The Shittiest Way to Make Money That Actually Works



Jan 30, 2023
1) Introduction
Before I talk about the method and have @Sondern shit on me, let me out right say that this method is absolute garbage unless you fit into a few categories (which I happen to fall into). Picking up pennies off the ground probably has a greater ROI. With that said, let’s talk about the method

2) The Method
It’s survey websites. Don’t click off yet if you know what they are cause I have a secret lesser known method regarding these websites to make way more money in a fun way. If you don’t know what a survey website is, they are essential websites that allow you to answer questions regarding different topics, products, or services. In return for doing these surveys, you get paid a small sum of cash which can be withdrawn using various methods (depending on the website), ranging from Gift Cards, PayPal, and Crypto. Before you even start the survey, you get told a rough time on how long it will take, as well as the price you will be paid for finishing it.

3) Advantages/Disadvantages
Now you may ask, why would I promote a method that I find shitty. There’s a few reasons, but let me explain my circumstances. I’m a 17 year old who moved to the US around a year ago. Despite having a better visa that most (idk the technical details), it still doesn’t allow me to legally work a job until I turn 18. Furthermore, I’m in my Senior year writing college essays which take forever, and I don’t have a lot of time to spend on creating an online business (although I am growing a business on instagram so hopefully that goes well). This may have just seemed like a random rant, but there are actually quite a lot of similarities and advantages from these similarities that you may have with me.

- You’re a student who doesn’t have time to wageslave
- You don’t have a very flexible schedule as you have school/work

Here are some more advantages that survey apps have:

- Very flexible to your schedule
- Accesible to most countries
- Low barrier of entry as most of these apps have free sign ups
- No special skills required
- Convenience. You can do these surveys at home on ur sofa

Now this sounds really good, so what are the disadvantages

- Limited income potential. Surveys tend to pay between as low as 10c-$3 on average. There’s either hard/softcaps on how many surveys you can do + surveys are just straight up not available at times
- Time consuming. Although surveys range from 5-sometimes 30 mins, the pay isn’t the greatest for the time you invest. Not to mention the surveys are sometimes mind numbingly boring
- Qualification criteria. If your familiar with CPX Research (company that runs these surveys), you would know that a lot of the time, you have to answer a bunch of questions only to not get qualified to answer the survey. Although, they do give you some money for the effort.

So essentially, if you’re a teen/student trying to fund some looksmaxxing products that your parents wouldn’t buy for you (sarms, peptides, Tretinoin), I’d say this is a decent way to make some cash. Keep in mind that starting a business or doing any other work trumps this, but if those are not possible, this is a really good method.

4) How much can you expect to make?
This range varies a lot, between day to day, hour to hour, and even minute to minute. Generally, I see that you can make $2 of a 20 min survey. However, this doesnt account for time taken to qualify for surveys, so realistically you are looking at $2-3 per 30 mins which is kinda shit. However, That's still around $100 on the higher end every month.

But, there is a slightly hidden method that I’ll talk about later in this thread

5) Websites to use
Now that I’ve hopefully sold or completely lost you on the idea of survey websites, here are two websites that I use which are trusted. I will also have both a referral and non referral link in case you fucking hate me and decide not to use my code, although I’m pretty sure the referral links do have extra benefits like starting with extra cash in comparison to if you didn’t use one, where you would start with 0. You also may wonder why I only use 2 websites, and that’s because I personally don’t see a huge advantage to using multiple, and also see it being worse as ur cash is just split up making it harder to cash out.

Freecash (Ref / Non Ref)

This is the website that I’ve used the most, which I’ve also made $120 off in one month with not that much effort. Overall, it has a pretty good UI, lots of offers, and lots of modes to cash out including direct crypto deposit (which even the next option doesn’t have).

