The Steroid Guide + Q&A

Deleted member 5799

Deleted member 5799

Balls of steel
Mar 16, 2020
Im 30+ years old and been on the gym for more than a decade non-stop, tried many steroids too. I researched well before using unlike most kids on the gym nowadays who do really ridiculous cycles, doses, run fake stuff and in general do stupid shit. Didnt do championship cycles but out of curiosity i learn about a lot of substances.

I will also answer your questions. Im not a doctor, i dont promote buying/selling/using steroids so i will write by my experience and as neutral as possible.

I cannot know literally about every substance and i also didnt investigate about many because lack of interest (not for my goals), so if i dont know something in particular i wont be talking out of my ass, ill be honest and simply tell you i dont know about it.


So what are steroids? Most people think steroids are shady substances from the underground bodybuilding scene. Actually steroids are just medicines like aspirin or ibuprofen, created for a variety of illness, that you would find on any pharmacy. They are all derivatives of testosterone, the main male hormone. The catch is they are taken in a dose higher than the recommended. They are not really illegal, but "controlled substances".

To put it simply, imagine theres a pill that makes your headache go away, normal dose, but if you take 5 of those pills it will make you smarter for 48hours. This is exactly what steroid users do: exceeding the recommended dosages for bodybuilding purposes.


These are in general the positive effects you will experience:

Increased stamina - You can do exercise for longer periods.
Increased strength - You increase your lifts dramatically week after week.
Increased self-steem - Feel the king of the jungle.
Increased libido - Makes you almost nymphomaniac.
Increased energy - Lack of sleep hours? No problem, feel always well rested.
Pumped look all day - Muscles look full all the time, you get pumps just by doing silly things like brushing teeth.
Veiny look on low bodyfat percentage.
Hard look on low bodyfat percentage.


Every person will experience the side effects differently. You may get three of these and your friends none. Every person is different, every substance is different and even cycles with same substance can feel different. These are usually dependant on genetics. Some people dont know they have predisposition and discover it the hard way. Theres also other factors like doing or not doing proper post cycle therapy which i will explain later:

Hypertension which can lead to failure of heart or other organs.
Cardiovascular problems
Liver failure
Prostate problems
Accelerated balding and/or thinning of hair
High colesterol
Neurodegenerative and mental problems like depression, bipolar, roid rage...
Injuries related to training too heavy
Low or inexistent libido, soft erections for weeks or months
Temporally or permanent sterility
Temporally or permanent hormone problems


Theres two methods of using steroids. Doing a cycle and doing "blast and cruise".

A cycle has 3 stages: juicing-therapy-rest. You juice for a number of weeks (average 10 or 12) followed by what they call post-cycle therapy (PCT). After this you rest a few months to let body and hormone system fully recover.
Your testosterone levels are self-regulated, so when you use steroids the body will detect your testosterones levels are too high and will stop producing it to try to balance things out. When you finish using, the "engine" that made testosterone is still offline so you do PCT with certain medicines to help restart it. Low test means not being able to maintain big muscles and the engine takes a while to restart, so as you can imagine PCT is super important. Its totally normal to lose a bit of your new muscle but the faster you recover the less you will lose. This is the best way to use steroids for the casual user, if you just want some push from time to time and have no wish of competing.

Blast'n'cruise (BnC) is a bit similar to cycling. You "blast" using steroids normally, but instead of PCT and months rest, all that period will be "cruising" doing a small dose of testosterone (a bit superior to what the body usually produces) that will help you to keep the gains. This is the option for all these instagrammers who are big and in shape all year or people who compete in bodybuilding. Although the effects on endocrine system and low fertility you experience can hopefully be reversed with treatment sometimes, it is mostly taken as a lifetime vow, or way of life if you prefer to call it like that. Doing this means depending on injecting testosterone the rest of your life, wether you are a bodybuilder until you die or end fucked up because your body wont produce testosterone anymore.


Short version explanation of the most used. As you will see, because of their chemical composition they bring certain positive or negative side effects. Some can come in many forms, depending on which one it will take less or more time to be released in the bloodstream.

Testosterone - The core of juicing and the base of any cycle. Good for size, good for cutting. For the casuals who want a boost once in a while or dont plan on going too big, you really dont need much more than this.

Dianabol - Breakfast of Champions. Oral steroid that you take for strength, i like to say its like having a coffe of testosterone, just an extra spike for the day. Problem is you bloat a lot, will make you hold water, so its only good for bulking.

