough for a PSL 3.something dude. Luckily my 6'2 height saved me a bit with the shorter women crowd.
The agepill is a brutal one indeed. I hope to comit suicide around the age of 50, because it's no life worth living that old.
Not to mention you are old and ugly and are expected to financially support a wife who is old and ugly and hates u and kids who hate u and u get to watch have fun in their youth, a time that u will never experience again as an oldcel
some of them single or divorced men start to cope with "muh hobbies with muh bros... etc" and shit like that, but that is nothing but a distraction for the bitter fact that theyre basically invisible and inexistent already anyways and cant get a somewhat decent looking foid anymore.

The only way youd still exist with 50+ is if you manage to look like Mark Wahlberg at 50, this is why its so crucial to start looksmaxing early and exercisemaxxing. If one looks like the typical 50 yo normie man, one might as well not exist tbh, because it makes the same difference.
For some reason it would fulfill me if I could see them enjoying their life.
Maybe because I never had those experiences ?
feels weird tbh
I agree with Nogger, in general.

HOW TO SURVIVE YOUR 40's 50's maybe even early 60's; as a man????????
You need something to life for. It's okya to be fun maxxing in teens, 20's, who knows even 30's
BUT most men NEED to go: Antig-aging Maxxing, HealthMaxxing. LifestyleMaxxing and Looksmaxxing hard. In their late 20's or early (maybe mid) 30's; at the latest.

Then in 40's at the latest (for most/common men). The only way to for them to survive well is to go FAMILY/KIDS.
It will be tiresome, but you have something to life for. A reason for life. HobbyMaxxing is not a reason for life, for most, it dies pretty quickly.
BETTER be tired from kids rraising, then fully awake going mental and in a downward spiral from existential crisis.
I would NOT blame any man, for even going the foreign route to get a decent gentic material woman if he can't at home at 40 (Coach Red Pill did that, in Ukraine).
Kids in 40's can hopefully provide a decent cope, untill mid/late 50's. Maybe even early 60's.

Like Cus D'Amato said. After he adopted Mike Tyson. I be death already, if it wasn't for Mika Tyson. But with sharing his Boxing wisdom with Mike Tyson, and makeing him with his knowledge the most brutal fighter that ever existed, he had a reason to stay living and he had a life.
After 50's orso; most can only life/cope. By living THROUGH others, younger people/men. Often easiest through kids, whom are doing well. Some can cope, by being looked up to, and teaching younger people.
I must say, when an older father. You can usually be better at riasing a successfull-ish and mentally string child; so they might do better. Which can be a cope for older dude, whom can life through is child a bit whom hopefully does well.

The wise words of Cus.

Trump coped this way with getting old and ugly. But he had the option, to use his money. Which most men won't have. But maybe locationmaxxxing can do the trick for some older men, to find their one last cope to deal with life.

Trump married Melania (35 then), a former GigaStacy but over the hill. Trump was then 59 already, really old I acctually see now (but the same story imo applies for 40's year old men).
And he had a kid with her asap.
That gave him a great cope likely, to keep going. he still very active, amybe also beacsue of that cope. To raise that kid into adulthood wellish, together.
Baron Trump seems to have grown up fine so far. He will be giant in height I notice.
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  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 4106 and Ascendant
Roidmaxxing solves this issue, in fact roidmaxxing solves all NT issues
  • +1
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Oldcels I know that are successful, experienced and have rich lives are not bitching about young people.
They have a reason to life, likely.
You need reason to life.
?? please explain in better detail.
Roids stop you from aging after 30 you look like a dom chad full of vigor that can work 4 times more than flabby oldcels, with a 6 pack, just like the rock .

so when you roidmax life is prime from 15 to 55
Roids stop you from aging after 30 you look like a dom chad full of vigor that can work 4 times more than flabby oldcels, with a 6 pack, just like the rock .

so when you roidmax life is prime from 15 to 55
No/less skin aging also????
No/less skin aging also????
thats not true ofcourse. Roids have several negative side effects like being marked by NW reaper and many other health issues, like f. e. increased organ size just to name one and so on. Dont listen to the greycel.
  • +1
Reactions: PubertyMaxxer
The agepill is a brutal one indeed. I hope to comit suicide around the age of 50, because it's no life worth living that old.
same. Aging fucking sucks
thats not true ofcourse. Roids have several negative side effects like being marked by NW reaper and many other health issues, like f. e. increased organ size just to name one and so on. Dont listen to the greycel.
Age pill for men isn’t that bad as long as you’ve made the proper preparations in your younger years. As long as you are high T (and if you’re not on TRT after 35 what are you doing), have good enough bones (or implants), and keep in decent shape you can still slay moderately. Especially now that the Venn diagram of ‘girls’ and ‘girls with unresolved daddy issues’ is quickly becoming a circle.