SwagBucks (Ref / Non Ref )

One of the most well known survey apps. As a result, it has a lot of surveys and also other ways to make money, including scanning receipts and another one that i'll be talking about next. I've started to use this website more as opposed to SwagBucks

6) The Better Method
So I've been talking about this so called method throughout the thread, but what is it? It's playing mobile games for money on these websites

Essentially, mobile game owners will pay these websites (or someone else idk) money to publish onto their websites, along with incentives. These incentives will be something like "Reach level 100 and win $100". And yes, the prices are so much better.
I've made around $100 off some shitty mobile game that maybe took 20-30 mins to play a day in barely any time. In addition, theres a lot of games in swagbucks especially and a lot of these play decently well. I'm doing these two easy games and by the end of it, I should make $173 in a month which should be enough to supply my peptides.

I would say that you can easily make $100-500 and maybe even more a month if your willing to put the time, but at that point i'd say just spend the time starting another business

If you want an idea of some easy games to finish, go check out the subreddits r/SwagBucks and r/beermoney. You can also have a look at guides people have posted to easily completing the tasks for these games

7) Final Verdict
So, is this method even worth it?

If you have a job and want to do surveys, then no
If you have a job and want to play games, then why not
If you don't have a job and want to do surveys, then maybe
If you don't have a job and want to play games, then absolutely

Obviously, starting an actual business will easily trump this (which I myself am doing), but if you want to make money quick, but don't have any discernible skills, then I'd definitely recommend these methods
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  • JFL
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Reactions: Dr. Mog, lunin7, MonoTBB and 13 others
1) Introduction
Before I talk about the method and have @Sondern shit on me, let me out right say that this method is absolute garbage unless you fit into a few categories (which I happen to fall into). Picking up pennies off the ground probably has a greater ROI. With that said, let’s talk about the method

2) The Method
It’s survey websites. Don’t click off yet if you know what they are cause I have a secret lesser known method regarding these websites to make way more money in a fun way. If you don’t know what a survey website is, they are essential websites that allow you to answer questions regarding different topics, products, or services. In return for doing these surveys, you get paid a small sum of cash which can be withdrawn using various methods (depending on the website), ranging from Gift Cards, PayPal, and Crypto. Before you even start the survey, you get told a rough time on how long it will take, as well as the price you will be paid for finishing it.

3) Advantages/Disadvantages
Now you may ask, why would I promote a method that I find shitty. There’s a few reasons, but let me explain my circumstances. I’m a 17 year old who moved to the US around a year ago. Despite having a better visa that most (idk the technical details), it still doesn’t allow me to legally work a job until I turn 18. Furthermore, I’m in my Senior year writing college essays which take forever, and I don’t have a lot of time to spend on creating an online business (although I am growing a business on instagram so hopefully that goes well). This may have just seemed like a random rant, but there are actually quite a lot of similarities and advantages from these similarities that you may have with me.

- You’re a student who doesn’t have time to wageslave
- You don’t have a very flexible schedule as you have school/work

Here are some more advantages that survey apps have:

- Very flexible to your schedule
- Accesible to most countries
- Low barrier of entry as most of these apps have free sign ups
- No special skills required
- Convenience. You can do these surveys at home on ur sofa

Now this sounds really good, so what are the disadvantages

- Limited income potential. Surveys tend to pay between as low as 10c-$3 on average. There’s either hard/softcaps on how many surveys you can do + surveys are just straight up not available at times
- Time consuming. Although surveys range from 5-sometimes 30 mins, the pay isn’t the greatest for the time you invest. Not to mention the surveys are sometimes mind numbingly boring
- Qualification criteria. If your familiar with CPX Research (company that runs these surveys), you would know that a lot of the time, you have to answer a bunch of questions only to not get qualified to answer the survey. Although, they do give you some money for the effort.

So essentially, if you’re a teen/student trying to fund some looksmaxxing products that your parents wouldn’t buy for you (sarms, peptides, Tretinoin), I’d say this is a decent way to make some cash. Keep in mind that starting a business or doing any other work trumps this, but if those are not possible, this is a really good method.

4) How much can you expect to make?
This range varies a lot, between day to day, hour to hour, and even minute to minute. Generally, I see that you can make $2 of a 20 min survey. However, this doesnt account for time taken to qualify for surveys, so realistically you are looking at $2-3 per 30 mins which is kinda shit. However, That's still around $100 on the higher end every month.

