The two hidden ways in which the "just shave it off bro" advice always give to balding men is right



Oct 26, 2018
First and fast to understand one is that everybody looks better with a shaved head than with a horseshoe hairline. Even if the best option is having hair, nothing looks worse than horseshoe hairline.

Second one is that, guys not following this advice usually resort to anti-hairloss drugs. "just hop on fin" is one of the worst advices ever and can be the equivalent to try to douse a fire with gasoline. Hairloss drugs usually fuck ups with your metabolism and hormones, and I saw true horror stories in many hairloss forums. Lets see:

Number ONE male facial trait is face leanness. Hairloss drugs usually fuck up this the first, with common side effects being fat redistribution (mostly to face, love handles and thighs), fat gain increase (get fat even while eating less than before) and incredibly increased water retention. Heard some true horror stories from guys that were lean and with strong bones, watching their faces dissapear completely under bloat while the rest of the body stayed the same, and unable to get their lean faces back even after YEARS of being off drugs with people commenting "what happened to your face". "its just outliers bro" Since most guys arent actually lean, there may be many more of them affected by this without them noticing (they would notice if they tried to get lean afterwards). And even if the chances were small, would you risk fucking your metabolism and hormonal profile, which are extremely important for males? Would be like playing russian roulette.

Second one is facial harmony and youth, to which skin contributes a lot. Other of the most common side effects is the complete fuck up of the skin, giving a "leathery" look (loss of collagen), looking like they aged super fast in low time despite protecting their hairlines, dark circles, less uniform coloring... Second most important trait which is harmony/youth, these drugs attack it also frequently. This is usually irreversible too, specially the loss of youth.

Third one is facial bone structure. No its not like hairloss drugs will eat your already existant facial bones, but its been shown that face develops as late as 25-30 years old. I see so fucking many people starting with hairloss drugs when they re 20 or even 18. As I said, hairloss drugs put your hormonal profile upside down, which will probably stunt and cripple any future late face development phase if you were predisposed to have one.

So in order to retain hair, you kill everything else essential to be good looking as a male. I'd rather have good skin and lean face while being shaven and look like some monk than having full hair but bloated soyboy face plus a more aged look than I would get with shaven hair alone. Like shooting yourself in the leg to compensate for the pain of stepping on a lego: you end much worse.
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"Just shave it off bro"
Easy for someone with long flowing Norwood 0 hair to say.
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"Just shave it off bro"
Easy for someone with long flowing Norwood 0 hair to say.
View attachment 176580
I prepared mentally a lot to lose my hair if I ever start losing it, specially as I approached 30 years old, thats why I read so many forums about hairloss. And believe me, with my frame, a bald head would be over tier, but Id rather look like a wimp monk than a estrogenfilled soymale.
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I lost my hair, and it is better to shave it bald than to have a horseshoe hairline. It's always better to have all of your hair, but if you have to choose? Some men pull off bald. No man pulls off horseshoe.
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I'm already masculine looking with big skull, jaw, and shoulders. Why would I let my hair just fall out? Lol
shit thread
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this thread has some decent points tbh
  • JFL
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First and fast to understand one is that everybody looks better with a shaved head than with a horseshoe hairline. Even if the best option is having hair, nothing looks worse than horseshoe hairline.

Second one is that, guys not following this advice usually resort to anti-hairloss drugs. "just hop on fin" is one of the worst advices ever and can be the equivalent to try to douse a fire with gasoline. Hairloss drugs usually fuck ups with your metabolism and hormones, and I saw true horror stories in many hairloss forums. Lets see:

Number ONE male facial trait is face leanness. Hairloss drugs usually fuck up this the first, with common side effects being fat redistribution (mostly to face, love handles and thighs), fat gain increase (get fat even while eating less than before) and incredibly increased water retention. Heard some true horror stories from guys that were lean and with strong bones, watching their faces dissapear completely under bloat while the rest of the body stayed the same, and unable to get their lean faces back even after YEARS of being off drugs with people commenting "what happened to your face". "its just outliers bro" Since most guys arent actually lean, there may be many more of them affected by this without them noticing (they would notice if they tried to get lean afterwards). And even if the chances were small, would you risk fucking your metabolism and hormonal profile, which are extremely important for males? Would be like playing russian roulette.