Turinabol - Dianabol's cousin they say. Made in eastern europe in the 60's for their athletes to compete against the West in olympics. Weaker than dianabol but you hold less water too.

Deca Durabolin - Common injectable for bulking. Shuts down your test production dramatically, which means harsh recovery. Some people end with limp dick for months.

Winstrol - Injectable or oral. Used commonly for a dry look when cutting. Devastating for hair, bad idea if you are prone to balding. Fucks up cholesterol levels fast. Makes your joints dry.

Masteron - Similar to winstrol, makes you horny as fuck.

Primobolan - Mostly used when cutting. Weak, expensive and its the most counterfeited. Why would you use it then? Well its weak on side effects and the best for keepable gains. Also gives you a good dry look (not as dramatic as others). If money wasnt a problem i would do test+primo only (not willing to compete)

Oxandrolone - Also known as anavar. Almost same history as primobolan but oral. Taken by women who compete because low feminization risk. In my case i had sick pumps while training.

Trembolone - What runs in the veins of the gods, literally. 5 times more anabolic than testosterone. If using testosterone is already a big step, trembolone is next level shit. Epic for size, monster strength, cutting. Doesnt matter. Eat crap still reach your goals (sad to say but its the truth). Fat melts. Originally made for cattle so they had more meat before slaughter. This is a hardcore drug and a MUST for competing, literally forget about competing without this. Theres mixed opinions about if its worth it to suffer the side effects (insomnia, massive sweating, lack of breath, mental rollercoaster..). High supression when cycling and even doing BnC you can feel like crap.

Growth Hormone - Deceiving name. Sounds like a big thing but actually is the contrary. Worst cost/efficiency ratio, too faked, takes long time to feel. Should be used for antiaging purposes or when you are cycling heavy and need the cherry on top.

Halotestin - Makes you ultra aggressive, good for amateur/pro fighters who dont get tested for steroids. Dont know much more about it.

Clenbuterol - Stimulant used to help lose fat. Too much dose and be shaky the rest of the day.


Theres two ways of sourcing the black market

Pharmacy grade - Most of the substances mentioned, as i said are normal medicine, made by big corporations such as Bayer, that one way or another get into the black market. Good thing is you know what you get, substance and dose will be accurate. Bad thing, they get counterfeited and since we are talking about black market, prices are very high. You have a pharmacist friend who sells or mafias from countries with low regulation import hundreds or thousands of doses from others like Iran, Pakistan to resell on internet for a profit...

Underground laboratory (UGL) - Individuals or organized crime groups get steroid powder from countries like China, "cook" it, label it and distribute the vials or pills. They usually have a catchy name that includes "Pharma" or "Pharmaceuticals" and if they are serious enough they want the brand to be trusted so they get popular on the black market. These are the most common because they are cheaper and easy to find. However, they arent made by professionals. You dont know what you get, you dont know the real dose, you dont know if its sterile. Maybe its only oil without hormone... You have to trust people's comments on forums.

Ill take questions from here.
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  • +1
Reactions: Baguvix, Deleted member 7580, Bitch and 24 others
good thread best of the best
I'll read this, wait for it.
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Will i have heart problems if i run 500mg a week of test enanthate? I had heart surgery as a baby and take medications (not for the heart, i can pm you about it since i don't want to explain publicly) can just test create problems? I plan to run a 12 week cycle and recover.
Will i have heart problems if i run 500mg a week of test enanthate? I had heart surgery as a baby and take medications (not for the heart, i can pm you about it since i don't want to explain publicly) can just test create problems? I plan to run a 12 week cycle and recover.

Specially with your condition i would stay away from steroids. Wouldnt even think about it.

Im sorry man. But you can still get decent without them. Make sure doctors let you do heavy lifting.

You are all younger guys here in the forum and i know i sound like the boring older guy, but man, in your case its very obvious. Do not use.
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Specially with your condition i would stay away from steroids. Wouldnt even think about it.

Im sorry man. But you can still get decent without them. Make sure doctors let you do heavy lifting.

You are all younger guys here in the forum and i know i sound like the boring older guy, but man, in your case its very obvious. Do not use.
Brutal stayawaypill. Yeah doctors know i lift, no problem with that but looking impressive as a natural is almost impossible unless you have top 0.01% genetics, even then you are not gonna look as good as juiced up people.
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Brutal stayawaypill. Yeah doctors know i lift, no problem with that but looking impressive as a natural is almost impossible unless you have top 0.01% genetics, even then you are not gonna look as good as juiced up people.