But, there is a slightly hidden method that I’ll talk about later in this thread

5) Websites to use
Now that I’ve hopefully sold or completely lost you on the idea of survey websites, here are two websites that I use which are trusted. I will also have both a referral and non referral link in case you fucking hate me and decide not to use my code, although I’m pretty sure the referral links do have extra benefits like starting with extra cash in comparison to if you didn’t use one, where you would start with 0. You also may wonder why I only use 2 websites, and that’s because I personally don’t see a huge advantage to using multiple, and also see it being worse as ur cash is just split up making it harder to cash out.

Freecash (Ref / Non Ref)

This is the website that I’ve used the most, which I’ve also made $120 off in one month with not that much effort. Overall, it has a pretty good UI, lots of offers, and lots of modes to cash out including direct crypto deposit (which even the next option doesn’t have).

SwagBucks (Ref / Non Ref )

One of the most well known survey apps. As a result, it has a lot of surveys and also other ways to make money, including scanning receipts and another one that i'll be talking about next. I've started to use this website more as opposed to SwagBucks

6) The Better Method
So I've been talking about this so called method throughout the thread, but what is it? It's playing mobile games for money on these websites

Essentially, mobile game owners will pay these websites (or someone else idk) money to publish onto their websites, along with incentives. These incentives will be something like "Reach level 100 and win $100". And yes, the prices are so much better.
I've made around $100 off some shitty mobile game that maybe took 20-30 mins to play a day in barely any time. In addition, theres a lot of games in swagbucks especially and a lot of these play decently well. I'm doing these two easy games and by the end of it, I should make $173 in a month which should be enough to supply my peptides.

I would say that you can easily make $100-500 and maybe even more a month if your willing to put the time, but at that point i'd say just spend the time starting another business

If you want an idea of some easy games to finish, go check out the subreddits r/SwagBucks and r/beermoney. You can also have a look at guides people have posted to easily completing the tasks for these games

7) Final Verdict
So, is this method even worth it?

If you have a job and want to do surveys, then no
If you have a job and want to play games, then why not
If you don't have a job and want to do surveys, then maybe
If you don't have a job and want to play games, then absolutely

Obviously, starting an actual business will easily trump this (which I myself am doing), but if you want to make money quick, but don't have any discernible skills, then I'd definitely recommend these methods
this was my side hustle when i was 8 years old 💀 surveys are boring af
for anyone wanting work. go to you'll make much more money after you get hired
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Lefty Rankin, pneumocystosis, depressionmaxxing and 3 others
the mobile game advice is alright ig. which makes this a decent thread compared to the other garbage i see on the mm&s section
  • +1
Reactions: Yerico7 and becomingnearperfect
this was my side hustle when i was 8 years old 💀 surveys are boring af
for anyone wanting work. go to you'll make much more money after you get hired
Yea it’s fucking ass, hence the name. I would do upwork but u gotta be 18 and I’m not sure what the cash out methods are since I don’t have a bank account.
  • +1
Reactions: Sondern
the mobile game advice is alright ig. which makes this a decent thread compared to the other garbage i see on the mm&s section
Yea by no means is it great, but it’s better than doing nothing, and a decent way to buy cheaper products for looksmaxxing. Also a nice way to make some cash that I could later reinvest into another business.
  • Love it
Reactions: Sondern
unbelievably dogshit. if you're indian work at a subway owned by another indian and ask to be paid in cash. just work illegally and get paid in cash. it will be 1000x better than everything you mentioned
  • +1
Reactions: zharupodrugu, Skywalker, lightskinbengali and 2 others
Generally, I see that you can make $2 of a 20 min survey