Second one is facial harmony and youth, to which skin contributes a lot. Other of the most common side effects is the complete fuck up of the skin, giving a "leathery" look (loss of collagen), looking like they aged super fast in low time despite protecting their hairlines, dark circles, less uniform coloring... Second most important trait which is harmony/youth, these drugs attack it also frequently. This is usually irreversible too, specially the loss of youth.

Third one is facial bone structure. No its not like hairloss drugs will eat your already existant facial bones, but its been shown that face develops as late as 25-30 years old. I see so fucking many people starting with hairloss drugs when they re 20 or even 18. As I said, hairloss drugs put your hormonal profile upside down, which will probably stunt and cripple any future late face development phase if you were predisposed to have one.

So in order to retain hair, you kill everything else essential to be good looking as a male. I'd rather have good skin and lean face while being shaven and look like some monk than having full hair but bloated soyboy face plus a more aged look than I would get with shaven hair alone. Like shooting yourself in the leg to compensate for the pain of stepping on a lego: you end much worse.
I look okay bald so this isn't a problem for me fortunately. I feel bad for my norwooding brethren though. . . . . @LordNorwood come look at this.
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I'm already masculine looking with big skull, jaw, and shoulders. Why would I let my hair just fall out? Lol
because of the first point. In fact if you are big and masc you are the best candidate for shaving and the WORST for takint drugs
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because of the first point. In fact if you are big and masc you are the best candidate for shaving and the WORST for takint drugs
I've shaved my hair before and I got treated like a mafia member, people wouldn't look me in the eye. I got depressed as fuck and looked like a 30 year old. Shut the fuck up you don't know anything mr. pretty boy
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because of the first point. In fact if you are big and masc you are the best candidate for shaving and the WORST for takint drugs

I’ve heard minoxidil can cause facial bloating but never heard finasteride can.
I've shaved my hair before and I got treated like a mafia member, people wouldn't look me in the eye. I got depressed as fuck and looked like a 30 year old. Shut the fuck up you don't know anything mr. pretty boy
if I shaved my hair I would look like conc3ntration camp survivor wich is 10 times qorse yet I prefer it to having a disproportionally fat and soft looking face with drugs. I WISH i could look like big intimidating mafia member.
  • JFL
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if I shaved my hair I would look like conc3ntration camp survivor wich is 10 times qorse yet I prefer it to having a disproportionally fat and soft looking face with drugs
It doesn't make you fat jfl. Watch what you eat and keep your T levels and Estrogen in check, that's what really matters.
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because of the first point. In fact if you are big and masc you are the best candidate for shaving and the WORST for takint drugs
What about this hairstyle (assuming that you're more attractive than this fellow)?