Sorry man.

Your heart would have to do extra effort on steroids, bad idea.

How old are you?

Okay. Anyways most of those "elite nattys" you see are probably on gear.

Nattys get tested, but you can cheat tests. If professional sportsmen can do it even with random day testing and top-notch tests, imagine nattys on a shit sport with low budget for testing.

Just do your best at the gym.
  • +1
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Okay. Anyways most of those "elite nattys" you see are probably on gear.

Nattys get tested, but you can cheat tests. If professional sportsmen can do it even with random day testing and top-notch tests, imagine nattys on a shit sport with low budget for testing.

Just do your best at the gym.
I pmed you.
300mg or 500mg test cyp for a first blast for someone already on TRT (100 mg)?
300mg or 500mg test cyp for a first blast for someone already on TRT (100 mg)?

500 is the standard for first timers and a good dose in general.
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It's funny I get less sides on tren than test. I'm sure bloodwork says otherwise, but anything watery I can barely breathe on, have non stop migraines etc.

Test makes me really ill.
It's funny I get less sides on tren than test. I'm sure bloodwork says otherwise, but anything watery I can barely breathe on, have non stop migraines etc.

Test makes me really ill.

Are we talking UGL test?
Sounds like infected vial, not sterilized oil
I get it with every vial and brand of T, just don't handle any wet compounds well (e.g. nandrolone is another)... I think there must be others who react like that but uncommon.
Got a couple questions

1) Are there any steroids that don’t accelerate hair loss?

2) Should a beginner workout naturally for a certain amount of time before trying steroids?
Got a couple questions

1) Are there any steroids that don’t accelerate hair loss?

2) Should a beginner workout naturally for a certain amount of time before trying steroids?

Theres some safer than others, but safe 100% no.

The worst by far is winstrol. Also masteron, oxandrolone, primobolan... DHT based steroids.

Best is not only avoiding those but also taking finasteride while using gear.

And yes, workout naturally for some years. When you start in the gym, the beginner months are where you see changes faster. Then the more time youve been training the more progress slows down. The thing is most people stop going to the gym on first month because they arent patient enough and think its easy.
  • +1
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what do you do for PCT. im currently on 300mg test E (low dose as gyms are shut right now, will up to 450mg test E when they reopen) for 16 weeks. my PCT will likely involve HCG for the last 4 weeks of my cycle, then two weeks off(still running HCG for these two weeks though), then clomid for 6 weeks.
what do you do for PCT. im currently on 300mg test E (low dose as gyms are shut right now, will up to 450mg test E when they reopen) for 16 weeks. my PCT will likely involve HCG for the last 4 weeks of my cycle, then two weeks off(still running HCG for these two weeks though), then clomid for 6 weeks.

Why do you do such weird doses? 300 and not 250, 450 and not 500? I say weird because normally test enanthate comes dosed at 250mg/ml

Also any particular reason for running 16 weeks? If i only use test enanthate i plateau usually around week 8 or 9.

Standard pct for a testosterone cycle is 50mg clomid 20mg tamoxifen daily, for 4 weeks. More time if needed (do blood tests to check)

HCG during cycle as extra precaution. I dont feel the difference to be honest between using HCG and not using, but maybe works for you.

Also, in my case tamoxifen usually kills the few libido i have during PCT, i found that by only using clomid my dick works better. Last time i used tamoxifen i was fucking with my gf at that time and lost erection.
Why do you do such weird doses? 300 and not 250, 450 and not 500? I say weird because normally test comes dosed at 250mg/ml

Also any particular reason for running 16 weeks?

Standard pct for a testosterone cycle is 50mg clomid 20mg tamoxifen daily, for 4 weeks. More time if needed (do blood tests to check)

HCG during cycle as extra precaution. I dont feel the difference to be honest between using HCG and not using, but maybe works for you.

Also, in my case tamoxifen usually kills the few libido i have during PCT, i found that by only using clomid my dick works better. Last time i used tamoxifen i was fucking with my gf at that time and lost erection.
my test comes dosed at 300mg/ml so its easier to dose 1ml and 1.5ml.

16 weeks because it means plenty of time to maximise gains, and I started, then gyms shut, so I extended the cycle.