Bro, that's less than minimum wage.
unbelievably dogshit. if you're indian work at a subway owned by another indian and ask to be paid in cash. just work illegally and get paid in cash. it will be 1000x better than everything you mentioned
Hence the name of the thread jfl. Also just completely ignore half of the thread talking about why I can’t work even if i were to work illegally
I did surveys for 5 hours and made 33p
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: zharupodrugu, wollet2, zura and 1 other person
you could go around on a walk begging for money or looking for pennies on the ground and youd make more money JFL delete this thread
  • +1
Reactions: zharupodrugu, Deleted member 32410, Sny and 3 others
Freecash uid nn?
lol I used to do this for free robux
  • JFL
Reactions: becomingnearperfect
I thought this would say "rob old people". That's the easiest and shittiest money making method for sure. Just pick a poor area without cops, preferably not in america because even grandmas carry bazookas there
1) Introduction
Before I talk about the method and have @Sondern shit on me, let me out right say that this method is absolute garbage unless you fit into a few categories (which I happen to fall into). Picking up pennies off the ground probably has a greater ROI. With that said, let’s talk about the method

2) The Method
It’s survey websites. Don’t click off yet if you know what they are cause I have a secret lesser known method regarding these websites to make way more money in a fun way. If you don’t know what a survey website is, they are essential websites that allow you to answer questions regarding different topics, products, or services. In return for doing these surveys, you get paid a small sum of cash which can be withdrawn using various methods (depending on the website), ranging from Gift Cards, PayPal, and Crypto. Before you even start the survey, you get told a rough time on how long it will take, as well as the price you will be paid for finishing it.

3) Advantages/Disadvantages
Now you may ask, why would I promote a method that I find shitty. There’s a few reasons, but let me explain my circumstances. I’m a 17 year old who moved to the US around a year ago. Despite having a better visa that most (idk the technical details), it still doesn’t allow me to legally work a job until I turn 18. Furthermore, I’m in my Senior year writing college essays which take forever, and I don’t have a lot of time to spend on creating an online business (although I am growing a business on instagram so hopefully that goes well). This may have just seemed like a random rant, but there are actually quite a lot of similarities and advantages from these similarities that you may have with me.

- You’re a student who doesn’t have time to wageslave
- You don’t have a very flexible schedule as you have school/work

Here are some more advantages that survey apps have:

- Very flexible to your schedule
- Accesible to most countries
- Low barrier of entry as most of these apps have free sign ups
- No special skills required
- Convenience. You can do these surveys at home on ur sofa

Now this sounds really good, so what are the disadvantages

- Limited income potential. Surveys tend to pay between as low as 10c-$3 on average. There’s either hard/softcaps on how many surveys you can do + surveys are just straight up not available at times
- Time consuming. Although surveys range from 5-sometimes 30 mins, the pay isn’t the greatest for the time you invest. Not to mention the surveys are sometimes mind numbingly boring
- Qualification criteria. If your familiar with CPX Research (company that runs these surveys), you would know that a lot of the time, you have to answer a bunch of questions only to not get qualified to answer the survey. Although, they do give you some money for the effort.

So essentially, if you’re a teen/student trying to fund some looksmaxxing products that your parents wouldn’t buy for you (sarms, peptides, Tretinoin), I’d say this is a decent way to make some cash. Keep in mind that starting a business or doing any other work trumps this, but if those are not possible, this is a really good method.

4) How much can you expect to make?
This range varies a lot, between day to day, hour to hour, and even minute to minute. Generally, I see that you can make $2 of a 20 min survey. However, this doesnt account for time taken to qualify for surveys, so realistically you are looking at $2-3 per 30 mins which is kinda shit. However, That's still around $100 on the higher end every month.

But, there is a slightly hidden method that I’ll talk about later in this thread

5) Websites to use
Now that I’ve hopefully sold or completely lost you on the idea of survey websites, here are two websites that I use which are trusted. I will also have both a referral and non referral link in case you fucking hate me and decide not to use my code, although I’m pretty sure the referral links do have extra benefits like starting with extra cash in comparison to if you didn’t use one, where you would start with 0. You also may wonder why I only use 2 websites, and that’s because I personally don’t see a huge advantage to using multiple, and also see it being worse as ur cash is just split up making it harder to cash out.

Freecash (Ref / Non Ref)

This is the website that I’ve used the most, which I’ve also made $120 off in one month with not that much effort. Overall, it has a pretty good UI, lots of offers, and lots of modes to cash out including direct crypto deposit (which even the next option doesn’t have).