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Reactions: Richard_Hungwell and LordNorwood
I look okay bald so this isn't a problem for me fortunately. I feel bad for my norwooding brethren though. . . . . @LordNorwood come look at this.
Imo drugs like fin are worth the risk. The chance of something horrible happening to you is incredibly small to the point that yeah it is like playing Russian roulette...with a thousand barrel revolver.
Never heard of the bloating thing and idk why fin would result in greater water retention but as for the rest, I think my lean-out plan is hardcore enough to counter the supposed effects. And also, plenty of people can make up and placebo their way into awful results.
Also on the shaved head thing I think it depends. I think even up to NW3.5 growing it out to some degree looks better than a complete shave for most men. I do agree that bald men can look good but you're also putting yourself really firmly into a particular niche by going bald.
The aging face pics with minox have never looked convincing to me honestly. The dark circles I dont even think are related to aging in this case, I've been told it's due to increased blood flow to the areas under your eyes (same reason you get dark circles after little sleep iirc)
Tl;dr I'm going to take the drugs and save my hair tbh
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Imo drugs like fin are worth the risk. The chance of something horrible happening to you is incredibly small to the point that yeah it is like playing Russian roulette...with a thousand barrel revolver.
Never heard of the bloating thing and idk why fin would result in greater water retention but as for the rest, I think my lean-out plan is hardcore enough to counter the supposed effects. And also, plenty of people can make up and placebo their way into awful results.
Also on the shaved head thing I think it depends. I think even up to NW3.5 growing it out to some degree looks better than a complete shave for most men. I do agree that bald men can look good but you're also putting yourself really firmly into a particular niche by going bald.
The aging face pics with minox have never looked convincing to me honestly. The dark circles I dont even think are related to aging in this case, I've been told it's due to increased blood flow to the areas under your eyes (same reason you get dark circles after little sleep iirc)
Tl;dr I'm going to take the drugs and save my hair tbh
THIS X100000
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Finasteride w
I prepared mentally a lot to lose my hair if I ever start losing it, specially as I approached 30 years old, thats why I read so many forums about hairloss. And believe me, with my frame, a bald head would be over tier, but Id rather look like a wimp monk than a estrogenfilled soymale.
Finasteride raises estrogen a bit but it won't bloat you unless the estrogen is too high. Besides their are other treatments besides minoxidil and finasteride.
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Finasteride w

Finasteride raises estrogen a bit but it won't bloat you unless the estrogen is too high. Besides their are other treatments besides minoxidil and finasteride.
And you can always take something like I-3-C to counter the estrogen climb. I take this (thanks @SquareChinOrDeath ) and I can't be sure that I would have had sides otherwise but I know I'm not taking the chance.You could even take an AI tbh. Some people take dut + an AI.
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I do agree that bald men can look good but you're also putting yourself really firmly into a particular niche by going bald.
I didn't think of it that way lmao.
  • +1
Reactions: LordNorwood
U are smart guy Zyros
U are point especially with health subsequences of using hairloss frugs, if u get sides its not worth it
However, sides are noticed only at minority of users
Also form aesthetical point, its not true that lean bald face would looks better than somehow bit bloated and face with hair
ITs individual , and it depends on facial ratios , features, phenotype
  • +1
Reactions: Richard_Hungwell
I lost my hair, and it is better to shave it bald than to have a horseshoe hairline. It's always better to have all of your hair, but if you have to choose? Some men pull off bald. No man pulls off horseshoe.
Image result for jude law
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Hair is only as good or bad as your skull and skin. If you have a gay alien skull and pathetic facial hair then even MM hair can't save you from inceldom. With a good skull and rugged facial looks like hairloss largely doesn't matter and we all know many examples of this.
  • +1
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That's a little more hair than I was picturing when I thought "horseshoe."
F8EFA594 A04E 43CE AC9B 9AE71873CDDA
It isn’t a lot of hair, it just looks like it is because he grew it out a bit. But your point is probably valid for the majority.
Where did this myth come from that fin makes you bloated and low T??
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Hair is only as good or bad as your skull and skin. If you have a gay alien skull and pathetic facial hair then even MM hair can't save you from inceldom. With a good skull and rugged facial looks like hairloss largely doesn't matter and we all know many examples of this.
Yo I’ve got a gay alien skull but great facial hair coverage. Not many masculine features. If I PM you a pic, could you tell me how over it could be?
Where did this myth come from that fin makes you bloated and low T??
Countless videos and articles on this.