It’s anecdotal evidence, but my dad is 50 and broke but fucks cute 20 year old outdoorsy girls on a bi-weekly basis because he‘s low inhib, insanely high T, and was a chadlite in his prime.
  • Woah
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Age pill for men isn’t that bad as long as you’ve made the proper preparations in your younger years. As long as you are high T (and if you’re not on TRT after 35 what are you doing), have good enough bones (or implants), and keep in decent shape you can still slay moderately. Especially now that the Venn diagram of ‘girls’ and ‘girls with unresolved daddy issues’ is quickly becoming a circle.

It’s anecdotal evidence, but my dad is 50 and broke but fucks cute 20 year old outdoorsy girls on a bi-weekly basis because he‘s low inhib, insanely high T, and was a chadlite in his prime.
Nice story. And truth that.

If you start TRT, then you are on it for life right?
Can you lifestylemaxx (sleep, food, excercise, competition, etc..) so much, that you will keep good T after 35 untill 50?????

I would if I was your dad though, also consider going 1 last round of LTR + kid with a woman. Because then he has something to life for untill 60's. While probs in the comming decade aging will seriously fuck over his looks.

He did extremely well to have stretched having decent/good SMV untill 50. But this will be the decade, that the ageing-factor will win and fuck over his SMV. He can go either enjoy his last decade of decent SMV. Or he can go 1 round of copeing with kid(s).
Nice story. And truth that.

If you start TRT, then you are on it for life right?
Can you lifestylemaxx (sleep, food, excercise, competition, etc..) so much, that you will keep good T after 35 untill 50?????

I would if I was your dad though, also consider going 1 last round of LTR + kid with a woman. Because then he has something to life for untill 60's. While probs in the comming decade aging will seriously fuck over his looks.

He did extremely well to have stretched having decent/good SMV untill 50. But this will be the decade, that the ageing-factor will win and fuck over his SMV. He can go either enjoy his last decade of decent SMV. Or he can go 1 round of copeing with kid(s).
He’s LTR’d a 25 year old Chinese influencer somehow. She’s got like half a million followers on Weibo or whatever weird social media they have. She pays for his house too. He just slays while she’s out of town or working.
Age pill for men isn’t that bad as long as you’ve made the proper preparations in your younger years. As long as you are high T (and if you’re not on TRT after 35 what are you doing), have good enough bones (or implants), and keep in decent shape you can still slay moderately. Especially now that the Venn diagram of ‘girls’ and ‘girls with unresolved daddy issues’ is quickly becoming a circle.

It’s anecdotal evidence, but my dad is 50 and broke but fucks cute 20 year old outdoorsy girls on a bi-weekly basis because he‘s low inhib, insanely high T, and was a chadlite in his prime.
Pics or didnt happen. Agree with the age pill being manageable if taken care early enough, hence why the original post in this thread is so important.

Mstows philosophy is that you should chase money and do hobbies etc. and that a mans smv will raise as they age almost by itself. They dont put enough weight into looksmaxing, which is the single most important thing and could even allow you to slay if you were a poor bum.

Ofc money is important and always good to have just for the case you need it for something specific, or even for your retirement. But looks are still 10x more important, if not more.

Foids would cheat their rich cuck ugly millionair husband with the masculine 48 yo guy who cleans windows and lives in 1 bedroom appartment, but who looks like a high T muscular athletic alpha guy with good jaw and maxilla + height.
Pics or didnt happen. Agree with the age pill being manageable if taken care early enough, hence why the original post in this thread is so important.

Mstows philosophy is that you should chase money and do hobbies etc. and that a mans smv will raise as they age almost by itself. They dont put enough weight into looksmaxing, which is the single most important thing and could even allow you to slay if you were a poor bum.

Ofc money is important and always good to have just for the case you need it for something specific, or even for your retirement. But looks are still 10x more important, if not more.

Foids would cheat their rich cuck ugly millionair husband with the masculine 48 yo guy who cleans windows and lives in 1 bedroom appartment, but who looks like a high T muscular athletic alpha guy with good jaw and maxilla + height.
I would but I’m not gonna dox my dad to prove an anecdote lmao. I was never disputing the OP, just saying that the age pill is manageable if proactively managed (as long as you’re genetics aren’t objectively horrible. In which case you’re probably not doing too hot in your prime years either).
He’s LTR’d a 25 year old Chinese influencer somehow. She’s got like half a million followers on Weibo or whatever weird social media they have. She pays for his house too. He just slays while she’s out of town or working.
Savage. And what an exception to the norm.

He is white, I assume???

Pics or didnt happen. Agree with the age pill being manageable if taken care early enough,
truth. Except maybe balding (if you go ugly blad). Although maybe with money youy can still buy transplant or something. Although if you start early, with minox, peppermint oil, finastride; one can maybe beat the balding pill.

hence why the original post in this thread is so important.
Mstows philosophy is that you should chase money and do hobbies etc. and that a mans smv will raise as they age almost by itself.
For regular dudes. MGTOW is often legit, for a like 1 or maybe a couple of years. After you come out of a long relationship, or breakup. And need to re-arrange and setup your life. Then maybe it's good to spend some time alone. Reset yourself. Doing again the things you like. Reset your lifestyle. and so on.