SwagBucks (Ref / Non Ref )

One of the most well known survey apps. As a result, it has a lot of surveys and also other ways to make money, including scanning receipts and another one that i'll be talking about next. I've started to use this website more as opposed to SwagBucks

6) The Better Method
So I've been talking about this so called method throughout the thread, but what is it? It's playing mobile games for money on these websites

Essentially, mobile game owners will pay these websites (or someone else idk) money to publish onto their websites, along with incentives. These incentives will be something like "Reach level 100 and win $100". And yes, the prices are so much better.
I've made around $100 off some shitty mobile game that maybe took 20-30 mins to play a day in barely any time. In addition, theres a lot of games in swagbucks especially and a lot of these play decently well. I'm doing these two easy games and by the end of it, I should make $173 in a month which should be enough to supply my peptides.

I would say that you can easily make $100-500 and maybe even more a month if your willing to put the time, but at that point i'd say just spend the time starting another business

If you want an idea of some easy games to finish, go check out the subreddits r/SwagBucks and r/beermoney. You can also have a look at guides people have posted to easily completing the tasks for these games

7) Final Verdict
So, is this method even worth it?

If you have a job and want to do surveys, then no
If you have a job and want to play games, then why not
If you don't have a job and want to do surveys, then maybe
If you don't have a job and want to play games, then absolutely

Obviously, starting an actual business will easily trump this (which I myself am doing), but if you want to make money quick, but don't have any discernible skills, then I'd definitely recommend these methods
Just sell your kidney and appendix
1) Introduction
Before I talk about the method and have @Sondern shit on me, let me out right say that this method is absolute garbage unless you fit into a few categories (which I happen to fall into). Picking up pennies off the ground probably has a greater ROI. With that said, let’s talk about the method

2) The Method
It’s survey websites. Don’t click off yet if you know what they are cause I have a secret lesser known method regarding these websites to make way more money in a fun way. If you don’t know what a survey website is, they are essential websites that allow you to answer questions regarding different topics, products, or services. In return for doing these surveys, you get paid a small sum of cash which can be withdrawn using various methods (depending on the website), ranging from Gift Cards, PayPal, and Crypto. Before you even start the survey, you get told a rough time on how long it will take, as well as the price you will be paid for finishing it.

3) Advantages/Disadvantages
Now you may ask, why would I promote a method that I find shitty. There’s a few reasons, but let me explain my circumstances. I’m a 17 year old who moved to the US around a year ago. Despite having a better visa that most (idk the technical details), it still doesn’t allow me to legally work a job until I turn 18. Furthermore, I’m in my Senior year writing college essays which take forever, and I don’t have a lot of time to spend on creating an online business (although I am growing a business on instagram so hopefully that goes well). This may have just seemed like a random rant, but there are actually quite a lot of similarities and advantages from these similarities that you may have with me.

- You’re a student who doesn’t have time to wageslave
- You don’t have a very flexible schedule as you have school/work

Here are some more advantages that survey apps have:

- Very flexible to your schedule
- Accesible to most countries
- Low barrier of entry as most of these apps have free sign ups
- No special skills required
- Convenience. You can do these surveys at home on ur sofa

Now this sounds really good, so what are the disadvantages

- Limited income potential. Surveys tend to pay between as low as 10c-$3 on average. There’s either hard/softcaps on how many surveys you can do + surveys are just straight up not available at times
- Time consuming. Although surveys range from 5-sometimes 30 mins, the pay isn’t the greatest for the time you invest. Not to mention the surveys are sometimes mind numbingly boring
- Qualification criteria. If your familiar with CPX Research (company that runs these surveys), you would know that a lot of the time, you have to answer a bunch of questions only to not get qualified to answer the survey. Although, they do give you some money for the effort.

So essentially, if you’re a teen/student trying to fund some looksmaxxing products that your parents wouldn’t buy for you (sarms, peptides, Tretinoin), I’d say this is a decent way to make some cash. Keep in mind that starting a business or doing any other work trumps this, but if those are not possible, this is a really good method.

