the story of how i was an atheist (story)


Deleted member 23359

Oct 27, 2022
i was a musty basment dwelling teenager, broke and no friends

then i remember i went outside for the first time and started observing nature, then i thought to myself there's no way a random explosion made this beatiful nature and the human body its too complex and precise to be random made

then i felt a little cold and suddenly started feeling god in my life, i got taller, richer and more handsome that i finally quit my basment, all is there left is to study which religion is true so can finaly start being religious
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Let the world hear my story
then i thought to myself there's no way a random explosion made this beatiful nature and the human body its too complex and precise to be random made
Pissweak argument that can be debunked and rationalized away by anyone who has two neurons. First off the fact that you look around you and find it all to be a beautiful sight has no bearing on the objective reality of things because that's a result of the subjective interpretation of your brain, your brain is attributing an abstract concept to what you are experiencing as a result of it giving you consciousness and allowing you to find patterns in things and interpret them within the scope of your cognitive abilities and neurons. Nature isn't in fact and objectively beautiful, there is no such thing as "beautiful" outside of your brain. You're interpreting it that way as a conscious agent that observes things and creates subjective patterns that aren't intrinsically connected to objective reality which is what exists independent of a mind. So, you can't go from the interpretation of a mind that is separate from the objective reality of the universe to something that exists independent of the human mind. Interpretation of a pattern-seeking mind that comes up with abstract and subjective concepts > the universe was created by a conscious agent. That doesn't follow. It's pretty much a non sequitur.

Second, complexity isn't a hallmark of design, but rather simplicity is. You look at a cellphone which we know to be designed from direct evidence and observation, all the functions are pretty clear and easy to get a grasp of. You have this thing that does this and that, if you want to do this you just do this or that. It's all clearly and easily explained and shows clear signs of being designed since this simplicity points towards the fact it was intended for intelligent agents to use and understand, given the fact we want to have an easy time using and understand it. On the other hand when you have a highly complex system of patterns and characteristics that shows inconsistencies and doesn't follow a clear line of functions, it's less likely to have been purposely assembled and designed, let alone by an infinitely intelligent being that made it all with us in mind.

Third and last, aren't you cherrypicking when you only look at what seems to have been designed so that if fits right into what you want to believe? What about the countless imperfections of the human body and brain? What about the fact that there are countless lifeless planets out there that seem to serve no purpose other than just being there and occupying space, doesn't this go agaisnt the notion of a god that is obsessed with life and creates everything with a special purpose? Doesn't the fact that there are billions upon billions of lifeless planets while we happen to be on one that does harbor life align more precisely with the idea that we are just in a universe where things just randomly collide and form themselves, and when you add the fact that it took billions of years for us to get here and we had to go through a long process of evolving and adapting, it makes all the more sense that we're not a product of deliberate design? Why wouldn't God create us at the beginning of it all?

Your argument that you started to "feel god" is even more pathetic and low IQ so I won't even bother getting into it. Atheism is absolutely the more logical and rational belief system, and you recanted it because of logically fallacious arguments that the religious like to spout. Feel free to ask me any questions and I'll be happy to try and lead you back to the truth.
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Pissweak argument that can be debunked and rationalized away by anyone who has two neurons. First off the fact that you look around you and find it all to be a beautiful sight has no bearing on the objective reality of things because that's a result of the subjective interpretation of your brain, your brain is attributing an abstract concept to what you are experiencing as a result of it giving you consciousness and allowing you to find patterns in things and interpret them within the scope of your cognitive abilities and neurons. Nature isn't in fact and objectively beautiful, there is no such thing as "beautiful" outside of your brain. You're interpreting it that way as a conscious agent that observes things and creates subjective patterns that aren't intrinsically connected to objective reality which is what exists independent of a mind. So, you can't go from the interpretation of a mind that is separate from the objective reality of the universe to something that exists independent of the human mind. Interpretation of a pattern-seeking mind that comes up with abstract and subjective concepts > the universe was created by a conscious agent. That doesn't follow. It's pretty much a non sequitur.

Second, complexity isn't a hallmark of design, but rather simplicity is. You look at a cellphone which we know to be designed from direct evidence and observation, all the functions are pretty clear and easy to get a grasp of. You have this thing that does this and that, if you want to do this you just do this or that. It's all clearly and easily explained and shows clear signs of being designed since this simplicity points towards the fact it was intended for intelligent agents to use and understand, given the fact we want to have an easy time using and understand it. On the other hand when you have a highly complex system of patterns and characteristics that shows inconsistencies and doesn't follow a clear line of functions, it's less likely to have been purposely assembled and designed, let alone by an infinitely intelligent being that made it all with us in mind.

Third and last, aren't you cherrypicking when you only look at what seems to have been designed so that if fits right into what you want to believe? What about the countless imperfections of the human body and brain? What about the fact that there are countless lifeless planets out there that seem to serve no purpose other than just being there and occupying space, doesn't this go agaisnt the notion of a god that is obsessed with life and creates everything with a special purpose? Doesn't the fact that there are billions upon billions of lifeless planets while we happen to be on one that does harbor life align more precisely with the idea that we are just in a universe where things just randomly collide and form themselves, and when you add the fact that it took billions of years for us to get here and we had to go through a long process of evolving and adapting, it makes all the more sense that we're not a product of deliberate design? Why wouldn't God create us at the beginning of it all?

Your argument that you started to "feel god" is even more pathetic and low IQ so I won't even bother getting into it. Atheism is absolutely the more logical and rational belief system, and you recanted it because of logically fallacious arguments that the religious like to spout. Feel free to ask me any questions and I'll be happy to try and lead you back to the truth.
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