If it works for you, that’s great! But notice in this interview the Dr says

“20% of patients I interview experienced persistent sexual dysfunction for more than 5 years, which makes me wonder if their persistent sexual dysfunction is permanent”

24FFE474 D36B 4C44 BFBB 47331B6B74B9

The side effects ARE VERY REAL but not to those who don’t experience them or notice them.
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  • So Sad
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Where did this myth come from that fin makes you bloated and low T??
it targets DHT production which basically gives u secondary male characteristics
it targets DHT production which basically gives u secondary male characteristics
It doesn’t do shit but give you mild Ed trust I been on it for a year and I’m still a beast..could affect growth during youth I guess but if ur in ur 20’s ur fine
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It doesn’t do shit but give you mild Ed trust I been on it for a year and I’m still a beast..could affect growth during youth I guess but if ur in ur 20’s ur fine
what if u been on it for 5+ year ?
what if u been on it for 5+ year ?
I think it actually becomes less effective at the same dose Nd ur DHT probably stays a bit higher than it would have 5 years ago...

It’s essentially just freezing time for your’s not a fullproof method for permanent hair maintenance
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I think it actually becomes less effective at the same dose Nd ur DHT probably stays a bit higher than it would have 5 years ago...

It’s essentially just freezing time for your’s not a fullproof method for permanent hair maintenance
i think the body is able to come with a counter measure to stop fin from targeting alpha 5 reductase, u would need to up the dose if u want to inhibit dht, which is why people report that "fin stopped working after 5+ or so"
i think if u are able to not let DHT get stuck in your hair follicles, u wouldn't go bald, u can do that with good blood circulation )scalp massage,pinning) and topical Anti-DHT gel/oil or something
i think the body is able to come with a counter measure to stop fin from targeting alpha 5 reductase, u would need to up the dose if u want to inhibit dht, which is why people report that "fin stopped working after 5+ or so"
i think if u are able to not let DHT get stuck in your hair follicles, u wouldn't go bald, u can do that with good blood circulation )scalp massage,pinning) and topical Anti-DHT gel/oil or something
Yeah it’s definitely something along those lines

For someone (medication wise) that wanted to stop hair from falling out

I’d do something like fin for first 5 years

Then fin + nizoral 1%

Then fin + nizoral 2% + RU
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i think the body is able to come with a counter measure to stop fin from targeting alpha 5 reductase, u would need to up the dose if u want to inhibit dht, which is why people report that "fin stopped working after 5+ or so"
i think if u are able to not let DHT get stuck in your hair follicles, u wouldn't go bald, u can do that with good blood circulation )scalp massage,pinning) and topical Anti-DHT gel/oil or something
I keep on hearing about "upregulation of androgen receptors" in relation to this. Need to do more research.
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a shorn or closely cropped head looks neater and less discordant than a horsehoe of thick hair with a destitute crop of thin hair on top. Thats it. Period. Thats all it is. Just shave it, bro = yes you look like shit, and if you do this, you'll look marginally less shit.
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I'd rather have good skin and lean face while being shaven and look like some monk than having full hair but bloated soyboy face plus a more aged look than I would get with shaven hair alone.
Says the guy with 10' long hair
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Negative IQ thread. It's so obvious that you're having a midlife (jfl) crisis about your hair this is just you trying to strengthen your non existent resolve.
You're afraid of losing your hair, & you're afraid of finasteride. Better demonise it to make yourself feel better! No shaved head for your congenital defect tier bidelt.

I saw true horror stories in many hairloss forums.

You went on hairloss forums so your sample is already biased & will mainly include people who respond negatively to such drugs

Heard some true horror stories

You're retarded enough to believe anecdotes (from subhuman outliers with severe bdd) to the point where you consider them a substitute for REAL EVIDENCE.

Other of the most common side effects is the complete fuck up of the skin, giving a "leathery" look (loss of collagen)

Completely baseless & made up side effect. WHERE did you get this information lmao? Browsing reddit & hairlosstalk isn't the same as conducting research you absolute aspie.

Second one is facial harmony and youth, to which skin contributes a lot.

You know what else contributes to youth? Hair.

but its been shown that face develops as late as 25-30 years old.


Blows my mind that you've learnt so little in so many years of looksmaxxing.

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