4) How much can you expect to make?
This range varies a lot, between day to day, hour to hour, and even minute to minute. Generally, I see that you can make $2 of a 20 min survey. However, this doesnt account for time taken to qualify for surveys, so realistically you are looking at $2-3 per 30 mins which is kinda shit. However, That's still around $100 on the higher end every month.

But, there is a slightly hidden method that I’ll talk about later in this thread

5) Websites to use
Now that I’ve hopefully sold or completely lost you on the idea of survey websites, here are two websites that I use which are trusted. I will also have both a referral and non referral link in case you fucking hate me and decide not to use my code, although I’m pretty sure the referral links do have extra benefits like starting with extra cash in comparison to if you didn’t use one, where you would start with 0. You also may wonder why I only use 2 websites, and that’s because I personally don’t see a huge advantage to using multiple, and also see it being worse as ur cash is just split up making it harder to cash out.

Freecash (Ref / Non Ref)

This is the website that I’ve used the most, which I’ve also made $120 off in one month with not that much effort. Overall, it has a pretty good UI, lots of offers, and lots of modes to cash out including direct crypto deposit (which even the next option doesn’t have).

SwagBucks (Ref / Non Ref )

One of the most well known survey apps. As a result, it has a lot of surveys and also other ways to make money, including scanning receipts and another one that i'll be talking about next. I've started to use this website more as opposed to SwagBucks

6) The Better Method
So I've been talking about this so called method throughout the thread, but what is it? It's playing mobile games for money on these websites

Essentially, mobile game owners will pay these websites (or someone else idk) money to publish onto their websites, along with incentives. These incentives will be something like "Reach level 100 and win $100". And yes, the prices are so much better.
I've made around $100 off some shitty mobile game that maybe took 20-30 mins to play a day in barely any time. In addition, theres a lot of games in swagbucks especially and a lot of these play decently well. I'm doing these two easy games and by the end of it, I should make $173 in a month which should be enough to supply my peptides.

I would say that you can easily make $100-500 and maybe even more a month if your willing to put the time, but at that point i'd say just spend the time starting another business

If you want an idea of some easy games to finish, go check out the subreddits r/SwagBucks and r/beermoney. You can also have a look at guides people have posted to easily completing the tasks for these games

7) Final Verdict
So, is this method even worth it?

If you have a job and want to do surveys, then no
If you have a job and want to play games, then why not
If you don't have a job and want to do surveys, then maybe
If you don't have a job and want to play games, then absolutely

Obviously, starting an actual business will easily trump this (which I myself am doing), but if you want to make money quick, but don't have any discernible skills, then I'd definitely recommend these methods
for an adult to sit and do surveys for 100 a months is pathethic theres so many other hustles that require similar effort that makes alot more
  • +1
Reactions: Skywalker
for an adult to sit and do surveys for 100 a months is pathethic theres so many other hustles that require similar effort that makes alot more
Yea it was mostly meant for younger people like me who can’t get a job and wanna buy looksmaxxing products
$100 on the higher end every month
Awkward The Simpsons GIF
  • +1
Reactions: inwardgonionscel
Yea it was mostly meant for younger people like me who can’t get a job and wanna buy looksmaxxing products
You can without a doubt get a job lmfao even for a child thats pathethic when i was 13 i was making 1k a month
You can without a doubt get a job lmfao even for a child thats pathethic when i was 13 i was making 1k a month
Just ignore the whole thread and cherry pick one point theory
waging illegally for cash is way more profitable. You just wasting your time
It’s alright I’d rather follow the matrix
  • JFL
Reactions: inwardgonionscel
You can without a doubt get a job lmfao even for a child thats pathethic when i was 13 i was making 1k a month
You fucking lier u serious ? How the hell i can't make more than 200 a month jfl
  • +1
Reactions: becomingnearperfect
this was my side hustle when i was 8 years old 💀 surveys are boring af
for anyone wanting work. go to you'll make much more money after you get hired
You freelance on Upwork yourself?
Have you tried 2captcha OP?
Doesn't work in my country the sites don't give a shit about the data here

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