I would have used HCG throughout but I didnt buy anywhen I started so im just using it toward the end to kickstart my natural test production again.
Theres some safer than others, but safe 100% no.

The worst by far is winstrol. Also masteron, oxandrolone, primobolan... DHT based steroids.

Best is not only avoiding those but also taking finasteride while using gear.

And yes, workout naturally for some years. When you start in the gym, the beginner months are where you see changes faster. Then the more time youve been training the more progress slows down. The thing is most people stop going to the gym on first month because they arent patient enough and think its easy.
Cheers. From what I’ve read, sounds like test + fin is the safest option. But yeah, I guess I’ll do a couple years natty first.
Download Llewellyn "Anabolics" for a good reference to consult whatever you don't know.
Best compounds for hair are nandrolone (without fin), test, primo and anavar, but it depends on the person, so you got to try.
Frontloading, switching to short esters at the end of your cycle, HCG during cycle, knowing how to do a good PCT, "starting" PCT when your test levels are around 300-500ng/dl, etc. Are things people should understand before doing a cycle, if they want to do it properly.
Also Salbutamol better than Clenbuterol, less sides and more or less the same effects.
I already have a good body from natural training + some sarms. I always skipped roids because I was afraid of hair loss / back hair growth.
Since I'm 30 years old, I was thinking of a TRT + Turinabol cycles 1-2x a year. What do you think?
@Germania If you arent balding but still worry about hair, you could just avoid dht derivatives.

I think its too early to start trt at your age. I would do at 40yo maybe. Dont expect miracles from turinabol.
No idea. I have no interest in sarms because i wanted the real thing.
Thoughts and results of oral tren/injectable tren at 16?
Hey, great post! Would test+primo be good for a classic physique? Where can I acquire pharm grade shit?
Thoughts and results of oral tren/injectable tren at 16?

Literally the most mongoloid thing you can do in your life.
16 is very very very young for steroids, you will fuck up your body for life.
Tren is not for everyone, specially at 16 and specially if you have never cycled.

So basically FORGET about it. Damn i think this thread should be deleted.

Hey, great post! Would test+primo be good for a classic physique? Where can I acquire pharm grade shit?

If you want to go for a classic physique body, go ahead. For competing is not enough.
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I am in the same position as @ConorMcGregor I have heart arrythmias when i am stressed or anxious. Went to a few cardiologists, and they found nothing wrong with my heart.
How risky would a high trt dose of 150-200mg a week be?
Is it even wort to take trt with average t levels 550ng/dl? Are the benefits good enough?
Should i maybe try hgh or mk677, because they have no side effect on heart?
Literally the most mongoloid thing you can do in your life.
16 is very very very young for steroids, you will fuck up your body for life.
Tren is not for everyone, specially at 16 and specially if you have never cycled.

So basically FORGET about it. Damn i think this thread should be deleted.

If you want to go for a classic physique body, go ahead. For competing is not enough.
So is testosterone, the same as TRT
Is there any good transdermal or oral steroids? I read that oral steroids might fuck up your liver. Not really into needles...
Is there any good transdermal or oral steroids? I read that oral steroids might fuck up your liver. Not really into needles...
Not might more like mos def wil fuk up ur liver

U can get transdermal T or DHT but more difficult to come across
  • +1
Reactions: Wallenberg
Theres some safer than others, but safe 100% no.

The worst by far is winstrol. Also masteron, oxandrolone, primobolan... DHT based steroids.

Best is not only avoiding those but also taking finasteride while using gear.

And yes, workout naturally for some years. When you start in the gym, the beginner months are where you see changes faster. Then the more time youve been training the more progress slows down. The thing is most people stop going to the gym on first month because they arent patient enough and think its easy.
if you stop taking finasteride after finishing your cycle do you still lose hair ?
I already have a good body from natural training + some sarms. I always skipped roids because I was afraid of hair loss / back hair growth.
Since I'm 30 years old, I was thinking of a TRT + Turinabol cycles 1-2x a year. What do you think?
How was the results with sarms?
Not might more like mos def wil fuk up ur liver

U can get transdermal T or DHT but more difficult to come across
I would definitely prefer transdermal over needles.
  • +1
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if you stop taking finasteride after finishing your cycle do you still lose hair ?
Depends on what u do post cycle

It’s not a straight forward answer. First u gotta check if ur pre-disposed to norwooding. Since you asked them am assuming u are.