But going MGTOW should for most be temporairy. Otherwise, most men at least. They end upin a downwards sprial, when they stay alone to long. Stop taking care of themselfs, and their envrinment, and become outcast like. Like OP example Carl.

They dont put enough weight into looksmaxing, which is the single most important thing and could even allow you to slay if you were a poor bum.
Only the blackpill aknowledges this totally/fully. And maybe also the gymmaxxing community, they also swallowed the looks pill.

Foids would cheat their rich cuck ugly millionair husband with the masculine 48 yo guy who cleans windows and lives in 1 bedroom appartment, but who looks like a high T muscular athletic alpha guy with good jaw and maxilla + height.
Truth. But imo, it's also a very bluepilled thing to be upset if your foid fucked some hot dude. I mean, 55 year old dude with a 38 year old woman, whom he raises a child with. And she fucked some good looking dude. Why go all salty about that, as the dude. It's imo bluepilled. She better not get pregnant and that's it. Oh, and I would tell her monogamy is also out of the window from my side then and use that to my advantages. I will also tell then I only betaBuxx for a loyal woman, so she has to pull her own financial weight then for sure. etc.. Gotta drop the ego about foids cheating, and use it in your favour. It's a perfect bargaining thing, that a foid cheated. The best one out there. Can start denying her shit by pulling the, "i don't do that for disloyal women card".
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It's more of an argument against life itself. A 50 year old wrinkly ugly married couple isn't living the best life either.

The agepill is a brutal one indeed. I hope to comit suicide around the age of 50, because it's no life worth living that old.
Have you changed your mind?
  • +1
Reactions: MoggerGaston
It's more of an argument against life itself. A 50 year old wrinkly ugly married couple isn't living the best life either.

The agepill is a brutal one indeed. I hope to comit suicide around the age of 50, because it's no life worth living that old.

Life can be worth living if you are old.

It's mostly about taking CARE OF YOUR HEALTH, then hair on your head, then skin quality for anti aging. You really CANT be blasting steroids, using drugs, all this without rapidly aging yourself.

I've seen some old fucks riding Harleys blasting music seem happier and in decent enough shape to enjoy life. They are retired, travel, eat at restaurants, listen to music and play with their grandkids, it's not that bad.

Old men who had it rough love to help out their young sons because it's like they are raising a smaller version of themselves.

Health is NUMBER ONE. The moment you don't have it you'll realize what you've lost. Any old or disabled person will tell you.
  • +1
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Im heading towards the same fate.

@Gonthar @reborn @RichmondBread @MoggerGaston
Im heading towards the same fate.

@Gonthar @reborn @RichmondBread @MoggerGaston
already posted in this topic more than 2 years ago jfl
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  • +1
Reactions: Marsik
Have you changed your mind?
ahh didnt see the post.

no I didn't change my mind. Every oldcel I know at my job has a shitty life tbh, and the married ones have shittier lives than the non-married.
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: Marsik and Deleted member 23239
You may end up like Carl. (RIP MGTOW Carl). Carl existed. MGTOW or redPill phylosophy, may make you end up like Carl. A sad story. The male version, of a cat lady.

Because the life after late 40's (probs earlier) without anything build up, may end up like Carl ended up.

I think the RedPill is copeing. With saying that men are at peak attractiveness at 40's or 50's. Untrue, imo. Because most men, become ugly looking by then.

MGTOW has always been cope for 90% of the community. Most people are either divorced or were always incels both of which are "sent their own way" instead of "going their own way".

If your a top 10% man you just leave women when they get out of hand. You never get so invested that you feel the need to leave all women since you have so much variety.

Still can see the appeal of not getting married in the West but I know a few families where it has worked out. Things are much harder nowadays if you got no luck I recommend leaving to other places just don't cope with Mgtow that you are rejecting women. As for peak attractiveness for men its late 20's to 30's men can over compensate but a rich guy in his late 20's like Patrick Bateman mogs any rich boomer. Being young and rich is the ideal
It's more of an argument against life itself. A 50 year old wrinkly ugly married couple isn't living the best life either.

The agepill is a brutal one indeed. I hope to comit suicide around the age of 50, because it's no life worth living that old.
No one should be wrinkly at 50.
I would tell her monogamy is also out of the window from my side then and use that to my advantages. I will also tell then I only betaBuxx for a loyal woman, so she has to pull her own financial weight then for sure. etc.. Gotta drop the ego about foids cheating, and use it in your favour. It's a perfect bargaining thing, that a foid cheated. The best one out there. Can start denying her shit by pulling the, "i don't do that for disloyal women card".
she will pull the "I'm leaving you and taking half your money" card then :feelsokman:
she will pull the "I'm leaving you and taking half your money" card then :feelsokman:
checkmate, go to jail for unpayed backwards alimony.
  • Hmm...
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