When u stop cycle cold turkey ur T levels would be tanked & depending on the kind of cycle you’d prolly require something to kickstart it (PCT). So in that phase before PCT you can perhaps drop the finasteride & not see any hairloss due to the lack of androgens in ur system. But that also depends on the degree of sensitivity of ur hair follicles to the androgens. If they are very sensitive you’d prolly still lose hair even at 200 ng/dL natural T level post cycle.

Anyways, short answer is if ur prone to balding fin is a lifelong commitment. Your body can’t function normally without u balding
Depends on what u do post cycle

It’s not a straight forward answer. First u gotta check if ur pre-disposed to norwooding. Since you asked them am assuming u are.

When u stop cycle cold turkey ur T levels would be tanked & depending on the kind of cycle you’d prolly require something to kickstart it (PCT). So in that phase before PCT you can perhaps drop the finasteride & not see any hairloss due to the lack of androgens in ur system. But that also depends on the degree of sensitivity of ur hair follicles to the androgens. If they are very sensitive you’d prolly still lose hair even at 200 ng/dL natural T level post cycle.

Anyways, short answer is if ur prone to balding fin is a lifelong commitment. Your body can’t function normally without u balding
When does the balding start?

And how do you find if you're prone to balding?
Is there any good transdermal or oral steroids? I read that oral steroids might fuck up your liver. Not really into needles...
forgot to mention t3 also used for cutting
1) why use both clomid and nolvadex for pct if they both do the same thing?
2) at what lowest dosage do you start to feel the effects of high test? (libido,energy,confidence etc) how long do they last?
3) how bad would one cycle of 500mg test only shut my test levels? Ccould I still recover fully with pct?
I would definitely prefer transdermal over needles.

injecting is the best and least harmful way, don't bother with roids if you don't want to inject, transdermal is only good for trt, there's some new oral test called jatenzo but it's expensive and doesn't even work for everyone
1) why use both clomid and nolvadex for pct if they both do the same thing?
2) at what lowest dosage do you start to feel the effects of high test? (libido,energy,confidence etc) how long do they last?
3) how bad would one cycle of 500mg test only shut my test levels? Ccould I still recover fully with pct?

injecting is the best and least harmful way, don't bother with roids if you don't want to inject, transdermal is only good for trt, there's some new oral test called jatenzo but it's expensive and doesn't even work for everyone

1- they dont work exactly the same way but they can work together

2- i dont know what to say because it can depend a bit on the person.. two times i told myself "lets just do 250mg this time" and didnt feel much so bumped to 500... that is pretty good dose and dont feel the need to use more (in my case and with my goals)... maybe so maybe 300-400 . im sorry to not give you a clear answer, you have to experiment a little, some people feel more with less

3- *should* be pretty safe and you should have no trouble recovering fully... i say should because im not a doctor and its always a risk you take...

edit: by the way, first pct can be a bit rough because you dont know what to expect. If you know what can happen and you are mentally prepared, it will be easier to deal with. Take it as part of the process and something you must go through. Its only temporary and you will be better after some weeks.

Things that will happen, it can be all or just a few of them:

- Loss of strength
- Loss of size (i piss a lot of the water i was holding)
- Depression or even suicidal thoughts (focus on knowing that its a "fake" depression, just temporary because of PCT)
- Anxiety (i get a lot)
- Loss of libido and/or difficulty to have or keep penis erection
- Loss of appettite
- Loss of training motivation after seeing your performance drop
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Is it correct that if you use testosterone just to get faster to your natural limit, but you don't exceed your natty limit, you can keep most/all of your gains?
hopped on steroids at 16

am I doing it right
Is it correct that if you use testosterone just to get faster to your natural limit, but you don't exceed your natty limit, you can keep most/all of your gains?

The thing is its hard to know which is your limit, because its not a perfect science. You cannot say "because my age is this, and my height is that, my limit has to be X"

But in general yes, you can keep most of the gains at least for a while.

hopped on steroids at 16

am I doing it right


Dont fuck up your hormone system at your age.
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The thing is its hard to know which is your limit, because its not a perfect science. You cannot say "because my age is this, and my height is that, my limit has to be X"

But in general yes, you can keep most of the gains at least for a while.


Dont fuck up your hormone system at your age.
What if the plan is to take 1 basic, short cycle just to get faster to the natural limit, and then stop riding altogether?

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